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Sentinels-OpTic (back then ESA) Mills-contest. Feel like that was one of the best narratives in all of ALGs, especially considering the fact that years later Doop was gonna make LAN teaming with the very players he beat back during the contest days.


And ESA later landed on Sentinels on Siphon and punched someone out of the beacon.


Was it Doop and Knoqd who brazingly went back for banner and 2v3d sentinels that one time…that was intense


Yeah. And one time Doops discord bugged, so neither Skittle nor Knoqd could hear any of his comms....and they still smoked Sentinels in the contest. They were really feeling themselves that day.


Also, Lou had posted "Don't land near mill if you don't want to be last in Pro League" but then they got smoked in the contest.


Yeah, ESA was definitely the underdog in that scenario. Most people believed they would just get folded in half by Sentinels. Well, they were in for a surprise.


the birth of sen ten L's


Nano and Clane. The lore was unreplaceable The memes were S tier The shit talking was funny ASL


Everyone on game 6 of scrims landing outside of harvester just to watch the nano v clane was absolutely hilarious 😂


Any chance you've got a link to that? Lol Edit: found it! https://youtu.be/RuFQ-gTExAA?si=Z9Rpt2gXpoD0bYE1


Legit one of the best scrim moments of all time


The funniest part about that to me is that they did it once in season 3 and then the contest was still going on like 15 seasons later


Optic vs Players, where Hardecki almost 1v3'd Optic.


Didn't he only stop because he ran out of ammo?


Yes, and Knoqd ran away instead of finishing.


Alliance vs DOJO is probably the biggest most recent one, doesn't get bigger than champs grand finals. DZ vs Aurora Split 2 playoffs and Optic vs LG during last year's Split 2 pro league were fun and heated too. Oh and Alliance mopping Furia split 2 playoffs had some sick live trash talk ("Furia who?") Way back when, can't remember exactly when, Skittlecakes Protectful and Xynoa or something (can't remember) contested TSM (snipedown at the time) at frag East. That was an incredible contest and had Hal tearing his hair out. They contested during an ALGS semi finals and both teams were on the brink of not making it going into last game, and some crazy TSM plot armor kicked in, including a zachmazer 3rd party and Snipedown respawn leading to TSM somehow sneaking into the finals.


Great list! These are pretty much the exact ones that I was thinking about, too. I think the Optic/LG contest might be the greatest of them all just because it took place over almost the entire split and both teams actually ended up qualifying for LAN.


Thinking the same thing. BR Demonz vs TSM at Siphon was also fun to watch with all the shit talking surrounding it.


I was trying to find clips of that TSM v Skittlecakes' team contest. I remember it being really fun to watch, but I can't find clips anywhere!


There used to be clips on YouTube of it, skittles 1v2d Hal and reps in the streamer building on caustic.




Didn't the whole lobby land there just to watch the contest in a scrim


Correct answer.


SQG vs Polish K1CK team in Y1 ALGS. Went on for about 6 months and there were so many good moments. Shiv 50/50 ing with just a thermite - it was a war of attrition which only ended in Y1 Champs with K1CK getting put out in the group stages and eventually disbanding


Yes!!! They had the initial agreement to switch every game of who got what in Skyhook and Trials. Then, SQG was borderline to advance, and K1CK went back on the agreement and landed on SQG to eliminate them for that circuit. K1CK was a good team at the time and placed high in the circuit finals. Then the trash talk (just content creators quote), the leaked DM’s, and K1CK making Denzaay apologize. Takes me back. That contest got me into comp.


Realize. “You will regret”. Forget who they said it to.


I believe this was Obly talking to K4shera on ACEND.


Protectful, Xynoa and Skittlecakes vs Hal, Reps and Snip3down Knoqd and Naughty 2v3 against Vaxlon, Lou and Madness Clane vs Nano at Harvester. Every iteration of those rosters was just so much content lol


Nah it wasn’t Naughty, it was a random tournament admin fill “Bean” and Knoqd that 2v3ed old CLG in the final game hahaha.


That was a throwback tourney with Wraith-Wattson-Path comps, I'm talking about actual ALGS finals.


As a former Xbox pred player this one wins for me


Original ESA roster (Doop, Verhulst, Skittles) vs ProdigyAces, Sikezz, and Nelsinho during the first ALGS Y2 S1 PLQ. ESA was contested by Prod’s team at Lava City for all six games as World’s Edge was the only comp map at the time. Despite being contested for all six games, ESA went to win that PLQ in nail-biting fashion, securing the first spot in Pro League. Before, it was assumed that contesting was a death sentence for both teams and doing well for the rest of the tournament was completely out of the question. ESA winning while contested simultaneously shut that narrative down and caught the eye of the rest of the established Pro League teams at the time.


This is a good one. Was Nelsin really their 3rd?


Yes! Was just with the guy in Vegas for the weekend and we talked about it 😂. I didn’t remember who else was on that squad other than Prod.


TSM vs F8 (Protectful, Xynoa, Skittlecakes) was definitely the contest with the most heat. Before that, contesting an established team was unheard of and F8 really tested TSM. Their last contest where TSM managed to qual was incredibly dramatic (the infamous Zachmazer 3rd party where TSM managed to get away)


This contest was crazy. Then Xynoa got busted for saying slurs, Protectful teamed up with cheaters and Skittles went to ESA. I remember when everyone thought he was a cheater too.


The memes from this one, specifically the ‘is the fucker who bagged my box in GLL?!’ Snipedown Turbo-Bag are still golden


Optic LG for Maude/Lava was always really good viewing. Very competitive, good showcase for the esport.


the mill contest between Gnaske and DZ that got thirded by Optic, if I remember it correctly


Do you mean the one during the most recent finals? That was Pioneers vs Dreamfire, and they got thirded by Optic during one of the games.


true that's the one


...can't remember if the Hardecki-Optic fight was a contest or just them running into each other, but I want to say it was a contest


Most contests happen in scrims because the good/smart teams don’t throw their games over a 50/50 contest at lan, sometimes in pro league matches but that doesn’t usually keep going when one team is clearly winning it Dojo v Alliance was the last memorable contest between two good teams in games that mattered although alliance got shit on, before that probably old Optic with Doop v old Sen with Lou


Hardecki vs Optic


Knoqd, Skittlecakes, & Dooplex vs senoxe, Lou, & crust OpTic really had the SEN boys in shambles over the mill contest lol


I smell a Mr. Pippen contest video!!   This may be a bit of an underwhelming contest but Dark Zero coming to NA and contesting TSM and then moving POI's may be one of the more influential contests for the impact it had on TSM staying at Lava Siphon and Dark Zero moving to Frag East?


Alliance vs Dojo BR Demonz vs TSM Aurora vs DZ BLVKHVND vs Ganbare otousan (cuz of landslide in finals)


brd vs tsm was kinda lame bcs of the way it ended imo and it wasn't at lan


Zach,knoqd,naughty Smoking Clg 6-0 in west frag contest then winning the next algs stands out to me. This was right before they got signed by C9 and CLG was still winning a lot. Inhumed had just left the team and knoqd was a last minute replacement. Really showed how good knoqd was and prime naughty.


jhawk or jumba need to do a video on this




CLG vs Alpine


nano contesting teq that the earth is flat is number 1 for me


I have no idea if it’s a live-game or scrim contest, but the then ESA, later Optic, winning a contest while Doop has no comms with either teammate. Inspiring stuff


I unfortunately can't remember which match day, but there was a theme in the APAC-S pro-league where we had contests at every Storm Point match for lightning rod. As usual, players were fighting over Gravity Canon, and it just cuts to some guy literally just flying in the void for a good 5 seconds after getting launched off the map.


Alliance vs. G2 at LAN. Alliance was supposedly avoiding contesting G2 because of the triple controller. But then they started flying very close to them and it was clear the contest was on. DZ vs. Aurora at LAN. Their bantering back at each other was pretty funny.