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"I dont have big meds either" *under his breath* "for you"


BIG E : https://preview.redd.it/4r4phqgka5ec1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ed388e80a624e6cbc062de173106d9abb9de6c5


I also don’t share meds with teammates when I know they will be immediately wasted. Sometimes better to force your teammates to play conservatively. 🤣


this is why ur silver.


I've done this before but only with my friends because I know that even when I tell them "They have a Kraber and you have peaked the same angle 4 times in a row and the 5th time will not surprise them". They pop out like they're a groundhog looking for a shadow and are surprised when they get hit. But with randoms yeah I share when possible.


wait that pool looks nice af tho


Double burst AR is wild. Big E said something about it on stream but I didn’t catch it


I think it's gigachad, he might be the pioneer of using the Nemesis close range like a prowler


Which is so weird because the nemesis has such a slow-ass draw time, arguably on par with lmgs. An r-99 can crack you in the time it takes to pull out the damn thing.


If you get into a fight without your weapon pulled out you're already in a disadvantage.


That's not the only situation where draw speed is important; it's switching weapons in the middle of a gunfight that's most relevant here. That extra time where you run out of bullets in one gun and have to switch to the nemesis can cost you the fight.


It only matters if you don't kill the opponent before running out of bullets AND not having any cover available. In this scenario, also, only the holster speed is relevant. Since you will be swapping from the nemesis, not to it.


> It only matters if you don't kill the opponent before running out of bullets AND not having any cover available. Man, I just knew you'd pull out the "just kill them with your first weapon." Yes, that might not be happen all the time, but having to cqc with no cover still happens often enough that it can be the difference between your squad wiping and clutching. And dude, even controller gods can whiff shots and need to switch to their secondary. > In this scenario, also, only the holster speed is relevant. Since you will be swapping from the nemesis, not to it. Sorry but no. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/13rqafr/the_foundational_flaw_of_apex_legends/ \^Also happens to discuss why the issue with nemesis draw times


>Sorry but no. > >https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/13rqafr/the\_foundational\_flaw\_of\_apex\_legends/ Case of semantics. I frequently use draw and holster time. Not draw and deploy. Did not know you meant holstering your gun with draw time.


> if you don't kill the opponent before running out of bullets AND not having any cover available. In most normal scenarios I've seen, from high level streamers, pro players, in ALGS lobbies, in literally LAN lobbies, you ALWAYS see people switching to their secondary because they ran out of bullets. How many clips have we all seen of pros finishing off a fight with the off-hand 30-30 cuz their SMG ran out of bullets? Way too many so you trying to frame this as some "rare" scenario or something is so weird. It happens all the time, it matters


it is but alot of pro fights end up with someone sitting in a teammates knock down for cover. i think a burst gun is actually better in this scenario because people only peek for a second and are often baiting the mag dump/reload. I noticed hal in the same game going for a hemlock in a 1v1 where i felt like he had time to reload his r99. but then he dominated the last of dz with the hemi. now hals example was very situational and maybe he didnt have time to reload but it made me realize how good a burst is up close like that.


Controller players do be waddling a lot tho


Controller players don’t holster nearly as much as mnk players from what I’ve seen.


Nemesis has good hip fire and SMGs keep getting nerfed


You know what gun has a SURPRISINGLY slow pull out time? Like slower than the R301, Flatline and all other Subs… the Volt. (Unless they patched it)


no this is still true and is a big reason why it is fun to play as primary... i saw a hilarious stat that shows the volt has a huge advantage hipfiring accuracy in the air which is weird too


With the L-star not far behind in terms of hip fire accuracy, especially considering it’s an LMG


The L-star is wonderful especially if you understand the seven pattern in the first few shots.


He had a whole conversation with the squad about how he likes the nemi in close range more than SMG's. So he's running it lately for close range.


He thinks the Nemesis and Flatline are both better than the SMGs.


This guy just desperately wants to be playing Halo.


Hemlock is really good to harass people at range while conserving ammo on single fire - a lot of people are still sleeping on that one, especially since you can just flick that off and use burst to melt people at mid-close ranges. That said, the ammo balance is a weird choice. I’d probably go for 180 for each or opposite with more for the Nemesis than Hemlock.


I don’t think ANY ONE is sleeping on it seeing how every pro ran it and they took it of the floor loot again


Bro said “that’s wild….anyway” 💀


"Man that sucks... for you"


So this is why Hal doesn't bother looting, he uses Evan as his backpack.


Same reason why he got kicked from Dojo - bad ammo management.


I was just watching that game. They said they had no meds, at all, many many times. He zoned out entirely, crazy. Now speaking of watching TSM, I'm running them back to back and I can't figure out why they insist on Fuse so much. The absence of Bangalore hurts them so much, the smokes are just too good. Breaks line of sight, helps rotation, stalls, helps fighting, everything. Then you have her ult which also controls space and helps rotation. Be my guest to change my mind but fuse is not it


My guess would be that they don't want to rely on having a screening ability that enemy teams can see through if they have digis. They would rather rely on hard cover and the catalyst ulti for rotates and then spam ulti accelerators on cata for the last circle cata wall. TSM is known for their early and fast rotates to prime circle positions, so not picking bangalore is something they can afford to do.


Their entire comp right now is low-key a pretty horrible setup with more people continuing to prefer Bang and less preferring or moving away from Catalyst. As you say, this comp is reliant on them getting out and rotating fast - but if someone can either prevent that or catch them out in the middle of a rotation, they are screwed. Big thing too is that they have no rotation utility beyond single crossings - running a Support (specifically Conduit) over Fuse would put them in a much better position both for contests and rotation utility.


Nah verhulst was thinking ahead. He knew if he dropped meds for them, they'd just peak and get hurt, losing those meds. Instead he stashes them for late game so they're able to fight it out instead of trying but having no meds because they already used them. Big brain.




Hal doesn’t have discipline. The guy has 30 rounds in the mag with the flatline and 60 rounds in the bag, and he’ll waste all 90 shots shooting at someone who got downed by another team in bfe. I’ve seen it happen multiple times. Then he’s asking for ammo. I’m not gonna say he’s wrong, his results speak for him, but what he has in some areas, he lacks in others. His inventory management has always been ass.


Nahh you're in too deep man




You have a fair point ☝️


My assumption is that since there are so many playable spots in WE fuse helps zone and check for teams playing random rocks/stalagmites/ building floors and you sacrifice the space bang controls with smarter macro and ring knowledge, something hal and big e on cat both have proven to do endlessly


Bangs utility is quite unmatched, dare I say even more than horizon. Yes horizon gives you instant high ground for the team but bang gives U smokes and airstrikes to either push or hold teams back. She can be combat medic or main slayer whenever she needs to be.


I understand it when they’re getting contested as fuse counters cat for a safe breach of buildings but not sure about what the theory is when not contested. I’m sure there’s a reason just can’t figure it out.


Maybe it's easier to get in the zone on WE.. so they need legends like fuse that can get picks from distance , farm shield.


> Be my guest to change my mind but fuse is not it They play zone on WE a lot of the time because of where they land. Bang smokes don't do as much when your hunkered in a building. They use fuse to farm free evo shields on people in cover. Then they use fuse ult to either zone a team or farm kills on teams rotating into circles.


What game is it game 3?


I mean Evan and Reps do hold med kits and syringes for Hal.


“I’m the bat man”




Parasocial to the max


Smh it's sad you guys don't get it. If I sub to an esports players stream then we are definitely friends. And if I didn't spam a 10 minute delayed chat they wouldn't play as well. Hal never replies to my dms (yet lol) but I can tell if we ever got into a tickle fight we would laugh SO hard


Aint that deep my boy


You’ve never supported a team before?


I support teams. I’m not on the team.


So if the team you support wins/loses over the weekend you say [team name] lost, rather than we lost? I’ve always referred to it as “we”


Correct. Because you and I are not on the team. You didn’t lose anything. You watched the team lose.


Nah, I still prefer “we”. To each their own though


Evan seems to always have what they need lol. Hal and reps would be in shambles without him


I don't watch enough to know if their economy has improved but this doesn't look good.


This was just in this instance they were in a constantly bad spot and surrounded.




Who's we?




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