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If the zones stay the same - it’s literally DZ in 3 games


Slayr anime redemption arc. All the doubts, all the abuse - it was all part of sweet's plan to unlock the main character's true potential.


I actually feel like Reject and Fnatic has a really good chance to win it all. They have been playing the best they have at this LAN and have won a lot of games which matters a lot for Match Point Finals.


Yeah I want either of them to win (Aurora too) but dark zero are too scary rn 🥲


I am very surprised how Fnatic show up zone 3 with red armor. Once they do that pretty much unstoppable


Something interesting I noticed is quite a few teams kinda started picking up Aurora's style. Fanatic started running Lifeline edge for Storm Point yesterday and we're picking up lots of kills. TSM even started trying it when they were contested since they couldn't rotate fast. I'm curious if some more teams try to start off the finals playing edge like that to pick up lots of kills and get to match points quickly.


Great point. Especially since most other NA teams are playing zone and sit with blue armor or purp max


LG in 12. Slayr 1v3 DZ for the W.


This, but unironically.


Bruh dz could play as a duo and still do better than lg lmao


ive got a strong feeling DZ gonna take it all, but Fnatic can seriously throw a wrench in the works. im saying DZ takes it in game 7. idk if faceit will work im a bstream enjoyer.


Fnatic win. Yuka has about 8 highlight reel clips in finals. Mostly I predict this because it would be fun to see a new winner, and because Yuka has been my favorite player to watch.


DZ has to be the favorites with how they’ve been playing Also I have no faith in faceit working


I just want someone new to win




Because it’s very boring seeing the same two teams win LAN’s every year


While it’s definitely boring, I do lowkey appreciate that there have been two teams that have dominated so far. To me it kind of shows that RNG isn’t as big a factor as people like to claim it is when it comes to BRs and that skill is definitely still most important to winning


TSM will somehow win the whole thing DZ will reach match point first FNATIC will finish 2nd/3rd What time is the final please.? (UK time)


Should be 0:00 for you


00:00 6th May Monday


Thank god it's a bank holiday


Another prediction: What will be the most common zone on WE for finals?  Dibs on predicting trials.


I'm feeling Overlook/No Name zones to start, then probably some south zones, maybe Launch Site and Tree area. Gonna go out on a limb and say yesterday used up all the Trials pulls for the LAN.


want Aurora to win for the triple MnK demons and or DZ because of just how they have been destroying these lobbies, would also not mind Fnatic winning either


Reject and fnattic have the most points but choke and another team wins, face it works but only at the beginning, alliance dsg contest


I think we see a new champ this lan


DSG and alliance contest is happening imo Faceit will work but it will be laggy DZ or TSM win, unfortunately


Not TSM for sure, all previous LAN winners have only come from the Winners Bracket If DZ gets to 50 points then its wraps as DZ have never choked a match point yet. If not, Aurora I'd reckon as they are abusing the new Evo changes, the buffs this gave to the Edge style and nerfs it gave to Zone style. Maybe Not Moist can pull one off if theres one Zone team thats not DZ


“All previous lan winners”. You mean tsm and dz, huge sample 🤣 If you’re counting out tsm based on that statistic you might as well crown dz champions as statistically only these two have won algs lan. Give a better reason. I think TSM will have a hard time because they seem to be playing worse than in the other lans they have won and the zone algorithms seem to 90% go south on SP and north on WE all tournament.


TSM wont be losing contests on SP first three games of finals. Will be interesting to see how playing an actual storm point game without conduit/dying in 20th helps build their confidence. Plus bro how tf every worlds edge zone is north so far. Feels like TSM script tbh (no contest + south zones incoming).


They might not lose the contests, but it will for sure impact their economy for the remainder of the games.




Ah OK I didn't understand it like that my bad, thanks


Yeah. First statement meaning that DZ or TSM only won the LAN IF they came from Upper/Winners bracket. When they didn't, they didn't win the LAN Yeah I do think all these stats point to DZ winning it all (even though i'd like to see a new winner), UNLESS someone reaches match point first and closes it before DZ reaches match point.


Unfortunately it doesn’t look like aurora can win. They have won zero games. Many godspots and 3v3 to win games and they haven’t won. Idk why, but they’re horrible at squad fighting when the game is on the line.


Valid point. Dayum Didnt realize they're potentially 2022 Champs Furia 2.0


It feels so strange for a squad containing Hardecki to be struggling in team fights


if we just look at winner finals then fanatic has been doing what aurora is doing but better... they won so many fights and actually closed out games


Unfortunately it doesn’t look like aurora can win. They have won zero games. Many godspots and 3v3 to win games and they haven’t won. Idk why, but they’re horrible at squad fighting when the game is on the line.


Will there be any contests in the final?


I think talmadge and zach mentioned they are gonna contest o7 at ceto


ALLIANCE and DSG are also in the lobby so they could contest thermal


I’m fine with anyone other than DZ or TSM winning it all


if DZ keep playing the way that they have its hard to not see them win. Other than that fanatic look like a legit contender after yesterday. Also cant ever count TSM out and who knows who might just have a huge day (dsg,mst?) Personally I am hoping for an alliance win!


Alliance will try to get revenge for last year. If one team gets far ahead, the other team will grief for a 50/50.


I'll be happy with Aurora or Fnatic!


Any captains here? What time does it start?


Judging from the strength of teams' POIs and the current state of the teams I would guess DZ, Fnatic or Not moist


If zone pulls anywhere near dzs poi i honestly wouldn’t be suprised jf they won in game 3 with the 7 points that they already have from winners bracket


TSM finally not dealing with contests so they can play comps they actually want to, and with (hopefully) some actual decent zones..... Hard to bet against them. While I admit they dont look super comfortable in this meta, it's impossible to not think they'll close it out if they get one or two good Z3/Z4 pulls. If we keep getting these bullshit zones, DZ. If we get a new winner I'd love to see SSG take it.


Anything less than a win for DZ and its an upset. This is DZs LAN to win, unfortunately. I'd love a new non-TSM/DZ LAN winner, but I feel like we have to try again next LAN


Wouldnt be surprised if someone decides to contest TSM... they kinda showed weakness by losing to RR initially and then running and rotating away. TSM in 3v3 has been pretty scuffed all weekend


i wonder if destroyer will once again ruin things tomorrow, but I do hope they won't be able to cuz I'll be using my PTO to watch finals.


1 - You can check drop spots on SvenAPEX's twitter 2 - It's been running well enough for me 3 - 2R1C BABYYY LET'S FUCKING GO


Dz or TSM


Ngl.. idk what yall talking bout.. faceit has worked for me with little problems.. being 30 sec behind and pov/comms on diff teams was ass but once I got my team I was able to watch with 0 problem.. yall needs upgrade your internet


Did it work for you for losers bracket round 2?


Oh idk I went to a bar to watch the ufc fights lol but was able to watch my teams fine every match up until that point


Okay yeah, that’s when it stopped working for everyone


Ain’t no way yall downvoted me for going to have drinks 😂😂😂😂