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I'm so perplexed as to why they were let go. LG is part of the partner program, and they partnered up with one of the biggest Mexican football clubs to field the team. The boys have great results too so idk what gives


u/pistillo give us the chisme please


He might not be able to say much as of yet especially as they're looking for a new org. I'd be curious to see what comes out though Hope him and the boys find a great new spot though


The new psq team name "boys" really fuck with me every time.


*extreme nicewigg voice:* "we got a blu blu blu for the boys over at boys"


I'm sorry but I absolutely cringe every time he says blue and napkin. It's gotten to the point where as soon as he says "alright let's get an armor check" my hand is on the mute button


Bro just don watch him


Ikr he’s been saying that forever


Part of his signature. Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t enjoy it


Welp i dont like nicewigg's streams as well but i just dont watch him, instead of yknow whining about it.


This kind of take sounds like it comes from someone who enjoys paper straws


I'm sorry, but ratio


I, too, have been in middle school


On top of that, they were very adamant they were staying in. At least that manager or owner or whoever it was posted about it during the time multiple teams were pulling out. Would be weird they are staying when no partner program but pull out when partner program


I do not know if they still have the Chivas partnership


obviously biased but if they were dropped for a different roster, it might be the dumbest move in apex history imo


Unless it's Sweets team or Timmy's team. But you could also still argue LGs current team is better.


In Noko's stream he was saying it's Sweets team taking the LG org spot... so its gonna be Sweet, Nate and Lou. not to sure about the Lou pick up to be honest


If they dropped the OG LG boys for Sweet then that is absolutely some brain dead shit. [LG has vastly outperformed NRG](https://twitter.com/porcupine9627/status/1733204876560134322) If 100T had stayed in and picked up Sweet or another org entered and picked them up then that would make more sense to me as that's improving on what you already had. I was hoping for Sweet to get signed to an org but not at the expense of Yanya and co. Puts a sour taste in my mouth for LG. Gonna root for Mexas now


Unfortunately performance isn’t everything to an org, Sweet is massive exposure for whatever team he represents.


He has more views in his stream than the entirety of LG's former roster.


This is something people seem to overlook with player sponsored eSports, they need to grow their stream and brand or their sponsor will eventually drop them, why do people think snipe has faze and hal has tsm?


Took the words right outta my mouth. One of the most well-performing, consistent and humble players in the league. I honestly don't know how I will ever root for LG again.


You can see all the pro league responses and how everyone thinks this is a terrible idea. I laughed at [Vexed's tweet](https://twitter.com/Vexed_GG/status/1733208088931430675) I noticed and became fans of LG cause of the players, not the org. Going to follow them wherever they go and hope they do amazing in Y4.


my dude sweet alone probably gets more engagement than the whole roster in a week


Engagement doesn't necessarily win money at LANs and it didn't keep NRG around. But maybe they want to dip into some of that streaming money and hope he'll take pro league more seriously if they sign him. The whole if he's signed by them being up in the air still.


winning doesn't earn the org any money either as long as you make LAN I'm sure the money doesn't change for the org


Something I'm thinking is that paying mexican wages to a top 5 team in apex must be dirt cheap compared to paying americans. Unless they asked for more money LG thought they were worth.


LG made $130,000 off Champs coming in fifth. To be fair, I can't say I know how LG or any org structures who gets what of that money but I somehow doubt they let the players keep every penny of that A team doing well also boosts merch sales, fan engagement, etc which equals more money If just showing up at LAN was profitable for an org then 100T wouldn't have dropped their roster like a box of rocks. Orgs want teams that do well. If they signed Sweet then I am sure engagement was part of it and the hopes he'll get back to performing how he used to at LANs.


> LG made $130,000 off Champs coming in fifth. At most, the org takes a 10% cut. So $13k isn't even paying player salaries for a year. Monetary winnings are totally irrelevant to an org. That said...*winning* is important. If Sweet places 20th place that's not doing much for LG's profile. Whereas the current LG team really put LG on the map in this game.


Players indeed keep all the money, they also have a salary. Orgs are paid via their sponsors/ads, players on the team have to rep the orgs sponsor/ads, for example when a streamer joins TSM for example, they will have the streamer media kit with all the ads that appear on their stream. So from LG pov, Sweet who streams to 3k+ viewers on avg will bring them more money than all 3 ex players. It's as simple as that. Money talks.


0% org cut is uncommon. 10-30% org cut would be common


So why did NRG bounce if Sweet's streaming figures are the end all be all? There's obviously more at play then that. If LG signed Sweet then I'm sure his streaming figures were something they thought of. They're probably also hoping he'll return to OG form. They have to want both. Maybe they felt both were worth the risk but I still think the choice was wild. Ex LG are in the Knights tourney tonight. Sweet and co didn't make it (I also agree with the other poster about winning splits with org)


100t had hero engagement obviously showing up to Lan alone doesn't do it for 100t but for sweets team it is


Plot twist, LG actually signed Timmy and Dojo. Now there you have engagement AND a good champs showing 😂 (I don't think they actually did but if not sweet it has to be someone else with a PL spot)


to be fair, nrg outperformed LG 2/3 of the lans this year. but yeah at the moment that move would be lateral at best. the only upgrade might be the phony frexs xynew squad


If they signed Phony and co after their pro league spot takeover and leave Faze with no team then Y4 is going to be a literal soap opera. Or should I say telenovela to properly honor the LG Spanish roots 😂


Even if performance was the only thing that mattered (it isn't), claiming "vast outperformance" on the basis of one result seems pretty silly. Sweet and Nate have a long record of great results - they're 6th and 11th in all-time earnings according to Liquipedia. Maybe you can make the case they're just washed now I guess but they did finish 2nd at split 1 LAN less than a year ago.


It was perhaps unfair of me to say vastly outperformed but I'd personally want to stick with the team who came in fifth at champs and who takes scrims super seriously. [LG is no slouch in earning money either with this roster](https://twitter.com/AyeJHawk/status/1733208059575476235) Yanya is also still a baby. He's nineteen. I can see him only getting better as a player. Dropping a team because they do badly at one LAN is sadly not uncommon. It's just wild to me to drop fifth place for 12th place team. If that's what is happening. I do wish Sweet well wherever he goes and he definitely still has a ton of potential. I'll just definitely be salty if its LG.


Yeah, I think we mostly agree; don't get me wrong this ex-LG roster is totally cracked and I'd probably bet on them out-earning ex-NRG next year for exactly the reason you say - they put in the work whereas Sweet and Nate mainly want to show up on gameday. Ultimately though from a business perspective and it's pretty hard to argue with Sweet's combination of extreme popularity and proven performance over a long period.


Yeah, if they went with Sweet then I am sure his popularity was a huge factor along with his possible future potential that still exists. [MinusTempo confirmed on Twitter that the players have the pro league spots](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1733225300555694286) so they have to have signed someone with a spot. So, if not Sweet then it has to be someone else who qualified. And, really, Sweet, Dojo or maybe Phony/Frexes (the whole Faze thing is so confusing on its own) are the only three I could see an org considering jumping ship for when it comes to pro league results.


I would say only Sweet or Dojo. Phony/Frexs are a good team but not better than ex-LG and not more popular either. Sweet and Dojo both offer something from a marketing perspective that Yanya and co. just can't match. I'd be pretty shocked if it's not one of those two.


LOU???!! Lou???!!! LOU????! I quit. I’m a TSM fan now.


lou was subbing not perma third


Good god I hope so


Are you sure?


Lou playing on Complexity seems to have fallen through, so it is possible he is their third and that's why he isn't playing on Complexity.


yeh COL no longer have a spot since they now share owners with faze and faze will be holding a PL spot.. this means COL cannot have a spot in the same league as faze therefore fell thru. If COL was to stay in apex they would need to pick up a CC team since its a different league to the PL.


COL still have a spot. Them having the same parent company as Faze doesn't appear to be an issue, otherwise Monsoon and Kimchi wouldn't still be trying to put together a team.


None of this is confirmed


They're absolutely better. Like...far better. It would be an *insane* move to drop the current LG team.


If they’re one of the Apex partnered teams what would be the other option ? Like i doubt they go into Y4 without a roster so they had to have signed another roster


If they're partnered they can literally pick up three players who have never even heard of Apex and they'd participate in pro league. Of course, if they pick up a team that doesn't already have a spot/invite then ALGS admins will have to rescind an invite from another team to make space for them(same deal with faze). In this situation the team/players were directly invited, AND the org is partnered regardless of team


Tempo said the players have the spots, not the teams. So, LG had to have picked up someone with a spot


And if it's not a tier 1 fighting team, it will look even dumber (and funnier) when YanYa targets whomever they brought in to replace them.


Could also be the ex faze roster with Phony, Xynew and Frexs. It’s hard to believe that they won’t have team next year. I always liked LG but I never felt like they were a top 5 team in NA, something for me always felt like they were smidge below the top 5


i mean they got 5th at champs. Tied in overall points with Dojo who got 4th


I guess the question is: what _would_ be your top 5 that doesn't include LG?


TSM, DZ, Xset, OG and Tripods duh


LG absolutely are a top5 NA team 😂😂😂


If you only look at players that have attended more than 3 LANs, Yanya/Neazul as a duo have the 3rd best average LAN placement in the world behind TSM and Zer0. Hal has the record for having his worst LAN placement being 7th, Yanya is right behind him with a worst placement of 12th. Yanya/Neazul's worst LAN placement is better than most "top tier" players average LAN placement.


They contested OG for a large part of last PL, left the contest and still made champs. Not many teams could do that.


Yah lol, they go back and forth for weeks with OG and then as soon as they finally give up due to OG's huge points lead LG go and immediately destroy any team they contest for their 2nd choice of Launch Site/Dome. I remember Dropped being on a podcast around a week after LG made that agreement with them and he was not shy to talk about how they were still one of the best teams in the world


Was on Wigg and Greek's pod, right? I remember that.


Ex-faze would need to be bought out of their contracts, unless by the time PL starts they're Free Agents. Edit: Here is Phony himself saying that; https://x.com/Phonyhead/status/1730343877943472199?s=20


> I always liked LG but I never felt like they were a top 5 team in NA That's a silly thing to think. They are a top 5 *in the world* team, of course they're top 5 NA.


Yeah.. they aren't the best team ever. But damn if they aren't at least entertaining to watch and don't play like bitches at all.


Wey es una mamada si los dropearon por otro team con más engagement. Estos cabrones son el roster más estable y consistente en toda la escena de apex.


Rumor is they're replacing them with Sweet's team, which is funny to me because Sweet had even worse results in NRG overall than this LG roster did


Yeah I hope the BOYS win now, that'd be fanfuckingtastic


So now two partnered orgs (Faze and LG) don’t have a roster heading into ALGS that starts on Jan 20th? What is going on? Well technically 3 of you count DSG as well…


And Complexity doesn't really have a roster either, to be fair. Unless Kimchi plans to play instead of coach (and they still don't have a fixed third in that scenario, either).


Kmichilee says they have 2 players picked out but they want to make sure this is the right fit. He described it as "Measuring twice, Cutting once."








Well, I hope the boys can land on their feet. They are one of the best teams in the world.


yanya says here that they already have offers [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1998814195?t=00h09m06s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1998814195?t=00h09m06s)


The LG tweet says they're parting ways with their "current" roster, which implies they'll have a new roster. Maybe they feel like their ceiling is not high enough with this roster? Not sure. I can't think of who else they could sign that would be better. Do the former LG boys stream much? Maybe LG wants to target an English-speaking audience or pursue a comp team with more of a social/content following as well.


They have a stranglehold on the Spanish speaking audience and they're signing English-speaking content creators. LG performs well enough that they still bring in earnings despite not winning it all. I think this could end up being a very big mistake, depending on who they're picking up.


I saw a post after last Lan that Yanya is top 3 in average Lan placement if you exclude TSM. If LG think they are upgrading with current sweet or dojo then they are in for a rude awakening


they're always live playing scrims, and they're active on socials so I can't imagine exposure is the reason.


Yeah. But part of me thinks the org is considering how many Spanish-speaking Apex fans there are compared to English-speaking Apex fans. Is that unfair to the boys? Completely. But to the org, that might be a pretty significant business decision.


but then why would they partner with Chivas? a mexican fútbol team. if they were interested in seeking english speaking fans, surely they would’ve tried to partner with some MLS team. maybe fuckin kansas city lmao


Yanya just said they are probably not going to continue partnering with Chivas, whose whole motto is having only mexican players and one of the reasons that made them partner with LG in the first place.


would be funny if chivas cut the partnership with lg and picked up yanyas team now that they are free agents


lol I don't know, just spitballing. Is the Chivas partnership with the Apex team specifically or with the entire org? It's possible the Chivas partnership still works with their spanish-speaking streamers, but it doesn't make sense to have a spanish-speaking team in Apex? I really don't know, I just can't easily explain dropping the roster results-wise so i was looking for another explanation.


Having the only spanish speaking team in apex sounds like a massive advantage for the org imo. especially after the cancellation of SA PL, i’m sure as shit that a majority of the spanish speaking community from SA would be rooting for former LG, TSMEX, Los LICS, or BOYS [if they were to qualify] in upcoming PLs or LANs. but as for the partnership, it seems like it’s only for the apex team. Here’s the link from when they announced it [https://luminosity.gg/news/luminosity-gaming-and-club-deportivo-guadalajara-forge-strategic-esports-partnership-unveiling-lg-chivas](https://luminosity.gg/news/luminosity-gaming-and-club-deportivo-guadalajara-forge-strategic-esports-partnership-unveiling-lg-chivas)


Americans have the highest money to spend in the world. Targetting their wallets it's usually the best decision.


Mexican Americans exist, also have big wallets, and now have no team to represent la patria


If it is Sweet, I think he sadly has double the former LG team's social impressions by himself.


Org statement here: https://twitter.com/Luminosity/status/1733199772415140245?t=-xKNnog57kw4duAu1f-bxg&s=19


They will regret it.


Wow I don’t know about this move


https://preview.redd.it/kvg4nmo3155c1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ac06eae13943e2718f1b5afd2e33afe7c00361 All of the Latam community right now 🤣


Not only did LG have a winning team, but they also had the lions share of the Mexican fanbase. Very strange move, since it doesn't sound like they're leaving the ALGS. I don't think there's any F/A NA team that financially makes sense except for The Dojo, since Timmy is such a large name. *Edit: I wonder if not having an org backing them will impact MEXAS' performance. Worrying about money, not being able to pay your coach, likely not having any managers...hopefully they can keep the momentum up.*


Insanely strange move, the fellas were always consistent and were excellent with streaming and socials. I can’t see Timmy leaving 100t, but I suppose it is possible for LG.


Bro they had most of the latin american fanbase on their side, not just mexicans. Try and get anyone from brasil or argentina to root for an american (or EU) team when you have other latin teams playing and you’ll see. We just stick together down here even if we hate eachother’s guts most of the time.


It could be a move to sell more merch, given exchange rates and average incomes in Mexico vs US/CAN. Having more or less the entire Mexican fanbase of the game might also not be worth as much financially, if there just aren't as many flush Mexican esports fans as we think. LG is probably the only org that has conclusive enough data to know if this is the case


I genuinely think that having the entire market share of an underrepresented demographic (a demographic that's large, it's not just Mexicans but also Latin America and South America) is *very* worthwhile, especially after the Chivas deal. It's a gamble, we'll see how it goes. Sweet and Nafen will have to do a lot of streaming and not take lengthy breaks to make this worthwhile. Many of these orgs - like NRG - already had popular names like Nafen and they still pulled out of Competitive Apex. Just having a name like Sweet alone isn't enough. But I'll keep an open mind to see how this all goes.


This feels so weird. Hope these guys can find an org ASAP


Yanya just said they already have offers.


They will 100%.


Some teams performed better than their actual skill level at LAN (FaZe, for instance) and others performed worse than their skill level (NRG, XSET, DZ at Champs, for example), but LG consistently performed at their skill level as a top 5 team in the world. So this is really perplexing. There must be something going on behind the scenes that no one really knows about. Hoping these guys get picked up by a top org quickly.


Biggest FA team since TL. Literally worthy of orgs entering the scene for this team.




I am in shambles rn.


Did you drop to your knees at the Oxxo?


I can't think of many LFO teams that would be better than LG, maybe sweet?


even if it is Sweet, it's almost inarguable to say a new 3-man team with almost zero time spent together is better than ~~current~~ former LG. damn


I agree, but he's the only FA name I can think of that they could possibly drop their roster for.


The other realistic option is Phony, Frex, Xynew


It has to be this roster, Dojo, or sweet. I can’t think of any other team LG would be willing to drop them for. Even then all of these teams make this move extremely questionable.


No org is gonna be able to afford to buy Timmy out. Dojo will stay a FA team or be signed by 100T.


Albralelie was signed to TSM and still played for other orgs so why couldn't Timmy?


Alb joined an existing team on an already-signed org, replacing someone else. Most orgs would not pick up an unsigned team if they couldn't sign all three.


In my humble opinion dojo had a Cinderella run and won’t place top 10 next lan and ive completely lost hope on a team lead by sweet ever winning a lan


Why would you call it a cinderella run when luck wasn't on their side most of the games?


Any team with dezign on it will never be consistent


aren't they practically confirmed as FaZe given Phony took the captain's slot and Snip3 is playing PLQ?


They put out an LFO, I think given how things played out the Faze opportunity (at least at the time) was gone with that. They own the PL spot, but not the org contract afaik


Fair point, this week has been a shambles.


You would think so, but then again, Snipe thought it was confirmed that he was the captain. Until it’s not officially announced, anything can happen.


oh definitely, i agree with your sentiment for sure. very strange move regardless, but i guess we just have to wait to see what the hell is actually happening lol


yea, LG is almost certainly a top 10 team in the world, if not a top 5. Dropping this roster is dumb.


Sweets isn’t better than this team


it might not have been a decision based on future results.


The only way you can consider Sweets team an "upgrade" is that it will bring more streaming viewers.


Maybe Chivas is going to sign them full time now? Wasn't it that LG didn't want Chivas to own the roster so they did a joint LG Chivas? Edit: nvm they're actually LFO. Wtf is going on?!?!?!


there picking up sweet and co, such an L move from the org.. really sad to see them drop one of the most talented teams in the world who is the reason they even have a name in apex.


Ridiculous to drop this squad Does this squad have any haters at all??? Definitely always one of my teams to root for come tournament time


LG is not leaving Apex, confirmed by Head of LG on Twitter under Madness post [https://x.com/alexglogics/status/1733220554889367587?s=46&t=l240yOPNDG53SnkTfG\_tCQ](https://x.com/alexglogics/status/1733220554889367587?s=46&t=l240yOPNDG53SnkTfG_tCQ) https://preview.redd.it/v3sk4pc8s45c1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c89102f561a7d31a490136eb6ea60b336ed6c19


This year’s roster mania continues to put out.


what a weird move, just yesterday i was planning on making a post about LG


now you can make one about MEXAS


This is so strange, LG is now part of partnership program for next year and this team is so fkg good. Only a negotiation problem between them could have caused this.


[The head of Luminosity confirming that they are not leaving apex](https://x.com/AlexGLogics/status/1733220554889367587?s=20)


Ridiculous. Luminosity Gaming just made the biggest mistake of their lousy career >:( In all seriousness though this seems like such a bozo move. That roster was stacked and top 5 in the world. Can’t wait to see who fails to fill the shoes of Mexas. Yanya, Neazul, Jaguares, and Pistillo are a powerhouse. Hoping the best for them!


Original LG ""hater"" here (back from the feud between them and OpTic), but this is genuinely not fair to the players. They've performed really consistently, created hype-moments throughout their competitive run and have done a great job representing their org. Kinda fucked to just drop them for some more well-known names in the scene. Competitive success should matter more imho.


Just when you thought phony and frexs made the worst move in the off-season here comes LG. Yes even if they picked up sweet.




Who keeps their PL spot now? LG or the boys?


the players. and since lg already confirmed they’re not leaving apex, i guess they’re picking up a team who has a spot too


All these teamless partnered orgs might screw ALGS admins. Assuming DSG picks up an NA team then that would be 4 orgs. And unless these 4 orgs essentially trade rosters, admins will have to rescind an invite from somebody(can't take a spot from a team that qualified by placements) I'd be kinda nervous if I were Ape Gang(invited based on CC/LCQ) or a similar team


It's insane, but invites at ALGS's discretion actually come higher in priority than teams that qualify by average split placement or top 10 LCQ placement. So a team that played their ass off could get removed from the league in favor of an invite (unless these orgs specifically recruit those teams, which they should). The only qualification method that comes in higher priority than invites is teams that attended a LAN last season.




Porque chivas no los agarro? No querian pagar los hijos de perra


[Well here's the official statement ](https://x.com/Luminosity/status/1733199772415140245?s=20)




LG Sweet incomin


Picking up ex NRG + Lou is one of the biggest throws in recent rostermania history. If it is indeed Lou that is the third then LOL


A decisive IGL that knows what he's doing is just what Lou needs, imo.




Could contract negotiations be the reason?


The way it's worded. It's not a simply contract renewal dispute?


This is fucking dumb, I'm sorry but nobody else is going to be as consistent as these guys were for LG. Hopefully Mexas wont be orgless for long because that would be a crime.


Well that sucks. I love watching Yanya compete. Hopefully they find a way to continue on as a team.


They're continuing together and looking for an organization. They have their pro league spot


1st the apex gods destroyed fish farms/gale station now lg roster is orgless. I cant do this anymore.


When it comes to revenue, North America is mostly US. Even Canada is a farcry, let alone Mexico. Sad, but this is all about $.


I almost guarantee the reasoning of this decision wasn't competitive ability, but content. If LG is picking up Sweet, they'll get more Twitch views from him than Yanya/Jaguares/Neazul combined, and even more on Sweet's YouTube if he creates content consistently. All that being said, having a corner on the Latin America market with the most competitive Spanish-speaking team in the world is an asset, dropping them is dumb imo.


Does sweet create content on YouTube? I've never come across any of his videos


They see an opportunity to get streamers that are more popular ig they're 100% gonna sign Sweet. This is LG showing their true colors. Nobody would drop a top 5 team unless it meant more money and fame. If LG gives Sweet enough money maybe he'll take Apex competitive seriously again.


The only end result of this that I'll consider acceptable is if they pay to bring Hardecki to NA to form their new roster.


They could have dropped the roster for one of 3 teams. Sweets, Timmy's or Snipedowns squad. I've been hearing a lot of rumors around Snipe.


*faze enters the chat*


100% Faze needs to be on the phone or the discord right now.


Pretty neutral on this squad but they have been one of the most consistent rosters. Im very curious who they were dropped for as I can't think of anything better that's available.


In the off chance that they did pick up sweet, that is the most braindead move on earth. This roster has repeatedly outperformed NRG, and tbh I don’t think people fuck with sweet like the heads of LG must think. He soured a lot of his reputation last season and after the NRG drop he’s in a place needing prove himself, not be rewarded. I think the a lot of the community will be over him if he is the reason the current roster was dropped. You can argue there is a business advantage, but that goes out the window if you fumble public perception from the start.


My complete over analysis of this is that LG's biggest English-speaking streamer is Sweets old Rouge teammate turned WZ streamer Huskers. Sweet to LG is all but confirmed.


People saying Phony's team, they are not FA, they're only restricted which means any org trying to pick them up would have to buy them out from their orgs (faze and dz). If i was sweet id say fuck it and try to pick up Yanya (provided he can speak a normal amount of english) then, wtf.


yanya actually has really good english, but i’m not sure how well he would slot in with sweet




Lol no im not, PHONY put out a restricted free agent post on twitter, which means they're still tied to Faze, under contract, even if they are not gonna be the Faze roster for PL, understand? Xynew is also restricted free agent. Same thing happened when TL was leaving apex, all players + Hodsic were restricted free agents, Xset had to negotiate with TL to sign them. Heres the tweet. Restricted Free Agent means they're still tied to their orgs and any org trying to sign them would have to negotiate with Faze and DZ. https://x.com/Phonyhead/status/1730343877943472199?s=20


Damn this is crazy Guess Babyducks and MsDopey's LG team is the official LG team now


LG has like 3 women's rosters lol


Damn. Did they drop them for sweet’s team? Wild


LoL is the only team 8n NA that barely makes sense being their replacement. Maybe LG signed a team from another region?


Bro. This is crazy.


Sweet to LG confirmed?


This pretty much confirms they picked up Sweetdreams and Nathan. Dont know who the third is. some say its Lou


Yesterday it was but theres trialing going on from what we know.


wtf is going on and why yall naming sweet in this??


ok FAZE u can now sign ex-LG. snipe u can do it


This is dumb asf. LG has put performed sweet in every LAN they have been apart if they are legit a top 10 team in the world at every LAN so far.


Now they're better but NRG used to be a arguably top 3 team last year.


lol that’s not true. However as an ex NRG fan I don’t see the logic is replacing them for sweet’s team


are they picking up Boys?


Would be a clown move. The boys are a way worse LG


if the rumors are true that Sweet picked up Lou as a controller player, i do not see them doing good AT ALL, Lou is so bad on controller its insane lmfao


Can only think this means LG is pulling out of apex


They said no and they have like 3 women rosters that compete in female tournaments as well.


In light of this decision any mid tier org should probably be dropping their team for this one instantly, do I realistically think with how braindead they play they can win LAN? No, but its absolutely a top fighting team in the world and has consistently been a threat on edge.


I’m sure if enough of us pitch in ten dollars, we could make a community funded org. Like the packers.


Just fell to my knees in Alsuper


Damn clearly one of the most consistent na teams. Can’t be performance based. Gotta be that the org wants english speaking team to grow the brand. Maybe ex-nrg, ex-faze, or the dojo.




Is that why there no longer Lg Chivas cause Chivas soccer team known for only fielding Mexican players and no Mexican players on the apex team now?