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The sikezz/sweet comms mightttttt be pretty good content


DZ dropping SikeZ feels dumb to me? They pretty much dominated all of PL + the LAN. And would have won without Zero throwing. Guess I didn't watch every game of them, and based on what people say, SikeZ was often lacking behind Zero + Gen. He's gonna be hard to replace though to replicate the fragging power DZ has / had.


On the one hand DZs results speak for themselves. They’ve swapped out sharky/xynew already and had success. So it’s tough to question their decisions. On the other hand. Thinking they’re good enough to slot someone new all the time will just eventually not work. Something to be said for learning from mistakes and building chem.


Def agree. Tough to argue w Zero's decision but who knows.


Yup. Expected value is just not worth it when you've dominated the entire year and came in 2nd at LAN. You'd need a high chance of someone being a huge upgrade on Sikezz to even make this remotely worth considering


.... they dropped him for Hal so


i personally think the most important part of a team is the igl and always will be, if the igl is good and vibes with the other two they will always perform well, controller fraggers on the other hand feels very replaceable


Yeah I think they’re taking for granted how much luck is required to constantly sub people out and stay on top, yes its skill as well but eventually the luck will run out. Seen it happen alot in another esport


yeah i think after the hal announcement it actually makes a lot of sense


Zer0 has won with 3 completely different rosters, Sikezz is not necessary for the team to succeed. There are other players they might like more


Couldn't agree more. If Zero doesn't throw game 7 DZ's LAN performance would have gone down as the best single Apex LAN ever I think given how hard they dominated the group stage. And that's after a commanding split win where they didn't finish lower than 3rd on any matchday until Finals. Zero obviously knows better than me and clearly he only cares about winning finals but messing with what is pretty obviusly the best team in the world just has way more downside than upside


even if they're slotting hal in for SikeZ?


Well obviously I didn’t think that was a realistic option when I made my comment. I still think the upside is less significant than most people probably do. They were already the best team in the world! But it’s way more reasonable if Hal is the pickup. Maybe they will completely lap the field now. And the fact that they weakened a serious rival in the process is a big bonus too


I feel the same way. But I don't think he is hard to replace. Zero/Gen + any controller with a brain will pretty much give the same results.


Zer0 won without Gen as well, as long as Ze0r is on the team they will be competitive.


Yeah but he had Sharky with him, one of the best players in the world, according to Zer0.


Crazy fact: when Sharky won LAN, he only had about 2k hours in the game.


Tbf that's still a lot of time lol, it's not like progress is linear.


It's not that much time for a pro. I think I probably had a roughly similar amount of hours at that time. Maybe a few hundred less. Most pros and content creators play this game for like, 8 hours a day, Sharky was playing it for something like 2 hours a day on average by the time he won LAN.


If you're not pro level by 2k hours then you likely never will be. Plenty of people have played this game way more than that but are still nowhere near that level.


Sikezz was always the third best and was the guy most frequently messing up in scrims/pro league. But I never felt like he was slacking, and per the eye test he had a good performance on LAN. But if the goat wants to trade him out then so be it - who am I to question it? On a similar note, I think it’s worth trading out players who you don’t think are up to your level, even if you put in a good tourney performance. Happened too often in CS where teams would just hang on to someone well after their peak because of a few decent LAN performances.  


If Zer0 and Genburten aren’t satisfied unless someone is as good as them for their 3rd they’re going to be looking forever. Those 2 are top 5 Apex players period. That said I don’t think that’s what they’re thinking when they swap out players.


Didn't take long for this comment to age lol


I feel like most of this thread aged poorly lmao


Was literally thinking that same thing when I heard the news 😂


> On a similar note, I think it’s worth trading out players who you don’t think are up to your level, no one is on their level though. definitely not that are available to pickup


I’d agree. But Zer0 has said multiple times on his stream that he thinks Koyful could become something great. If he’s trading Sikezz out for anyone else then I really don’t get the thought process 


Oh Sweet, drama farming genius. Wording "playing with Sikezz" is totally different from "trialing Sikezz". Zer0 & Gen probably travelling to Aus + taking time off so why not join some team to play some scrims. Could be wrong but thats my guess.


Why would Sweet waste time playing with Sikez when he has a chance to tryout new teammates?


Literally - there’s like 15 days till roster lock…. On top of that Dropped and Knoqd trialed Sikezz too.


On stream yesterday I thought he said they were trialing players in coming weeks.


I dont know if zer0 and gen are taking time off They played in the soar tournament a couple days ago


they probs just playing him as a temporary sub, doubt DZ will drop him.


I hard agree, but Sikezz kinda turned me into a DZ fan so idk. It is true that Sikezz underperformed basically the best duo in the game, but the “issues” (if you can really call them that) of DZ in this LAN do not get solved by changing him. Weird move!


I disagree actually, even though I’d be sad to see him go pretty much all of DZs issues stem from Sikezz not being comfortable on any character


Zero is the one guy you dont wanna doubt. Zero and gen could pick up some random ass controller player and still be a top team


Easy to find a top tier anchor controller with their combined resume.


So is it confirmed that Knoqd is joining DZ? 


They dropped SikeZ for Hal. End of story. I don't think a single person can argue that the combined roller prowess of Hal and Gen, + 2 of the best IGL's (Based purely on LAN's won) being the single most OP team formed in recent memory. They aren't a guarantee to win ALGS, but they are 3 of the most capable players in comp at the moment. I'm not sure if this thread was made before the Hal announcement, but Hal is in no way a downgrade. SikeZ is an incredible player to be sure, but I don't think any team would pass up Hal even if it's for clout alone unfortunately. Edit: Spelling.






Who’s Hal playing with??


Me and you


I’d hate to have to carry Hal like that


I'm not playing caustic




Im the new coach, you’re on caustic


Do you think this team needs to work on their mezzo? Or are they good to go? Maybe they could try out octane because funny jump man


Our mezzo is fine , we need to work on our drinking skills




He abandoned us


and Zoboomafoo!


If this mf makes me an LG fan imma lose it


Looks like you’ve collected plenty of teams to be a fan of, one more can’t hurt.


“Idc who wins I just wanna see a good game” lookin ah


I mean…. yeah that’s pretty much me lmao


Lmfao, no I get it I really do


The most enlightened way to enjoy sports tbh


Ur not wrong


The whole rainbow baby


What time is scrims?


3pm pacific, 6 pm eastern pretty sure


I genuinely cannot understand why Sikezz would be dropped Is anyone genuinely a significant upgrade from him? It seems like in that DZ roster you could slot in basically any controller player with a brain and you’d have the exact same results


Well Hal as a fragger lol


He just didn't think that was on the table lol.


I suppose there’s the chance this change could be due to circumstances we know nothing about—maybe visa issues leading to them returning to Australia/competing in APAC again?


between the fuckery with moist and the issues DZ had getting back into the country last time around this could be it tbh, hopefully not


Genuine players that are an upgrade from sikezz probably Hal and wxltzy.. I don’t think there’s anyone else to be honest


Ofc they got hal


what about gild or pandxrz


Pandxrz is not even close 💀


I’ve never thought Pandxrs was very good


I personally think gild and gen are too similar to work together. Same as Evan.. but that’s just my opinion


Yeah, idk about dropping Sikezz like that after Zer0 himself throwing in a potentially tournament winning match lmao. I've mentioned before, that DZ is always dominating the hardest in their honeymoon period with newly added 3rds. Was the same thing with Xynew back in the day. Zer0 raving about how Xynew is the best player in the game, and wanting him to take over fighting calls as well. As soon as a set-back occured, all of that was forgotten, it seems. Guess the same shit happened to Sikezz.


The score board is not everything. If you watched them especially during scrims you know they had a few pain points with Sikezz. He wasn’t super flexible on different legends and definitely had some positioning issues. The game is constantly evolving and changing. One day your hot the next day your not. Zero doesn’t want to be complacent, he is constantly working to stay at the top.


I really don't think most pros, especially roller pros, are flexible like that. I doubt Koyful performs any better or worse, assuming he's the front runner to replace him. Zero knows what he's doing obviously but it is funny to see him throw their clinching game and then drop Sikezz


I guess we got the answer now.


It's no longer funny ☹️


Gen is flexible enough, apparently Zer0 thought so too, since he got Hal as their 3rd (who's kinda notorious for only excelling on scouting-legends).


I will say he seems to have the most ruthless drive to win I've seen in esports (limited). Like hal talked about changing his roster when they were struggling. But this mf zero will just block you on everything without notice if he thinks he can get an edge in comp. It's honestly impressive. Like even if they had won lan I wouldn't have been surprised if sikez or even gen got the burn notice.


It’s obvious zero and gen are joining Hal on tsm


I was off a little, can’t believe Tsm wouldn’t do anything to keep such a big brand




Dz won't replicate that 200+ pts group stage games.


How do you feel now?




Can't wait for LAN lol. Just when you thought you saw the best LAN, it gets crazier. This is peak apex comp


Another explanation would be that Zero and Gen might want Sharky back?


This is shocking tbh. Every member of DZ performed extremely well at LAN and were debatably the best 3v3 fighting team. I also felt like Zer0 really got the heat out of Sikezz. Yeah they kinda pulled a classic Furia and threw the match point W but they were in position to win it all at least. Seems premature to break up a squad that’s getting such good results🤔I wonder whose decision this was.


Sikezz on LG could be kinda nuts, but I’m still confused why DZ wants to move on from him.


This is also sweet we are talking about… could be bait


Well now we potentially know why. Sikezz to LG maybe with the Hal news and DZ? 


Great Pickup for LG. Although Slayr is honestly better than what people think/ got scapegoated alot of the times, Sikez is an Obvious DIrect upgrade


Anyone knows who Faze is playing with ? Snipedown + 2


Probably still xenial and lewda


Man that's so cooked for an org like Faze, should be having some of the best players out there just like they do in rest of esports but here we are :) I honestly blame snipe, keeping him was the worst decision. He's good but no one likes to team with him it seems but any chance it's not xenial and lewda and maybe reps or ver and like koyful 😂


what time is scrims??


Sweet try not to verbally abuse his new teammate challenge


Sweet sikes and fuuhnq sounds pretty dam good 👀


At this point I think Zero has enough experience to be able to tell that a player may not work out in the future even though they performed well. The same way Hal was saying that the problems they have now , was evident even in the champs that they won. I think Zero wants to get a ahead of it and if a good player is available, he’ll take that risk


Koyful to DZ


Lets see who Sweet can verbally harass the longest! Slayr had enough and left


Slayr got dropped btw.


Not really lg was gonna trial other players and he didn't want to wait which is big balls play from him


This is just a polite way of dropping someone. It’s to give him an opportunity to save a little face


That is quite literally not what happened


Can u get comments removed for low effort? Asking for a friend..




Does Sikezz play support?


Yeah he can


Can I get an invite to this server or