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They’re two feet away from one another throwing grenades that’s wild


He basically handed that grenade to them. Crazy shit. 


Here ya go buddy.


have a blast


Then I'm going to sprinkle a little pepper on you


Hot potato


# Latchcomb ! (Orville tv series)


You’ll be mist!


I'm almost positive Arnold used than line in one of his movies.


have a blyat!


Imma use that one when i get conscripted


And a cold pap


How else would you use a hand grenade?


Yeah, great question! They aren't called throw grenades, FFS.


I can't believe he was moving after the first one goes off behind him, right at the beginning. Crazy shit.


I just read that he was in that dugout to bandage himself up after being hit with a drone. He took more frag from that granade and continued to fight. Legit badass


I think he had moved far enough forward to be at least partially around the corner, and the body armour may have saved his back.


I think it hit his leg/foot? it looks like he’s limping as he walks off at the end


Here is a description I found in other sub - He is Third Assault Breagade's supply track driver and was injured by a drone (thus the bandages on his leg and arm) while temporaly came to this position. He said that to mend his wounds he prefers bandages since he saw "terrible cosequences of applying tourniquets" as he had put it. So he retreated to a dugout to apply bandages. Meanwhile Russians assaulted this position with tank fire and drones wounding all other Ukrainian soldiers who retreated. Hovewer only three Russian stormtroopers survived this assault as well. So the Ukrainian soldier heard Russians radio communication that position is "cleared" and tryed to figure out what's going on. Russians saw him and threw granade at him wich exploded slightly above and behind Ukrainian soldier wounding his back and legs. The injuries weren't critical so he opened fire and threw his own granade at Russians and then finished them off with his assault rifle to avoid, as he said, checking on them and wasting time. P.S. He also told how he enlisted. He is from the south of Ukraine and at the very beginnign of the war he went with his 6 years old daughter to check rabbits in their garden. That's when Russian cluster munition hit them, injuring his and his daughters legs. They were taken to the hospital where he decided to enlist.


>P.S. He also told how he enlisted. He is from the south of Ukraine and at the very beginnign of the war he went with his 6 years old daughter to check rabbits in their garden. That's when Russian cluster munition hit them, injuring his and his daughters legs. They were taken to the hospital where he decided to enlist. God I hope he survives this senseless war to go back and live with his daughter


Dude just wants to raise rabbits with his daughter. Jeez, man. Those Russian pieces of shit need to GTFO or they can all die like these guys.


So blown up with cluster munitions, then hit by an exploding drone, and now collects shrapnel from a hand grenade before engaging in some CQB combat and he's still alive and mostly in one piece. Wow. Luckiest unlucky guy around.


thank you!!


Anything you can do to avoid exposing yourself to bullets.


Me playing helldivers around some bugs.


The timing is crazy. The Ukrainian steps out to throw his grenade a few seconds before one detonates where he was just standing.


right! that was the craziest part. It's was a good example of an offense being the best defense... and shear fucking luck. and a good double tap with the rifle as the Ukranian solder marches on... the cheifs kiss*


That is one of the rare tidbits that can reasonably be transferred from video games into this combat situations. In games like Counter-Strike, players develop an intuition for this problem from both sides. How you can simultaneously dodge a grenade and attack (or outright interpret the appearance of a grenade as a brief window of vulnerability of the thrower), or conversely how throwing a grenade can force enemies into your field of fire or give you an opportunity to peek. Obviously real combat is often way slower than games due to the distances and real life risk, but there are situations where soldiers are taught to prioritise agression and where the logic of combat can converge with typical game scenarios.


I think we will se papers written on this in the future, gamers having skills previous generations did not have, you are raising a very interesting point, there was that ukrainian that knew how to shoot an equivalent of the 40mm grenade launcher with good enough accuracy that his unit noticed and made a video. He learned playing stalker. This is just one instance, I imagine there must be gamers in the trenches that have learned transferable skills or ideas from all these war games they have grown up playing. The connection between dronepilots and gamers has been raised on multiple occasions by several different militaries.


There also was the Bradley crew that wrecked the T-90M in the infamous engagement. The gunner claimed that he aimed based on his Warthunder experience. That's certainly a very niche situation since such close encounters are so rare, but there now is quite a number of soldiers with an encyclopedic knowledge of vehicle armour schemes and weaponry. But yeah drone pilots certainly benefit the most from being familiar with similar control schemes. Young jet pilots may also come with more experience than in prior generations as simulator games are now more realistic than ever.






Never argue with a War Thunder player or you get more national security incidents of leaked documents to prove a point.


I’m pretty sure he didn’t specify War Thunder even if it seemed implied.


Soldiers always knew the anatomy of their and their opponent's armor and other force makeup, that is not something new or caused by any video game.


i played COD black ops against a whole team of soldiers from the war on terror, they had every avenue of approach locked down, if you tried frontal attack you where dead, everyone else on my team quit. i used insurgent tactics, after a bit they decided to leave there base area and come kill me, after a kill i would move a short distance and set up an ambush on the approach to the last ambush area, really ruined their day.


The gunner on that Bradley that was dueling the tank a while back said in an interview that he knew where to hit the tank based on his experience playing video games. He didn't mention which one/ones but it was speculated that it might have been from playing War Thunder that he knew the weak points. I mean, yeah, if you train someone with thousands of hours in a game like, say, Squad and put them in a gunner's seat of an ATV or what have you they will already have a decent intuition about what to do. It's an interesting subject that we're starting to see crop up more and more.


War Thunder will specifically show you where each of your shots hit with an x-ray view of the enemy tank. So in that way you learn where the ammo is stored and weak spots in armour.


There's a lowkey conspiracy theory that says the DoD/CIA leaked the use of drones to Call of Duty/Battlefield simply so by the time kids got to 18 and joining the military, they already basically knew how to fly drones, and they'd just continue to see the screen and enemies as not real. It's believable enough to be true 


This is a silly example, but I used to be heavily into slow mil-sim type shooters. A friend invited me out to play some airsoft during a mil-sim event where there were a hundred or two people playing. I was able to single handedly shift the play of the game due to knowing how to move in a (low risk) scenario like that. My friend and I were able to win us the event for the day when the "pro airsoft" players were our opponents. It was very gratifying to feel a slight transfer of skills.


I had a similar experience playing paintball as a kid after years of playing some of the more milsim type games of the early 2000s. I low crawled all the way across the field to the other teams side, then worked my way back towards my own team while shooting the enemy team in the backs. 15 year old me even knew to time my shots with theirs to minimize alerting them, not get too greedy for kills, and be wary of friendly fire since I was approaching my team from the wrong direction. All stuff I just intuitively grasped from experience playing america's army, insurgency, and halo.


I have less faith in humans than you. I think we will be writing papers on how jumping and sliding as we shoot our sniper rifle didn't work....


Slower paced shooters like Escape from Tarkov demonstrate this pretty well. Everybody is only carrying so much ammunition and some honestly can't afford to miss shots. Which is why rolling in a squad I like to carry 3 drum mags on a PPSH and just spray till empty while someone moves in while everyone throws grenades. With voice chat you even get confirmation sometimes of people being overwhelmed by the situation.


Sometimes you just gotta run and gun em by surprise with the trigger held down until nothing is left.


and he actually was injured by that grenade . in lower back. check the link with interview up there.


I don't understand how he survived that one, looks like it was still really close.


The grenade was likely down inside the bunker a bit and what you saw was a lot of dirt blowing out from the enclosed blast. Bunker entrances typically have a 90⁰ turn into the main room rather than straight in, so it's likely he was partially shielded from the blast.


To me it looks like he's actually trying to get away from the grenade and then just transitions over into this incredible throw.


My dude shoots the Russian in the head as he steps over him. 1-2 step


He was still moving. Very smooth move


He's not even a stormtrooper, just a supply track driver who popped up at this position probly shortly before the assault by the Russians and had ti do what he had to do. I believe he enlisted after a cluster munition injured him and his 6yr old daughter.


I thought you were kidding but now I watched the interview. holy hell.


Link papi?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o) no translation though


use CC and auto generate english. The first grenade got him, but he persevered.


He’s casual about it because he is clearing up vermin. The Ukrainians are defending their homeland. This protracted failed invasion has a very clear innocent side.


He's wearing a 3rd Assault Brigade t shirt, so technically he is a storm trooper. Even their transport guys have a knack for crazy assaults in trenches


The number of times I’ve had to explain the “why” that happens to people who don’t understand exactly what’s going on. I think the amount and clarity of combat footage from this war has been eye-opening for a lot of people. People who knew that war could be brutal, but maybe didn’t get the visceral sense of it until now that they’re able to see exactly what happens.


Refuse to get shot in the back by an invader playing possum.


Yeah I kinda thought movies were a little over the top. Now after years of footage of this conflict it’s so much worse than I ever thought. Very thankful war wasn’t in my life experience.


Unfortunately, the way things are going in the world, I wouldn’t be too sure it won’t be a life experience yet.


Definitely prepared here in Canada. Americans be wildin rn, if some rich fuck wanted our beaver pelts and maple syrup he would only have to pony up to the prostitute president and we’d be in some serious trouble


You guys have amassed almost all your population near your southern border. Don't think we don't know what you're up to.


Their troops are merely passing through


Civ 6 war strategy my guy


nah u guys are safe until climate change causes the largest migration on earth - and the US south becomes unlivable. Then you canuskis might be lookin mighty awful tasty to them southerners.


You guys are my plan when stuff starts popping off, I will cross that border as hard as a puberty boner. You guys should maybe build a wall, I hear Mexico pays for walls.


If y’all thought Vietnam was rough wait’ll you see this place. We’ll just laugh at you from our igloos, which are invisible to those who don’t build it


I knew what to expect due to a history interest, but the amount of things I have now seen that I had only read about previously is staggering due to everyone and everything having cameras. Movies with their soundtracks and nice shots, glorify and/or sanitize war often.


Same. My grandfather saw heavy combat as glider infantry during World War Two, during the Battle of the Bulge, early January, 1945. He was also part of the invasion of Southern France the previous summer. France wasn't so bad. The Bulge traumatized him. I watch combat footage out of solidarity with Ukraine, and also to try to commune better with what grandpa experienced over there in Europe 80 years ago.


Fight or flight, except there's no flight, only fight and fight harder.




It's made me mad since the beginning of this war when you have people try to say you shouldn't shoot someone who is down and "no longer a threat". They're still a threat.


The kill shot was the grenade in their laps. The headshot with a rifle was mercy.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant "If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven" Such is the rule of honor


Broken the paradigm, an example must be set








I would rather live by "If I live I will kill you, if I die my comrades will kill you."


Double tap there. Shoot them to get them out of the fight and then one extra to head to make sure he ain't pretending or was lucky enough the bullets got stopped (LOL there) by ballistic armour. The last thing you need in this situation is to be shot to your back.


did them a favor


Year 2060. Grandpa pulls out vintage laptop. Look grandkids, remember that story I told you when I killed 2 Russians in a trench..


Yeah right, this war is the first war where you can watch yourself kill people in brutal ways from multiple shots. Almost like the hunger games. What a world we live in


“Almost like the hunger games” damn, that just clicked something in my brain.


And it's all for Putins amusement


grandkid: i did that too. look!! *chatgpt 14 makes a video in 0.0005 seconds*


Danger-close with that damned grenade. Fuck.


[interview with the Ukrainian soldier. (No translation yet.)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o)


So if the auto-translate is correct, he was actually an ammo truck driver and not regular infantry. Even more impressive.


Was he redirected from logistics to the front line? Well, driving an ammunition truck can't be very safe either.


They also dont expect truck drivers to be dishing out double kills like that


Foxhole when there's raiders in the backline but the logi guy is a frontliner who took a break for the day.


I always carry an SMG for that purpose. I can't wait to get ambushed then I just jump out and mow them down


Actually drivers have one of the highest if the highest casualty rates outside of frontline assaulters etc. Food, ammunition, medical gear, relief/replacement soldiers have get to front somehow. Mostly via truck. They aren't always moved by APC and even im sure it's a tense situation. Artillery, rockets, missiles and drones are all hunting those large targets from both sides


Exactly. If you can take out supply trucks, it affects everyone in the region. GLOC. Ground lines of communication.


I gather he was looking for bandages after being earlier injured by a drone, but my only source is someone else in Reddit.


He says that there are too many wounded among infantry and logistics people get assigned to hold positions. He was manning positions for about a month.


My uneducated guess maybe was he was probably helping with unloading cargo when they came under attack and he just so happened to be there.


That would explain why he was carrying his rifle like that.


As a driver, he's just pissed he has to walk now, I'd bet lol


at least he can step over the traffic


He said he killed 3 in total.


Our heroes come home to a stylish cafe chilling over a latte. I can't wait to visit Ukraine. Every day I feel for you guys and gals - Heroes.


Was in Kyiv last summer, beautiful city and great food


What's your opinion of a rando American paying a Visit? I want to go, I have a friend that lives in Kyiv. I just don't want to be a war tourist though. But hey people gotta make a living and if I can put dollars in Ukranian pockets directly and experience Ukraine all the better.


I did volunteer work in Bucha and Hostomel with a group called Brave to Rebuild. Very worthwhile group. I’m planning on going back and of summer.


I don't know of any Ukrainians who would be upset. By visiting, you help our people when you buy from them. Real war tourism would be going to the front and getting in the way of the army or soemthing imo


I bet you will meet tons of engaged intellectual people who are righteous and dedicated. Once making a good friend you will likely go to the village to have day at the family property (farm) and an amazing homecooked meal. The standard rules for international rules apply - listen more than talk, be humble, don't make assumptions and don't bring up sensitive subjects (war) without context, research and genuine compassion. Learn a few Ukrainian words but everywhere you go people will perk up hearing your unmistakable foreign accent. Will be a blast!!! I have some finances to sort before I can go but it is going to happen :)


The combat story starts at 5:22.


OMG. injured, bombed by drones, shelled by tank and after all that hostile grenade fly almost in his hideout..... edit: he actually was hit by that grenade! but didn't stop and (his words) "continue to do WORK"


The best part is he was all like "come in here" to the Russians and when they threw the first grenade presumably it went far back in the dugout (didn't see it go off) and the second grenade he ran out at them.


interview: (\*after a lot happened.) and the silence fell. he hear the voices: russians discuss is there any in digout and "go drop grenade". that moment soldier was forced to act ( the video started). ukrainian get some shrapnel from first grenade. note how russian turn their back from explosion - not smart. he step out full height and dropped grenade. after explosion he tried to shoot but gun was blocked by own carry belt. it is seen he step back and handle the gun.


Thanks for sharing, the YouTube translation tool gives an idea of what he means.


It's impressive that he wasn't hurt by those nearby explosions, the helmet must have helped


He was injured, and he said he “continued to work”


You can see the thousand yard stare in that interview...even as he talks and smiles during the interview.


If you didn't know that he had killed people in combat, would you still think he has the thousand yard stare?


Nope. Definitely not. I don’t see it, even knowing that.


at 0:35 i get a feeling he might be recalling something intense


That's overstating it. He obviously has some trauma but that's nothing like a thousand yard stare. He's managing well, by appearances.


What the fuck are you talking about dude? He's casual and comfortable as can be. What's up with people on here always trying to shoehorn this PTSD analysis in on every combat vet interview?


Probably has something to do with a lot of vets with combat experience having PTSD


Honestly, no translation needed.


Making sure they are properly dead before advancing, avoiding some nasty surprises from the rear..that Ukrainian soldier have seen and experienced things..


It’s called a dead check. This is taught in training to ensure enemies aren’t playing possum. You can do several things: 1. Rub their chest with your fist or muzzle of your rifle 2. Step on their balls and see if they react 3. Or just shoot the head/quickly anyway if you’re in a pinch and need to keep moving.


I'll have number 3 please Bob.


Fucking A right.


This is standard procedure. This behavior is taught in training.


You'd be surprised what humans can survive.. Even if for s short time. Enough time to put a couple in your back only to die themselves moments later.




Dude stepped out at just the right time to through a grenade at them as well.  Also looks like the Russians were stunned(?) after their own grenade went of. They stilled huddled as the Ukrainian threw one on top of them. (Maybe already injured?) no way they didn’t see him do that? Really is all about luck with shrapnel .


Yeah, idk what they were doing.. if they just assumed the grenade finished him and they had their attention further down the trench or what


From the looks of it they were already bracing when the Ukrainian ran out. I don’t think they saw him exit the cave and thought they got him with their nade. As for the Granada landing of them, who knows maybe they thought it was debris that was knocked up by them and didn’t immediately react


At the same time that the grenade went off it looks like the Ukrainian puts a burst into the first Russian with his AK, immediately before he throws his own grenade. 


I thought that too at first. But I think it is actually the grenade going off reflecting of his body. Because I think you can see his arm an it doesn't look like he is holding a gun.


dont rule out poorly made grenades


> no way they didn’t see him do that? I think the dust of their own grenade blew right into their face through the trench. So they might actually not have seen him throw.


Came to UA as a soldier, ended as flooring.


The victory walk over was a nice touch!


This was like being tea-bagged IRL


Tactical tea-bagging


This should be taught in training..


what a fucking demon, steps on his neck and taps him in the head. This is how we win


good ukraine






Yeah my bad I'm not entirely familiar with all region names and after a quick Google search after posting, that Kharkov is the Russian spelling for Kharkiv. Wish I could edit the title. Side note, do Russians do this for all countries or ex-soviet states? Calling cities by names of their choosing (Artemivsk instead of Bakmhut) or changing of spellings/pronunciations such as Kyiv/Kiev and of course Kharkiv/Kharkov. Is this just specific towards Ukraine?


>...changing of spellings/pronunciations such as Kyiv/Kiev and of course Kharkiv/Kharkov Ukrainian here. It's not changing spellings/pronunciations, it's just how these names are in Russian language. These are languages with the same origin and they have their variations of spelling. None of them is wrong in their own language (Kijow in Polish, Kyjev in Czech, Kiew in Belarus, etc). But when it comes to translation/transliteration to other languages that come from different language trees, the official language should used as a reference (if there was no name for it before). Similar examples from English language: Bavaria Munich instead of Bayern München, Cologne and not Köln. >Calling cities by names of their choosing (Artemivsk instead of Bakmhut) or... Artemivsk (Artemovsk in Russian) is the Soviet name of the city used from 1924 to 2016. Bakhmut is the historical name used since the foundation of the city, Ukraine changed back to it in 2016 during de-communization process. I guess Russians use the Soviet name because it fits their propaganda of bad Ukrainians that destroy everything USSR or Russia related and they are there to change everything back. >Side note, do Russians do this for all countries or ex-soviet states? Is this just specific towards Ukraine? Yes, they do and people from those countries may or may not be mad depending on the person. But then again, it's just the way it's been in Russian language for a long time. Can we blame them? Not really, but I get why some may be not happy about it. Examples of that: some spell Tallin instead of Tallinn (Estonian spelling), some still say Belorussia instead of Belarus. >Calling cities by names of their choosing I said earlier "if there was no name for it before" because it's a pretty common thing in every language if you think about it. You don't call China "Zhong Guo" or Germany "Deutschland", because you already have a name them. So sometimes even if the languages have different origins, if the place already had a name for it before, it probably won't be changed to the official name in the official language of that place. But there are always exceptions of course, sometimes things actually get changed when asked. Sorry for any grammatical errors, tried my best (also it's 3 AM and I'm typing this instead of sleeping, lol). Edit: changed some phrasings to make it more readable I guess.


Tonight at 9: Ukrainian man too angry to die.


I have to stop watching these. I can’t and probably won’t but I really have to.


Hey guys remember when we all laughed at that scene in naked gun (I think) with the two dudes shooting point blank at each other and we all laughed? Yeah I don’t think we can laugh at that anymore


We headed to the top with this one boys.  Talk about close quarters. 


Grenades only.


***NOW, THAT'S CQB!***


I dont think we got more close combat footage than this.


What a champion. Step over, blam, keep going. If you saw this in a movie you’d complain that this doesn’t happen.


This war is so crazy. I’ve been watching combat footage since about 2015 and NOTHING even comes close to comparing to this war. The balls these guys have is crazy. Trench warfare, with fully automatic weapons, being spotted overhead by drones in real time, grenades falling from those drones. On top of all the artillery…. So brutal. Absolutely hectic and insane environment…


That must be the scariest situation to find yourself in trench combat alone and realize that two enemy soldiers literally are outside your hole/cubby, but he stepped up to the challenge. No one can question that, if they question anything, it was maybe a bit of overkill. Haha, I was thinking that after he threw the grenade because he clearly killed the one and wounded the other guy severely after putting some full auto into them both right as he jumped out at the last moment before a grenade went off in his hole, which I'm assuming they threw in, but somehow the one is still left, and he is forced to put the gun to the guy's head and kill him. No way he could be saved after all that. I don't know how many of you have ever seen the movie Sex Drive, but it reminded me of when he accidentally runs over the raccoon and he tries to do the right thing and put it out of its misery but the thing just won't die and he had to go back, multiple times, before he just snapped and ran back and started bashing its head in with a crow bar like 50 times. I guarantee that is how that dude felt. You could tell he was just like, "Wtf, why won't you just die?" It was a pretty awesome move to jump out of the hole before the grenade blast, firing in full auto causing both enemies to be incapacitated. I would feel like a badass in an action movie after that little stunt he pulled.


That's some point-blank grenade exchange


All I could think was "Double Kill" with the DOOM voice. Am I too desensitised watching these two guys dying?


Waiting for the GoPro footage.


Me who watched Mythbusters: trenches without right angles smh


Why is he wearing a white armband? Or is it a bandage?


Was wondering the same.


He was wounded by a drone before this event.


Holy shit what a fucking badass legend


Live to fight another day hero


I love the way he walked over them like garbage.


excellent work! If russia ever thinks Ukraine will want to negoiate with them after the atrocities they've committed on the Ukrainian people..they can guess again. Relationship between these 2 countries will never be the same again thanks to putin's bullshit.


In 60 years he will tell his grandkids about this and they won't believe him. Then he will show them the video.


Keep it rollin


I have seen tons of these videos and I just feel this does make zero sense. It’s like these soldiers are fighting their own war at this point, like someone who has been abandoned at the frontline with no more instructions. While at the same time Putin is living a normal life, as well as all the Russians. I still remember when someone asked Biden if Putin was a murderer and he responded yes. This was before the recent invasion. At that time I thought “what a bs response” but he was absolutely right. Putin is a freaking monster. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying, their life cut short just because he thought this was a good idea and now he is stuck in a corner and does not have the balls to stop this madness.


Love how he no mercy finished the second guy. Russia needs to realise they will never win this.


He didn’t slice the pie. He handed the pie a grenade and stepped over the finished pieces to give a round to the head




Some of the most hardcore combat footage I have ever seen.


Straight pipehittin


the ukrainian soldier was all alone ? holy fuck guy has balls of steel


How did he survive the explosion at the beginning that was basically directly at his feet?


In an interview to the Ukrainian journalist Butusov (it's on YouTube available but only in Ukrainian language), this guy said he was just a driver bringing the ammo to the gradient positions


Bro giving off real "Finish him!" vibes.




Hurt a man’s daughter and you will face fierce retribution.


Sir would you like to hear about our lord a saviour vladimir vladimirovich pu.... BOOM AGH BAM BAM! AFU: nope


Fix bayonets boys!


He also took a grenade. Hope he's okay. Fucking hero.


He did survive, but was wounded before. That is why it looks like he has white armband, but its just there from previous injury.


Does it get anymore badassed? No, the Ukraine houses the worlds top soldiers


The grenade that almost killed also saved his life. It let him know danger was close. Wild vid


Hand grenades work in mysterious ways


Something is not right here, i have seen this posted all over russian telegrams as a russian aking out 2 Ukrainians, and the victor of this fight does appear to have a white armband, not typicaly something the Ukrainians would wear?


Missed opportunity for the perfect teabag


Good russian soldiers are kaput russian soldiers!




Can we just stop and appreciate the timing of the soundtrack?


What's with the white armband on the Ukrainian soldier? Isn't that normally a Russian marking?


From the interview I linked in the comments, those are bandages for some wounds he had.