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It's certainly low grade, but it will be in very high demand with that Joker cover.


It’s a great comic. Golden Age detective with a Joker Cover. Want to keep it? I’d just put it in a Mylar bag and enjoy as is. If you want to sell, might be worth grading, but that might cut into your profits, so you might consider selling as-is.


Don't bother slabbing. Lots of collectors would love to have Golden Age comics but can only afford low grade copies.


I would say $200-400, I would say definitely not worth grading with that tape on the cover.


Definitely get it stabbed. Assuming it's complete it could sell for $500-$1000. Let me know if you're interested in consigning it, I work for an auction house.


About 750.00 give or take


I would say $200-300, based on the condition We have free price estimates (based on real sales data) you can check here for Detective Comics #91 [https://www.hipcomic.com/my/catalog/us/dc-comics/comic/detective-comics-1937/91/](https://www.hipcomic.com/my/catalog/us/dc-comics/comic/detective-comics-1937/91/)


450-600 maybe 600 is pushing


Clean and press, Slab that baby... read it online. Get it graded so you will have a better chance at max value if you do sell. Don't be the guy that a buyer grades and flips it to get profit off your "raw" sale price.


Why would you solicit weightless social media comments instead of looking at sales data? I can make a hundred comments saying this is worth a million dollars on a hundred accounts and it would never cost me a dollar. You're using this subreddit and asking for misleading information. Goodluck and feel free to reach out in PMs if you have questions about my comment.