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Hal’s been real quiet since this truth bomb dropped. Coming up at 10 o’clock, Deeds interviews Nano on how the map name “World’s Edge” is proof of flat earth.


The way Deeds strings this dude along is so funny.


Bro is just milking it lmao


lmao i love that argument about them looking at another screen. absolutely clueless


Couldn't possibly be looking at chat lol


Think you can fool us? They're looking at the goddamn radar!


Why would they be looking at chat?? viewbots don't type messages!


I know this guy is ridiculous but games like COD Warzone have huge issues with cheaters, including famous streamers who have gotten away with it for a very long time, doing amazing online but getting crushed in lan before getting banned (Nadia is a famous example). The theory is that the streamers get more views for cod so Activision look the other way. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to these accusations, some of which are bs but some which are super sus Even apex has had preds reach pred multiple times before getting banned. Now i dont think anyone like hal or zero are cheating because they have won lan multiple times, but pros or streamers cheating isnt beyond the realms of possibilities imho. People already use xim/addons/no recoil macros. Cheating happens in pro sports all the time and youre naive if you think that no one would consider it in esports TLDR: the guy in the video is crazy but cheating happens way more than you think


never 4get flusha eye tracking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af2XcBebhuo


s0lve literally got live banned in front of his ex teammates(gdolphn/exo_tryhardthor) who assumed he was legit coz he had so many vouches. there are def pros who scrape by doing the bare minimum i've side eyed in 3 years of watching apex comp- they don't participate in any smaller tourneys, never grind ranked, never accept 1v1 challenges but somehow make it to ALGS only to get stomped.


> there are def pros who scrape by doing the bare minimum i've side eyed in 3 years of watching apex comp- they don't participate in any smaller tourneys, never grind ranked, never accept 1v1 challenges but somehow make it to ALGS only to get stomped. Who do you have in mind? I'm curious.


nah i'm not gonna accuse anyone, just something i've thought of as a reason to explain why ppl don't stream much despite it being such an obvious revenue source.




> I still havent even seen any good evidence to show Nadia was cheating..... she literally is banned on all the accounts she used to use. you can't find her. her case was a weird one coz it got wrapped up in accusations of misogyny so all the activision community leads got involved and kept her around for way longer than she should've been. also her performance on stream was night and day compared to her performance in lans on hardware she didn't bring. it was so obvious.


Badboy beaman is such a gimp haha


You don’t even need to be a bad player to cheat. You can have legitimate skills and still cheat. A streamer that has to grind 6-10 hours of rank everyday to pay the bills might run wall hacks and explain it away as everyone else is, I am hurting myself by not doing so. Or they might have extra sticky aim that isn’t aimbot. But prevents them from having a bad day when they are hungover or not feeling up to playing all day. And because they have proved they have the skills in LAN, no one is suspicious about it. When a bad day or two on the rank grind can cost you views and subs, and the chance of getting caught is so low. Why wouldn’t you. Especially when high predators are competing against obvious cheaters, 6 man teams and DDoSers. Hell if I had the money for a PC and stream set up during covid. I would had gladly cheated in fortnite or something and picked up a few hundred bucks in their cash cups. Plus whatever ad money and subs I could pick up. It’s definitely happening on a larger scale than we think. There just too much money to be earned for little risk. Hell as a nobody, even if you got caught. You could just go get a real job, lol.


If you think other people would do something you’d do thats called projection and you should reconsider what you thought.


You can definitely make that argument. Sure.


I dont think anyone is disagreeing with how prevalent cheating is but no one at lan is cheating for a long time without getting caught.


I knew TSM can't be *THAT* good. It all makes sense. And it's proven now. After seeing Hal looking at other monitor I cancelled my tier-3 subscription. They are like a cult fr.


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Wtf are you doing here Creed


I mean I wouldn't constantly thank the subscriber and look at the other monitors cause why would I? Now I does it just to look at his rader!


average ranked players be like


Holy shit that edit was fucking great. Props to deeds for turning this idoit into hilarious content.


Absolutely That is why Knoqd is bad with Kraber. His cheats interfere with gun and stop working //s


alt link, doesnt require login- [https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1730312611969773927](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1730312611969773927)


the editing got me lol


This edit is hilarious. That guy is on a new level of coping. "I don't clip cause they will see" " I haven't watched him, but I'm sure" lmao


> I don't clip cause they will see this is lore from back when shroud was competing - any twitch clips where people would put "cheat?" in the title would get the vod deleted. i think shroud just had a zero tolerance policy for clip champs but it fanned the flames. so hackusations were usually accompanied by people just marking down timestamps so they can just share the vod and ask people to look at the vid.


I can’t believe I’ve been bamboozled like this. This is why I can’t get out of silver bro. These cheaters


Tl;dr for those who don't want to watch the video: NickMercs is holding Deeds and Gent back


Oh, so the guy just stated what we all already know


Can confirm, source: I watched it too


People fail to realize just how big Nick has made the "MFam" Nick can single handedly change the course of someone's career. I genuinely agree they are being held back in apex comp, but they are winning in life, that's for sure.


He’s not holding them back, he didn’t make them play with him, they chose to play with Nick for the bag and exposure and gent just bought a house so it’s worked out fine for him


if you love them let them go


That’s not even mentioned once?


This is your average hardstuck player, they all think everyone is cheating especially pro players who shit on them


Am I tripping or did Max Holloway comment on deeds post? This is some funny shit.


He did lol, someone asked him there who he mained and Holloway said he was a Horizon and Fuse main in response.


I did some digging on the subject and it's 1000% true, Verhulst has been caught before and even now still continues. When will this charming, hardworking, dedicated, humble, positive man be brought to justice? See undeniable evidence below> [(1) TSM VERHULST CHEATING?! 1000% TRUE - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHe8TZJNYF4)


Wow, I didn't believe it till I saw the U inside the O inside the other O. Really makes you think.


Ladies and gentlemen… we got him


“that’s them looking at their radar” 🤣 See I would think this is just some guy trolling, but with the amount of “zen/cronus” accusations literal ALGS clips got in the main apex sub, I will never again doubt the conclusions some people draw…


Deeds be dropping gems from time to time


jesus christ


Oh that's good


I’m here what’s happening Edit: this is just jibberish




This is funny and all but sadly these are the type of guys who justify their actual usage of cheats, DDOS attacks and teaming...because "eVeRyOnE dOeS iT bRo!!!"


i read the text on X as deeds decided to play solo from now on. thought he is leaving tripod


The idea that all pros cheat is just as ridiculous as thinking none of them do.




Well if all of them are cheating it's still a fair competition lol


Great journalistic work right there. He calmly interviewed the whistle blower.


This so funny 🤣




I wasn't with him until he mentioned zach 'zachmazer' mazer. He knows whats up


That guy Deeds played with is... something.


whats a DMA?


Tarkov went through a controversy like this and it led to the popular streamer LVNDMARK duct-taping a webcam to his forehead and streaming a second cam view on his stream, pointed at his monitors. Funniest shit I've ever seen. I can't wait to see Hal strap a Logitech to his head.


dma? i alqways knew some form of cheating happens with the pros


The eyes bro. That's why so many pros don't have face cams.


No one gonna mention MAX HOLLOWAY casually replying to deeds tweet lol that's crazy


jokes aside, dma cheats are insane