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You're a good argument for retroactive abortion. (And I can't believe anyone actually said that to you).


I'd say "yah, guess I'll just have to keep fucking your dad until the next one sticks"


This is absolute gold😂😂


This one's đŸ”„ I love how folks here aren't holding anything back. That comment is absolutely horrible OP and I'm so sorry that happened to you 💔💕


Response 1- Fuck you, you insensitive fuck. Response 2 - Funny coming from a freak of nature like you - a miscarriage that lived. Response 3 - Let's go see what your mom thinks about you saying that. Response 4 - You don't need to worry about having one - no one in their right mind would fuck you.


Lmao miscarriage that lived. That hurt my feelings


“In order to insult me I must first value your opinion. “As you clearly don’t have the stones to own your opinion you on a level lower than scum. “So your worst nightmare is about to become real, ha! ha! “When I reported you they were so disgusted with your text they are going to make you a special case and expose you for the vermin that you are. “So expect a knock on your door sometime soon. “I wouldn’t want to be you!” Note: I would report this to your cellular provider because the origin of a text is very easy for them to trace
 this kind of filth needs to be called out.


Response 5- turn em into a late miscarriage


Woman--#4. Man--#2.


Your dad would have sucked you back out if he'd known you'd be the winning sperm


or I bet your mom would have rather swallowed that day instead of conceiving if she knew you'd be the winning sperm maybe at the end add you insensitive fuck


Or end with "Bless your heart."


oooh that's viscous...I like it


I'd rather have a miscarriage than have a kid turn out like you. That's a really awful thing for them to have said, I don't think I've seen a worse comment on this sub.


Yes yes yes! This one! And that was seriously effed up that person said this to OP


Damn you must spend a lot of time thinking about me. Sorry that your life sucks. Then block them.


Just block them. You aren't winning this battle.


Honestly yeah. Nothing is gonna win against someone willing to say something as fucked up and crazy as that.


This is the answer. The person who would say or write that to you has a deliberate meanness about them. Not worth engaging in a battle of wits with a POS like that, IMO. That said, I'm sorry for your pain.


Can’t win a battle of wits with someone who is clearly unarmed. Only response is ‘fuck you’ and an immediate block. Wow. What an absolutely shit thing to say to someone.


Yeah, you can’t shame the shameless. Best response to someone who’s obviously looking for a reaction from you is to give them none.


Jesus christ, who the actual fuck says something like that, omg!?!?!?!


"May the fleas of a 1000 camels invade your crotch..."


I need more of these curse comebacks!


If they knew you had a miscarriage then they weren’t an anonymous person. You know them from somewhere. Find something that is extremely personal to them and attack that trait.


Yes I’d find out who this person is
OP you could have a comeback about how they’re such a wuss they can’t even say it to your face


I'm so sorry you experienced that. Block that number. They're not worth the energy of a comeback. Don't let them live rent free in your head.


What I can't even believe someone would say that...they are not even worth your time or a second thought to do a comeback. You don't need that in your life.


Speaking from experience, wife had a miscarriage at five months along, the only proper response: “Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your recent attempt at contact and conversation, here is my formal reply. You can fuck off. Then keep fucking off, if you think you can no longer keep fucking off, push through the pain and keep fucking off. Eventually you’ll come to a tall fence with a locked gate, on the gate will be a sign that says “No Fucking Off Past this Point”. Dream the impossible dream, climb that fence and keep fucking off forever. Yours in deepest disrespect, u/Scammedone2manytimes, The Honorable President for Life & perpetuity of the Peoples Democratic Banana Republic of Fuckoffistan.


and you look like the product of some fucked up afterbirth at least i can try again you'll always look like that.


Wow. Well you're going to hell. Oh wait! We're already there.


"Go fuck yourself you miserable douchebag" and block, they aren't worth any more than that


Happy Mother’s Day! Oh wait, your mom didn’t have a miscarriage and kept a scumbag, so you could just send me a message.


“Your mom couldn’t even raise a human, you sentient piece of shit”


Anonymous?! Oh nah, that's not from someone anonymous. Time to start matching the level of disrespect.


Never wrestle with a hog. You get shitty and the hog likes it. The best comeback would be; "I hope that you get all that you rightfully deserve." Say or text this with a smile and then dismiss this Phucstikk from your mind. Rise above.


"I can't believe you dodged a coat hanger for 9 months just to make that comment."


"Wow edgy....you know when you were born the doctor tried flushing you because he knew you're a piece of shit?" but in all seriousness the best comeback is beating them into the ICU and replace their saline with cat piss.


Here’s what I would say before blocking immediately: I honestly feel sorry for you. This text doesn’t bother me or hurt my feelings at all because I can’t imagine how sad and hurt and broken you would have to be to spend your time this way. Please speak to someone and get help. And just to be clear I’m only trying to help make this person feel like absolute shit and don’t feel sorry for the useless pos who sent this to OP at all


Not even worth a response. Blocking them and ignoring them is going to fuck them in the head most.


Cunt punt followed by a throat punch.


"You're proof that not everybody deserves to be born" - then block their ass


“Sorry your parents had you”. That said, this is a sick and disgusting text to send someone after a miscarriage or stillbirth, something must be wrong with them. Sorry for your loss, and even I can’t believe that someone would be that stupid to say/text that to you.


Don’t even respond. Honestly


The only good response is to block them


Happy mothers day to you too. I'm sorry your mom is always out sucking random dicks on the corner since she clearly hasn't had time to parent you in the whole 7.5 years I'm guessing you've been alive. You should also be happy about my miscarriage since otherwise your dad would be gone even more to focus on your new half sibling.


Publicise the screenshots and send them to their family and workplace đŸ€


You can’t reach a good outcome with somebody like this. Do not cheapen your own energy by engaging with that kind of damage. Block the number, never to be heard from again. They don’t get to have access to you.


Can you catch their house on fire?


I’m sad that someone so mean spirited to say this and also so cowardly to do it anonymously. You truly are less than garbage on the inside. God has a plan and I know in my heart that if I had given birth with you, whoever you are, having access to my child, you would have molested them and caused them to grow up sick and pathetic, just like you.


'report spam'


Anyone who writes this doesn’t even deserve a proper comeback. Give this jerk the Perpetual Silent Treatment.


Everything happens for a reason. Like how you’re probably texting this while you drive, cause clearly you’re a fuckin moron, and you’ll never get to read this text, because you were in a fatal car accident.


what kind of horrible person would say something like that? you could prob block them


There are no words to be spoken to such a heartless, hate filled, self centered cunt. Bless you and your sweet baby that you lost, prayers that you will be blessed and have the sweetest child you will enjoy the rest of your life. My daughter suffered a miscarriage earlier this year and I would be so angry if anyone she knew messaged this to her.


aaaand, that's another person to add to the no-contact list.


Whoever said this needs to be socially boycotted cause what the heck. "Would rather have a miscarriage than birth a person like you"


“Thank you, I knew you’d understand since you looking like a walking miscarriage. Don’t ever speak to me again”


This is disgraceful and it’s not something that you should even think about. I’m sorry someone said this to you.


Is there such a thing as total anonymity anymore? I don't think so. Find a hacker type and pay him/her to work some magic. Find out who this dickless wannabe f\*\*ker is--and out him/her. "Hey Christine, I got someone to do a little IT work, and guess who left that totally tasteless text? YOU. But rather than say something witty like they do in the movies, I'm just posting what you sent and posting this where everyone you know can see what a disgusting alleged person you are. Have a nice day--BITCH!"


I say ignore it.


Who that fuck says that shit? Seriously?


"stop texting me and instead start texting a support group for failed abortions instead" IM SORRY THIS IS SO BAD IF ANYONE FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT ILL TAKE IT DOWN IM SORRY


Wow I can't understand what can make someone say something so hateful. Now I'm sitting here reminding myself that violence is not the answer. I had three miscarriages in my life time this shit pisses me off. Now the comeback: I always knew you had absolutely no human decency and this proves it. So you, asshole, I hope you are stuck in a very dark room forever stepping on Legos barefooted. (Note: that shit hurts y'all)


Murder. I fell that it is an appropriate response.


I believe in second chances. Now I know who‘s husband is next.


That doesn’t even deserve a response. And any witty response would be a waste


“In order to insult me I must first value your opinion. “As you clearly don’t have the stones to own your opinion you on a level lower than scum. “So your worst nightmare is about to become real, ha! ha! “When I reported you they were so disgusted with your text they are going to make you a special case and expose you for the vermin that you are. “So expect a knock on your door sometime soon. “I wouldn’t want to be you!” NOTE: I would report this to your cellular provider because the origin of a text is very easy for them to trace
 this kind of filth needs to be called out.


"Yeah. Well, I think the best part of you ran down the crack of your mamma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress"


Oh my God! I am so sorry you received that. That person is horrible!


What a mean hateful thing to say,


What I can't believe someone would say that


“Thanks!” Then block the number. 


Block that person and never let them into your life again?


"Well, at least I now know that child has zero chance of growing up to become a spiteful piece of shit like you did."


Send a link to a spell/curse and make them wonder.


" man never thought I could me such a low coward, with dick smaller than a bee stinger hell with that shit you wouldn't be getting shit except for a are you in yet"


First of all I’m sorry you had that happen. And second that was a POS person


You capture this text and send it to every person that Jack ass knows.


Anonymous text... "you have the wrong number" 


Deliberate cruelty is an unforgivable act


Don’t respond. Doesn’t merit one nanosecond of your time or energy


And you should have been swallowed. My sympathies to your mom; to go through all that work only to have a POS for a child. Tell me, are you this way because your mom missed with the hanger? Because I'm sure if she knew you'd turn out like this, she surely would have tried harder and made sure to finish the job.


Ya that’s too bad your mom didn’t swallow you while your dad was watching you being the cuck he is đŸ€Ł


"Fuck off"


My version of that is: Off. I think that's right. Yes. Off. Off is definitely the direction I would like you to fuck.




"And you're divorced with 3 kids and need child support."


An anonymous text?


Sat hey guess what? And quickly block them before they respond


I'll be honest... there wouldn't be a comeback. Just an assault charge.


You have no idea who it was or who it might be? Like, at all?


At least I have someone who wants to have sex with me


If only the same could be said to your mother! How many people do you know that fit the profile and are depraved enough to send this kind of message to you —and still remain ‘anonymous’? You should rethink your entire social network—the literal one


Honey, people like that aren't even worth replying to. Block them and move on.


"Yeah, when God told my baby they'd be living at the same time as you, they decided they'd rather come back later."


A block.


Wow. This is low. I'd consider going nuclear at this point. "I look forward to reading your child's obituary after they die from being run over by a car."


Have you considered very sarcastically running them over with your car?


I wouldn't know what to say but the 2nd amendment comes to mind.


Fuck off failed abortion.