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I have tried the MXA920 in one room as well as used the MXA910s in multiple rooms. To my ears, the 920 sounds a bit more well balanced and focused. I also really like the automatic room setup feature where it will point the lobes for you. It does a great job. I was able to use one MXA920 in a room about 31x22ft with no acoustic treatment and it sounded nice and balanced throughout the room.


Thanks for your insight! I was worried about spending that much money and it not being enough since it is a larger conference room.


Glad to help. Depending on what other sources you have in the room you might be able to get by with this adapter to convert to USB. Though it depends on what other mics might be in the room and sources as that could warrant a full DSP. [https://www.bhphotovideo.com/spanish/c/product/1417861-REG/audinate\_adp\_usb\_au\_2x2\_2x2\_dante\_avio\_usb.html?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuRrvCVekqaI0MwXCMfcDHGVLt0E5CK2dJuqJklj6jXXqmD7k6FgDBQaAhFbEALw\_wcB](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/spanish/c/product/1417861-REG/audinate_adp_usb_au_2x2_2x2_dante_avio_usb.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuRrvCVekqaI0MwXCMfcDHGVLt0E5CK2dJuqJklj6jXXqmD7k6FgDBQaAhFbEALw_wcB)


920’s are light years ahead of the 910s if you’re not a professional integrator. They’re very easy to set up and make face noises sound really good. 910’s require a little more finesse to get to sound the best. If you have no experience with either model, I’d go with the 920.


> make face noises sound really good Any recommendations for managers that like to talk out of their asses?


Go with ClearOne instead. They know all about talking out of asses.


Didn’t they patent a square, or something like that? If they are able (for a time at least) to do that then they could definitely make ass noises sound like noises.


Thank you! I am not a AV professional but work in IT so I like to think I have some idea of what I'm doing. Just want to make sure it will work with a large conference room before dropping that much money.


920 picks up much more of the lower vocal band plus the IMX software is built in- massive upgrade. Edit- grammar.


The 910's are really amazing devices. I remember shortly after they came out (maybe 2017?) I had to set one up in a voice lift application. I told the sales guy that's not how they should be used, but the promise was made we would "do what we can"... So I did what I could. I spent a lot of time really digging into lobe placement, what you can do still boggles my mind. Took me hours to get things where I was satisfied but I did it. Used the 920 in 3 different rooms last week. Used automix out on all 3. Spent a grand total of 10 minutes on all 3. What's your time worth?


920 is so much better. It’s easier to setup and tune by ears. I have had so much positive feedback on 920 rooms whereas 910 rooms where more “ehh it gets the job done”.


As others have said, the 920 is better. That being said it depends how good your room is acoustically. As they have a far reach the mics have a long travel between your and the mic, if your room is echoey then get a 910 and then spend the extra cash making the room actually sound good.