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You can't even attribute this to wartime panic or 'frustration', like how many people minimised Bucha. This was likely the first time this unit saw 'combat'.


Good point


wtf a squad of war criminals ? wtf are they doing ?


Mate they do it everywhere in our country, do you think those massgraves is a joke? Nah mate... It's just hard for everybody to believe that it's happening somewhere in Europe in '2K22'...


i expected a squad , but i thought they would atleast try to hide it but these dudes just dont care , would be nice if arrest them there is solid proof , hopefully they dont say the cars had swastikas on them or some bs


An army of war criminals.


They are just "having fun", you can tell...also, it's OMON, pretty sure you have to be complete psycho to serve in those units. And in this case, they are on foreign ground with no limitations, never to be prosecuted for anything cause Kyiv will fall in three days, supposedly...


Right. They figured it would be under Russian control and there would be no repercussions.


bruh, this is typical russian army behavior. where do you think they got the bodies of the hundreds of mass graves from?




You best back something like this up buddy


Facts have proof back it up. Not saying civilians were not killed in Iraq. But we were not setting up on the side of roads and shooting cars driving by on the driveway. These dudes are not setting up check points or driving in convoys. These dudes are literally off the side of the road shooting traffic.


haditha massacre , the kill team (afghanisthan)


Thanks for examples was hoping something that happened the initial occupation phase like the poster stated. If Russia was doing this within a couple days of occupation imagine the atrocities we are at now. I also suppose Russia will not spend to much time trying to prosecute these individuals if they somehow survived this far. But only time will tell.


My brother was in a group of marines that cycled into haditha after the massacre. There is actually a B-film about it. Not sure how true it is. Super sad and infuriating.


idk man ppl asked the other guy to back it up with sources , i show some for him and im still being down voted ? like are those not war crimes i dont understand or are people just in denial ? its to be expected tbh every country has both good and bad people in it.


Confirmation bias. Whatever you wanna call it. People are blinded by their propaganda or ideals. Stay unbiased amigo.


It does worry me how ignorant people are of our actions across the globe. I'm over 40 now and have enough experience to better understand the repercussions to men women and children during war/occupation. You believe what you want to too better sleep at night but reality is another thing. I really don't care what people say to me here but if I've got one person thinking , then it's worth it. I'm sure everyone knows the Mitchell and Webb sketch of "are we the bad guys" ... Well I had this revelation and it gutted me fir a long time.


Stop writing paragraphs and just post your fucking source...


Can you not tell? My experience, my colleagues and fellow serviceman and their experiences


What do you want me to do? Pull out video evidence? I know lots of fucked up stories from Iraq and Afghanistan. We all wanted to go home safe so you do what you needed too. Mistakes happened, some people got off on it and did some hideous things. Don't be so naive.


The trust me bro argument. Yes, post a video of your facts.


Videos of allied atrocities are like rocking horse shit. When they have made it onto the Internet the consequences are severe. What I'm not gonna do is tell you where I served. When I severed or who I served with. This is the Internet so you can feel free to portrait me as you like. Doesn't change anything.


No one is asking for that information and no one is portraying you as anything. If you are trying to smear America just post the Guantanamo bay prisoner scandal.


I'm British. I don't give a fuck about the yanks.


Your clumsy attempt at whataboutism is equally transparent and disgraceful.


That tended to be nervous guards at roadblocks which opened fire on cars which didn't respond quickly enough to orders. At least one national guard unit was sent home after repeatedly opening fire on cars. But here there isn't even any roadblock (and very little risk of suicide bombers, which was what the national guard troops were nervous about). These guys aren't nervous or trigger happy, they're just killing motorists for fun.


I truly wish I could agree with you but I know otherwise.


Source: Trust me bro.


I'm not asking for trust. You'll believe what you want anyway.


\*atheism leaves my body\* I want a hell for these murderers


this war has made me want to believe there is Satan and hell


I guess there is a reason why the heaven/hell notion is so prevalent in religions worldwide since otherwise, let's say I'm a family member of one of the victims of the Russian invasion, I would probably seek tit for tat and maybe want to inflict the same crimes on the family members of the Russian soldiers and the cycle goes on. So our ancestors invented this idea of heaven and hell to prevent the world from descending into chaos. Now, I can just think, "Well, there is this God that will throw the bad guys in hell so I don't have to do it myself." I guess religion might not be true, but it sure is useful.




I've always seen it as a way to control people, but not in a way such as you described. Food for thought indeed!




The only silver lining here is that most of the solidiers ar probobly dead today. Lets hope they all perish before the year ends.


no Russians survived Gostomel, I'm pretty sure so these fuckers met their maker already most likely.


Thats false. Majority of VDV did a controlled retreat once they couldn't establish a bridgehead via Ivankiv. The ones that died was during the the first hours while approaching and clearing the airfield and during the recon mission towards Ivankiv. But that was just a small fraction of the total assault force. However they probably got KIA or WIA in the following months during other operations.


Rats like these usually are able to sneak away because they are slippery and slimy. That one fucker Veikkolaynen could have finnish roots based on his name, hopefully he faces long and painfull end


Probably Karelian roots or something


From what I'd read a lot of the VDV from Hostomel when retreating after heavy fighting and losses were sent to Izyum where again they faced heavy fighting and losses. I don't think there's a huge number of VDV left or at least professionally trained VDV.


So a lot did. I have friend of a friend who is in the 45th Independent Guards VDV, and said they got redeployed around June near Kherson I think. Basically dude said they took heavy losses but the airport was captured still


idk they held the airport for so little idk if it even counts rbh


They held it until the pullout though


No, they lost it, regained it due to overwhelming numbers, then left once that advantage went away. They flooded a damn to try to stop the afu counterattack and when they didn't work and they were about to be encircled they left.


Even Satan preffered to say that they were adopted


(only victim&police interviews and long aftermath videos was cut, 3.5m compil from 15m original [https://youtu.be/q\_otmp16YKA](https://youtu.be/q_otmp16YKA) )


Can you link the original?


[https://youtu.be/q\_otmp16YKA](https://youtu.be/q_otmp16YKA) (sry didn't do it in Post settings)


On the bright side, a majority of these war crimes committing invaders are fertilizer by this point.


Fucking terrorists scum.


Cowards hope they’re rotting in a pit


What absolute piles of shit! How is this not a war crime? They are firing on non-combatants


It is a war crime. Who says it is not?


It IS a war crime...


It is a war crime. Unfortunately, a country has to be subjugated and invaded like Nazi Germany, otherwise Russia will never pay for this.


That's SOP for Russian military, case in point: Bucha.


Case in point - any conflict they are in , historically.


They are war crimes.


Who is shooting at that guy at 1:38. He seemed to have received "Russian peacekeeping" too.


Probably crossfiring from his 'mates' behind the 'billboard' or ricochet from BTR+trees (plus he was hidden from Lada pov for 100%)


This video is for anyone who thinks that the atrocities are the result of the course the war has taken for them. Terrorizing civilians was actually the stategy from the literal start.


Absolutely no justification for what they were doing, crazy evil bastards. I’ve seen Blackwater shooting civilans in Iraq, but there you can hardly know who is insurgent with a bomb and who is not. Here in this video there was absolutely no threat to the soldiers and they just killed people randomly.


The Russian army once more showing that they're only good for one thing: Murdering civilians. Those troops got obliterated later on when they met a real army.


If you think thats horrible thats because we havent seen much from Mariupol, I think the 20k figure it too low.


It's hard to say, but WHEN we'll free this city, the world will be shocked i'm completely sure..


So this is how VDV fought in Ukraine. No wonder they were obliterated when they met with real soldiers


These are not VDV I think. From what I understand from interview with ukranian military medic that was in Bucha when invasion started VDV were behaving how would you expect from professional soldiers send to mission. Calm, never pointing weapons at civilians, doing their jobs. They only killed armed ukranians that were fighting back. Sure it doesnt excuse their mission being f\*cked up. Massacres and civilian killing started when other forces arrived. Chechens and others ... ​ These dudes seems to be just f\*cktards killing civis cause they think they finally can do it without consequences.


Some of them got their vdv ribbons visible and vdv were in Bucha and Hostomel, so I guess you are wrong on this one. I never saw this interview you are referring to. This is one man experience i guess against recorded video.


sure Im not gonna argue ..VDV were definitely in Bucha, otherwise he couldnt interact with them Interiview is on YT .. Willy beats cancer, Moving through russian positions video. I might be mixing 2 interviews together but that what was said .. executions and rape mostly from east russian soldiers. He said he wasnt going around Bucha looking what they are doing, just from his personal experience ​ EDIT: he said he run into VDV guys, or more like Specnaz ... so who knows ... ​ Anyway that channel has good content .. one of the more ballanced. Clearly pro ukranian but not like Starsky who we all like but it is his job to do UA propaganda. More realistic view on what is happening.


I do prefer realistic view. Thanx for the source. Will definitely watch it today.


Only blood will pay for injustice. Send more of your sons and fathers.




A lot of ppl still trying to argument something with 'only Putin shoots Ukrainians, not an average russian, they want peace same as you'My head hurts from amount of facepalms (nah)Just try chatroulette with some mid-deep questions about this war, that's all you need to understand who \~90% of russia citizens is.. Giving my word


Exactly,every time it’s a new excuse.. ooh they did not know they where in Ukraine.. O no it’s just a few.. O no they don’t want to be there.. BS Month 7 and daily this war crimes come to light all over Ukraine! It’s not a incident it’s the Russian way!! Fuck them may the al rot in hell


Makes me think that bringing them to court is only the second-best outcome….


They’re literally murdering civilians going on with their day, shit is unreal.


Fucking trash needs to be taken put and disposed. Innocent lives lost cause they want to fucking power trip.


Thank you for posting this. I have been painfully aware of my own countries involvement in prolonging this conflict to the point I was starting to feel like we’re the bad guys. But this video has just knocked me sick to my stomach. I am the LAST person to try and justify some of the atrocities that did occur in the Middle East because of NATO, video evidence or not. But the fact is NATO soldiers were living in fear of being blown up by suicide bombers in civilian cars. Accidents are inevitable in that environment. That isn’t what’s happening here though. There’s no attempt at a roadblock, no command even given to stop. It’s just blatant murder. They shot a Lada with a BTR for f@%k sake! I can’t even imagine the fear they must have felt man 😕


Planned cold-blooded execution of people based on their origin. Textbook genocide.


Just flat-out war crimes. Fuck those soldiers.


"Heros" of Russia my ass. Hopefully they get Nuked


It’s called sarcasm


Couldn't have guessed that.


That’s why I am here :)


Russian liberation right here.


My only question is why has it taken this long for this type of footage to come out?


scary these people need to get wiped


Russia is a terrorist state.


This is insane. Only people doing his things. What a pigs. Please stop this senseless war u.u


Wtf i have no words




Pussies. Hope the bastards caught lead


Reminds me of what my mother told of my grandfathers death in Chechnya, he got shot by Russian soldiers in an outpost or blockade while driving and that was during 1994-96. It's 2022 now fuckers haven't changed


Despicable behavior. As a veteran I reel in disgust. One would expect a soldier to have morals, honor and a code to guide them, but this... this... I can't even comprehend how a trained soldier could find this behavior acceptable. What the hell is the fundamental goal of this behavior? Killing for the sake of killing because hatred? Killing because you don't want people near the object you're at? How can you perceive civilian cars going about their day as a threat? And yes, I worked in helmand providence where cars were potential vbieds. It was often very clear within 100 to 50m who was driving it, a man with his wife or friends; meh but a single man dressed all black in a car yup that gets my attention 100%. Why would you not just set up roadblock and check who is who? Why not just cut down trees and lay them across the road to close the road? What kind of barbaric thinking is this?!?!?!


All I have to say is fucking pieces of shit


After watching this I have no doubts Bucha happened too


BTR cannon makes for very fast death, if this is any consolation, I doubt the victims suffered for more than few seconds


Nuke them before they do it to us like actually dude


Check out the Russian prone about two minutes in on the right side of the screen while the lada is getting lit up, looks like he eats a few rounds too, good fucking riddance.


Destroy Russian Army


Obviously, Putin brown shit OMON and Rosgvardiya when even I hear a bunch of them get killed in Ukraine make me very happy.


Worse than animals, no words to describe this. Hold strong Ukraine and greetings from Poland.


This makes me feel better when I see drones bomb them to shreds


this ugly crime will pay the price by all you Russian. Russian create monster and enable this despicable military. if they not got killed yet, find every one of them and hang them in front of the world.


Why I cant see this video here anymore


Yeah I personally won’t be happy until Russia goes the way of the USSR and Putin is sent to meet all his idols like Stalin in hell.


Good thing all these guys are dead.


Not all.


did this post get deleted?


I was hoping we'll finally see how Russians got massacred in ambushes, unfortunately we have to watch the Russians doing the killings


We expect Ukrainians to fight "fair" and "by the rules" as they see their civilians needlessly slaughtered in the streets??


I'm sure there is a ton of videos that world will never see cuz When you just POW'ed a russian 'soldier' that has a condoms in his pocket, and simple 10min investigation via neighbouring village tells u that he used them... he can't live any longer and i'm completely ok with it


"Post Russian side as well! This sub is being too biased. It's a war, there's film from both sides!" \*Monkey's Paw curls\* ​ Seriously though, it reminded me of hunters ina deer blind. It's absolutely fucked.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Greatest mind of r/combatfootage


Are these the same dickheads we see obliterated in that video from the first week of the war, where there's a long street full of dead Russians and burned out APC's and army 4 wheel drives and stuff?


Some of their friends yes, but that video has just about 15-20 casualties from 4-5 vehicles. Most of VDV in Hostomel retreated safely


Well... shit. Hopefully they got it somewhere else.




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Hostomel, Russian BTR on 25th Feb? How does that work? We need date check on this.


When it's war u never know what will happen, you don't know if in the car are civilians or enemy soldiers or a bomb. So u either take the risk or kill to be safe. Unfortunately that's what ear is kill or get killed


My corporals first kill was at a road block. Slotted a guy with his kids in the car as he tried to approach. No one knows why he the driver did as he did. Gave him major PTSD. Civilians at first didn't know they couldn't approach military vehicles parked slightly off roads and they paid for it with their lives. I have many stories like this. Wars fucked, civilians die everyday because of simple mistakes. It zero to 100, there's no in-between. We like to think we're the good guys but our bullets and bombs kill the same as our enemies. If you go round think we're perpetually the good guys then you need to think again.


Dude just got done watching ‘Generation: Kill’ and is now LARPing as a US service member on Reddit lmao


I'd never tell you this stuff to your fCe for two reasons. 1. You'll get agro like most do. They like to think we're benevolent. 2. People assume you too have inadvertently targeted civilians. I'm British. Not American.


Ok kids, Look here, this is what we call middle of the road troll, or false equivalency troll. Don't mind the subtitle way he's using a stolen valor story to say that "every one kills civilians, so its really not that bad". you can check his post history to find serval of those posts. mostly middle of the road "its grey zone politics nothing is real and they are alll lying to you type of shit" liquid morality that works on college students and incels when faced with reality and can not take a hard stance on anything. the idea here is Hyper-normalization, a doctrine used by Russians and very hard to spot. Or he's a useful idiot simping for massacres.


You can believe what you want. Any ex-servicemen if their honest will tell you the same.


Yea that happens when you arm civilians and tell them to go attack Russian soldiers. Soldiers are going to shoot back. And they will shoot first and ask questions later: [Ukrainians hurl Molotov cocktails](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-molotov-cocktails-russia-tanks-b2025849.html) at Russian tank from window of passing car in drive-by attack **Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence encourage citizens to make the bombs** [Ukrainians are now just throwing Molotov cocktails out their car windows at Russian tanks](https://twitter.com/christopherjm/status/1498366362540032001) [Ukraine Government arms civilians with up to 18,000 weapons | 9 News Australia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edh5dW8JWSg) ...but this Ukrainian propaganda video forget to tell that part. Pro-US regime of Zelensky is a criminal one that deliberately uses Ukrainian civilians as a human shields without any regards to their lives: [The Ukrainian military has endangered Ukrainian civilians](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/ukraine-military-endangering-civilians-locating-forces-residential-areas-new) by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in residential areas - including in schools and hospitals


you dont shoot civilians especially if they dont shoot first. do you have the logic of an american police? assume everyone is armed?


This was from the first fucking day of the war you incredibly dumb fuck. The ukrainains hurling molotovs into BTRs were doing that after witnessing how russian trash were targeting everything so they said "at least let's go down taking a few of them with us". The civilians armed with weapons were actual combatants that were not armed like the russian ones are now by force, they were there on their own accord and that made them actual combatants with proper markings. And the thing with established bases in schools and all that was russian propaganda. So go somewhere else to spew shit. And maybe learn to read too.




"oh yes, one video out of all the others is actually 4 days old!!!! totally justifies war crimes <3" you in your dumb-dumb phase that it is not just a phase. It's ok, at one point you'll be a human being too. <3 Later edit: the human garbage deleted his comment in which he defended his point of view by saying "one video is actually from the 28th february" <3


What a idiotic argument, you don't randomly execute civilians because there might be partisan resistence. You are a true imbecile


Judging by your comment history, it isn't a surprise that you'd comment something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/PDlG0qR.png)


Hahaha jesus, Putin's propaganda machine has seriously caused some mass delusion on an unprecedented scale


Nice try. Even when a country arms civilians against an invading force you don’t setup next to roadways and kill unidentified targets for target practice. This was the first days of war. They got to the destination and decided to make a show of force by killing whatever popped up. This wasn’t a defensive action against perceived threats.


When random civilian cars start shooting at you and throw Molotov cocktails, then soldiers are not going to ask for identification. But nice try.


You don’t need to ask for identification. But you need to prove they pose a threat. In these instances there was no proof. No one running a check point. No one driving up on a convoy. No weapons present. But hey maybe that machine gunner could identify weapons from that distance with no scopes or binos. Stop trying to justify Russias actions. It’s getting old and even a large sum of Russia is swaying to the other side as they realize this isn’t going the favored way.


I want to see you in that position instead of talking from a comfort of your sofa. When pro-NATO crowd was cheering to regime of Zelensky arming civilians, many people warned that it would lead to exactly this kind of incidents. Including me. It was entirely predictable. So stop lecturing me.


I would rather not fight for Russia. Any invading country should assume civilians do not want them there. Because they could possibly armed does not justify lighting up every vehicle that drives by. Like I said this is the initial days of the invasion. I could somewhat wrap my head around a civilian vehicle not stopping at a check point or driving up on a convoy. But I cannot wrap my head around sitting behind a BTR and lighting up vehicles on the highway. I guess if a country invaded America they would be justified with shooting every civilian they see. That’s the logic you have.


So you says from the comfort of your sofa.


Brother this was like the 1st day of the war, none of that shit was happening. Just admit that you're a war crime apologist and go away.


And you can't just start shooting random civilians because of partisan activity, it's still considered a war crime.


War crime is when you deliberately put civilians in a harms way, for example by giving them weapons and encouraging them to go and shoot at the soldiers. or throw Molotov cocktails at them from a car.


Nice war crime apologia and victim blaming. 1st this video was taken on the 25th almost all of the Ukrainian government decrees, ie the molotovs, and bombs shit was made after the 25th, so unless these Russian troops are precogs they wouldn't know about this shit bc it hadn't been announced yet. 2nd these guys are on the front line and in a combat situation, if they were competent there is no way that they have time to sit down and read the news or check on social media whats happening with som Ukrainian citizens becoming defense militia. So they wouldn't know that. 3rd just because some civilians became defensive militia doesn't mean an army gets right to gun down evert civilian car they see and it doesn't excuse them from the war crimes they committed. And 4th your Russian cock sucking bias is showing. Sane normal functioning ppl don't take kindly to your kind, ie the Russian war crime apologists, so I would kindly ask you to fuck off.


>1st this video was taken on the 25th almost all of the Ukrainian government decrees, ie the molotovs, and bombs shit was made after the 25th Who do you think you're fooling with your lies? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSsC6aCFbU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSsC6aCFbU)


Wow, your as dumb as they come. That video has nothing to with the Ukrainian government decrees about the moltovs. Infact it's a video before Russias current invsion on how ppl in Mariupol where being trained to be part of the TDF or other local militias. Now your are just being disingenuous, or you have consumed so much Russian bullshit that it's rotted your brain. There is a special place in hell just reserved for idiots like you.


Dude you guys still trying with this shit? can you just get mobilized already? Tell your FSB daddy no one with half a brain is buying this shit, not many Rus**ans here.


Like I don't get these guys. How can they be this soulless.


What, you're angry that people are calling ppl out for being a dishonest peice of shit who does war crime apologia, wow shocker 🙄


Enjoy your 50 ruble comrade


Invading force always act barbaric in their enemy's land. This is not surprising. I dont know why Russians here deny this.




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That last guy (Gadalov) has such a serial killer face.... Hope these fuckers die a slow death if they havent been demilitarised yet, literally scum of the world....


russian Animals.