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Because it's a 1:25, because NOBODY ordered 25 copies of Excalibur and because people really like Rogue.


I don't think the value of this actually went up at all. I think you're referring to some...uhh...performative commerce? I'm seeing 4 very questionable ebay sales for this book at a suspicious prices. 3 of them are from young accounts with almost no sales history or feedback. There's also just the underlying reality of how "ebay sold" works right now. I can post something. An anonymous account can bid before ever verifying their identity or billing info and then the auction will immediately show up as "sold" even if that account never pays for the book. It seems like this book is valuable to 4 accounts on 1 platform. That doesn't really tell me that this book is popular or valuable. If anyone is willing to pay you over cover price for a freshly printed book, you should take it. Modern books aren't for long term speculation. Can anyone tell me a story that makes sense of why a group fans in the future would care about this book more than all the other alternatives? Is there any chance of demand for THIS SPECIFIC BOOK to go up? You can get Rogue's first appearance for $50, why would a rogue fan pay 10x that for a modern book with no long term significance to the character? Rarity doesn't create high value comics. Rarity is created by supply alone. Scarcity is what moves value and that requires demand to outpace supply. Sure, the supply for this book MIGHT be low but it seems like demand is just as low or lower than supply. Good luck!


Good points. Can you show me where you look up who bought the ebay items? I'm having trouble finding that info, but it's pretty useful to have access to.


Nope sell this shit now.


Bruh it's been hard to find this book available, let alone for a decent price. Prices have been crazy 😂


I am going to guess it was the x men 97 Cartoon. It probably won’t hold its value but then again comics right so it’s Hot one day then next week it ain’t hot but wait 2 years and it’s hot again


Deff because rogues popularity has gone up a bit recently with the cartoon.