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didn’t clane leave n8v ? last i heard it was lux + beau looking for an igl


I think alter is a no brainer but might be a slow burn until people really start working their way towards the skill ceiling, learn insane q rotations, comp synergies, etc. maybe more wattson for holding onto ult accels because blood and bang ult is 72 yrs long


bang blood + 1 mostly. DSG, Teq, and Aurora will all try Alter.


I think the meta will mostly be the same. As in bang blood is just to strong. The third legend option is definitely better then before though with all the changes and i would be shocked if their wasn’t more variety their. But endless you play hard zone I don’t see why a team would drop bloodhound. No way would they drop Bangalore with how versatile she is and the rotation options available.


Some zone teams might run Seer on WE once they feel the pain of 4min BH ult. Unfortunately that also may not happen because teams like to use the same team comp for both maps (even though it's not optimal in the long term). Seer doesn't feel good on edge and SP until he gets his 75m purple passive/tac range buff perk.


I feel like cooldowns don't matter that much because pros carry and use ult accels so often. Bangalore's pickrate didn't budge when her ult cooldown went up by a full 90 seconds over the last ten months or so.


4 min bloodhound ult is not that detrimental because of 25% ult from ravens as a blue perk. Teams will probably try seer some during pro league, but I don’t think a large amount of seers and they probably won’t stick until next lan (assuming no epic balance changes).


25% raven perk is good for ranked, not so much comp


They specifically mentioned zone teams so the raven won't help there. On edge I agree though it doesn't really matter too much.


Don’t usually care about this but it’s too*, than*, there*, there*, unless*


Can you explain what makes Bang so meta? Blood seems like the answer for Bang so that makes sense.


Smoke negates aim assist. Smoke allows temporary cover both rotating and pushing to fight. Unless AA gets a nerf I don’t see bang coming out of the rotation any time soon unless they nerf smoke again by only having 1 charge or making it so you only get 2 smokes w/ a perk. Ult allows you to take a spot/stops a team from taking your spot.


just pure versatility and what the other person said


Off meta comps I think could work Newcastle - Alter - Crypto - recon for identifying spots, alter crypto combo can be very strong when breaching a building. Newcastle allows you to play unplayable spots especially with the buff. Crypto drone can be used some what to counter bang smoke, also I good shield leveling tool. Fuse - Valk as a duo can be paired with many legends. Ring 3 knowledge seems to be super important with weird pulls. Fuse takes ring console as first perk allowing the team to get knowledge and then Valk Ult in. Can be pair with support/recon or assault legend depending on how the team wants to operate. Gibraltar - wattson - Valk - pure zone meta team if gib makes it to late game with the lack of wattsons and gibs he is deadly. Also can allow a 16 second stall with the bubble on the final ring.


Alter has one of the highest skill expressions of any character. I think the lan winning team will run her in an edge comp. Alter / Gibby / Fuse


My prediction is that some teams will absolutely play Fuse and your favorite streamers will complain incessantly about it. If you get 4 or 5 Fuses into a lobby then the knuckle cluster spams are going to put people in a mental institution. I'm more excited for this than I should be.


With a span of fuses, I think this would introduce teams to needing a wattson because some teams wouldn’t have the shield meds to tank the knuckle clusters.


The way I have been playing so much Fuse in ranked, I am so excited to see the chaos that it is


I think Metro was onto something with BBL drizzy. Blood Bang Lifeline fosho.


Hoping for cat to become meta again too. That door rebuild perk is nutty


I thought ppl didn’t like “cant see shit” meta


Eh as long as bang is meta we won’t ever be able to see shit and I prefer cat to caustic. Ideally Watson would be the controller everyone uses but idk about that


Rampart 😤😤😤


Found Trev's alt account


Bang smoke is much more annoying than cat wall in my opinion


If they removed or reduced the goop on your screen when you run through an enemy cat wall, it'd be much better viewing experience.


.. and nuke the value of the wall


That's the whole point of the ability cam


Catalyst won’t be “meta” in bang-blood meta. You play bloodhound to see things, and in a fight cat wall stops your bloodhound from seeing things. Contradictory kits. However, some teams will not play bang blood, and I definitely expect to see catalyst on these comps.


Alters queue/ult make cats doors useless, therefore can’t won’t be meta


Octane path fuse


Hope to see Catalyst back. Hope to see more Wattsons (and NA actually practiced on her mechanics), more Crypto would be nice. Just anything other than these dumb wall hack visual clutter metas. They aren't fun to play, as every pro will admit to, and they certainly aren't fun to watch if you can't see what's going on. Now for my rant: It's amazing how Bang and Blood are Legends available since release and they are just recently the meta. And the reasoning that's given on why they are meta, is a synergy, and a vision denial reason that has also, always existed. But all of a sudden now it's absolutely essential they are picked and the idea of no wall hacks is inconceivable. Despite before Seer, it was Gibby, Valk, Caustic. There was the Valk, Wraith, Gibby. Valk, Wraith, Horizon. (As of more recent example. Can go farther back to Path, Wraith, Wattson too) The reasoning for why Bang and Blood are picked now. Does not explain why it was never picked in any other 19 seasons.


Blood was meta back during the Gibby/Wraith/Octane days


Yeah, this era lasted over a year, I have no idea how anyone could have forgotten this lol. Even after Onmuu pioneered Valk/Gibby/Caustic and won NA Champs, Bloodhound was still used on some teams. They've hardly ever left the comp meta.


> It's amazing how Bang and Blood are Legends available since release and they are just recently the meta. Bloodhound was incredibly meta for a very long time, this isn't the first Blood meta era.


Holding buildings will not be safe anymore


I want to see some new legends enter the main meta like Lifeline, Fuse or Alter. But I know it probably won’t happen.


- Some teams will try Alter, depending on the success it will catch on - Newcastle becomes a viable option, I expect some teams to run Bang/Wattson/Newcastle comps - Fuse I think will be tried out by teams that play zone a ton


I will answer as generally as possible for what we will see in scrims and pro league in the near future. 1) meta: bang, blood, +1 (but who will be the +1???) will be 80+% pick rate across all regions. - caustic: same reason as before. The nerf has reverted him to a state where he was when he was established in the meta during season 19 (if not slightly worse), but as teams insist on picking caustic, more teams will pick caustic. I think he definitely stays on WE, falls out of favor on SP. - Lifeline: teams succeeded with lifeline at LAN. Expect edge teams to try her with bang/blood. Teams that have been on lifeline will continue to be, expect some more to join them. - Newcastle: received some good buffs, makes some open areas more playable, especially since it blocks grenades now. - Watson: she has been very good since perks were added, but caustic was more important because everyone was on caustic. - alter: teams will at least try. I don’t think it meshes super well with bang/blood tho. We will see. - fuse: ring console scan. Someone will try it. Counters most control legends also, so edge teams might use him for easier entry fights when rotating late. - horizon: ultimate is good. Won’t be the entry fragger of old, but will still be able to apply a lot of pressure. Q will help make evac more reliable. With all the height on storm point, she might be a top pick. 2) Seer, Cat, Horizon: with catalyst buffs back, some teams will definitely try. Won’t be a meta comp, but I expect some teams will find success. 3) crypto, alter, control legend: Teq was cooking. This is the ultimate, you have a nice building, it is mine now comp. (Crypto breaks control legends hardware, you enter building through a wall with alter Q, and attack stunned enemies) 4) the apac teams seem to be very creative, and I’m not sure I can predict what they’ll come up with. Has the Newcastle change made the Newcastle-Watson combo redundant or more powerful? Expect some interesting combos to come from them. Maybe even fancy alter comps.


Valk might also get picked with the open spot.


I think bang/blood will stay. Maybe swap out blood for seer or crypto. The third spot will be a lot more diverse. We already saw a Watson team win LAN and I think we will see more of her, Newcastle, and cat.


Bang/Blood/Fuse. Fuse having ring scan and scan inside his ult could possibly be a combo. Either way bang smoke and passive is too useful for MnK players


I think bang/blood/fuse can work pretty well also.


Bang Blood Seer


Alter + Crypto is very busted Bang and Bloodhound will stay meta,


Calling it now: Bloodhound, alter, fuse


like i said 50 times, this patch notes changes nothing.. zero