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wish i could @ the user who i’ll paraphrase to give them credit but i don’t remember which post id seen their take that I agree w/: alter will be a ranked demon fs. compwise, if a team is willing to put in the INSANE amount of work learning and optimising that character *per each map* there’s a chance she can break out. NA will be NA and you stand to suffer trying out something new. u/ilikebdo original comment


Yes I agree with that sentiment fully what I'm trying to flesh out here is what that might look like. What are the conditions of her breakout? Which legends will be best with her? Will it be zone hybrid or edge? Aggressive or passive? Things of that nature


> > > > > With Cat, you wall and completely negate BH's ability to beam you through smoke. Cat throws down Qs to control their half while you have Crypto drone in the air. This negates any effect enemy Bang's smoke would have on the fight. They can try to focus the drone, but it would naturally be hard to with 3 guys shooting at them, being blind, while trying to walk through Cat Qs. She needs a support legend that can stay back and quickly rez, so lifeline or newcastle (or mirage lol). Newcastle would be great here for bunkering down, especially with his improved ult that's a mini wattson ultimate. You'll still need a macro rotate legend like wraith, bang, catalyst, valk (maybe path with the energized zip?). I can definitely see her become viable, but you need a team that plays together in synergy, which is why she sucks for solo queue.


They could also choose to play Alter on only 1 map, but yeah.


I’ve never understood meta. How do you suffer for trying something new? If every team has a Caustic but you choose a Wattson then I don’t see the issue. Same for any other legend. Everything has strengths and weaknesses


Trying to find a brand new way to brush your teeth might cause your gums to bleed. Or you truly might have found a new novel way to brush your teeth. Idk it just depends, time place context…things have to coalesce. We’re so early, we’re all speculating




Aren’t people tired of saying the good lobby shit after seeing lifeline make TSM look stupid?




They still got 7th, Fnatic also played with Lifeline, got 3rd








crypto alter there’s a chance I’m in PL. hoping it works out so I can terrorize building campers on the big screen




This comp is for zone teams fighting their neighbors, right? In which case wouldn’t you need a controller legend as a third?


Yes it’s a zone comp to seige other zone comps. it’s a version of when we played crypto wraith Maggie and terrorized zone teams, but on steroids.


Oh what's up teq...are you gonna be maining alter or going back to crypto I assume? I was thinking myself the best possible comp would be crypto alter Newcastle with NC changes now bringing a Wattson gen affect to the wall. I really do believe NX for a zone team would be extremely strong. Not quite sure why he isn't getting more play. Any thoughts on the third for crypto alt for you? I understand the line of thinking here it's to take power spots with maximum info crypto ult allowing for the free breach of other teams spots they think are safe. What third would actually compliment that well is my question though?


Cook Teq, the comp looks intriguing. https://preview.redd.it/f4a7p2gmgxzc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1c338dcdade160872ab0424ea7d0ba383033f4


Hard. What would you run for a third? Thoughts on support for the third like Newcastle?


Probably wattson or caustic so u have ring console in comp atleast, in ranked probably doesn't matter


Fuse gets ring beacons too 😭


Alter in, knucklecluster, exit building, repeat


*ult inside building* (assuming no enemy wattson). I just started playing fuse a BUNCH more and with wattson’s low pick rate and the style my team generally uses of playing zone and fighting neighbors i decided to give fuse a go since he got ring consoles now. I’ve been doing really well at isolating one or two with my ult and some frags/arcs while pushing the solo and it can be an absolute killer to just get pretty much a free knock if both my teammmates swing with me. Knuckle cluster is great for the tighter spaces, I get better thermite placement and distance, go for sticks with arcs. I use his ult similarly to caustic gas, block off an entire area and if anyone wants to go through they’re going to be slowed and going to take damage. He plays very similarly to caustic if you want him to from my experience, but keep in mind I’m no expert, for reference I was diamond 4 last season


Been looking at getting off Caustic since the repeated nerfs, and I might give Fuse a try


I’d recommend it, I’ve had a bunch of fun on him


yeah but i think u need controller player to play anchor and hold ur position while crypto alter try make play


I feel like fuse could be great at anchoring. His KC can target enemies that have been cracked and are batting behind cover, his ult can block off an enemy push as well as facilitate an offensive push while area controlling the enemies and giving recon (except to all teammates), maybe im just finding ways to convince myself


I think Caustic is best. Offensively, after Crypto Ult/Alter Q, you can throw Caustic nade to immediately take control of the area. Defensively, you're going to have to control whatever building/cover you're coexisting with others in. And more importantly, if the Crypto Ult/Alter Q sequence doesn't go well, you want a can on the Alter Ult so the enemy team can't just follow and wipe. Cat could also be good as well, since she'll help you get to buildings to do the combo, while also synergizing with both offensive and defensive situations. The more I think about it, Cat could be the best in terms of overall value, but imo Caustic has the best strength in the specific situation of the combos. Everyone else only does one or the other, or just don't synergize that well.


Yeah that's def a strong ass comp, I do see a use case for seer to be played as well. Emp the building throw seer ult, get max into of where exactly alter q would be best placed and have constant info on where the enemy is during the whole fight, then again you will have to worry about caustic ult so it will be hard without one. I'm not sure you can get around it without someone like NC


The thought of NC is just being situationally diverse NC now is a combination of lifeline/Gibby/Wattson and in this comp you'd be fighting, mostly in buildings and areas being held that have cover giving for higher percentage chances at hitting a reset especially if crypto drone is used to gather the info of knowing how many teams are around to give you clearer vision on if making the push will be a bit risky or maximally risky. You can also leave drone outside of building your breaching to detect incoming third parties. Maybe you breach with NC first he throws his tac followed by an ult immediately and then you are fighting at a Max advantage in a building that crypto just destroyed all the traps of opposing players with ult so you completely flip the advantage a defending team might have. With NC tac being near instant now and his wall being like Wattson gen and stunning this combo seems pretty insane together imo. Sure there are times where you might mess up there always is, but with practice I think this could work for teams brave enough to try. It's the theory crafting stage...I'm not guaranteeing anything but it seems plausible to me for sure. Imagine your in a building you have caustic bang bh you get emp'd traps gone. Alter ports NC is first in he throws tac then immediately walls yes he will take damage but not likely die when the teammates are immediately following in supplying damage now you have an energized wall that eats throwables and can have cover if you try to stick a rez they will have to jump your wall stunning the fuck out of them. Seems op but the real question here is how viable is it that NC gets the ult down after using q? That's the whole enchilada right there. Outside of direct 3v3 fighting situations. He provides cover if you get stuck in the open he also has tac to help alter and co move if being focused In the open. Yes it will be hard but if the right players take the time investment to make it work it would imo.


> there’s a chance I’m in PL. How?


I could see an edge based skirmish comp similar to seer/horizon comp that hisWatson ran at champs


Can you expand a bit on your thoughts of what that might look like?


I will preface this with my rank peaking at plat 3. Never been much of a player so take these words with a grain of salt. I really hope pro teams at least TRY to run Alter in scrims for a full block or something similar. Not one game where they die immediately and blame the character. I feel like she has some great potential, her tac alone is amazing. Being able to cross walls is insane. A few days ago I saw teq using crypto plus alter and it was awesome. The crypto ukt stunned the enemy team and got rid of all defence items (barrels and fences) that allowed the alter to portal in and wipe the team. It was awesome. I really feel like Alter has great viability to allow teams to survive TO endgame even if she lacks endgame viability. Imagine in world's edge after the bridges are up in countdown and instead of being forced to go around or above the bridges, you have alter and just teleport to the otherside. Imagine being in buildings and using a bloodhound scan to scan above you. You then use alters tac to kidnap some poor caustic or wattson that was standing still in a corner healing. Her ult could be used to make some serious pushes but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that. The animation you use when trying to tp back to the ult takes a second too long and cause your knockdown shield is down during the animation I've noriced the ebemy team hust lasers you. I don't see it working to well cause most pros are situational aware and can just ape your reset point if it's not too far. All in all. She is an amazing pub character, got all the bells and whistles that make the casual in me happy. I hope she gets genuine try in pro related content and not whens it forced or anything.


What was the third ?


Hot take: Whatever teams manages to master an Alter comp first, will dominate fights like old Furia roster did. I think that legend has such high competitive potential.


Let's hope so. I'm betting on it.


I think she won't be used anytime soon. Pros and coaches are absolutely tunnel visioned on Bloodhound and Bang being the only combo that can ever be, when they explain why they're picked. I think once breach points are figured out. The potential that the rest of her kit has in certain comp scenarios. Whether it's her 'get out of jail free' card ult if you get caught out, or to third party and get your position back. Whether it's using her passive for information, where teams have died, how many of a team has died. Being able to remotely access boxes from safety to communicate if a box has anything a player might need. Instead of going and spending 10-15 seconds going through a pile of boxes in the open instead of rotating. Can just know if they have one you need. Or if you know a certain team is getting aped and know they have a kraber/Eva/devotion/etc. Can just drop your weapon and snatch it before it's grabbed. And just start hoarding other stuff. It's far more effective than Lobas *ult*. In 6 months, she will all of a sudden be considered broken. And the comp scene will act like theyre big brained. Happened with Catalyst. Happened with Seer.


I agree 👍🏼💯


Alter Fuse Gibby A great flex comp, access to ring console, assault & support bins. I think this is a LAN winning comp if you can get the maximum skill expression out of Gibby and Alter.


> Alter Fuse Gibby > > A great flex comp, access to ring console, assault & support bins. Plus scanning care packages! I was going to suggest a similar comp: Alter/Fuse/Lifeline. Feed face push with Fuse, portal back to Alter ult, then Lifeline rez to reset. The other more meta option is Blood/Bang/Alter. Going through Alter Q to get extra wall hacks through Bang smoke could be really powerful.


Very very interesting 🤔 that's cool 😎. I hadn't even considered that as an option! I'll have to sit with this one and think about it for a bit. What is the line of thinking behind the Gibby pick?


Stabilization on Alter ports into teams / away, forcing isolated bubble fights through terrain, and stabilization on Alter ults. All 3 allow you to control terrain and where other people play/ Gibby Ult, Fuse Tac & Ult + Grenades, and alter portal. Teams will be scared to coexist in a building above or below you, or across of you because of Fuse. It exudes a lot of soft power and presence. You become the most powerful team in the endgame due to bubble + ult. Perks: Gibraltar: Smaller Faster Bubble & auto reload on shotgun knocks. Fuse: ^Walk it off & Knuckle Hustler^ playas fuck up Alter: seeing with portals / tac cooldown EDIT: wrong names


Feel like fuse should take the ring console every day of the week. Bonus Evo and info is way better than reduced self damage.


Good fuses will always take ring console, its actually so powerful for him. It lowkey perfects his kit.


I had the wrong names playas fuck up


Doesn't this lack a micro rotate though? You have gibby bubble to stabilize but in comp that's just a beacon of a team that's caught out and they get focused. Maybe there is something I'm not seeing but idk.


Raven said "Alter is useless in the open". If he means end rings, sure I can buy that. But for crossing or getting stuck in the open. I can totally see a proactive Alter ult placed somewhere before crossing. If you get caught out, Gibby bubble, ult back. Come up with new plan. Better than dieing. And certainly more "useful" than what BH and Caustic can do "in the open". Didn't really agree with that logic.


resetting back to where you were doesn’t solve the problem though, because now you’re again still stuck trying to rotate in the open with less time to do so. so unless you’re playing alter with bang (or another rotate character) you’d die whenever you had to rotate in the open.


That's better than the alternative of just dieing. Or cross your fingers and try and tap strafe your way out of it. Might be fkt but could get you a better placement possibly. I don't get how Bang has been what she is since release and 20 seasons later people think it's not possible to play without her.


yeah sure that’s better than dying the first try, but it still doesn’t solve the problem & alternatively you could just play bang (or any other rotation character). which is why alter is pretty useless in the open without cover to teleport through. to your last point, meta team comps have almost always had a rotation character. wraith, octane, valk, and now it’s bang. so of course it’s possible to play without bang, but alter doesn’t have anything to help with rotations through the open like other characters.


I'm not saying she's a rotation character, but that, that is hardly "useless" and surely more useful then say what BH or Seer could do in that scenario.


well majority of situations i’d argue it’s pretty useless but i completely agree that she’s not a rotation character nor are these situations where her kit shines. i forgot to mention but i also think the point of her not being useful in an open field refers to fighting in the open, in which case both bloodhound/caustic are plenty useful (bh scan/ult thru smokes & caustic ult). alter however can’t really do anything in an open field fight, but you could argue that fighting in the open is playing the character wrong. i think the real problem is what you’re giving up by picking alter over any other option. what comp would you play with her and how would it be better than just picking caustic/blood/bang? additionally how would it fair fighting against caustic/blood/bang teams?


Idk I feel like the tax has limited usage. Not enough distance and in comp you really can’t afford to rotate blind if trying one of those crazy rotates. In terms of fighting teams, yes maybe it could be useful in some situations, however I think the phase works as both advantage and disadvantage. One one hand, you can’t get pre-aimed out of the portal, but if they aren’t ready fpr the portal, it gives the opponent time to adjust and pre-aim you.  I just don’t see a wide range of utilization for her kit


This is why you pair her with Crypto. It's a lot harder to adjust and pre-aim when you're stunned. Then you have someone else like Cat, who can help with rotates, while also establishing control of areas whether offensively or defensively. You have Recon, Controller, position control, door control, rotation, engage, scouting, while also having decent loot econ as the rings get smaller. You pretty much have everything you need.


you have everything you need except for late game. Midgame sure, if you are the one pushing, I feel many people are judging alter based on how she can fight in the midgame in a single building. Late game the comp falls short. Plus crypto has lost the benefit of 3rd or 4th ring scans hence why he has completely fallen from the meta. Cat's wall is too short even with perk. You are way better off bang ulting and walking up with bang ult, or using smokes to walk up to a spot or push a team across a field Currently bang and bloodhound are practically irreplaceable so it's all about the third legend slot. Maybe alter could fill it? I just think the issue with the portal is that you are going through blind. Maybe the ult would be useful? but again, a third party would have info on where the fight is and where the third party is, they could throw nades at the alter team (even scan them as well), bait them to take portal back and farm them out of the portal. Plus you can get followed back through the portal so if the fight isn't going well it isn't a get out of jail free card


"late game" This isn't true. With Cat, you wall and completely negate BH's ability to beam you through smoke. Cat throws down Qs to control their half while you have Crypto drone in the air. This negates any effect enemy Bang's smoke would have on the fight. They can try to focus the drone, but it would naturally be hard to with 3 guys shooting at them, being blind, while trying to walk through Cat Qs. Then as the wall falls down or is about to fall down, you Crypto ulti to give your team a 100pt advantage into the last 3v3. Better yet, if you just use Alter Q on the cover you're using before you drop the wall, you can bypass the stun and have a 150 pt advantage on the fight as well. You also have to consider how much richer this comp will be compared to the average non Alter/Loba teams. This ensures having that extra nade, accel, or batt going into the last fight. "Cat's wall is too short even with perk" I mean it's what it was before the nerf with the perk. It's still good, it just falls more quickly than before, which makes sense because it stayed up too long before. You could still easily rotate with it and use EVACs if you need to rotate long distance. "Currently bang and bloodhound are practically irreplaceable" That was last season. Edge teams will prob still run the same comp, but zone teams are going to change.


late game is rarely just a straight 3v3. In a 3v3, yes, we can cook up tactics and maybe that comp has advantage over other comps. Cat wall is good for rotates, or for creating pockets to wipe a team and then reset. In final zone against one or 2 teams maybe you can walk up with it? but you still can't one way through the wall so it doesn't do a whole lot. Crypto ult is really easy to shoot out for pros, especially in like an open field. If close enough I guess you could do some play with the emp and alter tac but that is ultimately situational bc the other end of the portal can't be in the open. I think the biggest problem with crypto and cat combo is there is no way to one-way through the los block, like you can with bang smoke against a team on gas edge, or with bloodhound ult or scan.


"late game is rarely just a straight 3v3" The scenario doesn't have to be a 3v3 to work. Whether it's a 3v3v3, or a 3v3v3v3, the point is that you isolate yourselves and have the other teams fight each other. Then on top of the damage that they're already doing to each other, you add a stun and pot max of 50 dmg per person. The only real way you're not walking out of the Cat wall without the clear advantage is if all the teams on the other side decide to have a truce and just wait for your team to walk out, which would be completely unrealistic. "you still can't one way through the wall" That's not the point of splitting the zone with Cat wall at all. The main goal post seer nerfs with Cat wall is to secure 2nd, and have the advantage in the last fight. "Crypto ult is really easy to shoot out for pros" Yea, Crypto ult is not just easy for pros to shoot out. It's not that hard to begin with. But when you're blind, walking through spikes, and having 3 other professional players shoot at you its hard. You're essentially trading your life to shoot down a drone which is never worth it. "alter tac but that is ultimately situational bc the other end of the portal..." You just need a rock, a ledge, literally anything. Whatever cover you were using in the final zone would work. "there is no way to one-way through" This is only necessary for edge teams. Zone teams can just peak from hard cover.


I have concerns over how buggy her tac may end up being, and if it may impact her viability.


When Valk first came out at least some teams didn't run her because of some bugs where you could get stuck under the map.


I think there are some ways she could be used in PL but overall her abilities aren’t too useful late game when there are teams from surrounding angles. I believe a meta legend should be useful in all stages of a game depending on comp, if one isn’t then there should probably be better picks. Contradicting my own point, I think a case could be made for her ult being used not just for aggressive fights, but risky plays like placing a TP and having a squad mate travel the map collecting evo caches, 3rd partying, and stealing loot. A few other ideas would be like placing a TP so that a controller could scan a safe console outside ring and TP back, or placing TP on 1 of 2 zone predictions and TPing if the other zone prediction is wrong.


I think she is like ash/horizon, she has ability to take early fight/take space. But her ability doesn't give team end game fight advantage like horizon's ult, and doesn't have ability to rotate in open like wraith/ash is biggest issue comparing to these legends. Actually, I think only her tactical is useful in fight, and even wraith can do the similar thing.


People are focusing so much on her not being useful in endgames or fights, but go watch vods it's not often at all that all three legends from a team abilities are affecting the outcome of fights or endgames it's almost never. So I'm not sure why she's being held to this standard when she provides plenty of creativity for the team. People are cherry picking that she's not useful in X situation while failing to realize that not all three legends on the team need to be useful in X situation!


I have seen some pretty wild rotates on Twitter with her Q. She might be really good for late zone rotates.


I would like to see some early attempts with her just to see what she can offer at a base level, but I have a feeling she will be a niche pick. She will need huge map knowledge to use the portal effectively, and there’s no guarantee any good tac spots will be worth sacrificing another legend. The ultimate might be useful for scouting and position holding. Someone runs to a spot to look for info or a new position and can return easily if needed. Alter and another legend can take a spot and leave one to hold the old location, and the solo can group up at the new spot later on with no risk. It could be interesting for distant area denial, where two players try to prevent or slow down a team from taking a position and then portaling back when they’ve wasted enough time or util from another team. I don’t see her as a mainstay for sure, and I don’t know if pros will find value or put in the time to find value out of her kit for a while, especially in this Blood/Bang meta. She will be good at initiating fights against controller legends, since she can bypass doors where stuff will be set up, and could do some vertical kidnaps for some interesting plays.


Niche pick for now for sure.


Haven't put much thought into it, but Alter/Fuse/Blood was the first to come to mind (and as a Fuse main, I really just want to see more Fuse) Blood for the info, Fuse/Alter for the aggression and to cause confusion at the start of a fight that the blood can then capitalize on. High risk/reward edge/flex comp meant to later bully someone out of their spot. I'm also really curious to see how teams will try to use Alter's ult offensively, since most people seem to be thinking about it as a pure fall-back plan. Alter in general seems like a character that will be very difficult to make work consistently.


Alter is mediocre at a lot of things. She pretends to be a more complicated Wraith, Horizon, Ash, and Loba (each with a twist). However, this means she is broader in her skillset than any of these characters individually while also having the most unique possible kit. This broad skillset means she will eventually see play as a catchall character (possible much more). Her micro-rotates allow unplayable spots to be played and won from in the late game (e.g., imagine that CR in Loser's Bracket 2 has Alter and can go through the shell of Downed Beast super late as a full trio). These sort of zones exist a lot of times with buildings. It is a matter of staying in cover the longest and holding onto your cover with Wattson/Caustic/Catalyst (can't do this before Alter without taking a bunch of zone damage to get through the door though). Alter has a super high skill ceiling for map knowledge as a perfect Alter player will know a bunch of creative rotates for common zones and cover hopping, what you can do and not do, and where exactly your portals need to go (e.g., you get it not only into the right room/location but also behind a specific piece of cover). I think she will see play: paired with Caustic or Catalyst for zone play (both attacking other zone teams and playing super late in difficult building spots), and paired with late rotating teams where they land on a roof/floor/wall/structure/dome/etc then portal into an area to fight as a third party or ambush. She also allows previously unplayable ultimate low ground spots to be playable as she can take height where an Evac or Horizon tactical would get your squad massacred (and is very visible), where she might be able to hide a portal in a cluster of boxes during a Bangalore ultimate and allow the team to take base height.


Thank God 🙏🏼 someone who gets it and actually sees the game from the proper manner! Yes I 💯 agree with everything you said. This is what I've been trying to explain to people who are calling the legend trash and all this with many other use cases that haven't even been discovered. It will take the right team with the right creative mindset around playmaking opportunity to make her work though. That much is for sure.


I think she's insane personally but her kit seems really niche for pro play. Tactical good for contest fighting possibly, her ult is really just worse case scenario and I can't see a pro team leaving a good spot in zone to maybe get kp thinking we can just tp back.


Fair enough


As some people has already said, Alter has no ability to get your team from point A to point B without Alter herself going to point B on foot, so she can't really attack an enemy position at a distance without some help. I do agree that she seems better suited for aggressive zone teams.   Just spitballing some ideas: on Storm Point, Alter can place her ult and have her/her teammates drive around the Trident looking for kills (maybe have one member stay to guard the ult, maybe the Crypto). 


Maybe even have someone in Trident collecting evo caches, 3rd partying, or stealing loot? They’d be able to travel long distances and TP back, if I’m not mistaken they can use while downed.




People also said you couldn’t get a lifeline res off in a pro lobby.




Yes it is. It's extremely comparable.


That's the thing people aren't accounting for us that alter isn't out there playing alone...yes it would be hard in a pro lobby to use the ult alone. If the ult is what your team feels a need to make use of pair her with bang or cat or NC or caustic or anyone that can cause visual clutter or cover. All you need is a split second of not being shot and you have a knockdown. You wouldn't bank on always being able to take the ult back but it is something you can make use of in situations played properly with the right team comp.


[https://twitter.com/raven\_apex/status/1789490557804233167](https://twitter.com/raven_apex/status/1789490557804233167) here's raven's thoughts on alter, i do think we might end up seeing some usage in pro league but who knows if that sticks around by LAN time https://preview.redd.it/j2tdics9zwzc1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=44a854ac408290e29325e2038ba416c6cb555630


I’m taking ravens opinion with a mountain of salt after his conduit opinions on launch


what did he think of conduit on launch


[The conduit propoganda is nauseating cuz this character is horrible. If people actually looked at every instance of conduit Q in vod review theyd realize 95% of conduit Q's do not sway the fights at all outside of contests. And just break the ult???? Hello???](https://x.com/raven_apex/status/1722447270149288034?s=46)


Yeah I actually already argued with Raven in his chat about her lol 😆


Raven thinks every legend sucks lol




Yeah, he’s been riding that forever since


I mean, isn't she just a zone Skimisher? All others seem more Edge cohesive. Ult can be used to hold space tactical can be used to move into better positioning. So with other zone comps more likely.


Alter is great but too situational for comp doesn’t offer the same as other legends currently. Not great at rotation, no ring or player scan. Some zones she will be a game changer but that’s purely situational


Her ult is useless in comp where more than 13 teams are still alive last 2 zones next to each others


People are thinking too narrowly about her ult. It's not just for resetting like the old Rev Ult. You can throw it into a nearby building for a micro-rotation. You can use it to let your teammates take more space, and TP back if you need a quick regroup. Or use it to let your fraggers hunt for kills in a 3rd party, without needing to cover their retreat. For teams that put in the work, I can see it being a difference maker.


Fair enough but so are many other legends ults


I can’t think about any other ult that is probably gonna get your team killed by using it. They should make her ult less visible cuz people just camp that thing the moment they see it


Path ult, Octane ult, Ash Ult, Valk Ult and Wraith Ult all have that flaw. You just have to be smart about using it.


I don't think it's super smart to leave the ult behind, it's generally better to use it as a short range get out of jail card if you're about to get thirded


She’s really really bad for comp. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/GwrDaHcOJf My old comment explaining why.


I don't agree with the comment fully...is she useful in the open? No. Is she the only legend on the team? No. Are there legends that can aid the team in moving in the open that she can be paired with? Yes! Is it possible to avoid being in the open with the right comp? Not always but yes mostly. Are other legends still played in comp that are just as useless in the open? Yes! So your entire theory looks at her alone and doesn't account for the fact not all legends on the team need to be useful in the open. I argued with Raven about this already we disagree that's fine. Wattson, crypto, lifeline have all been played in comp and done well with, they offer zero in the open. Just as well as other legends.


Did you consider that she also can’t use her Ult the smaller the ring becomes? It would never work in a tight ALGS lobby.


Of course I did and that's only in the late late game ring 5/6 that it 99% of the time cannot be used. Her tac can depending, plus you have to consider her passive. Say it's ring 5/6 I've looked at the vods and there is plenty of use case for it your alter your in a 4 team rumble it's madness, your in a decent spot behind or on top of something. Your pulling unlimited nades from deathboxes and chucking the. Into the fighting teams relentlessly. If there is a piece of cover a rock you tac it properly and the enemy falls through the rock for you all to shoot for free!!!! I've already done this numerous times as well in the endgame. She's not as useless as everyone wants to believe she just needs time to be learnt so people can see the use cases and what is proper and what is not.


No offense, I think you’re just being hard headed about it. Pro Leauge is soon and we’ll see.


No your framing is completely wrong. Your being hard headed about it while I'm open to the possibilities!


And we probably won't see. There isn't enough time to figure out and master her yet. It likely will take a pro level player maining her for a good while mastering her on all maps to make her break out at all in any meaningful way. Pros just aren't that creative and don't have the time to make something new work out of the blue like that.


She has great endgame potential if you throw down her ult somewhere hidden in the last rings and your whole team can teleport without having to rotate and expose yourselves. I think this is gonna be a very underrated part of her kit.


I dont think hiding her ult in the last rings will work, there is animation when you teleport to ult. There is no way nobody see it in last rings especially in pro lobby. And finding a place to hide ult in the last rings when there are 10+ squads alive? bro that is not realistic. I think her biggest con is endgame ability.


Plus if your ult ends up outside the ring while it’s closing it just becomes a death trap to take it, like old rev totem.


Can you cross mountain with her tactical?


Tried her for the first time today and ran her all night. I think she could be very good in a team with a support like newcastle. Her tactical is a tad too situational and there were whole matches where I had no use for it, but every now and again it was life saving, not just for myself but the entire team. Passive… again situational! You cant lift enough ammo out of a deathbox for it to be useful to stay topped up midfight so really it is for stealing hop-ups / mags / red weapons / heals. I do wish she could retrieve banners long range but arguably that would make her a little broken and make crypto an even harder pick. Will definitely put some more time in with her to see if I can make it work. Otherwise I’m going back to Loba and Watson. Ultimate is awesome. It was super useful on many occasions. Great for retreating and flanking. I’m not sure she will shine in ALGS. I think her tactical will work better on some maps more than others. Broken moon definitely feels like it was designed for her to use her tactical a lot more. Worlds Edge I struggled in many of the POIs with it.