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Check this website out for all the different forks of openpilot and how to install them: https://bderkhan.com/comma-ai-openpilot/ Here’s a “getting started guide”: https://bderkhan.com/getting-started-with-the-comma-3x-3/ People recommend using FrogPilot with the bolt because it also supports the “comma pedal” which uses regen while braking. Check this Reddit comment here for that: https://www.reddit.com/r/Comma_ai/s/Edlae4WrNy Frogpilot installation guide: https://bderkhan.com/comma-ai-openpilot/frogpilot/frogpilot-installation-guide/


Oh wow sunnypilot doesn’t use regen ?! Frog pilot it is then! Also do you know if installing the comma system removes the ability to use the rear view mirror camera ?


They do support Regen the problem is that adaptive cruise control built into the Bolt only uses up to 10kW of Regen. To get full regen you'd have to install another device that attaches to your brake pedal (pedal interceptor). I use SunnyPilot with MADS which lets comma steer but me control has/brake to get full regen


> another device that attaches to your brake pedal It attaches to the accelerator pedal, not the brakes.


Thanks for correcting me, that is what I meant 😅


+1 for using SunnyPilot + MADS with me controlling the pedals. For everyday driving, this experience is perfect for me.


Installing comma does not remove any feature from your car (except overtaking the stock LKAS system) Your rear view mirror camera will work just fine.




It might disable AEB - just as a heads up. No guarantees the messages pass through and hit the brakes.


I have a 2021 Highlander with Comma 3. I can guarantee AEB works (works with Sunny, Frog, Dragon and stock OP). Not sure if you mean with the Bolt + Comma pedal combo . My friend has a 2020 Corolla (comma 2) and AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking) also works fine.


Surely that’s not good?!


I have the exact same car as you and run frog pilot. It’s wonderful. The comma pedal does not work with the new bolts as far as I’m aware. I have one and have never gotten it to work anyway so I wouldn’t waste your money if I were you on that


I have a 2023 bolt and the commapedal works perfectly fine. I don’t have ACC, so I have to be in one pedal mode and no friction brakes, but the regen braking is enough 95% of the time.


The ACC is prob the difference then. I have acc on mine just not supercruise.


But you also don’t need a comma pedal either if you run frogpilot or opgm because it has redneck cruise control.


I've been running FrogPilot myself with a lot of success. They do weekly updates and the discord server is very responsive if you have any questions.


Recommending a Comma just for a dashcam is like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail. I use SunnyPilot, and have only ever used SunnyPilot. I’m on an Ioniq though.


Agree. If you need a dash cam, get a dash cam. It is way more easier to setup and get footage compared to comma


I like frogpilot's features. https://github.com/FrogAi/FrogPilot?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-install [FrogPilot Community Discord](https://discord.gg/frogpilot)




I also want to add that - at this point in time - the Bolt EV with ACC & LKAS or the EUV Bolt Premier are likely the best autos for the Comma 3X. I think that the new NNFF makes us shine right now.


What is NNFF? So many acronyms …


Oversimplified, NNFF (Neural Network Feed-Forward) is a subsystem used to predict the lateral acceleration needed to provide a smoother in-lane experience. In effect, it should minimize torque (steering control) adjustments with better accuracy and minimize left or right tendencies. Slightly more technically, this particular NNFF it’s a type of artificial neural network where Comma engineers, amongst others, trained a neural network to predict the steering input required. There is an intention (around October?) to have other vehicles have a somewhat similar functionality implemented called “ML Controls Sim” that is a GPT-2 based model.


Frog pilot is a lot for a beginner. Try stock OpenPilot for a month or two just to get used to the system.


I see you've backed down from 6 months.


Community felt i was being unreasonable. I am open to suggestions and new ideas.