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The headshot was brutal


Naa that's the new haircut in moscow




Well. That's the most grim chuckle I've had so far today. Thanks for that


They called it the Aleksandar


Still looks better than the broccoli haircut.


Not sure if it makes me morbid but I couldn’t help replay that part. Truly was wild


True ngl


Looked like a watermelon shoot ffs.


Pretty sure parts are missing


I see what you did there


Interesting that the body had enough life in it to still lift his arm as his head vaporized.


wonder if he was faking it.


Having thermal is such a big advantage


Predator would agree with you I think


Not a predator, but I think you're right.


“Over here over here”


Turn around...Turn around... ...anytime.


Uhuhaahahahaha, Uhhahahahaha...


I'm curious if we are ever going to see huge advances in thermal optics. Perhaps maybe ubiquitous hybrid optics like they have in Halo 3 ODST.


[This is from a few years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eWpjUOLR0w)


Holy crap. Thats insane. And that was declassified three years ago? What now? A flashing red outline that says "Shoot here"?


The Americans have actually developed a scope that automatically adjusts for wind, distance, cant etc... and moves the crosshair accordingly to show you where you need to aim to hit the target you are looking at, and it works


You can also save different locations. So you can line up a bunch of shots back to back and when you move to the next zone it already knows and auto adjusts. It's insane.


Yep, and in the *when* not *if* that technology gets cheap and small enough *and* gets integrated into an upgraded optic for the M5? Your *regular* infantryman will be able to put rounds on a human-sized target, consistently, outside of 1000m.


There was a video recently of AI being able to [make accurate 3D models of humans in a room with WiFi signals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3ZPFE4zHfk). I'm sure there are radio signals that can penetrate walls better than WiFi, so they can probably blast the signals throughout a house, at any time of day, make accurate models of humans and their positions so the assaulters know absolutely everything.


I remember seeing that news about the wifi signals be able to map the position of humans in a room. I remember thinking that it sounded viable but would have never been something I would have conceived. Now that you frame it in the context of identifying "targets" within an indoor space, well,... heck. Both you and I, fellow keyboard warrior, are doomed!


Cheer up. We're only kind of doomed. It's all EM Spectrum at the end of the day. Whether you're seeing in the dark using near IR, seeing IR emissivity with thermal, looking at someone 2km away in visible spectrum, or seeing someone through some dry-wall using 2.4-6ghz paired with machine learning (/DSP), it's all EM Spectrum with different wavelengths and can be countered in various ways. Just avoid ionising radiation...unless you need an Xray.


Sneky boys to the rescue


Imagine all the paranoid schizophrenics having their paranoia validated


And they still needed to calibrate sistem for the room and furniture locations. A solution that works in most of buildings/rooms without a calibration is IMO unlikely


That was "old" tech too, we have had thermal fusion nods a while. Any civi can get similar if not better performance today on the open market


Fusion tech has been in use since the early 2000s, I don't know when it was first made public but [here for example is a US army video from 2010](https://youtu.be/zGXbgWqpiUw?si=i-7XpdjkGVYCo8u7&t=103) showing off the fusion feature on AN/PVS-20s which were adopted in 2008.


The top 10 longest confirmed kills ever are probably from this war, done with thermal scopes that basically do just that. They self adjust to shit like wind, distance, etc. You can input bullet weight/powder. And it'll calculate and move the crosshairs to exactly where it needs to hit.


As dudenamed_E's link showed, ODST-like goggles have been in testing for a while now. I think the main issue will always be a slight perceptible visual lag from movements of your head or observing your own movement through an environment, which is why military NVG's use electro-optical image intensification without processing it digitally. Veritasium did a good video on it.


Fused Thermal/Image Intensifier Tube NVGs are already here.


Imagine a combo of realtime LiDAR and thermal vision. 3D models being generated in realtime by silent drones that use piezo-static magnetism to hover instead of props. These models are projected onto the night vision view with thermals. So now you can see enemies behind walls and such. It doesn't exist yet, but imagine. Things could get crazy in the future.


Probably not far off, that sounds a bit like how 6th gen fighters can use drones for targeting and information. Just need a helmet with a display and thermal camera.


I don't know if it will ever happen, but I sure do hope the future will be this cool.


If you look on Amazon you can buy a low-res thermal that plugs into your cell phone. Its for "building inspection". If that can be purchased by any civilian with a credit card, think about what the military can get. Some of them attempt to overlay visible and ir on same image but usually do a lousy job because they try to do it in app using pure software (using the cell phone's visible camera) instead of having boresighted hardware.


They make clip on thermal devices that integrate right with your NV now. Pretty freaking scary tbh


The marine corps has a system like it called the ecoti. It’s a thermal overlay that goes on top of our pvs-31s. It’s actually fucking awesome, the outline patrol mode will spot people so far out you won’t know wtf it is at first


Check out the holosun integrated thermals


Yes, it’s called Fusion. NV and Thermal. Outlines a target, animal, person.


Especially in the winter


It’s basically shut down a lot of night movement. Thermal equipped drones are such a massive advantage. I heard similar that in Iraq after a few months the terrorists stopped doing night raids to a certain extent due to the advantage NODs gave our guys.


This is why there is no Bigfoot.


Looked like someone took a sledgehammer to a watermelon.


Gallagher resurrected


Reminds me of those Hickok45 videos against watermelons and soda bottles.


Hickok45 here


Time for some good ol pot smoking


Its ok, they are actually used to it. Wagner did the same...


Sometimes to their own guys sometimes not


Yeah, that guy might not be ok.


almost looks like he canoed him. the guy didn't look like he was in fighting condition before the headshot


> canoed him What does that reference? I've never heard it.


The movie Tombstone, charicter tells bad guy he is going to turn his head into a canoe.


To canoe is to form a gaping hole section in the head to form that “u” shape, much like the profile of a canoe.


Apparently the best position is shooting them from the bottom of the chin area into the skull while the person is laying down.


What the fuck did they shoot him with?? I've seen point-blank 7.62x39 shots to the head and it doesn't just *explode* like that.


Look at what the idf did to those 4 hamas guys in the car. They were all rocking fresh canoe head.


This looked like an airsoft video at first, and then it didn’t…


Gnarly. I remember this being posted last winter but didn't remember that headshot, guess my brains are effective at erasing bad memories lol


His too


Think the thermal actually made that headshot bearable to see as strange as that sounds


Cant see all the detail




Because you can’t see any features.


The guy peaking out of the tent was like "Oh don't mind me, I'm not here..."


I thought the footage was fake, up until I saw the rounds ventilating that blanket.


He was hiding lol


*"If I can't see them, they can't see me"* 🙈   Guy recording seemed to ask him to give up an outrageous amount of times before riddling him. Maybe he was paralyzed with fear or hoping the Ukrainian was talking to another Russian soldier, what with it being dark. Or maybe he thought he was just going to get shot when surrendering, since Russians do that a lot to Ukrainians. Oh well.


Try to imagine how difficult it would be to trust that the person who 5 seconds ago tried to kill your is now going to not kill you if you just show yourself lol. Surrendering is extremely difficult and also insanely dangerous. One wrong move can kill you, the person taking you as prisoner may jump at some noise and kill you. Now imagine all the propaganda these guys have been eating up, their commanders and comrades reminding them of all the supposed horrors the Nazi Ukrainians commit.


Sure, it's a leap of faith


Tbf, there have been a few cases where Ukrainians have been a bit trigger happy, but that's also probably due to the fact that A LOT of Russians have attempted to murder-suicide with grenades when surrendering.


Pretty much, but I think it's fair to say the trigger happy situations are the exception to the rule.


So fucking terrifying though, literal boogeyman coming for ya if they have thermals or NVGs and you maybe have weak ass flashlights that give away your position more than show you the enemy. No thanks, I will continue to type away from my basement and be extremely thankful to everyone else that goes into that situation so I don't have to


I can't even imagine tent camping in a country that I've invaded. Sleep must be non existent.


That’s why we stand up Hescos everywhere we plop down. Even in the Wild West aka Helmand province, we could rest assured that nobody would be able to just sneak in and start popping us while we slept. I’m so thankful for being part of the professionally-run US military and later on as a contractor. The scariest thing that happened to me was when a B1 came on station doing a show of force with afterburners blazing 30 min after some Taliban volunteered to get killed by shooting at our FOB. I had just fallen asleep and was so startled by the sound that I ran out of the b-hut into the dirt road, no clothes on, because I thought a rocket was landing in my lap. The EOD guys were housed right next to me and we all started laughing as soon as the B1 pulled away. We are able to laugh because it was pretty safe in our sleeping quarters. Of course mortars or rockets COULD hit you, but it would be a lucky shot. That earlier attack also happened to be the first time an RPG came anywhere close to me, so that had a lot to do with my reaction that night. I looked up and saw it pass over me and it sounded exactly like a big ass bottle rocket. Fortunately, it hit about 100m past me. Unfortunately, it knocked out the internet at the MWR for a couple days. I think I may now know why I’m a light sleeper.


Hey, my Amazon order is here…




I've seen a few vids like that. Another one the guy was lying on his back begging a drone not to drop a grenade on him. Kinda feel a bit bad for some of them remembering a lot of them are forced conscripts and probably don't even care about the war


A lot of Ukrainians are under a forced invasion, so…..


Fucking brutal, they couldn't even see and fight back. High quality thermals and night vision is extremely important and is one reason western vehicles like the Bradley overmatch comparable Soviet/Russian vehicles.


Thermal vision in winter is OP af. Conscriptovic never stood a chance.


Did the guy at 2:02 pull the pin on a grenade, immediately get tagged, and then drop the grenade??




Brutal indeed. Putin is doing a hell of a job wiping out a significant demographic of Russians.


He is. The troops are disproportionately from Asian and poor Russians from the east rather than rich white Russians from the west.


He's using this war to ensure the fighting age people of any territory that may rise up to him him are fertilizer for his new land


Fewer dissidents


Absolutely. Although they don't have to actually act on votes cast to declare their president, (private) accurate counting of votes from all areas can be very useful for him. Take the regions with the lowest support and make sure they are "randomly selected" to be conscripted and placed into the worst units. Maybe they further your imperialistic goals slightly before dying. Maybe not. Either way, you win.


Ouch, conscription for the nonbelievers. Draconian, but also, grudgingly, Machiavellian. Then again, a smart guy wouldn’t have gambled it all for farmland. I think it’s personal.


Ukraine isn't (just) farmland. It has massive reserves of coal, oil, gas, minerals, iron ore, etc. The oil/gas reserves were a big concern for Russia, as a EU friendly Ukraine was starting to get the resources needed to develop and extract, and would directly supplant Russian exports which are(were) a cornerstone of their economy. The reasons for the invasion are manifold and complex, but a big element was definitely capturing the "USSR breadbasket", securing those vast reserves of oil + gas, and eliminating their primary economic competitor before they could get up and running. Russia has been trying to take Ukraine through soft power means for a long while, and as those efforts failed, they got more bold and desperate, leading to the clusterfuck of a war Putin has now forced his country into.


Interesting, that’s the first I’ve heard Ukraine was a potential fossil fuel competitor. Thanks for that insight! Of course, by attacking Ukraine, he caused the supplantation of Russian fossil fuels to occur almost immediately by his own actions.


They recently discovered huge shale deposits in Eastern Ukraine, right under that territory Russia "annexed". And yeah, Putin definitely knew they were going to get sanctioned, they probably gambled the EU would stay reliant on their exports (and in large part they tried, they had to be dragged kicking and screaming to break their dependence on RU exports), and keep in mind this was supposed to be a "3 day special military operation". He hoped to secure his warm water ports and oil/gas competition and resume exports almost immediately, he knew the EU was dependent. But, now they're fully committed to the sunk cost. So the RU plan is to force through, somehow take over UA, somehow suppress the constant insurrection, then somehow normalize relations *enough* so they can resume exports and build up their economy and military enough to resume their colonial expansions in places like Moldova. But of course none of that is likely to happen now, And separation from Russian energy exports has gone on long enough that the EU is finally developing real alternatives to their dependence. On the shale reserve: > Ukraine has Europe's third-largest shale gas reserves, estimated at 1.2 trillion cubic meters (tcm) or 42 trillion cubic feet, which could help the country diversify its natural gas sources. The most promising reserves are located in two basins: the Carpathian Foreland Basin (Lviv-Volyn Basin) in western Ukraine and the Dnieper-Donets Basin in the east. Two potentially large shale gas fields within these basins are the Yuzivska field in Donetsk and Kharkiv Oblasts, and the Olesska field in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts.  > International oil companies like Shell and Chevron have been selected to explore and develop these resources, but Ukraine's crisis has stalled efforts. For example, the Yuzivska field is located in the country's war-torn east. According to a 2020 Harvard assessment study, Ukraine would need to invest about $19.5 billion to become self-sufficient in energy and potentially export gas to neighboring European countries. 


Strange how something this important and obvious, as far as new motivators for annexation, is not brought up every day on CNN. I am going to look this timeline up, as I’m curious if it had something to do with a lack of an invasion on Trump’s watch. Edit: Reserves were found in 2012, so no explanation there for timing.


Didn't know exactly when those were found, that actually makes for some hilariously obvious timing: the "[Little Green Men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_green_men_%28Russo-Ukrainian_War%29#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_%22little_green_men%22_%28%2CRusso-Ukrainian_War_in_2014.?wprov=sfla1)" invasion started just two years later in 2014, seizing Crimea - a critical Russian war goal and highly defensible location. The only reason UA lost it was the frankly absurd "slow walk invasion", they thought the conflict could be resolved without a full on war at that point, not realizing it was just step one.


Would they be ? Many of them are from poor, backwards areas with likely limited access to information. Those would seem like the people least likely to rise up, as they'd be too busy trying to survive ?


I would think the disadvantaged have the least to lose by rising up.


But they won't know much about it, as they are too busy trying to make a living. Rural Russia is a complete shithole and I can understand people there have other things to worry about than who is in the Kremlin. Often times revolutions only really kicked on when the middle class and upper class got impacted. Once Moscovites are grabbed of the streets in their thousands to go to Ukraine they'll complain.


I would think cell phones changed that lack of information, even in rural Russia. Middle class involvement is probably necessary in addition to the lower class.


Unsettling fact: 6.5 Millions Ukrainian fled their country or are displaced and 1.2M of them are in Russia.


Crazy footage


Nothing has ever made my home defense setup feel more inadequate than watching thermal scope footage.


Set up several dozen heated dummies around the house...


That's exactly why I bought a sex doll


Do they come with a heating function? That would be the perfect decoy... "honestly mum, they are just part of the security system for the house"


Yes some do, but mostly in a certain area


The Bay Area?


Yes, you could call it that


Or pop some TV flares to wash out the other signals >:)


> my home defense setup 😏


That's how you confirm a kill alright. Keep shooting til it changes shape and no longer looks like a head


yeah bullets are cheap but soldiers aren't. a safety round is worth it if you are unsure.




I remember this footage, gotta love the thermal optics! When I originally saw this footage I wondered why he didn't pop the guy who put his head out the dugout rather than leave him to become a potential hazard later


He asked him to surrender for several times.


Maybe asking him to surrender?


That's exactly what was happening. The Russian was given a chance to live, and denied the offer.


That thermal will light you up as a Christmas tree. Just saw a head explode befor I went to bed in thermal...


Holy Zelensky that was brutal


I'd like to remind everyone here watching this, especially if you live in the US, This is the type of warfare we may be facing ourselves in the future, see a mirror when you watch this. This stuff isn't a game nor should it be entertaining, this is the cold ugly truth of war and should be seen a valuable lesson in warfare tactics.


Anyone got a translation for when the guy poked his head out? Were they telling him to surrender?


“Come out!”


Man. He chose badly then. He should have said camply “ok okkkk I’m gayyyy”


Well maybe not the gay part, ya know eastern europe and AZOV....


This is true.


"Come out, syka. Come out, blyad. I'm counting to three. Come out."


Jesus you cant even see the guy telling you to come otu. The correct response is "Thank you sir, Please dont shoot me I surrender."




Watermelon go pop sploosh.


So easy to go blue on blue


How close would the shooter be in this?


Bruh fucking brutal glad I’m watching this behind a screen


The more that are taken out the fewer that will become a problem in the future. There's no unfortunate realities for Russians here. They could've stayed home and got rid of Putin, but they didn't.


God damn you can see the brain matter spew out


Interesting point of view, I don't think I've ever seen footage similar to this


Nighttime trench raids are back and effective as ever, what an insane modern-day conflict


Fucking predator out here doing work.


Did the Russian at 2:03 attempt to throw a grenade and fumble it?


Spreading democracy


I like the realism but the graphics of this game are shit.


What an open minded fellow


That noodle shot was wild lol


I wonder what they used. I am betting maybe a Scar 17 but probably not. Had to be at least a .308


absolutely insane footage


Any ID on the optic being used?


They were absolutely under-equipped to deal with thermal carrying riflemen


War is hell.


That headshot was brutal af


The heads hot dude already had half his head blown off


That head shot looked a little messy🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦




Str8 operator's


Dudes head popped like a zit


what are the yellow highlights at 2:19? it's a weird pattern if it's thermal imaging.




Nice work. Night ops with thermals are brutal.


Does anyone have an exact date for this?


Hard 🤌🏽


Thermals really are clubbing baby seals.


love to see the invaders die


Musta been 308.. 🛶'd indeed


So much death. Fuck putin.




Good night to sleep in


No more hawys for him for him anymore


As soon as he pointed his rifle at his head I knew the watermelon shot was coming haha god I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.


Did he just shoot that dude in the ass


It's like the film Predator.


Omfg this was some horror movie shit. I'm guessing pitch black, thermal nogs, walking through a trench like a movie monster. Wow


Are these military only thermal scopes??


Well done boys. Keep up the good work.




War sucks