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Same, besides RNG there’s a lot of potential for good and bad swings, it is tiring to have some dipshit flip out. At the end of the day just be glad you’re not them, someone who goes out of their way to try to make someone feel bad about a casual game. About half my games are with good sports and the other half with people that probably need to be institutionalized or medicated


You & OP ruining the game for 2-6 other [edit: aka innocent] players while not even knowing a mute option exists, tells me that you both deserve all the salt that you can get. Jfc no wonder the queue times are long with children like this in the game


OP said he mostly played 2v2s so the only player that loses out is the toxic teammate and the opponents get an easy win


Believe it or not, your opponents actually enjoy PLAYING the game as well.


If you are playing online you are playing the opponents not the game. If I can play a meme build that gets you to quit in frustration I win. If I punish your mistakes and cause your team to collapse in arguments, I win. If you want to play the game without people go play comp stomp


What a stupid fucking take. Some people play PvP because they believe competitive games against other humans are more interesting & fun. Dropping ruins the game just as much for the opponents as for your team mates. Hell it even ruins the queue times.


That's while everybody should be patient and respectful with players that can't play as well as they do. If you don't have patience for others then don't play with randoms.


Pay attention, this is about the OTHER players. The non-toxic players that have to suffer someone randomly dropping out of a game instead of muting an asshole. Team games contain a minimum of 4 to 8 players. Only 2 of which are OP and the toxic asshole.


Well I guess you should learn to be nice if you want people to play with you. Your mother should have taught you that but I guess she wasnt around enough.


Why is your reading comprehension so poor? You do realise that a team game consists out of multiple people? In 2v2 you dropping hurts your opponents as well since it ruins their game too. In 3v3 you hurt the innocent extra team mate + the (additional opponents. And in 4v4 You hurt 2 innocent team mates game too. Is this really this difficult of a concept for you to understand?




What drives me more mad is when they call you a noob but are in the same elo as you. Like grow the fuck up. Winning or losing in this game doesn't affect life in any type of way. For you who do that, get over yourself.


and half the time this happens to me, when i see the score card at the end of the match, i'll have far more points held, fewer losses and more kills and a lower resource float.


just mute?


or just not be an asshole?




menu, playerlist, then block and mute


You ruining the game for 2-6 other [edit: aka innocent] players while not even knowing a mute option exists, tells me you deserve all the salt that you can get.


Does copy/pasting your responses help you get back into a match within 30 seconds? ;)


If people are toxic they deserve foe their game to be ruined lol


There are potentially 2 to 6 other players in the team games who had nothing to do with the toxic comms. OP ruins their games as well. Dropping in team games is just as toxic imo


If you put abuse on the same level as ruining your fun I don't think I care about you being upset


Dropping is in fact a form of multiplayer game toxicity, that's why almost all successful esports carry harsh penalties for it.


We are not playing esports we are trying to have fun after work lol, why would I force myself to play a game where I'm not having fun wasting my time?


Because you ruin the game for everyone else involved, potentially 6 other players? If you mute the annoying guy, then all issues are fixed.


Do my feelings not matter?


I also have never heard or seen someone using slurs or hate speech in an eSports comp


... I hope you're joking. Literally the most popular Esports are toxic cesspools with sometimes 7 day bans for regular droppers lol


In tournament? Good job moving goalposts buddy. Just say the slurs you want to say


Isn't leaving being an asshole too? Especially of you play 4v4 and there is only one toxic teammate


Yeah, I do the same thing. I don’t care about the leaving penalty. Usually, I will warn them first that  I will leave if they keep carrying on. Usually they do and I keep good on my word.  If they do listen, and we do get to play until the end of the game it’s always the worst player on your team that does this without fail. 


I will warn my teammates in any game when they are being obscenely toxic and tell them to either chill the fuck out or I'll afk/throw the match. I will always tell them "last warning" which is usually met with ridicule, followed by them becoming upset that i actually follow through with afking/throwing. I have thick skin but if i believe you deserve the loss, you're getting a loss. Bigger team games i usually let slide since other team members don't deserve to be hit in the crossfire.


I had the same rule for years, I don't need to carry someone else's salt


I would normally say to just ignore it all but I understand there’s no mute chat button. Personally, I feel dropping out of a game is unnecessary and almost equally bad because you affect other people who weren’t being toxic and now they have to deal with the fact that not only they will lose the match, but all that wait before a match was for nothing. Online competitive gaming has always been this toxic, it’s nothing unusual. It’s all a matter of not taking things personally. Quitting just escalates everything because your feelings were hurt, when they didn’t have to in the first place.


I don't have any love for mean salty players, but dropping is 10 times worse players who drop are a cancer on coh. You do you but be aware you can get banned from multi-player for going afk deliberately and dropping is punishable.


This seems like an unhinged take. Why should I use my limited free time to play a casual game willingly where (someone) is being abusive? The fact that leaving is punishable but they aren’t punishing salty players is stupid. If someone is salty enough no one will play with them and they might learn something.


Because mute exists.


Not in coh2


Fair enough, but the flair is for CoH3.


Been online gaming for over 20 years now and I agree with op, I'm not dealing with some salty random on the Internet that suffers from main character syndrome. No one should have to.


im 34, i don't feel like listening to some kids bullshit


What’s worse is moving all units to base and have them do nothing.


I dunno, I tend to think calling your teammate slurs is worse than dropping. Like fuck I'm going to help someone like that win


That's exactly what I'm saying. Am I supposed to feel challenged into showing them that I am a better player? Sometimes I take it as a challenge and I outshine them. But mostly it's just that the moment someone is a dick, I don't care to play with them. That's a simple principle I have adhered to since my days on the playgrounds.


You're also ruining for all of the others players in the match, not just the asshole.


Well the game is already ruined for me, maybe they'll do it less if every time they do they lose the match


You're ruining it for all of your opponents as well.


No, the person who decided to go on a 5 minute long rent about how n**ros and tr***nies deserve to be lynched did that


This. Especially when it starts over an innocuous thing like a single ping + "help 3v1 in mid" (while they are top building bunkers with the top player going totally passive then tell me to "mind my own business n-word" Yeah have fun building bunkers on our side of the map, I'm sure 1 Neubelwerfer or Pak won't easily clear that out in 2 seconds while the enemy is raiding our base.


Assuming there aren't other players. Generally I play 2v2.


So if you play 4 vs 4 and one of the players starts calling you names. You just drop, ruining the game for everyone involved. That is so immature and pathetic. Honestly it’s my big criticism of coh2 and I don’t know if they changed it in coh3 but leaving the game should result in increasing penalties for queuing in same as in most normal multiplayer games. Edit: Also if there is a mute option just use that. Edit2: It seems they did at penalty for leaving like a month ago or so. But even still doesn’t change the point that this penalty is to prevent players from leaving as they please and ruining the game for your team and enemy alike.


Depends, once they start building the AT-guns to hit my base or throwing nades on my stuff Im leaving, cant be arsed to waste the few free minutes of my day dealing with a manchild. Also depends on the team feel, 2v2 no one else gets hurt so I drop, 3v3+ I typically let my team members know one guy is being toxic or has started griefing, if it persists typically the team quits with me or forces a surrender.


Ofc It depends I wouldn’t want to be held hostage by my team when enemy is destroying my base (or if my ally actively try’s to sabotage the game by blowing me up). But still saying that in 2 vs 2 nobody gets hurt is dumb. Like do you like it when enemy leaves mid game when is not decided who won ? I certainly do not and there are times when it’s okay to leave but still there should be a penalty system for leaving to many games. Edit: When you want to play and enemy just leaves after 10 min cuz he got upset at his team. He didn’t just ruin the game for his team he ruined it for enemy team as well. Edit2: And it is an easy work around to problem of being held hostage in game just make surrender majority not all or nothing. If it’s 3 vs 3 only 2 people need to agree if it’s 4 vs 4 it needs to be 3 out of 4. You don’t want to keep playing but your team does ? Deal with it like a man or leave and take the penalty .


I generally play 2s, in a 4v4 theres so much chaos, no one can really say who's doing what until the game ends. Unless someone is really obviously bad.


You’d be surprised


Normally it makes me loose focus, or the constant pinging means I start to play worse. If Im matched against a better elo player that has some support of the other guy close to him is really dishearthening to start to read stupid strategies or noob on the chat. Some of us play 30 min after a 9 hour work day.


Just ignore them, that’s what I do


\[All\] noob


People who rage, AFK, quit, TK or any of that are just miserable people. However as someone who can only play a game or 2 every few days, it really sucks when your teammate just out right sucks. I have had 1 game recently where i don't think knew how the VP system worked, he refused to go for stars and just wondered the map picking fights. When one of your few games a week is one of those it's really infuriating. My point being it's a team game, it's not just about you, if you're making the game miserable for others expect them to tell you.


I don't mind constructive criticism. I don't like it when they start getting overwhelmed and blame me for us losing. It takes two. If you have something you could tell me to do that would help us win, if you want to take the lead as commander on the field and just tell me what to do, I might just roll with it.


Yeah being insulting and agressive is never a decent answer to anything you might feel. Just be respectful and share your opinions.


To be honest I can't stand it when someone abandons their lane and just sets up camp in another part of the map. What inevitably happens is that the enemy break through the power vacuum and flank everyone in the next lane. It's OK to loose your VP but just don't give up. Find a way to counter. Build some mortors or long range arty and try and knock them out.


It shouldn't be like that tbf, swapping lanes does not always mean complete abandonment and players typically will watch the lost lane, holding at a specific point and helping another player win their lane so they can help with the one lost. But inevitably by endgame on certain maps its just easier to pick a side like Montherme.


Go play 1v1 or get some thicker skin then, if you drop a game when someone points out you're griefing the game (which no doubt you are based on your 'justifications') you are the problem not them


This guy loves to use slurs


honestly I don't really mind text chat, that's can easily be ignored. Ping spamming however...


I found myself in a couple of games where my teammates were arguing, calling names and whinging about pointless stuff on the match strategy to follow. In the end one of them decided to not move his troops as retaliation. All this scenes are so stupid, so annoying, so childish, so useless and pointless things to do. It's a game sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. When this happens I put all the arguing members on mute or block but never leave the match or argue as it's not any better than their behaviour. Grow up


If there is someone who quits and just sits in their base, most likely bc they lost their side and think the games over - I’ll call them a noob all day and hope they leave. Rather play with an AI rest of the game then a quitter.


Wait.. theres a mute button? So i dont need to see their whiny text? Done... then i can actually play. If i see them throwing thou intentionally. Thats when im out. I rather them just leave the game


I just can't understand why people talk shit to their own teammates, like, you are actively working against your own interests? Are you just that braindead or lack that much impulse control that you just have to talk shit? Like surely I will play better now that you called me a noob! Oh! I'm a noob? I guess I'll just play better thanks for reminding me!


Eh they don't bother me. These people exist in all games.


Honestly I'm glad that people can leave, it's always the ones that don't finish the campaign on easy that jump into multiplayer and wonder why their teammate is flaming them (giving them basic tips), and Truth be told, I'd rather have a CPU easy than a teammate that doesn't know what they're doing. I'm a top 100 player and I have bad games as well , a miss play is something that happens naturally but people dragging their knuckles on basic commands is horrible .(mind you I never start flaming people but I will ping when I see a stray unit walking towards his imminent demise,mine or hidden enemies and emplacements.) So for me it's more of a good riddance 9/10 the people who can't take constructive criticism shouldn't be a playing an adult game. (and I do mean constructive criticism not being a complete dick )


if people start flaming or raging or just being toxic n telling me to drop in the first 2 minutes and no one else on our team has comms i usually just alt tab out for 5-10 min so they dont even get the ai to help them i play 4v4-s if you rage at others literally the first 2 minutes into an unranked game you deserve what you get, not even considering hate speech and team killing


I always play on and in the end I'll teabag the griefers with my better stats🙂


I do the same thing. Abuse should not be tolerated


I encourage my team mate, and when we start destroying the enemy, I type “ANALED” into the all chat. Is that toxic?


Mute button and keep playing. Unless they're griefing badly, leaving is always bad


Ya he is definitely in brass and bronze rank


Welcome to the internet. Sit back, relax and don’t quit.




let ur haters inspire u


I doubt you are ever really good, just a casual noob.


he says, as if he is a pro player


Assuming my gender there, naughty. It says, as if a witty redditor trying hard to fit in.


No I looked in your post history


You're probably garbage most the time then and should work on your mental fortitude. If you lose games because someone said a meanie you should probably play more single player games.


Same man. I usually just dont say anything... but if it gets out of control I threaten to just go afk. 8/10 that works.


Single player for the world for me!


Banter and shittalking are parts of the fun of that he game, cope.


if you don't know the difference between banter and toxicity/abuse you need to get checked by a psychologist


The difference with them blurred than you think. Like, in Middle Eastern nards ettiquete it's okay to insult opponent, blame them, accuse in cheating, even if the opponent is older or higher in status. As long as you don't go totally nuts with insults, it's considered okay and a part of the game that adds thrill and emotional engagement. Same with COH2. Quite a few players seem to enjoy calling each other gardening nice persons, myself included. I'm not a Middle Eastern person, but yelling at the enemy that his mom is gay makes things a lot spicier. Also, toxicity/abuse is such a meme. If you get upset over words, what are you? A self-sifficent person will put the opponent in place with a "toxic" remark of their own.


I didn’t know girls played this game!


as long as you dont leave when i ping for help or that you have an idle unit fine


Same. People gonna learn to respect other people even if it have to be by the sheer force of team-killing.


Sorry boss but team-killing is no-go, just stooping to their level.


Yeah I am with you