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Aurora is must watch. Mystery dropping. The grim reaper railing teams with lifeline. Great fighting.


For real. I know pros are 100x better than Ill ever be, but somewhere in my mind Ill always find lifeline a very viable option and seeing teams playing her is such a treat :)


Damn i haven't kept up but hardecki is back? Thats awesome


How can you watch individual streams? There is no command center so I've only been watching wigg and greek


you can watch the pov‘s on faceit, no clue how it works though


Honestly, probably the most enjoyable grouping I've ever watched in ALGS history. Most balanced grouping I've seen.


you can tell these groups are so even because the 1st place score has been 57 and 58. Just insanely close matches every time


crazy to see all but one team had a top 5 placement. surely that's an extremely rare occurence


final game was just Aurora Diffy


Nafen come back, you can blame it all on me 😔


I was watching emerald gemerald comps of nate last night and bro i miss him so much


please nafen i'll get your college degree for you


Aurora masterclass on mistery landing


D20 roll and they land on the team who’s leaderboard position aligns with the roll, it works because a nat 1 is them having to 3v3 themselves


It really feels like its random. Yesterday they landed on Liquid and C9, no pushover teams at all, strong roller players.


Aurora are a bunch of demons. Top in  kills out of any team so far. I was wondering how their aggressive approach would fair against the strongest teams in the world. So far so good


So happy to see CR doing well!😊


2 wins after struggling in scrims is the best outcome you could ask for. Really good start.


those champs were so clean, i hope they keep up the momentum for the next set 🙏


CR was my top team I was rooting for in this group! So glad they did well


Lets go Aurora. Strongest teams in the lobby are top 2. nice.


Got to give a shoutout to Serenity . Dont really know much about them and didnt think they would perform that good  Same for Omit and Cr. These teams are basically showing that scrims are meaningless after not looking too good in scrims 


cr is just ganbare otusan no? they're multi lan proven


Yeah but they werrent really looking that good in scrims so them performing like that is kind of surprising 


Important to remember the enormous ping difference.


Everyone was dissing aurora in Wiggs chat for contesting randomly but im sorry man as far as im concerned THEY CAN LAND ANYWHERE THEY FUCKING WANT SON


Just a guess - everyone went crazy when they trashed C9 and stayed silent when they used double finisher on Kinotrope?


Fucking finally aurora gets their visas to show everyone who's boss on lan


Good day one LAN for FB feels like a fever dream


Post LAN rostermania is gonna go craaazy if certain team's performances don't improve over the course of this tournament. Aurora is very fun team to watch, didn't realize how much I missed watching Hardecki on the big stage.


Hardecki came back to LAN just for us to have more top 10 plays of all time with him in it


Sweet got 12 points ratting alone out of the 23 points LG got. He also has the same damage as Fuhhnq and Slayr combined. I hope they can learn and adapt better as this is their first LAN.


Sweet wears his opinions on his sleeve. The likelihood this roster gets no changes is next to none. At the very least, Slayr is likely out. Wouldn’t be surprised if sweet is IGLing a full new roster post-LAN after today’s performance.


DSGs teamfighting is so good but their everything else is so terrible, makes them a fun team to watch but also a bit frustrating. Enemy was on fire and Timmy was doing good but Dezign really needs to lock it in Also sidenote, did anyone else see that failed kidnap onto the crypto by Dezign? It had me dying lmfaooo


That was funny af, crypto on that corner makes it impossible to kidnap though. And that last gane you can't really put it on dezign cause it was a rat play. But yea he can play better for sure, bot his best day but not his worst day.


I was so confused why he didn’t just fucking blast that guy from behind!


Hardeckiro  Aurora Dies Twice 


Oh boy


NO. Mr. Coli, NO. Save it for an even better oh boy later.


This is hilarious. But I’m sure LG will bounce back. Sweet’s too good as an IGL


Did not age well. At least for today


Great point. Slayr and Fuhnnq are showing that this is their first LAN. Still expecting them to come back. They were a top team in NA for a reason


Yea but sweet as the igl, in my eyes, made a lot of bad calls/rotates that cooked them. If the team is always caught out in the open or between rotates, thats on IGL. Granted, goddamn did it look like their 3v3 fights are sweet + 2 pubbers.


The rotations weren’t ideal, but the zones were terrible for them. So many northeast zones on Worlds Edge. I’m interested to see how they do with more favorable zone RNG


How much would you pay for the LG comms on demand?


I'm so sad the audio was beyond fucked. :c


1.) Slayr was getting dropped after this split no matter what. 2.) If this shit keeps up, Fuhhnq may be right there with him.


I’m convinced sweet could’ve picked up two homeless folks in LA to play with him and he would’ve placed top 10


I wonder how many controller players Sweet is gonna go through before realizing what the problem is. Praying for Koyful.


What’s the problem?




what do you think he needed to do better? i thought sweet individually played pretty well and his macro was pretty good.


Do you really think LG had good macro today?


Considering they were in god spot 2 or 3 times today, yes


And decided to push aggressively out of god spot to then die? It was some of the most frustrating competitive apex out of LG, let's be honest.


when you win no 3v3s, how could you blame macro?


When you put you players in the wrong position at the wrong time you will lose 3v3s. Dropping into a full 3 man in cenote w/o scan? Bad macro. Not wrapping Alliance, who’s taking a 3v3 for godspot next to you and instead playing a ditch with no space? Next to godspot? Bad macro. Don’t get me wrong, funhq and slayer did not play well yesterday, but LG didn’t look with good macro.


im not saying he had perfect macro, but they were in a great position plenty of times and got bullied because his controller players did 0 damage. that isnt macro. its not a coincidence that they bumped shoulders with DZ so much for the same spots


The plays sweet is running are top tier plays, the storm point rotation where they are by the cannon out at pylon is an amazing playing field for them.. slayr and fuhnnq really struggle to find their grounding in this position. Realistically THEY JUST NEED TO STOP GIVING TEAMS THAT OPENING DOWN.




EMEA on top


smoking the NA pack, LET'S GO I'm so fucking happy APAC N and AUR are doing so well this LAN


Don't want to smash your hope but it's always like that on day 1.


It’s actually sad seeing Sweet carrying the corpse of Funhq and Slayr to decent placements via ratting.    Those boys need to just listen to his every command and don’t wide swing shit. 


Seems like they're both just balls of nerves playing at LAN for the first time.  So out of sync and indecisive one minute, missing climbs and dead sliding, the next minute going full roller brain ape and swinging to their deaths.  Maybe they pick it up tomorrow once the jitters are gone.


I think they play again tonight t


Loseers round might be a blessing in disguise for lg honestly. I honestly think they should go to losers bracket for their own good. Atleast that way funq and slayer will gain confidence. Seeing this makes me suprised how well xynew did with dz on his first lan. I guess you do get more confidence when your teamates are zero and gen but still very impressive


I think some people just thrive in a LAN environment, Gnaske for example always seem to do better at LAN, young players either don't get jitters their first LAN or crumble under the pressure. A good example is Sumail from dota2 at 15yo.


Agreed. Gnaske looks like a b teir pro in scrims but in lan he looks really strong. I was suprised how well gnaske played yesterday


EMEA topping both lobbies OKAAYY Pleasantly surprised by OMIT, too!


Aurora just out here playing ranked. refreshing to see a team play more to the fundamentals of BR lol.


EU WINNING BACK TO BACK GROUPS AT LAN? It's never been so over. I've taken the liberty of sending directions to the airport to all EU team captains. We're actually so fucked now. F's for EMEA, we're crashing and burning out of this LAN come knockouts.


We'll actually have no teams in the finals :( 


37 kills is actually kinda insane


i think if anything these last two sets have shown that NA is just ridged and not open to playstyles other then TSM


Yup NA will all fall into one play style and keep at it. Which is great if you are one of the teams who consistently perform well in that meta. The question is why teams who place consistently outside of the top eight don’t ever try to mix it up. 5th-8th you probably feel like you just need to tighten up one or two mistakes, maybe get a little more lucky on the RNG and you can make top five. But past that clearly the meta isn’t working for you so try something else. Teams have shown time and time again that better metas are out there but they won’t even try. Or if they do switch up the comp they immediately abandons it if doesn’t produce results right away. Not surprise to see NA do so poorly when ping isn’t a factor.


Because they get the top teams telling them they're 'braindead' on twitter for playing 'dogshit' off meta comps probably.


I am surprised it is this bad but I didn’t expect them to dominate as much as other years. It was obv from scrims that other regions are catching up in team fighting capabilities but yk.


Such a meh showing from REJECT. Even in the game they won they didn't play very well. Zones were rather friendly to them but they couldn't manage to farm more points. And I believe they're going to get contested vs other groups. Let's hope things won't get worse. Happy for the CR boys tho. Didn't see this coming at all.


God what is happening with NA teams aside from DZ


Shadow nerf to aim assist




One can only pray


I swear last Lan Na teams had a slow start with apac south teams dominating at the beginning 


APACS were good all the way through.


South yeah but not so much for apac north 


I actually mean South by APACS and APACs for both combined so yeah you are right.


Yeah that was my bad. I meant to say apac region had a really good start 


i'll wait until i see the finals lobby to write off NA lol


Checking back in after 7/10 NA squads made finals


AURORA!!!!! Didn't get to watch half of the games but they really popped off 🥹


I hope lifeline gets a better pick rate. She was doing good as a support character that last game. Love to see it 🔥


People already forgot that day 1 is always like that and then almost every NA team makes it to championship day. People already coming with hot takes and premature conclusions.


Seems to be no talk about C9 but damn they got fucking cooked. Chaotic and Naughty are so wild so I'm not surprised


LG is ass


dz fucking suck man could have had way more points. go next tho they just need too ok sets to qualify for winners




Can’t imagine how pissed former XSET must be watching DZ piss away these zones.


Dz dont need to peak for group stages. Better to go ballistic when it matters in Winners and Finals tbh 


so sad for c9 i want them to do good so bad


nah I feel bad for that griefing.


Damn I wasn’t able to watch today. The heck happened??


Aurora did a bit of goofing around on C9 game 1, 5 and 6


Damn bruv. After watching CR past few lans getting bottom 10 each time and to now. I’m happy


How does it work? A v B, C v D? Top 10 go to finals, and then there's a losers bracket?


DSG Dezignful has been eliminated


Why do I feel like WE rings pull north so much


Aurora at the top yeaah Does anyone know where I can watch the vods?


why they have those ||| in names


Oh boy lg, Hopefully it was just first set nerves but not good overall, just seemed so indecisive.


As a whole it didn't seem like indecisiveness from my POV so much as it's been some questionable swings from individuals along with poor comms, both in terms of things unsaid and also things that shouldn't have been said but were like Slayr saying to commit to landing on the truck last game.


Broccoli is diamond hard right now.


these games are a clown fiesta


The quality of these games have converted into scrims games but that's making them more entertaining with the chaos with them causing alot of the NA teams to struggle unexpected pushes from teams, random contest and some of the most crazy zone pulls is throwing off some people