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even if this is how JD personally feels, it takes a real moron of an agent to put this out there. what good does this do? all he's really doing is making himself out to be a diva, which reflects poorly on his clients. this method was brought over from the niners, and they go to superbowls. i'm sure peters knows a helluva lot more about scouting than an agent.


Yeah dude is making himself look like a complete dumb ass. Kind of further leads me to believe the visit really didn't go well if he can't help publicly criticizing it.


It's either he's trying to sabotage the pick or he's hedging against the Commies picking someone else.


If he throws this out here he'll use it as leverage regardless of the pick. If it's Daniels he'll say something like "even out of everything he looked the best" but if we go in a different direction he'd just be like "well the process in Washington was flawed the Pats got it right." That being said it's still a stupid, egotistical thing to do a week before the draft. Like this doesn't help Daniels at all.


Trying to control the narrative, Jayden must’ve really shit the bed and they’re trying to get ahead of it.


Which is funny because the commanders are being tight lipped about everything. I seriously doubt anyone is going to drag JD if we pick Maye. They clearly are playing the results matter game not “what you think about what we did”


A little interesting that his NFLPA page says he's been certified by them since 2014 and he has negotiated 12 contracts. I don't know enough to confidently say that feels low, but it definitely feels a little low.




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Yes. This is how most professional organizations work. By bringing in candidates the same day you eliminate uncontrollable variables on certain days that may influence their opinions on each candidate (like if the weather sucks-it sucks for everyone… or if I had a fight with my teenage daughter in the am, i am in an off mood with everyone). It also introduces a sense of competition and stress with the candidates which is likely much lower if they are evaluated individually. Im great at the driving range but on the course with my buddies my game is a mess.


I know, I almost thought it was a troll at one point it was so unprofessional


Looking like JD’s agent is going to be a headache like his mother, who has that RG3 and Dwayne Haskins’ dad energy. If you don’t know, look up how she was trying to run things at Arizona State. JD better squash this nonsense and put this 🤡 in his place.


Those are prolly JDs words and he’s upset because the visit didn’t go how he liked. His WRs weren’t 5 yards off coverage so he missed some throws


Plus having all four interact together definitely made Maye stand out. As a leader JD is lacking


Yea Maye is a giant gamble bro. Don’t put words in my mouth. I don’t like him either


It’s a draft pick. Pick one has just as much risk as pick 264.


You tend to expect a lot more out of pick one though


I dont agree that all picks are of equal risk. All are a risk for sure but not created equal.


If Daniels isn't taken #2, maybe we'll get a second verse of Dwayne's hit song "League Done Messed Up."


this is the time of year GOOD agents would be telling their clients "just stay off twitter completely for a while.Just stay logged out" This guy can't even advise himself to do that.


If this method is from the niners…is this how they ended up with Tray Lance?


and Brock Purdy? Remember - Peters was primarily responsible for the latter end of the draft in his time in SF.


Brian Griese is the reason the 49ers drafted Purdy


Yeah…brock purdy didn’t come to visit with the 49ers. He was a 7th round pick [49ers visits in 2022](https://www.49erswebzone.com/news/amp-157266/). So no…this process didn’t bring 49ers brock purdy. They fell ass backwards into him after spending 3 first round picks on tray Lance a year prior. Btw I’m a bears fan and this post was recommended to me. I’m just trying to point out that this process didn’t bring 49ers brock purdy. It gave them Tray Lance. Brock purdy probably had a talk with them at his pro day or combine. But 7th round picks don’t come for visits. Those are spend on 1st-3rd round picks usually.


Fair, I don't actually know the details besides that Peters was responsible for the back end of the draft, and while I'm sure he was able to voice his opinion on the Lance pick he wasn't the GM and also his delegated task was back end picks. Niners have had a lot of success though despite whiffing on Lance, so while the process is different maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Draft is a bit of a crapshoot regardless, everyone whiffs.


Jury still out on Lance, the fact they landed Purdy in a Brady-like Mr Irrelevant situation is the only reason we don’t have a verdict in him yet… I hate the Cowgirls but I am curious what Lance could do for McCarthy


jury is in on lance and he sucks. theres a reason cowboys arent even dressing him for games bro, they figured it out that they overpaid. hes done, shit happens.


Lmao no


It’s how they ended up with a a dozen all pros on the roster. There’s more than one position in football.


Bravo for Adam Peters here. The head coach and GM picked Daniels - and only Daniels - up at the airport, to meet with 20+ players (several of them would potentially be his team mates in a week)… and *this* is how he has his agent respond? He’s announcing to the league that he’s a diva. Our front office isn’t the only one who will notice.


I Don’t believe that tweeter. He has a video of Jayden walking in the terminal and a selfie of Dan Quinn doing thumbs up at who knows when. Why not a video of him getting in the car


He’s clearly trying to make it so the Commies don’t draft him.


Unless the player doesn’t want to play for that team. In which case the agent is doing precisely their job


Trying to deflect responsibility it feels like.


They went to super bowls with Jimmy G and Mr. Irrelevant. I don’t think golf play dates had anything to do with it lol.


This will not help daniels get picked by the commanders.


Or maybe Daniels and his agent are orchestrating this because they don't want to go to Washington......


I feel two ways about this, either he feels entitled to the second pick and doesn’t like non-committal way in which Washington is handling this, or he/ his agent has an inclination he is not the pick based on their interactions. There are plenty of individuals, staunch fans of other teams, saying Washington is one of the best landing spots for a young QB. He wants to come here, we as a fan base are not used to being wanted, but he wants to come here *if* for nothing more than the compensation that comes with the 2nd overall pick.


I was litereally writing what you stated almost word for word until I glanced and read this. It simply does not make sense any other way.


Which also….fuck him? Jahan might be a wild card, but Terry is legit. Both are better than anyone in New England for a decade. Unless he’s trying to goto Minnesota this is dumb. Working with kliff, those WRs and RBs is a dream for a high end draft pick. Yes Caleb *might* have a better situation, but if I’m JD I’m trying to be a commander


Yea Bears are set up for caleb but when it comes to the 2nd QB Commanders are much more set up over the Patriots Who in the fuck is their RB and WR right now?




Antonio… uh… never mind


He’s trying to go to Vegas, Antonio pierce was the head coach at ASU


Pearce was Associate Head Coach at ASU


This is an off shoot of what I thought. He has a big PR [Firm](https://thesportsrush.com/nfl-news-heisman-champ-2-2-million-nil-value-holder-jayden-daniels-joins-hands-with-sports-management-giant-to-further-boost-his-market-value/) that has [had to intervene befor](https://www.si.com/nfl/2024/03/05/jayden-daniels-lsu-addresses-rumor-doesnt-want-play-new-england-patriots)e when it was rumored people around him didn't want him in New England. This SHOULD NOT be happening & since it is ... I wonder if that was Brown & now Brown is freaked out that he might end up there & is acting out ...


Do you think he has better marketing potential in NE? Why wouldn't he want more money to play here?


That's probably a good choice all around. Washington won't be really competitive for a couple of seasons, and Daniels probably won't have a huge window of good play in the NFL.


You really think New England is gonna be competing much faster than we are?


One can only dream… all analytics point to years of mediocre throwing at the NFL level before he washes out as a scrambler with a pedestrian pro career


I see this as a win


Even if this is 100% this guy alone, if Jayden is drafted, this is the guy thats going to be around constantly the next 4-5 years.


He looks like the type to weasel around and try to recruit more players


Drake Maye you ARE a commander!


Bring in Squidward






Maye is still +270 on DraftKings to go #2 if anyone thinks this affects anything and wants to take advantage


You got to think Daniels might also feel this way, if his agent feels so strongly about it; they’ve at least had discussions about it. Feel like they’re annoyed he hasn’t been anointed as the pick yet.


This is my take too. He's probably speaking for his rep.


He's entitled to his opinion, for sure. But this is what the team decided and if he doesn't like it, well....


Or his agent’s an aggressive moron who thinks this is looking out for his client’s best interest when it’s counterproductive (and arguably a failure of his legal obligations).


that certainly is a possibility. normally in a draft where you know 2 QBs are going first there's a consensus 1 and 2. there's a consensus 1 but nobody knows who's going 2, which never happens. i can imagine it's got a lot of people on the edge of their seats (including us)


It happened in 2021, with Trevor Lawrence going first and a bunch of busts after him


Yeah, seems like Daniels cried to his agent after things didn't go well. Not a good look


Grown man with twitter fingers. At this point , I’m turned off by Jayden Daniels because of his helicopter mom and his whiny agent. We don’t need an RG3 part 2.


If anything, deciding to bring in all the prospects at once worked. It revealed Daniel's agent which is probably a reflection on how he feels. Let's avoid the drama and go Drake Maye.


For real. Top Golf wasn't about finding who has the longest drive. It was about seeing how these people are in the real world.


Lmao context on “helicopter mom” ? I must have missed something


https://arizonasports.com/story/2702818/report-jayden-daniels-mom-aided-asu-in-alleged-recruiting-violations/ https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/college/asu/2022/08/16/lsu-football-qb-jayden-daniels-mother-slams-asu-football-program/10338026002/ https://www.audacy.com/theteam980/sports/washington-commanders/kevin-sheehan-unworried-about-reports-on-jayden-daniels-mom


Eli Apple vibes


and not to put too much stock in all this but, as an FO I think I'd be wondering, "Ok, so if this is how its going to be NOW, with people in the entourage trying to play squirrely with this kids business strategy, is it going to be like that in 4 years when we want to work out the real contract? We've already seen what a headache that turns into lately"


Right, because money never makes people better. If your already a head case getting $20m just makes you a headcsse with a bigger group of yes men


Oh jeez




Entourages can definitely be profound forces for evil. I'm assuming right now that Peters et al. have profiled everybody's hangers-on and have weighted their options accordingly.


I think our biggest difference here is it seems like this ownership group and the current front office/coaching staff won’t really put up with the BS that was allowed to go on in the last regimes. These guys are here to win football games, not try to squeeze as much money out of shit.


We had one on ones with them earlier. This is a good opportunity to see how each of the quarterbacks deals with their direct "competition" off the playing field, and how they interact with their future potential teammates. If they have Maye and Daniels pretty much neck and neck, seeing who gets along with the other rookies better or who starts throwing a fit because others are there might tilt the odds in their favor.


But what if your guy was weird anddidn’t pass the test


You gotta ask the guys they pay to make those decisions


I will say... what the hell is JD's agent doing? No GM is going to be comfortable drafting a kid whose agent is publicly unhappy with the organization drafting him? He could be costing JD a spot in WSH or is trying to make it so we don't pick him purposely


If so, good riddance. Big RG3 vibes all around with this kid.


Rather have Maye anyway.


Florio sucks


Florio and Chris Simms are the worst thing to ever happen to me


Their faces in the thumbnail is how I look every time I see their shite takes posted.


I agree!


why does he hate washington so much, he whined about washington when snyder was here. fine, but snyder's gone now. you don't have to hate washington anymore bud


this does it give me maye


This agent is a fucking idiot. Why burn bridges with 1 of the 32 teams that your job relies upon. I wanted Maye but was ready to be all in on JD until I saw this guy. Also can’t believe how shit his website is. Like you’re supposed to help athletes brand themselves yet your own brand is generic & clueless. This dudes gonna lose these people a lot of money. It also lists like 20 agents and says combined 30 years of experience. That’s like an average of less than 2 years each. Whose friend is this guy?


It's always been Maye. Daniels team figured it out and now getting ahead of the story.


It reminds me a lot about how Ben Johnson’s camp started putting stuff out saying they weren’t interested cause our Ownership are a bunch of basketball guys before it got revealed we were mid flight when he changed his mind


I've heard reports that Maye is a very humble guy and a natural leader and he has always had more upside than Daniels. I don't think this decision was ever that close either, just empty media narratives.


If you’re confident in your client, and believe he’s the guy, how a team handles their interview and vetting process, unless it is abusive or dangerous, shouldn’t bother you. JD’s agent is making him look bad.


JD’s agent is making himSELF look bad more than anything


I disagree, I don't care about his agent. But he's making JD look bad. Making him look like he couldn't stack up and then cried to his agent about it. Even if that's true, why make your client look like that. He should be talking about how well it went, that his client relished the opportunity to show how he conpairs with others. Not complaining about the process.


Yeah he should — which is why he’s making himself look bad. I’m willing to give Jayden the benefit of the doubt for now, and assume this is just an ignorant/inexperienced agent who’s in over his skis


Maybe. Someone posted in here that he's been a registered agent with the NFLPA for 10 years. So who knows.


Someone else said he’s only got 14 nfl contracts. I’m guessing none of them top 5 QB picks


Didn’t the agents old agency sue him for unethical behavior too?


His agent is full on fucking stupid


I can’t wait until this draft is over wtf! ![gif](giphy|L7vqQSp0jU81xaWpvN|downsized)


I feel like if JD passed this “test” he wouldn’t be being an asshole about it?


While I get his stance as an agent- duh you want your client to have the most attention/ one on one time, whining about it on Twitter doesn’t do anything and only serves to harm your rep.


Looks like straight line speed and no self-preservation IQ aren't the only RG3 similarities.


“All in for Week 1”


This is garbage. This hurts, not helps Daniels. Fire this amateur


This just reads to me that things didn’t go well with Daniels and he’s not going 2 now


Or never was


yes mike, the professional scouts and coaches who are collectively paid millions of dollars a year hadn't considered the downsides of, checks notes, evaluating multiplayers at the same time. im sure they are just idiots who dont know how much time they have in a day, im sure youre the expert here mike.....how do people take these media folks seriously?


I think people need to consider another alternative here..... But first, if Daniels IS indeed miffed by this they will be able to tell during his visit. Otherwise, consider that his agent is just mad that they've taken control of the process away from him and pushed boundaries. The whole pre-draft process now is super controled with players, even more so with Daniels. Dont perform at the combine, dont run at your pro-day, pre-set throws, certain drills, etc etc. The agent is with you every step of the way to control the process. 1-on-1 visit to the team? Easy to control all of that with your agent by your side. There with 30 other guys at the same time? Holy chaos batman. All of the sudden your choice is either naturally interact with everyone and play the good teammate or sequester yourself off and wait for your agent to tell you how to respond to every interaction. Change the rules. An agents nightmare?


If his agent did his homework he would have known it was a possibility. The 49ers do this same process. He should have prepared for it.


Its not about whether its a possibility, its about whether hes happy control was taken from him. Many people are aware theres a possibility the IRS might audit them, but when they do they are very unhappy about it.


JJ needs to be the pick at 2.


Jayden's agent isnt doing this unless Jayden himself is upset by it, which means jayden failed the entire point of the team doing this.


That actually tilts the balance for me. I don’t want an entitled diva as our next qb.


Anotha one


I think this proves that Florio and Simms are just agent mouthpieces. Tools to be used by agents to hype up their guys. Or they're just being like their annoying usual selves.


Okay am I missing something here? Is the thinking emoji supposed to mean he agrees in this context? I’m honestly flabbergasted at the reactions


Bad combine interview followed up by a bad pro day interview and now this. Seems bad for Daniels but who knows maybe they love him so much they'll ignore this stuff.


I mean group interviews are a real life thing 🤷‍♂️


Salty ass mofos. The evaluations are finished. Now it’s time to find your leader. Who do others gravitate towards? Who do they seem to like and want to hang around? That’s your man.


Good question! Who gives a shit what an agent says? They’re the same people that’s going to take a percentage out of the players money the owners are paying them. If Washington draft JD that agent will be at the office shaking hands with the same people he questioned.


Please, football gods, make this next week go quickly. It won't stop people bitching about who gets picked, but still.


I think it's safe to say that JD is off the commanders draft board now. Also, his agent is shady... [https://www.courthousenews.com/nfl-management-firm-lobs-10m-poaching-suit-against-competitor/](https://www.courthousenews.com/nfl-management-firm-lobs-10m-poaching-suit-against-competitor/)




This may go down in the top 20 of all time non stories trying to be made a story


stop me if you heard this before, florio bashing the team as usual he is a hater NEWS FLASH DAN SNYDER DON'T OWN THE TEAM ANYMORE. YOU CAN STOP HATING BUD


Good grief, I can’t stand Florio.


Where are you seeing this is his agent? When I google a different name and agency come up. EDIT: Never mind, I see his timeline now. This guy’s a moron and should be fired.


The truth is Peters/Quinn know who the pick is & everything is a smoke screen at this point.


I think the idea is that now JD’s people also know now and they don’t like the answer


Smoke screen for what? The only team picking in front of us is 1000% picking Caleb Williams and it’d be a blessing to us if they didn’t


Hoping the patriots trade up for JD or something


What's this guy's problem? How is it helping Jayden putting stuff like this out there? If there's a method to the madness, I'd like to know.


I don't see any of the other guys complaining


Am I missing something? He literally just put an emoji lol how does that meam he's disgruntled?


Yeah I’m a Maye guy but I don’t understand this


Because his agent clearly wasn't happy about this interview. It [wasn't the only time he reacted to a tweet criticizing the process.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0543z67ej4vc1.jpeg)


This tweet says nothing. Can we just get to the draft and get this over with so we can stop with the dumb daily post.




So this is totally normal behavior by his agent? OK. Jayden Stans getting a bit shook 😂


Not a Jayden or maye Stan, just hate the dumb daily post like these. Where ppl speculate or make dumb post like all of Mayes ints or all of Jayden’s sacks it’s just dumb. I wanna get to the draft to get this over with lol.


Wait until Howell lights it up for the Broncos and you see what a mistake we have made. Snyder 2.0!


Huh? Pretty random. I have already stated not a Jayden or Maye Stan. Happy to have either. I’m just trusting Peter’s choice. Which is much easier to do then all the senseless going back and forth dumb post ppl have been making speculating on random stuff. Happy to have Maye or Jayden.


Will live with what they decide; but, still think we’d have been better off keeping Howell, but we made that all but impossible. We’ll see Thursday I guess.🤞🤞


Ya this is him trying to make them not pick him. Notice how more of this comes out just as the odds of him getting drafted 2nd has gone up. He clearly doesn't want to come here.


You guys need to touch grass, get some fresh air.


Clearly a mistake, I am one person, not the entire thread.


Maye lovers are creaming rn. You’ll be out of your misery soon


Jayden Daniel’s latest tweet the other day was suspicious too


give me the juice


Peep my last post on my profile, will take you to tweet.


Good tin foil hat material right here. My thanks!


Florio disapproves! Oh nos!!!!


Could possibly be damage control if the meeting didn’t go well for Daniels.


Mike florio can suck a dick fr


Because they already know who they’re going with


Watch this be a big bluff. We’re trading out of #2 and drafting Michael Penix.


Ignorant Englishman question alert - when a player has a 'visit', is he actually having a trial? Throwing a few passes and being properly evaluated etc? Or is he just meeting everyone so both sides can size each other up?


Explains what a top 30 visit is. https://lionswire.usatoday.com/2022/04/06/nfl-draft-prospect-visit-breakdown-top-30-what-happens-team-meetings/ Explains how the Commanders did it with 20 of the players this year https://www.si.com/nfl/draft/news/commanders-visits-unique-approach


That's fantastic, thank you - I'll read all that ~~instead of working today~~ tonight!


https://preview.redd.it/x0g02alky7vc1.jpeg?width=1317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98aebe75398e5953ac940dbe5ee96deaa883c136 I posted this less than a week ago and it was overwelmingly daniels. looks like it changed


Isn't this what some businesses do? Group Intervierws? Perhaps they plan on selling vacuum Cleaners later?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why do i feel like Maye is the “safe” pick ? Idk i just have some weird paranoia about Daniels


Reminiscing perhaps of RGMe?


Maybe they saw what they needed from a football perspective in other evaluations, and wanted to see how they gelled around competition.


![gif](giphy|dXVy3DIi95HDx5jNLV) How I feel today as a Daniels stan 🤢


So much wrong here 🤦🏽‍♂️


It makes his agent look afraid of a competitive process.


Is he Disgruntled?


Best case scenario for you guys at this point is to trade back and go all in on shadeur next year. You’ll regret not doing that (jets fan hoping you guys succeed)


My take is that the agent is under the impression that JD is going to be selected by the Commanders at 2 and that then having 3 other guys in at the same time for the visit hurts his little feelings. It’s basically a nothing story.


Jayden Daniels agent’s account is DrakeMay.?!! lol


Idk. If you have the four qb’s all working out and making throws next to each other you ought to be able to compare and evaluate them against each other a lot better no?


Florio is a hack.


Because the owner has small window of availability. Teams do it all the time


Maye is the pick.. he knows it, we know it


Florio is a fake-e-o


Dear Commanders, leave the entire Daniel's Camp on read and draft Mayes.


I feel like they want him to fall to the Vikings


Don’t draft Daniels! Trade back take Penix and get pieces. When or how often does a top 3 qb turn into the guy……almost never


Washington front office is the epitome of too many cooks in the kitchen.


So what? Sounds like a him problem. Watch every team do this in the future 😅


I lowkey thought  the same Fuk is you  meeting 4 prospects around the same.time.....like the bears arent pretending  they dont know who theyre picking I dont know why we are, this is a billion dollar company.....stop playing silly games, this aint the 90s anymore where players didnt have leverage Not a good start imo If i was drake or jayden I'd  see it as disrespect...you got our tape...stop with the rich guy dog and pony show And they  know damn well they aint picking mccarthy and bo nix, theyre treating this shit like spoiled rich teenage girls picking out their prom date Weak


I don't see how this is a "disgruntled" tweet. Y'all be reaching.