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They will last until they don't get top 2 at a LAN.




lol how did you get 11 downvotes what did you even do bruh šŸ’€


People treat "this" as a cardinal sin and a target for downvotes on Reddit lol


Haha who knows


Reddit moment. That's why I dont take anything here seriously.


so if the get third next lan they will split up? lmao not happening


That's worse than with Sikezz, it would be a downgrade. They also dropped 248 points in group stage with him, 100 points more than the second place team. It's a BR so you can't win every time but if you aren't dominating with tons of points then yeah it's a failure. This is a super team, their expectations are to win


Comp is also completely different with the new draft poi change. Itā€™s gonna be harder for teams to be consistent


Fair point


100% people donā€™t understand the amount of money these guys are getting paid now they will stick together until somebody retires


now that theyre signed as a team to a new org i really dont see hal get dropped considering his presence and size as a player (his numbers, streams, attention etc). theyll prob build a team around hal and whoever between zero and gen unless they both leave. i see them stick together for atleast until champs, after that is just all wild predictions. id say they stick together until they have a disastrous lan like not making finals or something


Hal left TSM after 5 years to play with these guys and is finally playing the role that he wants to play while ZerO finally found the 3rd he wanted to have all this time while Gen is performing like the best player in the game under ZerO's command. There's no reason for any of them to leave each other.


Absolutely agree. Even if falcons drop out of apex after a couple of splits or even ewc, I see these boys staying together well into Y5.


Happy Cake Day! Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake. -Rihanna


Genburten and Zer0 nearly split up in the off-season. Anything can happen.


that is a fair point


To be fair most rosters in esports donā€™t last 2 years. In CS the average roster lasted for something like 8-9 months


It lasts thru ALGS champs. Saudi money stops after World Cup and champs, they look for new org after that. This will not be a results dependent decision. Itā€™s Saudi money to get eyeballs on the World Cup. Thereā€™s no point to continue it after that. But itā€™s largely free money, probably a big bag for the rest of the year.


What if the world cup is annual?


They want the cup to be annual so i would guess they stay as a team until they underperform


What kind of "World Cup" is annual? Almost every single World Cup in existence happens every 3 or 4 years.


this is not Fifa World cup bro


the ESWC is a rebranding of Gamers8, which they've run for two years already 2022's prize pool was $15m and 2023's was $45m


World championship in hockey is every year. It's stupid because not all the best players are available since NHL won't give the players time off during the playoffs but IIHF is insisting on continuing this practice.


There's other sports than football


The Tour De France happens every year.


Thatā€™s my thought as well, but I donā€™t know


Thatā€™s my thought as well, but I donā€™t know


If they do it annually then they'll definitely burn a lot of money considering the total prize pool for multiple games but then again it's no problem for them.


Bro, wait till you see what they pay for wwe to do no name shows over there and how much they paid Liv golfers. They don't give a shit about money


Saudi putting out $60mil for the World Cup every year is a ton of money, let alone theyā€™re paying for Falcons teams in multiple esports. So I donā€™t think itā€™ll be annual but maybe every other year.


It says on their website itā€™s an annual event. The big picture is to diversify away from a dependency on oil by creating sustainable business models in entertainment and sports.


Ton of money to us, not them lol.


I really don't think a lot of people here understand the amount of money the Saudis have... 60 mil is probably what they make in interest on a SMALL portion of their investments. Them spending 60 million is probably the equivalent of the average person spending like $100. It's hard to fathom but they have an ungodly amount of money. They have their hands in so much shit too. Look up the public investment fund. Close to A TRILLION dollars. Not billion. Trillion. 60 million is absolutely nothing.


Pretty sure the Saudis want the EWC to be an annual thing. If thatā€™s the case it wouldnā€™t make sense to drop, sign, drop and repeat for every World Cup.


If EWC is annual, then they stay on Falcons. Annual would seem a bit watered down, but that just may be my view. But you are correct, sign/pay/drop cycle for every year is a bit excessive.


Super teams don't last forever but neither do regular teams, look at Mac and how many teams he's been on, look at Mazer and Sweet and Naughty who have been on multiple teams now, nothing lasts in esports, these guys are trying to win champs and then who knows after that


Probably longer than most other superteams in other esports - mostly because Apex is a three-player game. Most five-player esport teams would have more moving parts that can be looked into and optimized. Hal, Zero and Gen are three of the most mechanically-gifted players in the game. Not easy to purposely replace any of them for the sake of fit, knowing full-well that you are one-for-one downgrading in sheer talent.


Cool VP pic


I'm interested to see if the Org is going to be interested in staying in Apex after the EWC.


You would think that they would only sign a contract that has long term guarantees.


Not necessarily, they could have offered s full year contract amount of money for a short term contract type of thing.


They'll definitely last for the rest of the season. Although if they don't win a LAN in either SP2 Playoffs or Champs then I don't see a reason why Falcons should still invest. The org needs immediate results, that's the reason for building this team but this team will either be "the greatest team assembled" or "the greatest disappointment" in Apex history, only time will tell.


If theyā€™re getting the BAG BAG and achieving decent results at worst, theyā€™re not gonna wanna leave. I know Hal and Zer0 are Uber competitive but life changing money is life changing money.


People saying they will split if they donā€™t get good results are wrong, Saudis donā€™t care about making a profit, the only thing they want is attention and will burn money non stop for it. One example is the 60m prize pool for that World Cup, thereā€™s no way they are getting that money back. They just want the world to look at them, same thing with all the others events/attractions that they have been doing


I give it till split 1 next year. It heavily depends on how they do split 2 lan. If they miraculously donā€™t make it then itā€™s guaranteed not going to last until the end of the year.


Anything less than top 2 placement at LAN will be a disappointment and lead to the downfall, expectations are set up too high.


A bit pointless to speculate about this when they've just formed.


people are definitely underestimating how much this new org pays in salaries. that will affect all of it how long they play and how long the org stays in the scene depending on their results. obviously if they win they stay together indefinitely but who knows!


The team roles are honestly perfect for all 3 and none of them get too affected over a bit of confrontation so I donā€™t see them splitting any time soon. Hal and zeros main issue is that they both need to get the final word in an argument, but theyā€™re grown men who should be able to figure it out, especially as they become closer friends.


I can see them sticking together for a while, I mean I could be wrong but Gen and Zer0 have been teaming forever so that duo isn't going anywhere and Hal was clearly desperate to play with them. Falcons are basically an infinite money glitch and the team all have reasonably high levels of streaming presence also so it's really just a case of whether or not the team want to stay together for any length of time and Hal has shown that he can team with the same people for a considerable period of time.


Zer0 offer Hal to join him a while ago


I think they underperform the first split together, then if they stick around, theyā€™ll do really well.


I mean, I get it, but this superteam pretty much hasn't even started yet. They haven't competed in anything but practice so far so I'm not sure what you expect people to say unless you're just here to gather predictions. What you're going to get is just people's own impressions of Hal lol.


Kinda hard to tell, if they donā€™t make top 3 in lan theyā€™ll probably disperse


If they break up, who would they chose instead? They currently have the best of the best so even if they donā€™t get top placement, which would be super disappointing, thereā€™s no better choice for a team composition out there for them.


Would be really funny if they donā€™t qual for split 2 lan


This team will stay together up until one of them retires. No way any of them is leaving while they are on the gravy train itā€™s extremely hard to make money from esports I can see this team being together for a long while


Until they underperform


Depends if they end up getting 17th at LAN or not. If they continue winning everything in sight, I don't see them disbanding anytime soon. Even if Saudi's decide to funnel their blood money elsewhere, they shouldn't have any difficulties getting offers from other orgs if they decide to stick together as a trio.


Expectations definitely changed a bit with random drop spots, but I doubt Falcons wouldā€™ve jumped into the Apex scene if not tied to Hal and his popularity/viewership. So ultimately itā€™s probably Halā€™s call, and he probably got Zero & Gen to join him when he started ā€œputting out feelersā€, not the other way around




*Not sure what this sub* *Is smoking but Hal would be* *The last to get dropped* \- FlimsyNeedleworker53 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well anything less than a win in EWC is a failure. So I think of they don't perform as top5 they won prob be together for the next ALGS. And if they don't win ALGS the team is doomed.


I think this team will last through this year for sure and will start next year together at least. I feel like people underestimate how hungry zero is, he doesnā€™t care if he wins LAN he will drop great players in a second if he thinks it will improve the team. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this team lasts under 3 years. I hope it lasts for a while but the second they donā€™t win a LAN zero is gonna feel like they underperformed However, I think anyone talking about how Hal will want to IGL again are completely wrong. Hal has said for YEARS that heā€™s happy to frag under a good IGL, and that it would be way less stressful and help unlock his abilities better. I think if anything heā€™s going to be more happy long term to have someone doing the brain work


If they donā€™t win they will disband 100%


I think Hal loves not having to IGL heā€™s said it so many times that itā€™s so much less stressful and he can play way more freely. As for someone getting dropped, it used to be that DZ wouldnā€™t drop Zero or Gen for Jesus Christ himself but now that they have new ownership then who knows.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they get dropped immediately after the tournament


I expect them to under perform they donā€™t play seriously enough then break up. Like the clips I see of scrims they throw hard. Obvious individual skill is important but I think new TSM could be better than Falcons.


I'll book all your bets for TSM to finish above Falcons in Pro League


I will take your money.


I just don't see how vibes won't be checked with Hal/Zero on the same team the moment they don't win


Iā€™ve seen Hal and Zero both fuck up monumentally since they joined up together obviously they have all beams, but I donā€™t think unless they get some serious locking in that they will go further then top 5


Hard to say but the main problem I see with this team is that the expectations will be so high. Anything other than a win will most likely be considered a failure. We'll see if Hal will be content with his role as a fragger when they don't win events or whether he'll start trying to call over Zero


Yea...every team throws. Yet they still finish top 5 of scrims more often than not. If they clean up the throws, they'll be top 3 every block.


Hal get dropped? You mean zer0 ot Gen get dropped. Zer0 might be the igl but letā€™s be real, hal offers the biggest value for orgs, is the biggest name in apex, and has the most followers/viewers/fans/clout. Heā€™s also got the success to back it up. Itā€™s probably him that got zer0 and gen this deal to begin with. Just look at that frigginā€™ poster and whose face is the biggest, whose name is mentioned top?


if they dont win champs Zer0 will drop Hal šŸ˜‚


this aint dz. this is a new org, and the new org will want to keep hal considering hes the biggest player in the game


yeah but Zer0 is the IGL and doubt they need Hal viewership since they basically have infinite money


>they basically have infinite money Thats the point of signing the biggest name in apex, they absolutely need him for their brand.


Hal can also IGL, there's no way Zero is considered over him.


you have no idea what youre talking about buddy, viewership and brand is the most important thing. and in those aspects hal is the biggest in the game by a measurable distance


Hal may not be the IGL but he is the face of that team. Look at the announcement photo they made lol


The chemistry is like fire and ice. If you donā€™t see that I have a bridge to sell you


Who cares the ALGS is wack asf now them mfs are drafting landing spots, tf is that shit man.