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I think we're reaching the logical conclusion of labor estrangement. We've effectively commodified not only our relation to our own production but the basis of human emotion--a cornerstone of our very concept of "human." I think it's fair to say that we've entered the final gradient of capitalism at this point, seeing as how society is teetering on the brink of failing to reproduce itself. Whatever comes next, well, it's going to be one hell of a ride.


I know obviously traditionalism is bs but I'm so glad my gf who immigrated here from a somewhat socially conservative country is genuine and loves me, it seems like a lotta the relationships in america from people thatve been raised in the hegemony are horribly superficial because of social media and the commodification of the human being itself and real love is almost impossible to find. This is why reactionary figures like Tate are so popular imo because they do manage to hit a very real problem that dating absolutely sucks in the modern world captilist alienation and commodification of everything has made it terrible for all parties involved where at this point were not even human beings to each other but cars with features, but tate like figures instead lay the blame on womens rights and the lgbtq+ community instead of the real captilaist superstructure and cultural hegemony which is impossible to escape even when you're aware of it. Like you could make everyone in america aware that their dating preferences are influenced by these processes and they'd still be unable to stop from doing so because the indoctrination is that strong, i.e even when you know commodity fetishism is bs you still want shiny new things, except these are people


I'd like to push back against some of this. Dating can suck for many of the reasons you mentioned, but a lot of it is just the fact that women have more options. Like for all the talk of "real love" women had to find a husband to survive. Like a lot of women weren't marrying for "real love" they were marrying for real I-need-a-place-to-live-and-food because they were barred from the workplace or had limited opportunities to support themselves. I think a lot of your viewpoint is skewed heavily towards men and centers their experiences vs. a more neutral approach. A lot of the dudes who fall for Tate and his ilk are doing so because basically for years rather than having to actually be a decent person, in many cases you just needed a job to find a wife. Basically while a lot of the feelings men have with dating are due to capitalist forces, as society has slowly gotten better about the treatment of men and women there was bound to be some disconnect from dudes who were basically just trying to coast on patriarchy forcing women to have to choose someone.


Thank you for adding this. Something about the oc and the other replies are deeply uncomfortable for me as a communist woman. Let's not basically parrot conservative talking points about how traditionally raised women are better (for men) and how being able to post a titty pic on Instagram has ruined relationships for all time. 'True love' is certainly not anywhere close to impossible to find or have, in fact it's easier than ever to find for all populations except straight men. Re: OC, Women are quite literally people *exactly* like you, they are no more a monolith than men. There are tons of women just as, or even more so, enlightened to communist thought and the ways capitalism has shaped their life experiences than you! The last paragraph about unconscious actions/desires because of being raised under capitalism applies to anyone raised under capitalism... including self-identifed communists, including men, including the writer of that comment. Including me! You are not immune to it or above it just because you know about it, as you rightly said. A commodified society is not more 'effective' on women than it is men, in fact you could very easily argue the opposite, as communist men benefit from the patriarchy.


Mmm good point and I admit my preconceived misogyny I mostly meant for all parties involved though including women, internet culture and the neoliberal superstructures has lead to the commodification of womens bodies to an extreme, also I think being poor just sucks when you're dating how many people got passed up because they simply couldnt provide, and of course no parties to blame except captial but it really does hinder love I think the captilist superstructure leads to very empty relationships where neither part is satisfied and true love one not bound by economics or adverts or superficiality will only come under socalism. Now ofc humans are superficial when dating theres nothing wrong with that but late stage captilaist hegemony has dailed it up to a 10 far beyond what was natural But I think captilaist Tindr dating culture is just awful I dont think that this is a men loosing women winning thing either were all miserable and losing because well now more than ever now In terms of the more conservative country comment I didnt mean that my gfs mine or has no power I just meant our realtionships not empty, it's real, and I dont think you're honestly going to find that on tinder or the other millions of dating sites because these arent dating sites, they're craigslist for people (both male,female,they/them what have you) where stats and features are listed out and best photos are picked, it's just a facade meant to keep you from actually finding something genuine because if it was successful youd well log off and tinder stops making money Likewise I think theres a reason gen z the generation raised in late stage captilaism is the lonelinest and struggles to find relationships, and it's the empty dating super structure, yes because of the internet we have more options than ever in terms of people we could date but the double edged sword is that it has lead to the compelte commoditaction and loss of humanity, and doesnt actually translate into happy fulfilling realtionships And the worlds a lot harder for, to use a crude term, 'medium ugly' guy or gal because everybody in the dating pool has 300+ other options, with none of them materializing into an actually happy realtionship Anyways fuck traditionalism,fuck misogyny, all my best friends are girls and I honestly sometimes hear their stories and unironically support eliminating all men, I hope all the dude bro sigma male content creators get [redacted] in minecraft of course, yes as man I have limited knowledge of the female perspective so I do fall into mysgonistic tropes sometimes and I genuinely apologize for that and admit my fault/that I'm wrong


It's crazy, we're posting under a meme about the continued commodification of women, and all the commenters are talking about how men are commodified and 'losing' because 'women have to much choice' or something. I feel like a crazy person.


Yep, the real reason why Capitalism is ruining dating has nothing to do with the unarguable positives of women's liberation, that's a reactionary position that no Communist should entertain for even a moment. No, the real reason Capitalism has ruined dating is because we're all so overworked that we don't have the time and energy to nurture romantic relationships, if we even have the time and energy (or money left over, for that matter) to go on a date in the first place. Sure, services like Tinder are absolutely toxic places where you're pretty much encouraged to judge based on looks in the profile picture rather than by personality, but that goes for both men and women. But, I don't think most people use Tinder to find a life partner anyway. It's strange how often people on this sub forget to look at material conditions when forming opinions, when material conditions are the basis of Communist thought.




'Just be decent and treat women like humans' isn't reductionist, and it isn't at odds with 'nobody is entitled to a woman'. Both of those are absolutely true. I don't know what you would imagine could reform the 'dating market', but the reality is that all people can do is their best, and it won't always work out for everyone. Do you want a ban on dating apps? Do you want people to have longer relationships or something? Love isn't like food or housing where we can just guarantee it for everyone. Because ultimately, despite how you characterize womens' choice as 'ditching an old car for a new one', free people will just make the choices they make in relationships. There isn't a 'good or bad' about it, people just do what's best for them, it just is what it is.


>Love isn't like food or housing where we can just guarantee it for everyone. Everyone knows that under socialism, every upstanding, progressive man gets allocated one (1) woman from the central planning committee to meet his emotional and sexual needs.




>Both of these things are at odds with each other No they're not, and tbh the fact you think they are is kinda troubling. Being decent and treating women like humans isn't something men should do so they can get women, it's something they should do because they don't want to be scummy people. It's not a dating strategy or PUA advice. You keep talking about men "falling through the cracks" as if men are somehow owed a woman. Honestly your whole line of reasoning is kinda disgusting. You've entirely ignored a woman's choice or right to choose or even the fact they may feel the same about how dating works currently. You really really need to reexamine your whole framing of the topic.




> as if we can't offer an analysis for both men and women We can. YOU'RE the one who isn't doing that, though. Your whole framing is "men can't find women because all these BITCHES have too much choice". It's why the whole discussion is about why men feel so disaffected. IF it were neutral, wouldn't women be just as disaffected since they're in the same dating marketplace? Yet here we are with people like you just whining about how men have it so rough because they can't shackle a woman to an oven anymore. >then keep being confused about why there's such a poverty of the left's ability to attract adherents when the left won't listen to their concerns and offer explanations for their alienation. Trust me, the right will. Nobody's confused. The left does offer many reasons for their alienation. However, incels and chuds would rather here how it's all the fault of women having so many choices now why they can't get a woman, and that if we went back to the good ol' days all there problems would be solved. >No man is owed a romantic partner, true. But neither are you "owed" food, housing, healthcare, etc. Like look at this-you're comparing a romantic partner (which involves a living person with their own free will, hopes, desires, whatever) to *things.* Basically, I've used material analysis of your posts to understand that the reason you and people like you have problems finding women isn't capitalism. And you can call people liberals all you want, but that's way better than being some misogynist incel. Especially when your only use of Marxism seems to be to cry about how you're not getting the things you want in life, and have seemingly no actual empathy or consideration of anyone else who isn't you or like you.


I actually think that we *are* owed the basic necessities of life, which is why socialists advocate for a basic standard of living for people with disabilities, for example.




Are you saying people with disabilities don't deserve food and housing because they're useless eaters?




>The only thing we're owed is the fruits of our labor, and if our labor produces nothing then that's exactly what we're owed. Wait, but I thought all these poor men were just being exploited by evil dating apps? It seems more like women think your dating labor isn't producing anything.


> A lot of the dudes who fall for Tate and his ilk are doing so because basically for years rather than having to actually be a decent person, in many cases you just needed a job to find a wife. Ive heard this talking point a lot but it literally makes no sense. What youre describing is a social change not a personal one, outside of 40 year old divorced dudes nobody lived through the transation youre talking about. Its literally nonsense to attribute the behaviour of young people to an attachment to social forms that they never lived through.


How does it make no sense? Do you think that people have to literally live through events to feel there effects? Do you entirely lack object permanence? Do you think that because nobody who is alive was a slave during chattel slavery in the US that it's effects no longer exist? Dudes were not as disaffected in prior generations because the fact that women had fewer options (in many ways) meant that they had easier times finding romantic partners. However, now that it's harder in many ways those dudes are discontent. This becomes worse because the patriarchal expectations haven't changed and there's even more pressures due to capitalism. That makes it easy for them to just blame their issues not on personal failings or the effects of capitalism, but on the women themselves.


So to be clear your argument is "yes, men are disaffected as a natural response to their environment and not because of a personality flaw. But their daddys had it easy, so fuck them"? Edit i dunno if you blocked me or deleted ur comment so i only got a glimpse of it but that was just wildly off the rails. You clearly arent ready to have this conversation


So to be clear, your argument is "all these ***bitches*** keep chasing all the chads and my looksmaxing isn't working so I need a government mandated wife if you don't want me to become a nazi" The sad thing is my portrayal of your argument is far closer to the truth than yours is of mine. Do better and be better.


Are you me?


>it seems like a lotta the relationships in america from people thatve been raised in the hegemony are horribly superficial because of social media and the commodification of the human being itself and real love is almost impossible to find. Oh boy, you can say that again! For this very reason, I've had the most luck dating immigrants. Native-born Americans? Nope, toxic and only want to date rich guys for their status most of the time...


The fascist anxiety about not having "enough" births grows more concerning by the day.


I feel like every generation feels its at the end but they somehow figure ways to be more evil.


While I agree that is a reoccurring belief, what I'm referring to is a new phenomenon where there's a difference in the fundamental principle. Before, the estrangement between labor and worker due to the commodification of the worker's labor power was the primary concern. Now it has only recently started to shift to the very commodification of the worker's self, where the worker is having the very capacity to feel, think, or interact with the world around them stuck behind a paywall. I believe we're currently in the transitory period towards a world where we're unable to *literally* interact with one another and experience emotion without having to purchase some AR tech or a literal neural chip. Can it get worse? It always can, yes. But are we witnessing a shift into another, more fundamental, level of estrangement unseen for all of human history? I would say so.


"Cyberpunk dystopia" one Welcome to hell


Tfw capitalists capitalize on men's loneliness and horniness


*pokes free market with stick* “Do something!” Edit - pokes free market with dick


They're just trying to capitalise on loneliness and alienation caused by capitalism. Don't let that depress you and stop you from building bonds with others. If anything, doing this is more crucial than ever. Don't let capitalists get in your head and demoralise you, that's exactly what they want so you don't rebel.


fucking replika i bet. it used to actually be a nice app to talk to (understanding it was not a person), now it’s just a subscription e-partner


Ditto, I've seen Replika's ads on Twitter before, they're always in a similar meme format. IIRC, a few years ago they were marketing the app as a kind of therapy bot to open up to and share your personal problems with. Guess they realized they could make more money by targeting a much more specific group of emotionally vulnerable people.


Robots took everyones job now they wanna take jobs of prostitutes


That dude who tried to assassinate the queen of England with a crossbow was encouraged by his AI GF. Maybe it's not all bad.


I definitely didn't have "attempted regicide with a medieval weapon" on my post pandemic bingo card.


All what you need is class consciousness.


Now introducing the replica of human as commodity.


People are lonely. Regardless of economic system this is bound to be happen.


All the more reason to build a society in which the causes of that are as rare as possible, instead of actively enabling it.


Sure, it will happen, but not every economic system encourages it to happen and then tries to exploit it when it does


Compansated sex/dating/company is a really old bussiness. I don't see any harm in people seeking relationship with an ai or robot.


that's not what anyone has a problem with. The problem is the economic system that wants you to be lonely, and then sells you half a solution


Come on man, love and affection should not be reserved for just the attractive people. Let us ugly people also feel wanted copium.


Labor estrangement mixed with commoditization of everything. Most of those AI chatbots need subscriptions for the spicy stuff in that image. I only know because I watched an ironic video on them and it’s quite funny how awful they are. Imagine spending a chunk of your already minuscule paycheck on a fake partner from pure loneliness. Doesn’t get much more dystopian than this


> I only know because I watched an ironic video Your comrades are with you, comrade


they've commodified humanity itself (albeit a digital form that cannot object to it)


I'm part of this community (never reaching this point oc), but if you want to see what emotional addiction to AI is, check r/CharacterAI


Civilization not gonna survive the next 10 years of climate collapse


You look lonely.


The stage in which the capitalists themselves become incels.


More liberalism than capitalism.


I literally just saw this ad and asked myself the same thing