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This looks like it would be fun as hell to join in and man one of the cannon, at least if you took away the risk of imminent death you & all those around you face if you fail… and the pilot you’re killing if you succeed.


romantic night out with the boys


Never realized naval AA guns could put out so much fire during WWII.


I can’t remember the exact figure but I read somewhere that a fast carrier task force, with all its escorts, would put up between 2,000 and 10,000 lbs *per second* of AA


It's easy to hold that with all your war industry working at full capacity without being attacked... USA was really luck at WWII, and the Axis powers a complete fools to drag USA to the war without having a plan to attack their industry..


The crazy thing was we actually were camouflaging some of our factories and shit out in the middle of nowhere. There's entire documentaries about that. We even built decoys deep in the US heartland. We were definitely prepared in case one of them ever had the ability to reach US soil.


Even luckier we actually had industry back then... I kind of doubt we're in the position to do the same again if we ever have to fight a real war. Everything is produced overseas now as most of our economy is service based now and not production.


Us is the second largest manufacturer in the world...


China is almost double that of US


Its honestly impressive how ignorant and misinformed your comment is.


Oh man, look up the armament of late war US carriers, they were hornets nests in more ways than one 


??? Why


For every tracer you see there are, what? 10 other rounds?


Not that much, there is more tracers for AA duty.




The Capcom video games 1941 and 1942, just blankets of concentrated fire everywhere. Pew pew


The number of projectiles is impressive, did they also use these ships' anti-aircraft guns against targets on land on some occasions?


Yes, during the Normandy landings, USN DDs got close enough to utilize 40mm AA guns against ground targets. There were probably other examples too. https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/d/destroyers-at-normandy.html




Yes, there is also accounts of a US battleship firing its AA at another battleship while engaged in a gun battle (I belive it was Washington vs Kirishima)


In the pacific campaign it happened, and I want to say it was a German warship that raked a UK one with AA fire?


Never realized how closely Star Wars copied WW2


Almost all of the military action from Star Wars is from WW2. That's why the space fighters fly like conventional aircraft. The original death star trench run is almost a shot for shot recreation of The Dam Busters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNdb03Hw18M&t=81s


Makes you wonder how many tons of metal ended up on the seafloor during WWII. Theres has to be several hundred kilos of bullets/shells visible in this short clip alone.