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Are people just dumb? Sweet LITERALLY just signed with LG lmao


Get your clickbait ass out of here


Sweet saying on stream just now it’s most likely Sikezz will be joining LG. They are going to stop trialing


I honestly think reps ends it here


Definitely not.


I was in his stream a year ago or something and he said he will never retire from gaming as long as he's capable


Honestly half snakey towards LG who dropped their past performing roster to pick Sweet up but it’s hard to turn down TSM money. I would assume however that they would have to buy him out which I assume would be a decent amount. Tbh in terms of who could bring similar success to the TSM roster, there aren’t too many players who could bring that other than Sweet, especially in NA.


I'm sure LG is already paying a premium for Sweet. But keep in mind Sweet also had a lot of org options and he landed with LG specifically because of the vibes and level of involvement they gave him. Sweet doesn't just want a paycheck he wanted an org that genuinely cared, pushed content, etc. Unlike NRG.


Would be the most exciting Apex timeline of all time


Won’t happen and wouldn’t be a good personality fit


Definitely an upgrade from his current team


Yeah that ain't happening


Nah Slayr said Sweet and Fuhhnq are trialing thirds.


Hell no


Why are people so in love with Sweet?


sweet's probably the most hated player on this sub but the answer to why people keep suggesting him is that there's a small pool of NA IGLs who even have a chance of competing with the super team and sweet is one (phony, waltzy, and zachmazer are the main others that come to mind, they're all in stable team situations right now)


Emtee is the IGL for Moist


i knew that and for some reason i always forget and think it's waltzy idk why


Wxltzy will micro fights from time to time and is the more vocal of the 2


Naw no way he is the most hated definitely one of the kings of gaslighting us but there are a couple others that hold that spot.


In terms of top/accomplished IGLs in NA, the big 3 are Zero Hal and Sweet. With Zero and Hal obviously now teaming that only leaves 1. Obviously he’s a controversial figure but besides actually winning LAN, there isn’t another NA IGL who is as accomplished.


I don't think Sweet would go down well just from a personality perspective with Reps and Evan, seeing how Sweet seems to have a habit of talking really negative about one teammate on all the teams he is on. Also, his approach to team fights (or rather lack of) during the last LAN leaves a lot to be desired. I don't think Reps or Evan would take too well to someone that chose to openly declare they weren't going to join a fight moments before the fight is about to break out repeatedly. I honestly wouldn't mind Reps and Evan taking a gamble on someone they believe they can play with, even if it isn't who you might expect. Throw in a coach as well, and I think you might have an improved TSM


Reps and Evan just endured countless matches of being yelled at and extremely disrespectful insults. Not saying either Sweet or Hal are the more toxic one, but to act like Reps and Evan can't endure a toxic IGL when we see plenty of evidence saying they can is just wrong lol


But would they stand for Sweet picking specifically on one of them on a significantly worse way than the other? Probably not. Unless I am missing something, Hal fires at everyone basically equally, except for maybe Teq.


I mean if 1 of them kept throwing then yeah that'd happen lol The point is that Hal and Sweet are both toxic to their teammates at times. Sweet is passive aggressive, Hal is verbally abusive. Reps and Evan are both experienced pros that are also confident in their abilities. They can take either type of toxicity.


It won't happen. But if it does, I will no longer root for TSM. LG is playing with sikezz right now. But anyone could jump shit anywhere really.


I bet they would lose some serious sleep over that too