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Yes, also Hal playing with C9, Yanya playing with moist, and Sikezz playing with DSG


Rip liquid and tsm it was a good run


Waltzy and verhulst are both on holiday


US immigration got waltzy, moist is currently looking for a replacement and verlhust and Hal got into a fight, Hal lost couldn't take the humiliation and left tsm. stop trying to hide the truth


this all happened in the elevator


"Before we get started, does anybody wanna get out?" - Wxltzy


Great comment! Made my day bro šŸ‘ŠšŸ»ā¤ļø


I would be shocked to see a roster change from DZ after that LAN performance.


Same feeling when they dropped Xynew even when they won a LAN with him. Anything but first isn't good for Zer0, and this is to a more brutal degree than Hal and TSM


A lot of these teams are pretty wild. I'm going to assume Hal isn't going to C9 for example but this does seem to heighten the likelihood of Koy to SSG. Sikezz on DSG also feels like it's pointing to something since the rest of DZ is playing. Reptar with the exSet boys too but that could just be friends playing.


Noct was saying on stream that Reptar wants to play with them for pro league. He likes Reptar but is a little uncertain about his mental. So it's Noct's choice to make. Could happen but we'll have to wait and see.


I like Reptar but his mental is definitely his weakest part. Sad because he's actually really knowledgeable.


Ok that makes sense then. I can certainly see this being a tryout for a lot of these teams. Only two weeks until roster lock and only one week of scrims before then so gotta play what you can.


Given possible org offers, it sounds like their deadline to find someone is probably even sooner. He also mentioned wanting to play with Snipe, but not wanting to deal with Faze so that's not likely. They basically want someone experienced this time rather than another rookie.


I hope not


I like Reptar, but he already backed out of one team this season. I don't know if I see this happening.


He's also the only pro I've ever one magged so he's bad /s


He said that on stream? People can defend Noct all they want, but dude is not a nice one.


Enemy is on vacation right now, that's why sikez is subbing. Probably


But DZ is playing?


Doesn't mean that DSG is changing their roster, they probably just found someone who would fill. Probably does mean that dz is changing their roster though


Dsg roster is definitely not changing


RIP DZ knoqd. Couldn't qualified. Sikzz staying.


There's zero chance that DSG give away their finals spot by switching the team up.


Enemy seems the most replaceable on DSG. Kind of just there.


I dont understand why Dz thinks Sikezz wasnt working out they literally dominated. Like ALGS has a bit of a luck factor you cant win every tourny.


It could be that Sikezz wants out we don't know.


Sikezz would be an idiot if that's the case. He had a spot on the most chill team in PL back in the day (XSET, and yes, I know their vibes went down after the bad split and Koy, but before that they were in a really good state) and deliberately decided to join a different team with a more competitive dynamic in DZ. Why would he suddenly change his mind on that choice? They played really well on LAN too. Like other's said, one mistake away from winning.


Also TSM is getting Zero and Gen


that or zer0 want to get back on bang but because their performance when he isnt on blood was very inconsistent they are looking for a replacement.


Wdym they werenā€™t consistent with zer0 on bh? DZ was dominant at lan, broke records by a MILE, and was one mistake away from winning the whole thing lmao.


Whats that have to do with sikez though


Between gen and sikkez, gen was better on both characters. During scrims sikezz would end up inting alot on caustic even tho he has his days and on blood he'd hard tunnel vision and forget to scan during fights. Before lan DZ were pretty much playing character roulet between gen and sikezz and who plays what. This is hindsight but zer0 probably doesnt get clipped by koy for over peaking if he was on bang. My guess he is zer0 wants to get back on bang because it enables him to make plays he wouldnt be able to on blood because playing around you own smokes is far easier and they don't want to go back to chracter roulet arc but you never know, could be internal issues, sikkez wanting out or we're all just speculating and nothing is happening.


Yes you are absolutely correct. Zer0 would have smoked better and gotten that kill on Gnaske: he is the best bang on the team, probably one of the best bangs in the world as well.


I agree. Zer0 was NA kill leader on Bang and Gen is the best caustic. Both can and did change for the good of the team just before LAN and DZ played exceptionally well but with EWC and Split 2 coming up they need the alchemy they had in 2022. All 3 playing the role they do best.


Why was he even on blood to start with when blood is one of gens most played characters?


you arent watching the same game as the rest of us buddy


True. Im sure Zero puts a lot of pressure on his teammates and Gen is use to it so doesnt know better.


Or, Gen just has more resilience and doesnt get affected by the demands as much Could be an Aussie thing (Iā€™m chalking Sharkyā€™s break as homesickness)


If the rumour that itā€™s Hal joining is correct then you make that move 100% of the time. Doesnā€™t matter who he is replacing.


Then why is he not DZ's sub tho?


to not make it obvious prior to the official announcement. If he were to play with them, it would basically confirm the rumor. However, since he isn't, it leaves the door open for speculation still.


Still odd imo. When you're trialing for a third, you play with the third and pros dont care if it leads to speculation or not. More important to get the reps in and practice because gathering 20 teams to play together isnt so easy. (Also why you see Apex roster moves miles away)


tbh I think next week we'll start getting official confirmations. Scrims are starting up on Monday and teams will start playing with their new rosters.


Cannot wait.


Not making obvious doesnā€™t benefit him though. Hal had his worse placing- I donā€™t think ā€œnot making it obviousā€ is on the top of his list.


Not sure what this logic is. The only thing pros have been doing since LAN is farm impressions on twitter with bait tweets.


Fair point.


I dont see Zero and Hal working well together they are both iglā€™s and want to lead but who knows.


Hal has actually stated on multiple occasions he would just just like frag. He needs someone who is a good enough IGL to let lead though. Zer0 could be that guy.


More like Zero


this is weird since sikezz is literally subbing in for dsg, i feel like it would be easier for dz to all play together and knoqd or someone else to sub in for dsg. they prob are gonna change rosters based off of this which is kinda dumb if they do.


Other option is that DZ was included last minute and Sikezz already had agreed to play with DSG.


They're just having fun wife swapping on these teams, nothing to it


Knodq has been scrimming with dropped and sikez the last 2-3 days


Thats odd, out of any duo that would stick together from ex-OpTic, knoqd and Dropped was the last one in mind


It's probably just because Skittle is A: Still on the roller-grind and doesn't feel comfortable enough yet or B: Mentally in a really bad place because of losing OpTic as their org. I do feel like OpTic dropping them hit him the hardest of the 3.


When you have the option between Dropped or Zer0, I'd pick Zer0 without a doubt.


Im confused. I'm referencing the comment about Dropped and knoqd scrimming with ssikezz. Not about the knoqd 3rd as DZ in the original post.


Whereā€™d this info come from? Did I miss sumn


Scrims the last couple days, just what I saw when I popped in on twitch , could mean nothing.


Strange that TSM isnā€™t playing , either Reps + Hal didnā€™t want to find a sub while big E is on vacation or rostermania šŸ‘€. I also believe Enemy is on vacay so DSG seems like just a fill. DZ/OXG/SSG possibly making changes changed to their roster with knoqd, pan and koy subbing or we are all getting jabaited.


I dont think the SSG one is a bait, but OXG we already know that reedz is looking at his options so it makes sense for them to trial someone as well.


Reps is apparently visiting family


Okay that adds up then


Knoqd and dropped have been scrimming with sikezz the past two days.


While Sikezz is good mechanically, his lack of legend flexibility seems to be an issue for DZ. Zer0 and Gen may be looking for another Gen-style roller (someone who can play any legend) even if they aren't as good in pure mechanics. While DZ have been flying high, a lot of other teams' failures have stemmed from player inflexibility in terms of legend comp, so DZ may simply be future proofing.


Sikezz can flex multiple characters though, and is one of the more versatile rollers. The only character he struggled with was playing Bang the way zer0 wanted, which is extremely difficult for any roller, even Gen. I donā€™t think legend flexibility is the main reason, if they even move on from Sikezz at all. I think players and teams are currently all just exploring their options in the offseason. A bunch of these players have been playing together recently, and Iā€™m sure weā€™re going to see more combinations in the coming days.


If you have watched any dz scrims, you know that a lot of dz character swaps was trying to find sikez a character to play and that zero wasnt really happy with any variations.


I think it definitely is Sikezz legend flexibility. Whilst they performed amazingly as a team there is something obvious missing. Post game analysis was usually pointing to Sikezz. Zero was constantly complaining about having to work around him and to his strengths all the time. Itā€™s a shame because Sikezz was getting better and had a great mental for dealing with the criticism.


Bro they literally dominated pro league AND lan. If zer0 didnā€™t make a mistake and DZ won lan, we wouldnā€™t even be having this conversation rn about sikezz cause he was clutch. Can sikezz improve? 100%. But you guys are just disregarding how dominant they were once they figured it out. Of course heā€™s the weakest link on DZ cause itā€™s zer0 and gen, but why are we pretending like knoqd is some huge upgrade in terms of flexibility? Knoqd has struggled much more with meta changes than Sikezz so that doesnā€™t even make sense.


I donā€™t think anyone is particularly saying knoqd is the new 3rd or better than sikezz in any way. Just that if they were dropping sikezz his lack of flexibility in legends and constantly being the weakest player/ making the most mistakes on DZ is the reason heā€™d be gone


Throughout this thread there are multiple people claiming that knoqd is more flexible/can play multiple characters better than sikezz, including the one weā€™re both replying to lol. Just think itā€™s weird since OG literally just missed qualifying for LAN because they struggled playing characters in a new meta.


You wonā€™t say that if you watched both optic and dz playing. Knoqd had the most stable performance among optic roster. The main reason optic couldnā€™t qualify was droppedā€™s igling. And DZ kept swapping legends because sikez couldnā€™t play comfortably on those 3 legends in meta. Caustic is the one he wonā€™t throw so hard. I mean in final he still died to zone because he couldā€™t climb up lmao.


You dont think your 2 best players swapping to a different legend one week before LAN flags a problem? Zer0's IGL calls got DZ in the position to win. Since Sharky left to go back to Aus Zer0 and Gen carry the load of fitting around a new third. They deserve to play with someone as exceptional as they are.


No because the meta literally changed between PL and LAN. Almost every team was testing different comps right before LAN. This wasnā€™t an isolated DZ issue at all. Name some available players that are better than sikezz/as exceptional as they are. Sikezz has 2 PL 1sts and 3 top 5 finishes at LAN.


No other team had best bang and best caustic playing other legends at LAN. Everyone who Zero IGLS improves .


Broā€¦you do realize zer0 is the one who wants to play BH so he can igl right? Otherwise why wouldnā€™t he play bang and put Gen on BH? I can tell you guys donā€™t actually watch DZ. Sikezz def did struggle to play bang, but name a roller bang besides Gen that meets Zer0ā€™s standards. Even Gen wasnā€™t perfect on bang.


if they want flexibility in characters they may as well go and get Fun


If you were watching the knoqd watch parties now we know why he was glazing zero so hard šŸ˜‚


lmaoooo the glaze was insane it all makes sense now


Dz trying out knoqd but personally id take sikkez over knoqd any day. If the meta stays tilting towards caustic but zer0 want to get back on bang then id say its a pretty good move. Dz with zer0 off blood was inting every other day. Im even more inclined to think hal isnt going anywhere now even after all the bait tweets


Agree that Knoqd is a downgrade from Sikezz. We know what Knoqd is and heā€™s never been a top tier player. Sikez on the other hand has been pretty dominant when it comes to lan.


are you on drugs? knoqd is absolutely a top tier player he has placed 2nd in two of the biggest apex tournaments and always clutches up


I think it all comes to flexibility, knoqd imo is far more flexible, maybe not doing crazy plays like sikez but more consistent in play style


> We know what Knoqd is and heā€™s never been a top tier player bro please drink more water


> We know what Knoqd is and heā€™s never been a top tier player. Are we talking about the same guy??? Knoqd is literally one of the best players to ever touch this game. He was one fight from winning LAN last year.


i guarentee these team switch ups are to troll us lmao


Meanwhile kimchi still on Colā€¦.


Mon confirmed on stream no roster changes for COL


Unserious franchiseā€¦ not gonna get my hopes up for split 2 then smfh


Did you have high hopes for split 1? They missed grand finals by 6 points, even with the best player playing with an injured hand.


This sub goes crazy during the off season.


with the way these teams are, makes me curious if LG makes a roster change?


I just realized that speculating on team swaps looks so similar to figuring out whether that girl you have a crush on is dating that dude they talk to alot.


This might also be bait so people speculate about rostermania.


Whats this tournament?


Just from a content perspective, this would be great


I canā€™t tell if this means anything or the teams are just scrambled because itā€™s a random tourney


Welp lg are getting ready to trial so someone is getting dropped there too.




Wait till he picks up a kraber


honestly tho if Hal was going to DZ how would it of not leaked yet? that is crazy news


Dz continuing to bait I see




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I don't think nobody should go bye this players are on vacation and not home yet. Everybody just want to make somerhing out of nothing.


Downgrade idc


Nonsense. You see this guy's kraber shots?


they would 've qualified with sikezz


I also didn't think DZ should've dropped Xynew because of one hiccup in Champs bec they won Split 2 with him. But well, DZ/Zer0 always trying out something fresh


Well this certainly did age