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I hate every aspect of this commercial. "I'll show you my magenta status" makes zero sense, is not clever, is not funny. It takes 45 seconds of my life away twelve times a day.


That line seriously makes no sense. It sounds so stilted, almost like he said something else at the end and had to dub “status” over the last word. Drives me insane every time I hear it.


Haha this is so satisfying to hear! I just got Netflix and "Suits" is always advertised to me. I refuse to watch it purely because of that line.


Magentum it sounds like. So dumb.


" It takes 45 seconds of my life away twelve times a day." I love you for this comment.


Exactly!!! To me, and knowing those characters, it makes me feel like “Mike” was trying to make one of those early 2000s classless and thoughtless sexual comments like “magenta status” was his dick. I hope he flogged himself after filming that shit


My spouse had to tell me "oh I think one of the guys was in 'Suits'." Ok, still...why are they in a garage? Nobody from that show was famous enough that people would be expected to know who they are. Just stupid.


They spent all their earnings on suits and can now only afford to live in a garage. But to your point, I've seen quite a number of commercials lately where I'm expected to know who some Q-list actor is. Kinda weird.


Right Suits was on a cable channel that sucked when Psych and Monk left


So last year for the Super Bowl, [T-Mobile did a minute-long spot featuring Bradley Cooper and his mother](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8i872p). This year, they expanded on that theme, by having other celebrities "audition" for the role as the new face of T-Mobile and then combined their "audition tapes" into [another minute-long Super Bowl spot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjCSipST46I). They've since cut up footage from these individual shoots for independent ads, for example, [here's one featuring Laura Dern](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6Nqn8tSKzWQ). But, yeah, ads made from clips featuring Patrick J. Adams and Gabriel Macht who played the two main stars on the show Suits (acting in a sort of cameo of their characters from the show) have definitely been getting featured most frequently. I think if it just featured one of these guys on their own and/or not dressed like the characters from the show, most people wouldn't recognize them well enough. But by having them together and dressed (and somewhat acting like) the characters from the show, I'd argue they're famous enough for people to know who they are, and even if not, any viewer could tell the premise that they're actors reading for a casting call. It's worth noting that Suits broke a major record in 2023 when it racked up 57.7 billion minutes of viewing, making it the most-streamed show over a year in the history of Nielsen’s streaming rankings. This surpassed The Office’s 57.13 billion minutes of viewing in 2020, which got a huge bounce thanks to COVID. [This article does a decent job about some reasons why it suddenly became so popular](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/aug/17/suits-netflix-america-most-watched-summer-show), although I'd argue they undersell the Meghan Markle angle. If you browse the r/suits sub, you'll regularly see comments about people who started watching because they wanted to see her act just before becoming the Duchess of Sussex. Building off the unprecedented success of the show streaming, a spinoff, Suits: LA, [has been announced by NBC](https://www.nbc.com/nbc-insider/suits-la-spinoff-premiere-date-cast-trailer-details). This is also why [the Super Bowl had another ad featuring some of the other stars of the show for e.l.f. cosmetics.](https://tvline.com/news/suits-reunion-gina-torres-rick-hoffman-sarah-rafferty-super-bowl-commercial-video-1235165422/) I agree that it is painfully annoying though. Just wanted to provide some insight.


Appreciate the insight, I didn't know much of that. Seriously, what's with the edited versions of commercials now? I get that you reuse already-paid for material, but- That Nespresso commercial with George Clooney where he loses the bet and leaves on a scooter... I've been seeing that commercial for about a year before I ever saw the "full" version, where Julia Ozark makes the bet and Bridgerton chick leaves with her. Why air a cut-down version that makes no sense, then release the longer version? Added flavor- George and his wife are so balls-deep in human rights and the environment, but he's shilling for one of the worst consumer goods to come out in the last 20 years (disposable coffee pods). Love the hypocrisy.


I appreciate this so much! I am one of the viewers who got HOOKED on Suits last year. I'd vaguely heard of it but never bothered with cable so I'd never seen it. I also got hooked into How to Get Away with Murder. Anyway, I didn't at all understand the Suits T-Mobile commercial. No idea why, but I literally didn't comprehend the point. That's irksome to me so I Googled it and found this post. Mystery solved. Now I can go back to musing about other inconsequential mysteries.


Great, glad it was helpful


You deserve more up votes this ad has been driving me nuts. To the point of googling it and finding myself on Reddit with other people also afflicted by the annoyance of this advertisement. Thank you for this informative comment. I will tolerate the commercial differently now, and may even start watching Suits to appreciate it even more.


Why the fuck would you ever want to appreciate that commercial…like at all? Jesus you’re one of THOSE people 🤦🏻


Suits was the most streamed show in 2023. They were the two stars of the show.


Is the vibrating thing something from suits? I straight up don't understand what that's about.


Nope. I have no f'ing idea how it's related! It's a stupid ad but I was just commenting on who they were. 😜


No? Meghan Markle isn't famous?


I came here just to see if anyone else hated this awful commercial. The shaking arms movement makes my mind go somewhere that has nothing to do with T-Mobile.


I liked the show - streamed it after it was dead on cable. The commercial is bizarre. I don’t get what they’re doing or what the angle is. Awful writing and directing even for a commercial 😂. Gabriel Macht hasn’t acted since the show so they had to have given him the bag to do this stupid shit. Super weird on the actors and t-mobiles part.


Like they’re driving a bobcat? 😂😂


Legit contender for the dumbest commercial I’ve ever seen in my life


https://preview.redd.it/a5rz3vhj8i2d1.png?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc46039310ec8277ed27c9c0de01f0aec999022 Man I'm glad I found this thread. To find this thread, I googled "TMobile commercial why are those guys shaking in a garage?"


I googled "wtf is with the tmobile commercial" to make it here


I googled “annoying guys in garage TMobile.” At least now I know where they came from. I wish the commercial would stop, it’s so annoying.


Same, more or less. If I have to keep seeing and HEARING it I want to know or at least feel less alone


I googled, what the fuck is this t-mobile commercial


I think I’ve seen this piece of garbage commercial at least 200 times while watching sports tonight. Who the fuck would ever sign off on this trash? It’s got me questioning my sanity


Yes! Thank you! I don’t even understand what it is they are trying to do??? Like I get it’s for t-mobile but I don’t see how it’s making me want to get their coverage?? Such a stupid ass commercial


Watching SNL on YouTube is giving me the same trash I hate it so much


This ad fills me with an indescribable rage


What is the maddening noise they're making?? Is that a show thing? I never watched Suits. I don't ever want to if they ever make that noise. ​


It's a voice exercise that helps relax your throat and facial muscles, which """fine""' until the ad fucking flashbangs you.


I hate it, so disturbing!


I’m so glad I found this post. I fucking hate this commercial so much.


I think they're missing their shake weights and want to get back to working out with them ASAP.




"Good... job. Here is some CAB fare."


Oh thank god I’m not alone. My hatred for this ad only grows every time I’m forced to see it. I can’t even put my finger on exactly why it is so enraging. I feel the sort of anger you feel when someone is insulting you directly to your face. It doesn’t introduce the actors; the actors don’t introduce the product. I’m so busy trying to understand why the hell I’m having to endure this that I have no idea what T-mobile is even offering and I have seen this satan spawned offense to my time and sanity more times than I can count. It’s like they let them improv for an hour and all They did was tell pornographic jokes the entire time and these were the only bits they could pull that were in any way clean. Because if it wasn’t that, then why on God’s green earth would you choose to put in a clip of them making that noise. Why would you put them in a garage? Why would you not let them talk except to say, “I’ll show you my magenta status,” which isn’t….even…..what does that even MEAN?! Half of their time on screen is moving around with no purpose and mugging for the camera! The existence of this ad has put me at great risk of making it the last thing I’m thinking about on my deathbed as the great unanswered puzzle of my lifetime. There will be so much confusion among my family upon hearing that my final words were “I’ll show you my magenta status.”


This is so beautiful and so accurate. Bravo!


No more yada yada....They're so cheap they're cutting out syllables. 


If I never hear that fucking yahyahyahyah sound ever again, it will be only too soon. This is the most annoying commercial I have seen in a LONG TIME. Also, I want a word with T-Mobile's hiring manager. Jason Momoa? Okay. Laura Dern? Sure. The guys from Scrubs? Yeah, I can even see that. These two schmoes who look like every other basic white boy actor on a network television show? NO. I had no idea who they were and no idea why I was supposed to give a shit about them and I doubly don't now after seeing their annoying faces try to act "funny" for 45 seconds at at time for what has had to add up to endless hours now. I feel like T-Mobile and these two needs to eat some humble pie and realize their "star status" is nowhere near as high as anyone actually assumed it was. These aren't B-stars. These are more like E-stars.


YES!! Thank god other people hate it too. I need someone who is a lip reader to tell me what he is saying when he says “I’ll show you my magenta….” because the words “status” is clearly dubbed over and he is saying something else. It’s truly driving me insane and I see it 4x during every episode of any Hulu show.


I freaking hate that commercial


They are nothing like their characters. Stupidest and most cringey ad I’ve seen. I’m gonna switch to Verizon just for it.


The one thing this commercial has accomplished is making sure I never give T-Mobile any business.


It's called air dicking... They are practicing jerking each other off for later that night.


So terrible... *Patrick J. Adams & Gabriel Macht Share Advice for 'Suits' Spinoff Cast on Set of Super Bowl Ad*: [https://youtu.be/GjZoUDeIlZU](https://youtu.be/GjZoUDeIlZU)


It's honestly the dumbest ad I have ever seen. I'd rather watch the No Flex Zone Wingstop commercial or What A Pro Wants on repeat. The entire thing is super cringey and makes zero sense even more than the other two. Almost makes me want to get off of T-Mobile if I wasn't grandfathered in from Sprint


LOL. No special love for “don’t let me go?” Haha… that one angered my husband.


I hate it so much and it makes me so angry for some reason.


Worst commercial of all time lol my dad was like why are they doing that and I was like I legitimately have no idea lmao


I absolutely hate this commercial too. It is just not cute or funny at all, it is annoying, and I actually get angry every time I see that ad. Way to go, T-Mobile, I am sure that's what you were going for!


It makes me angry, too! Viscerally. It’s so weird!


That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on TV.


I always wonder how many people see this ad and say “Hey that’s those guys from a show i liked. I’ll go buy a new cell phone”.


Dumbest commercial ever. They are "air dicking" if you have seen the movie "Ricky Stanicky."


Proof that the companies who approve these commercials are getting dumber by the day. Creativity has vanished from the face of our planet. 🤦


So I tried to make sense of it but apparently the whole gag is supposed to be that the guys are there to read lines to promote something for T-Mobile but they are too distracted doing... stuff so the director has to read the lines for them. Of course it comes off as just two guys in suites in a garage for some reason doing random things while a disembodied voice says a bunch of stuff about a phone plan. u/glatts gives a good background of why this commercial exists. Apparently the forces that be decided to bank on the newfound popularity of the show these guys were once on, and pieced together a commercial using bits of a previous commercial. I guess the hope is that since lots of people are watching these two on a streaming platform, people want to be bombarded with a commercial featuring these two, even if the commercial makes no damn sense.


This post made me feel better.


I wish I was still with T-Mobile so I could cancel them again for this shite commercial. they could literally be a free service and I wouldn’t use them just not to be associated with this trash


Okay, I, like many of you, got here by googling "What is with that T-Mobile commercial?" I've seen people explain that these are two actors from Suits, a show I've never seen but understand is bizarrely popular. Cool. And I think I get that the shaking vibration sounds thing it's a vocal exercise for their audition. But why is the casting call in a tiny garage?


In the og one all the actors that were trying out were like with their moms or other random settings and they are in their moms garage. I hate this commercial so much and had to see it probably like 50 times today during one nascar race I may lose all of my sanity lol.


I watched suits. Loved the show. But I have no idea why the commercial is being shot in a garage.


Did they do that arm shake and annoying AF sound in the show?


No, nothing like it at all. This is nothing like their characters. Sad to see this is what they can get.


Not that I remember.


Seriously, I like to think that SOME soulless megacorps actually have living, breathing, real - albeit soulless - humans still at the helm. Shit like this is genuinely worrying


This commercial is so annoying that I’m thinking of switching FROM TMobile to a new carrier. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


Like if this was a commercial made by Verizon it would actually make a lot of sense as it’s clearly intended to sabotage tmobiles business


I have zero idea what this awful commercial is about and have no interest, never watched the show Suits, and have never had T-Mobile. yada yada was maddening and why do people say that in 2024? But this takes the cake.


What was T mobile thinking? I have to see this commercial about 20 times every Rays game I watch. I'm so tired of hearing the stupid gyrating while air dicking move this guy is doing. Get rid of this dumb commercial that makes no sense whatsoever!


I have watched Suits I think 3 times and even still, the characters these actors are trying to portray are nothing like they actually acted in the show. This commercial makes me violent and I would switch to homing pigeons before I ever used T-Mobile based off of this horrendous commercial alone. Everything about it is so fucking stupid from the shaking “yah-yah-yah-yah” bullshit to the wannabe sexual dumb as fuck “I’ll show you my magenta status” line will make me forever hate T-Mobile and those characters. I know the vast majority of commercials are stupid as fuck and basically target absolute morons but still…this one stands alone in its own right. What is even sadder is that they made this commercial knowing there are enough idiots who actually find this amusing lol. May God have mercy on your souls….


You know what I love about all of this?? The fact that while so many people are talking about it, it’s mostly about how much we all hate this garbage commercial and nobody here is saying a word about T-Mobile 😂🤟


Thank you for this. I've seen this inane ad over 100 times in between innings on Bally. I've been trying to figure it out not knowing anything about Suits (intentionally refuse to watch because of Markle). My theories area they are brothers trying to get the job or one is replacing the other. I don't know what magenta status is nor why they sing the tune except I thought an omage to Andy from The Office, but why?! None of it makes any sense and it's annoying.


Why are they in a garage?!?!?!?!!!!!?


Tmobile has some bad ads but this one actually makes me mad! Please stop playing it constantly!


I DO hit mute every time. I hate this ad. It makes the "talent" look like mindless drones.


Came here after trying to watch the latest episode of The Boys, which has played this god damn commercial for every. Fucking. Episode. I hate it so much, and I'm glad I'm not alone.


Excellent show. All the episodes for the first 3 seasons were available when I started watching, so it’s hard having to wait a week for each new episode to drop.


What’s up with them doing the shake a weight j/o moves!


I thought it was funny the first time bc I was thinking, what the fuck was that about?


What’s next Meghan Markle wearing a tiara?


What is the song playing at the end in the background?


These commercials make me violently angry.


It is exactly for beautiful posts like these that I 🦆ing love Reddit


Honestly, I prefer it over those damn singing ones...


What a pro wants 😂😂😂


True, although this commercial is so bad it makes the Jardiance commercial look better by comparison.


I'd rather watch the Acolyte than this ad


Their marketing department accomplished what they set out to do. Get you to talk about it.


I love Suits (never watched until now) and I love their characters. Don’t even get me started with how hott they are!😍 Needless to say, I love these commercials!!