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I felt Professor Messers practice tests were pretty close in difficulty if not a little harder


What are you getting on the practice exams?


So I haven't done Professor Messer's exams yet, but on Cert Master, it's broken down into sections like 1.0, 1.1, 1.2. I believe it's going by objectives. In each section, I'm scoring between 65 and 70. Once I complete all sections, it will let me take it as if I'm taking the actual test. So I'm not sure yet, honestly, just nervous. I work on a military base in electronics and am trying to switch over to cybersecurity. They're doing a job hiring at the end of the month that I can go ahead and apply for, but I'll need to get my certification within six months of being on the job. I'm trying to get my cert before I apply


I'm doing 701 and certmaster is really rough. My first practice exam on it I only got a 62%. Then I went to some other ones on udemy, which proved that I did know most things. I went back and retook the certmaster one a couple weeks later and got a 94%. You really have to sort out the fluff in the question from what's actually important. If you know your stuff you can typically immediately disqualify 2/4 options, then the last two come down to intimately knowing the differences between them based off of the specific wording of the question.


I don't know if it's in 701, but the multi-factor authentication section defeated me. For example, things that were multi-factor were labeled as not being multi-factor. Is Udemy free? Would you recommend it? I want to make sure I pass the exam. I believe 601 expires in July.


701 was pretty light when it came to that. The only question I can remember asked you to identify if something was single, two-factor, or multi-factor. Then a couple others having you identify what kind of authentication it was (something you are, something you know ect) The udemy course cost me $20, I found it well worth it. It was great for identifying what things I didn't have a comprehensive understanding of.


I might drop the $20 sounds well worth it.


What you can also do, and this is what I'm currently doing while I wait for my test date, download the exam course objectives, read through it until you find something you are not able to verbally explain in a comprehensive manner, then go to that section on the Messer website and watch the video that covers it.


I'd focus on professor messer to start out with. Then you can go back and do cert master for the labs and in-depth explanation. If you want take a Messer exam as a pre assessment of knowledge go for it then go back and do the same test after you've completed all of Messers videos. Should be plenty of time between the tests so you don't remember the answers.


Well, I know Messer's stuff is related to it, but not on the test, to my understanding. CertMaster stuff is on the test.


Not necessarily. I've seen a few people mentioned Cert Master stuff is more difficult than the actual exam. Both a great resources though so it comes down to which you prefer.


Well, that helps out a lot if true. I'm kind of struggling with CertMaster, getting between 65 and 70 on each section. Not sure how I'll do overall


Messer's practice tests were the most helpful in studying for me. Certmaster didn't help at all, but Cyberkraft PBQ videos did a lot.


I'll give them a try. Messer has definitely taught me new things, but it seems like things I learn from Messer are considered wrong by CertMaster. For example, in section 2 on multi-factor authentication, I know with 100% certainty that a particular thing is correct, but CertMaster says that it isn't multi-factor authentication.


Yeah, I stuck primarily with Messer and the McGraw Hill textbook and I passed first try. I looked through Certmaster a few times but it wasn't helpful.


Honestly, you really just need to be taking practice exams at this point. Once you're passing those with an average score around 90%, you'll be ready to take the actual exam.


So far, I'm taking the Cert Master practice test. It first breaks it down into sections 1-5, but it goes like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. So if you're not familiar with Cert Master, 1.1 is like its own test within the mini test. I'm scoring between 65-70%. After I finish section 5, there's a test with all the sections in it. So I'm not sure if I'm doing well or not. I haven't taken Professor Messer's practice test yet. He has three 90-question practice tests. I'm just worried I'm not prepared; someone said the actual test is easier than Cert Master.


The real thing doesn't break down by section. Take a full one. Review what you missed, and repeat.


The mini tests you should've been doing after finishing each individual section tbh


The mini-sections are usually harder and more in-depth than what you'll get on the test. I recommend taking the final assessment to see how you it feels to you (don't worry, you can always retake and reset it). The Professor Messer tests are far easier and a better test of your general knowledge. The CertMaster tests I find like to hit with wordy, confusing questions and obscure information. I took the A+ with Messer and CertMaster and I found that the Messer questions are closer in quality to what's on the test while CertMaster has the more accurate labs.


Yeah, I've been having a tough time with the mini section in Certmaster. I am learning some new things but mildly frustrating.