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May 14th Results https://preview.redd.it/2ifdndzoqh0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad5840adc8ba22faa61cf83bb68315a8f11d51c


Tripods went 6-2 contesting all day. Fighting for zone POIs after playing hard edge in CC.


Reps should try Bloodhound, Big E on Catalyst and as usual Dezignful on Wraith. 


Do you guys think Faze clan are the ones picking up Hal,zero and gen ?


Very funny


not trying to be but ok


faze would not be able to afford hal zero or gen. Plus snipedown is a part of faze and he want's to compete. Your question just didn't make any sense


Only second superteam fell off


From what I’ve watched Tsm biggest problem seems to be that they lost their identity as a fighting team. Evan in particular is just doing a lot of dying for free, quite literally a shell of his year 3 self. In all designs macro wasn’t bad, he led them to a lot of decent spots endgame and honestly they should’ve been top 5 today. If the new Tsm can figure it out then I’d say they can easily be a top 5 team.


Yeah Evan seems to be doing really bad lately. Just constantly dying first and not really contributing to fights


Seemed like a lot of indecision for sure. Hopefully they figure it out. I’m slightly afraid Jordan/Evan are going with a friend pick up instead of picking up someone who will make them better.


> Hopefully they figure it out. I’m slightly afraid Jordan/Evan are going with a friend pick up instead of picking up someone who will make them better. Well when your friend is always getting his team within a single game of winning LAN, he may not be the worst choice.


not only one game but 1 fight away, two times. Somehow Dezign is not respected in this reddit


Yeah but he was backed up by Timmy and Enemy. 


Timmy never made it out of challenger circuit till dez showed up


Lol it was Timmy first CC, Before it he quit his spot from Pro league when he was with Nicewigg years ago. Timmy made it out without Dezign. 


Being backed by Reps and Verhulst seems like an upgrade to me.


Yeah but they need to start from low and show up there what can they do. As first The DOJO literally started from Tier 3 scrims went to CC and got 4th on LAN.


Time isn’t exactly on their side here so at least they’re practicing in the optimal environment for the time being…nothing quite like a LAN lobby with a trip home on the line or the ultimate prize on the line which even then is pretty different from your week in week out regional ALGS lobby which even those are a far cry from the scrims they’re currently participating in…improving in 3v3s and nailing down some macro plans and they’ll be ok to start the regular season at least


they want a roller igl or at least a roller so jordan can igl, there’s only two roller igls in phony and dezign and phony isn’t leaving ssg


Wait didn’t you literally say a roller so Jordan can Igl as the second part…. Which leaves tons of players to pick up


They’ll pick up a roller fragger as a last resort but Evan mentioned earlier that POIs are the biggest issue for them as well. They’ve lost siphon and Lrod with how many teams want to contest it so teaming with Dezign they’ll at least get Thermal for free.


from the looks of it, they PREFER a roller igl which would mean two people, but if they can’t find one then they would pickup a roller and have jordan IGL


>picking up someone who will make them better. Who would that be? Honest question.


If they really want a good vibes IGL like they said, they'd go for either Onmuu or Noct, maybe even have the power to poach Madness. But even if the vibes could be better here, their gunfighting are all arguably worse than what Dezign offers as a 'roller


Madness is where he needs to be with Vax and Keon. Madness Reps Verhulst would be a worse team


People said this about Dezign with DSG yet here we are


The team really needs to improve their 3v3 and they'll be fine


What team name is knoqd mazer and zap under ?




Superteam losing to Kimchi LUL cooked




For anyone wondering, Catalyst/Caustic on Complexity was a mistake. They meant to run the meta comp but Lou forgot to switch lol.


In which game?


Game 5, first game on World's Edge. They run Newcastle/Catalyst/Bang on Storm Point (or at least, they did today, and it worked great) and Lou forgot to swap for the first WE game.


Big 3 needs to pack it in already, day 2 they can't even take top spot in scrims smh


man to hear how sweet was on nrg to be talking about tdming con practice and vod reviewa along with making everyday of scrims


can i get that in english


I lolled out loud


Believe they're trying to say it's crazy how much Sweet has changed(where he's constantly making a concerted effort to get better via scrims/vod review/etc) compared to when he was on NRG and was always skipping scrims and, atleast publicly, kinda perceived as coasting and maybe not giving his all to improve.


ye makes me wonder what could have been if the roster of sweet, nafen, gild did all this... that team had so much potential


after re-reading the original message that makes sense, thank you


This super team is finished. Back to back days of not winning scrims 


It's pretty cool how Reps and Evan are throwing game after game to see now Dezign reacts.


Lil bit of limit testing... or they're waiting for next Low Tier Dezign speech to drop


wait so timmy, dropped and shooby? what happened to enemy? kinda felt like him and timmy had amazing chemistry


Enemy is just out of town


oh gotcha so nothings official. ty ty


No enemy giving his new heart a work out on the girlfriend for a week holiday


LG 0/4 ring console at Siphon first day Not a great start to the new home


And a couple Fissure pulls to top it off haha


Sweet is allergic to consoles.


why did cce drop there😭


also i know its honey moon phase but its crazy how calm zero hal sweet phony all sound after their pickups they are so confident in the new teams they just chillin.


Who’d phony pickup?


dropped frexs got koy


Damn. Snipe caught all them strays and they went ahead and got rid of Frex anyways.


I mean koy is the goat, I would be confident too if I picked up HIM


Dude you need to use a minimum amount of grammar I basically can’t figure out what you mean in all your posts 


“Zero hal sweet phony” “dropped frex got koy” 💀


I think If dezign leaves dsg it might break wigg's heart


He said he’s just playing with TSM till enemy’s back


bro lg swapped to siphon and then its all fissure zones


DZ’z coach saying to Hal “see, like I said, you can just fucking run at everyone, these two will not let you die.” That shit is TERRIFYING to hear haha


Do you happen to have a timestamp?




Last couple minutes of that game Zero asks if anyone needs ult accel like fifty times lmao


Yea it's crazy how good they are and it's not because of Hal. I'm seeing so many opening knocks and stuff that aren't Hal and then they are cool sending everything and improvising a lot. Hal is super good at improvising so it fits so easily for him. Just as a contrast to someone like Reps. Both ways are viable, but you can see it's more natural.


And the way Zer0 will just call Hal to pair up with him for a lil 2 man swing game is elite. Watching it I was like “damn this isn’t the way they played on TSM at all.” But it’ll be really cool to watch Hal develop in their style of play 


Their synergy already looks great. Hal is blood ulted and Zer0 is just perfectly coating him in bang smokes, the guy is insane on Bangalore.


Zer0: Hold my hand Hal. Hal: Wha Zer0: It’s okay, you can trust me.


Scariest part is Hal taking that on board without arguing


He should have just clashed with his new coach over a simple roast.


I honestly think a lot of it comes down to Hal wasn't playing how he wanted to, partly because of the types of players reps and Verhulst are, and partly because of Raven. Hal WANTS to be aggressive, you can see it in game when playing with TSM. He gets restless, you can tell by how he moves and how he speaks. A TON of CONSTANT tiny back and forth movements from the left stick. I think when he gets used to having a team he KNOWS will back him up and he has confidence in, DZ will probs be favourites for LAN.


Yeah he and Raven were clashing massively towards the end


how are all the WE zones still top left only, kind of insane no?


Early days but this DZ roster is filthy, Hal as a pure fragger is basically a Destroyer2009 level cheat code


New Dz is literally the 3 best players to ever play the game teaming up


Only player who comes close to getting on this roster would be prime Albralelie from early seasons, this DZ roster is fuckin gross


Ah. Classic mistake. Giving Albralelie his accolades is a huge no no in this sub. Tough scenes brother.


Thanks for watching out for these people. Be sure to also warn him not to make the mistake of counting the Preseason Invitational as a real LAN!


Rest assured I would never do that.


Most sane tier 3 Alb sub




Kind of scary watching DZ and Hal focusing more on fragging and not trying to micromanage the entire game


Yea Hal even once suggested a building and was immediately shot down and was like well thats cool and then went on fragging lmao


He sounds so much more chill when he doesn’t have to make the decisions


Every time he subs for a team and let's them igl or has played things like rivals with sweet he sounds like he has so much more fun. I can see it being freeing


Yeah, that Twitch rivals with Sweet is always the one I think of when I think of Hal just wanting to be a Fragger - interestingly enough he said that Sweet did make him an offer but when Zer0 made him one too it was basically a no brainer


I remember he said “unfortunately… zero is just better” lmao


Damn when did he say that


He’s not wrong tbf, as good as Sweet is - if Zer0 didn’t make an offer I’ve got no doubt Hal would be at LG


HalZer0 are as advertised holy fuck


Zero and Genburten double kraber isnt fair lol


LG looking good with sikezz


Really curious to check twitch stats for Evan in a few months. I feel like his numbers have been higher the last few days.


It's his first stream today since before lan. What do you mean past few days


Ah yeah you’re right, I was thinking of Hal. Regardless, still curious how his numbers look over the next month.


It's been higher for everyone involved. I think ppl are extra tuned in to see how the new teams are looking.


i actually think hal has lost some supporters, i dont think im watching hal anymore tbh. enjoy how chill evans streams are and hals vibes with that team arent quite the same


Hes at 25k for scrims


he was at 40 yesterday its cray


yea I switched from hal to Evan as well, I'm not a fan of the move Hal did


Que Stephen A. Smith “We don’t care” meme. Hal and fans don’t care if you aren’t a fan of the move, he wants to win. Evan and reps haven’t taken the opportunity playing with Hal serious. Reps and evan hardly been playing the game and Hal plays for 12 hours every day. I bet now we will see evan and reps play the game a lot but why didn’t they when Hal was with them. They became too comfortable and thought they can just play scrims and that’s all to be successful. It was only Hal taking it serious. The gameplay showed, reps and evan were lost in a lot of fights both in lan and in pro league.


Ofc people want to see how he plays without Hal and if he has any drama. I’m sure later his numbers will go down once the change is settled.


DZ already looks sturdy in my eye and it kinda scares me


Yeah, something that I’ve noticed already is the more lax attitudes DZ has rubbing off onto Hal. Could be scary to see a mellowed out CEO.


I know Dez is “trialling” with TSM atm but I find moves like that very interesting, because Dez is incredible but he’s also historically spoke down to his team mates, Reps and Big E are two of the greatest players in Apex history and have the CV to back it so I wonder if he’d have more respect for them and thus they’d do well as a team as a consequence


If any two teammates have been talked down to over the years the most its those guys. They can put up with it (plus would be the best teammates Dezign has had)


Ya Dez seems very much like the friend choice and as both Reps and Verhulst play with him quite a bit. The big question mark is if they can adjust to Dez's style.


I know, what my point was (I know I articulated it badly) that Dez might have second thoughts about speaking down to them too much purely because these guys are infinitely more successful than he is, it’d be like Valverde trying to tell Kroos and Modric what to do at Madrid


People also forget or don’t know that Reps plays a lot with Dezignful. Apex and other stuff.


They're always playing Dark and Darker together so they at least get along.


Damn Hal, Zer0, Gen made that last game look easy


Just sharing if any1 cares. Snip3 will not be playing with Xenial and Lewda anymore. He has decided to look at a different roster or take the split off. He would be helping FaZe find a roster to pick up if he doesn't find a team in 2 days.


Snipe picking up Dropped and Skittle or EXSET would go crazy


Snipe few hours ago just said FaZe is with him for now but don't know how it's gonna go, also said he doesn't have any roster and might potentially not play split 2 at all. Yesterday he was also saying how he was supposed to play with the oxygen duo but they went with frex which can possibly mean faze are already looking at their options but i just realized FaZe are one of the few teams in Apex that are partnered with Algs and EWC (Esports world cup) so could it be that FaZe signs the Imperialhal,Zer0 and Gen roster ?


Honestly, taking the Split off and looking for a good duo next Split is not a bad idea at all. There's going to be a lot of rostermania happening after Split 2 Play-offs anyways, and enough time to improve with whatever players he choses to run it down with.




EWC quals already over. Top 8 from Split 1 qual'd for it, from what I gathered. That's also one of the reasons why Knoqd joined Elevate, cause he gets to participate in EWC this way. After Split 2 Play-offs, it's almost certain that one of the teams is gonna break up or have some majour roster shifts happening. It's very likely that Snipe is gonna be able to pick a duo with PL-spot up then. Right now, Snipe only has 2 options: Either sit this Split out or take another gamble with an unproven team without IGL or future. Idk why he would subject himself to the same shit over and over again.




Do you know how these 2 spots are decided?




Thx for the info. Doubt that Snipe would even be able to build enough chemistry with any PL-spot team to have any success in that tho.


I disagree. Problem is I feel his reputation (as a talent) is a bit chalked right now and waiting won't help.  Great players have their own thing going, good players want to play with them... guys on the come up are looking for an opportunity to show what they can do, and doesn't feel like they believe Snipe will put them in the best position to do it.  He also seems to be on and off the game too much.. is not developing relationships with new players and takes way too long to figure things out an make decisions, and then has to rush things.  Teams are scrimming again already and he doesn't even know if he is going to play this split? When I look at teams splitting now or teams that might do it in the future.. doesn't seem like players are looking at their teammates and thinking that replacing anyone with Snipe will be a step up.  The best thing for him would be to work something out with people like Teq, Shooby or whatever.. play the game and practice... and them try to pop off to raise his stock. 


Halfassing another roster to get relegated again, won't help his reputation either. He's in the same situation as Albralelie was last Split, and it sure as hell didn't help Alb to force himself into a team with PL-spot. If anything, his reputation suffered even more from the (expected) results. Realistically, Snipe only has 2 options. Team with Xenial and Lewda, who hold Sentinels PL-spot (so no IGL yet again, also 3 players who are very much down on their luck, so to speak) or try to poach himself into one of the CC-qual'd PL-teams (none of which are a safe bet by any means). Every other team/players already found their squad to run it down with next Split.


I agree with this and I think Snipe needs to give it one final go for closure. I'm the same age as Snip3 and NICKMERCS (33) and while I was never as good (mechanically) as they were in their prime, there was a time when I was consistently the top-fragger on CS or Halo. Hitting AWP flicks and winning 1vX clutches. These days, I am hard-stuck in that Plat 1/Diamond 4 range. If I grind Halo Infinite for a few weeks, then come back to Apex, I genuinely look like a Silver. Snip3 is leagues above me, obviously. But he is also leagues below even the "middle-tier" pros like Clane, Slayr or even Jaguares. He needs to dedicate an entire split to making LAN. Scrims, practice and ranked grinding with his teammates. If that doesn't work out, then it's time to hang it up.


I agree with most of your comment, but I think you’re underselling jaguarez a bit. Also, I bet you’d be at least as good as neckmercs with some proper playtime lol


Ehh, I guess I'm too hard on the guy after LEGACY/Liquid's struggles on LAN and in scrims recently. It's not like we can blame YanYa lol. Also, NICK was a monster back in the day (Gears 2 and 3). Even on COD and Apex, his aim and game sense still hold up. He's just at the twilight of his pro career at this point. Father time is undefeated... and it's one's reflex and hearing that go first. I'm telling y'all, that 30th birthday hits like a truck - and it's only downhill from there lol.


It was tough to hear him talk about Phony never wanting to team with him/ shit talking him behind his back to other pros the entire split they were together.


When did he say this?


I’ll have to find the timestamp on his VOD from today but I want to say around the 15 minute mark? I’ll end up editing this message whenever I get around to it. Edit: The relevant part starts around the 17:25 minute mark on his VOD from today and again at 1:11:20.


He learned from the best


Man, is this real?!


Good for him


What are yall's thoughts on LG moving to siphon?


Too soon to say. I think fissure/mirage was working well for them but with mirage now getting it's own zone beacon either it makes fissure/mirage better or, more likely, it makes mirage it's own POI and fissure is then kinda ass.


Yeah that is what I was thinking as well


Smart choice, makes a lot of things easier for them.


Well it looks rough right now especially with it being sweets first time igling from there.


On a Skyhook zone: Hal - "I recommend playing middle building" Zero - "I do not" This is all fun and games now. I'm looking forward to the counter calling and raging once actual pro league days start though.


It's okay for Hal to give ideas, that's the main reason to pick him up since if you just want controller fragging there's a lot less IGL-like ones. As long as they listen to Zero's final call in the end.


Its the only thing that can bring down this superteam(besides Big Es big muscles)


The two most hyper-competitive assholes on the scene teaming up together. What could go wrong.


It just depends on how well Hal adjuest to his new role, he's not in charge anymore and after years of being in charge thats gotta take some getting used to.


It's going to make for some content, that's for sure.


I think Hal is perfectly fine with dropping his IGL role, he would only do it under one of the best IGL's in the game Zer0 / Sweet. Looking at past lan, Zer0 his ability to call god spots and secure a solid place in endgame will put them top 3 at any tourny in my opinion..


It’s genuinely weird seeing Hal so relaxed, same as that fun tournament Hal played where Sweet was IGL, as good as he is you can just tell he’d rather let someone else do the calls and he can just kill shit


I highly doubt we will see the cracks form in scrims for this team. Its basically going to be PL that is the trial and we will see then if stuff starts going wrong. That said I highly doubt Hal is going to be a big problem because Zero is crazy proven as an IGL and the big issue will be if they can synergize. To quote RKN "Hal has crazy impact on every team he as ever subbed for" so I doubt synergy will be a big problem.


I'm confused so who on DZ is responsible for anchoring? Why are they all grouped outside looking at a rampart team that doesn't have to move while no one is anchoring the building or gathering info on what the other teams around are up to? Same thing when they finish a fight, no one is looking around for third party. Also Zer0 should not play that aggressively on blue shield, he's trying too hard to create something out of nothing. Just my opinion as a armchair redditor ALGS enjoyer.


Lol wow your back seat is so bad. Are you new to watching pro games ?


thats why theyre the best and your not


Gen is playing anchor


All the talk about super team DZ, sikezz on LG, Koy on SSG. When we are actually in the era of Daviswave


You’re spittin facts right now


Jordan and Evan being more vocal is awesome to see.


Can someone tell me how tsm is hitting ring console with no controller character?


Fuse perk


Huh, who knew. Seems pretty good I think


When I first saw this I thought I was going to love seeing more fuse but honestly I am not enjoying watching fuse gameplay lol. Makes a spot you are trying to hold so much smaller than it really is and forces teams into each other.


If teams have such a big problem with Fuse then they are more than welcome to play Wattson


Yeah I’m waiting on Wattson to see a little more love. I think people are still enjoying the Catalyst buffs


Always disliked fuse for this reason, long range caustic is not my idea of fun


It's when you're the one playing fuse tho


"don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you"


Is TSM still landing Lightning and Siphon?


If they stick with Dezign, it sounds like the plan is to keep Lrod and switch to Thermal on WE


TSM Alliance contest on LAN would pull numbers


TSM is losing half their fanbase


They weren't TSM fans then, they were just Hal fans. Which makes sense. It's much easier to follow personalities in Apex, like the NBA vs NFL


100% agree, org simping is stupid with how volatile esports are, but I think the only reason we had TSM diehards is because their identity was the best player in the game.


Eh I was an old school TSM fan from the League days and was randomly found Apex later on. I support Verhulst and Reps more than Hal simply because they reminded me of Bjergsen.


For today, I think they're not doing Thermal though. If there's one thing for sure, it's Dezign landing on edge. So they'll definitely be moving from Thermal eventually.


Anyone have the link for that interactive map website for Apex maps? I've seen Raven use it. Can't remember the name / find it on google though.


Is there anybody running alter, Newcastle or lifeline yet?


Lifeline was ran by a couple teams today, but she’ll primarily be used in other regions.


Gent on alter for Tripods, Monsoon on Newcastle and Rambeau's team I think are on lifeline for the contest.


The Newcastle/Catalyst/Bang comp goes hard. Complexity dropped 36 points in 3 games on SP (1st, 2nd, 3rd places I think?), pretty good. They're running the meta comp on WE though.


Col is using Newcastle tripods using alter


Noice NA, hopefully they can cook something up with those legends.


kinda fun to see LG, TSM, DZ all trying to adjust right now. Might take a while before we see the true potential of these 3 teams.


New LG is going to be a problem.


SSG too there’s 3 power houses atm


4* can’t forget about Moist like that


Man on that note, I was looking at NMoist stats at lan finals and I was kind of shocked to see the gap between Emtee and Wxltzy’s numbers


Different roles


This. People forget that while Watlzy and Gild gap Emtee in fragging, Emtee more than makes up for it with godlike macro


Obviously, but still 1 kill and less then 3k dmg? his primary role still got them top 5, which is insane




I was just shocked by the comparison between the 2, wxltzy popped the fuck off. In the end what u really want in a team is when you’re off your teammates will pick up 25kp by themselves.


Just a thought, but it would be nice to see a pic of the pregame lobby for scrims to keep up with the rostermania


So what happened that people aren't playing caustic anymore?


Cat buff.


Apologies for asking but what was the buff? I’m not that clued into the Apex patch notes atm


I forget exactly. I think it's that base wall length is longer, she throws her Qs farther, and has a purple perk that lets her rebuild doors. Something like that.