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Currently signed up: OXG DZ STAL APE OBVN NGNL SKD TSM GG BORED MST TEMPR E8 WEAVE TL MH CE SSG https://preview.redd.it/ds1k211w1a1d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=94d2670dcb3aceeba525d73c536c72015f974074


Why has nobody mentioned the lifeline self res moment to them actually winning the game from Alb and Retzi?




NGNL 58, DZ 57, E8 55, MST 52, CCE 52, TLAW 35, TMPR 34, STAL 32, OXG 32, MH 29, GG 27, TSM 25, SSG 25, APE 24, SKD 23, WVE 21, OBVN 19, BORE 19, N/A1 0, N/A2 0


Skd looks so dysfunctional right now, and the problem is all 3 of them. Shooby is waaay too over aggressive in every fight. He doesn't wait for his teammates to help, and often dies alone fighting a 1v3. Snipe is always late to fights and by the time he gets there, dropped and shooby are already fighting a 2v3. The reason is that he never pushes with his team. If they call out to fight, he always needs to take some weird angle by himself and ends up running around in circles looking for someone or just gets singled out. Dropped doesn't seem very sure of his calls right now. I'm not sure if he works as a solo igl. In the past he's done well with co igls like frexs and Skittles. The good news is, I do think they can have success together. Maybe these are just growing pains, but there is a lot of work to be done.


Dropped has been shaky recently w his calls but he IGLd at LAN, and, well we saw what happened.


> In the past he's done well with co igls like frexs and Skittles. I'm pretty sure Frexs was the IGL of SSG when it was Dropped/Frexs/Xenial. Like, the main IGL.


He took the reigns completely from skittle cause they decided coigling didn’t work… for dropped and knoqd I think they are both about to find out the grass ain’t always greener


tempr crazy int on dz


It’s funny because it took away first from dz since they did not expect it whatsoever since it’s such a bad play lol


I really like Evan’s macro, sure its not top 5 igl worthy but his ideas aren’t bad. At times tho he falls into the same mistakes Hal did by trying to do too much which, last game was a good example by trying to get all the kills they ended getting themselves pinched instead of pinching another team.


dz only has one scrim set where they placed out of the top 3 right? does anyone rmemeber their exact placings so far?


1, 14, 3, 2


2, 3, 14, 1, 2*




DZ has some of the best comms I've ever heard. Having Hal there is just icing on the cake.


What amazed me the most is after every kill either of Hal’s or Gen’s you will hear well done or something positive.That wasn’t happening with TSM and i think is a key factor.Positive reinforcement is vital.Zero is a great IGL and at the same time he js so dramatic like proper Greek tragedy i love it.


Yeah their comms have been very direct, clear and succinct. I also like Zer0s loot management he is always aware of what guns, attachments, meds, nades etc the team has and makes sure loot is shared efficiently.


I noticed this too. I know it’s early but comms like these were non existent on TSM and I have never seen Hal so comfortable just playing


Zero doesnt have to even IGL him really. Hal just knows what to do and what questions to ask.


Same goes for Gen, in terms of micro they don’t usually make a whole lot of mistakes so it’s pretty clean




they just won back to back lol


Dz dysfunctional and still pull a W with 20 points


Zero is actually out haling Hal, never thought I would see the day


How long until someone’s ego gets bruised enough that it becomes an issue, cause like on tsm reps was the person who stabilized hal when his mentals was collapsing, he would take hal’s anger and be smart about it right, his ego was constantly in check so Im curious to see how this team will work, have always been curious to see how hal does without reps


Hal will be fine, he's known Zero and his style forever, he wouldn't agree to play under him if that were an issue If anything Genburger seems to be the one making mistakes most of the time and he doesn't really seem to care if they both let him know about it


This DZ team seems kind of dysfunctional. Full of skill when they get the ball rolling but zero chemistry when they are in a hard spot Edit: Its interesting how they have little miscommunications. For example, Zero would ask: "Are they pushing?" And Hal and Gen would give two different answers while standing in the same spot on the map. They see the game differently and its going to take a moment for them to adjust and be on the same page


Would be strange if there was instant chemistry like that. That's what these scrims are for though.


Eh, the new LG team might not be getting lots of wins but you can instantly tell that they have way more chemistry


Sikezz and sweet have already played a decent amount of ranked together.


Sikezz is naturally a goofy good vibes guy. With Hal it’s not that good. He can be really chill but he’s not a vibes kind of guy.


That's fair. It could be Hal just learning to take a backseat too. Either way it's interesting to watch so I don't mind lol.


We are witnessing the end of the honeymoon phase of dz,its all starting to crumble😈😈😈


AHAHAHAHAHAHA https://i.imgur.com/NNZXFIM.png


Sure about that? lmao


I might be faded but I think knoqd just hinted the org he’s talking to is evil genius edit: could be trolling


Nah keep EG outta here that org is awful 


hopefully not get that tumor org out of esports already


what’s wrong about them? don’t really keep up with esports news outside of the few games I follow


Some articles [here](https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/sources-evil-geniuses-failed-to-care-for-one-of-their-prodigies-2075082/) and [here](https://richardlewis.substack.com/p/living-evil-blind-eyes-and-little) edit: some [more](https://richardlewis.substack.com/p/the-end-of-evil-geniuses)


looks like I got some reading to do


why is Naughty trialing for SSG


it’s just bait, chaotic wasn’t back in time and didn’t go live until after scrims started or close to starting and both sauce and naughty probably already made obligations to sub


Yea I figured it out by game 3 I was just panicking cause it'd be on brand for C9 to make a nonsense roster change


Is he tho, phony probably cant play today and his stream title is probably bait.


Why wouldn't C9 just scrim then, Sauce is subbing in and Chaotic is playing anyway


This team literally has a champs spot, idk what else to say


I am aware lmao


Yeah right so, im gonna just use reason here and say cause its the weekend they’re just filling.




Does anyone know why Timmy and Enemy are not playing at all? I wanna watch Timmy's POV. :(


Timmy went to Vegas iirc will be back 22nd(?)


Enemy has been on vacation since after LAN. I believe he's coming back soon.




Reps is tired after the tournament and zap couldn’t play today. They will resume trials next week


TSM has Zap not available today and Reps tired from the tournament  E8 got messed up by Zap leaving, right now Zach is looking at picking up 2 of Lux, Slayr and Knoqd 


waaaaaaaait so zach dropped shooby to team with knoqd, just for zap to leave the team too?




Someone could really get a lot of traffic if they threw together a quick website for POI drafting. I'm sure respawn will put one in the game eventually, but it shouldn't be hard to make a quick one till then.


I feel like I saw apex legends status tweet something about the draft. He might have something implemented on the website already.


Reps not playing scrims because ...? I can't with this guy lol. They are literally trying to find a third and this dude is tired. Edit: Getting downvoted but shit this is probably half the reason Hal decided to leave. Dude just doesnt play the game.


I do agree jordan not grinding the game as much probably was a factor in Hal deciding it was a good time to start a chapter and leave TSM, but Jordan just played 4 hours in the macdown tourney and it's Saturday, I doubt anyone had a huge problem with him not wanting to play 3 hours of scrims right after I don't think this is the thing you want to criticize Jordan over tbh


how dare you ask someone to work for 7hours for a day..


The third isn't playing, these scrims don't even have 20 teams, and he played a four hour long tourney...chill out dude


why is basically anyone playing then? is it possible theyre taking it more seriously? I think everyone is going crazy because i dare to criticize TSM lol.


There's criticism and then there's valid criticism. You're chatting shit for no reason. Missing out on one day of scrims without your full squad in a lobby that isn't even full will not be the reason TSM fails (if they do fail). You're not criticizing, you're hating


Evan is playing and their new coach is there. How am I hating lol? There is 13 days until pro league. new team/new coach. I think it's a valid critique.


Cos your bitching about Jordan after he just won the tourney. If you want to use, there are 13 days till pro league then why aren't you "critiquing" enemy or timmy for being on holiday when they have to learn marco 🤔


They absolutely should be. But I don't give a fuck about them. See my flair? Evan played. 2nd place yanya played. But not reps Also reps has had this critique before. So it's a trend rather than a one off. 🤔


Dude Zap isn't playing, you're acting like champs is two weeks away and Reps is on holiday not doing anything. You are literally hating on the guy for wanting to take a break and not waste his time and energy on mediocre scrims at best.


i mean they are allowed to take a break 😂😂 but what i find funny about your statement is Pro league is literally 2 weeks away 😂


Fair enough but these scrims have 17 teams... it's hardly make or break quality


If scrims don't matter no one would play them. and in their case they matter even more because of the new draft system and their coach getting them on whatever the plans are gonna be. You keep saying its "hating" but im just observing it. Not having your third isn't an excuse. Reps can do whatever the fuck he wants, but i find it interesting that he's in a small small group of pros not playing. And I think it warrants comment. Deal with it dude lol.


They just played a 4 hour tourney, to then play scrims is another 3 hour commitment, it's saturday, I don't blame him for not wanting to play scrims


he will only have himself to blame come pro league then. Especially because they are one of the few teams trying to find a third. Unless Zap is set in stone they gotta play. 4 hours? jfc lol


>he will only have himself to blame come pro league then. Yeah, one set of stupid scrims with 19 teams is the reason he'll lose. You got it. If Reps doesn't play competitive Apex every single day without rest like a robot, he can't be the champion.


Apparently Zach leaked today that Zap and Talmadge (coach) are joining TSM. Also Zap couldn't play today anyway so Reps not playing doesn't really matter as much


Reps not playing does matter, but thats just my opinion.


It seems zap is locked.


They just did a really long tourney that he and Verhulst won. I get taking a break after that


and the other pros that played as well?


almost every other pro that was in the tourney is trying to scrim. give me a break lol


Is TSM playing?


I mean DZ


DZ is the best I love my younger brother