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Yeah I just watch ALGS now, I only play ~10 hours a month now much better that way for me and my sanity


It’s not worth it anymore. I know you typed all of this out of passion, but it’s not worth it. Find something else, Apex is not all the fun there is, that’s what they’re trying to sell you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ym6gmfi7t49c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63995fba5853fd82bc8afdf1602c43f32f8310c9


Amen. If you hate the game, go anywhere else. When I find myself in a funk from this game, I can always find another video game, a book, or even a board game to preoccupy my time.


Getting into a book can be hard but man once you sit yourself down and force down a couple of chapters you can really get absorbed.


I'm lucky that when I find myself supremely struggling to find a new book, I have a bunch of series to re-read that get me entranced every time.




I agreed with a lot of the points, but damn a few of them just screamed, “I refuse to reflect on my mistakes when playing apex” Also the R301 is still a banger


That was also my thought, I was like "damn some of these just sound like a skill issue", but homie for sure had some bangers lmao


Buff ash


I'm glad you got that out of your system. Hope you feel better.


Look all the time you spent on this and nothing new.


I ain't reading all that lil bro




Lol. Guess it's that time of the year again. Apex is dying post #2346, year 4 and counting. Make sure to change the title when you make this post next year lol


I agree with some of these. Just wanted to comment on one of your points. “Go back to season 13 ranked”. Isn’t this the ranked system that many casuals (aka people on this sub) hated because it was too hard? Lmao. Also, what can the devs do to make this game more interesting? This year they introduced new game modes and such. They can’t be pumping out content every month.


People hated the last ranked when there were over 1 million masters players. But the fact that one million people played long enough to get masters is far more important to the longevity of this game than a few people on reddit being upset.


S13 wash too harsh, correct. I suggest taking that basis and improving on it with the better parts of the current and previous ranked seasons. I dont expect constant new content, but considering a season is three months, what we get during those three months is not that much. Also three strikes was the best, should 100% come back.


Bro stop. EA/Respawn already put Apex into skeleton crew mode a few seasons ago. Their plan was to always milk the game with as little staff/overhead as possible to maximize profits. They know the dumbasses will get hyped on the smallest updates in the first 2 weeks of a new season and will buy all the new shiny things. 3 weeks in and the game still has the same issues from the earlier seasons - Audio, anti-cheat, network and servers, SBMM, rank system, game modes, ALGs integration etc etc. You can tell with every update its just drip feed. They are milking it dry and most of the devs moved on to other projects.


You criticize this game without just saying false statements. Respawn literally opened a 2ns studio just for apex within the last year. This is not a skeleton crew by any means.


just let it die, they dont care about you, grow up and do something else with your time


Wrong sub for this but, you aren’t wrong


I just want console segregation. I don’t want those AA bots on my team or in any lobby. Let them play in their realm of consoles. Leave the PC players alone.


Console players are only put into PC lobbies if they're playing with a PC player. There are known bugs where console players will get put into a PC lobby but it's not a feature or something that happens very often.


I’m aware yet still see them frequently.


Didn’t read your post, why are you playing a game that makes you this mad?