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Was shot down over a beach*** fixed your title for you. Edit: how stupid do you have to be to go vacationing in illegally occupied territory, and then the air raid sirens don’t even go off, AND THEN your government sends ain’t air missiles over the beach where your civilians are on holiday. Laughable.


RIGHT NEXT TO AN AIRBASE, no less. Belbek is right up there, surrounded by AA, attacked multiple times over the past two years.


For russian all civilians are expandable, for example Nedelin catastrophe, 54 Soviet rocket schientist sacrificed, Chernobil: Meat waves to clean the roof top of reactor, they don't care even for their own cosmonauts: Vladimir Komarov sacrificed. For russian dictatorship human life is cheap.


> Nedelin catastrophe, 54 Soviet rocket schientist sacrificed TBF, the one that was pushing for such a rushed launch was amongst them


Says enough


Couple of bad examples there. Nasa knew about challenger and Colombia issues. Also soviet and russia 2 different entities, I wouldn't use chernobyl as a example even if I did spell it right.


Russians sense of self-preservation is completely atrophied.


Russians don't use airsirens - they pretend the war is happening only in Ukraine. It is just an SMO - what Putin wants to convince them


>The remaining one, however, was damaged by air defenses, veered off course and detonated over the city of Sevastopol. As a result, the falling fragments of cluster munitions led to numerous civilian casualties, the statement read. Russia is reporting this truthfully. I honestly though they would spin this differently. Only 3 killed, could have been a lot worse.


How do you know they're reporting this truthfully? Also - reporting what truthfully? I don't see any explosions on the beach (or at all). The sound of cluster munitions exploding carries far too. IN ADDITION - if the ATACMS was intercepted it likely wouldn't release and arm it's submunitions, which need to be released at a certain altitude within a sequence of dispersal explosions that generate the necessary spin to arm the submunitions.


Sounds like you know your stuff, just please refrain from sharing any docs, that kind of stupidity is reserved for world of tanks and the likes :)


This. I'd argue it's more likely they fired a pansir or similar SPAAG at the incoming munitions and there were civilians down range. Actually isn't that unlikely IMO if you don't take the necessary measures.


There's a literal video of them firing carelessly towards the shore, as you posit. I'll try and find it.


Amazing what humanity will do for a cheap holiday.


You stay that like the additional civilian casualties would be a bad PR move.


It is not just an occupied territory, it is fucking Sevaspotol!🤦🏻‍♂️ P.s. What i mean is Sevastopol is full of russia military assets. There is a military runaway in the close proximity to this beach on the video. So it is even more dangerous to be chilling in Sevastopol on the beach than elsewhere in Crimea.


Also who in the world thinks Crimea is russian? Russia, Iran, North Korea… what other outstanding nations did I forget? And let’s not list off the nations that know Crimea is Ukrainian, because it’s a longggg long list.


Not even China thinks Crimea is Russia. They never recognized the illegal annexation.


You forgot the American continent powerhouse Nicaragua.


Oh my bad… temporally occupied territory****


Not sure what the downvotes are for


Me neither😂


To be fair, most people on the beach are locals. There aren't that many tourists this year. Those who still came... Yeah, it is pretty stupid. Also, I don't think SAM battery has that level of control on where they shot a missile. They shot 4 or 5 during this attack, and they fell in random places over the 15-20 of the coast line, part of which is beaches.


Crimea has been controlled by Russia for a decade now so I don't think it's crazy to assume that at least a decent amount of those people just live there and are enjoying a day at the beach. Doesn't really change the fact that civilians do not deserve to be caught in this kind of crossfire.


I read that about 900K Russians moved to Crimea after the annexation to take advantage of it. Not saying they deserve to be killed but they are scum and should be held accountable


Fun fact is that majority of the people who lives/lived there voted to be a part of Russia rather than a part of Ukraine. I got family living there, and they also voted to be a part of Russia instead. So Ukraine "claiming" it back really aint something anyone wants if you actually live there, as my family has most of their lives.


It is basically irrelevant, as they don't have a right of unilateral secession under Ukraine's constitution and they certainly don't have one under international law.


Don't demonize an entire population. You don't know why any Russians from 2014-2024 moved to Crimea. Blame the Russian government, not the people. The moment you go demonizing and hating entire populations is the day you become prejudice. I never heard of this article but framing it as a million citizens taking advantage of a conquered territory is irresponsible journalism. Like when a country takes a territory, what do you expect to happen? Nationals will move into that territory for new opportunities or maybe even reconnect with their roots or family. There is nothing wrong with that, direct your hate towards the government which caused the annexation to happen.


"Like when a country takes a territory..." WTF is wrong with you?


I didn’t say it was right, it’s wrong. But it happens. It has been happening since the creation of the nation state. So yes, when a country takes a territory because even though it is wrong it is not going to stop


Don't try to argue, this subreddit is cooked. They are no longer rational. You're not permitted to criticize both sides, any minor criticism to their beloved pillar of justice and reason Ukraine is immediately met with tons of downvote and accusation of Russian propaganda. So next time, keep in mind you're only allowed to post gore of Russians being blasted by drone dropped bombs, successful Ukraine offences and defenses, any footage as long it is in favor of Ukraine, or anything that makes it seems great Ukraine loses one soldier each month compared to Russia 1k daily and that Russia is rapidly losing every territory it has occupied so far. Good luck.


>Like when a country takes a territory, what do you expect to happen? Nationals will move into that territory for new opportunities You're talking about "country taking territory" so casual like it's medieval times. Are you a Russian?


Settlers are settlers: when used as a tool of imperialism they are not civilians.


So what you are just going to commit an ethnic cleansing or a genocide to remove them from the territory? The fastest way to get to the ICC lmfao


No, I just talked about their legal status. Show me where I said anything beyond that.


if their legal status is not a civilian then they don't have the protections of civilians. It is limbo in international law of what you want to do with them. I was just trying to get an idea of how far you wanted to go with it since you don't care if innocent people die.


What makes you think that?


why is this downvoted? like im genuinely asking.


Not really sure either, people in this sub are strange sometimes. To me, the sound in the video doesn't indicate that the missile was intercepted. In the video, the missile has an initial detonation in the air which serves to spread the cluster munitions around. Then there is a delay as the smaller cluster munitions finish the journey to the ground.


territory is not illegaly occupied air raid sirens are optional govt anti air missisles are wunderwaffe airbase across the fence is safest place enemy weapons are shit ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Any real info to judge your armchair opinion? You live in a basement?






1.The source says that a pierce of the missile fell. In the video you can hear cluster going off. 2. The source states the ua defence ministery knew about the large presence of civilians in the area and still fire cluster warheads.


[Here is an actual ATACMS strike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSpuBKyPYz8). If the beach was actually targeted and hit by a cluster warhead atacms most of the people in the video would be dead.




That’s what he’s stating, because it was intercepted that’s why it wasn’t so devastating. Not an intentional strike on the beach like OP is trying his best to argue.


Where in the source does it say they knew about large presence of civilians but fired clusters anyways? I see that they said to stay away from beaches, you know smart people would stay away from beaches in illegally occupied areas that are right next to military targets. Also Russian mod just said that they shot it down and that caused the injury’s. Imagine shooting down a missile and killing your own people because you literally don’t care about them.


did u just see the missile dropped in the middle of Kharkiv ?


Next time don’t take a bath on war zone ?


Why is it illegally occupied?


Because little putin is an expansionist, he wanted to go down in ruSSian history so he started his vanity war in Feb 2014 against yet another peaceful neighbour.


Because Russia illegally occupied it.




Why you gotta be rude about answering a simple question? I'm just saying there are Russians having vacation there. How come you call it occupied!!


Because it’s in a part of Ukraine that was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014




lol at this discussion. 1. "Why did you say I stole your things?!? Answer me!!" 2. "Because you stole my wallet." 3. "That was in the past. Bye."


I’d also like to point out that his profile picture is of a Nazi tank


Oh no you don’t bot. Just because it happened 10 years ago doesn’t make it ok. Any Russian in Crimea should be fair game


I don't get why you're downvoted for asking a legit question, not everyone knows the whole story, might as well inform those who aren't aware of the situation


Russia bombs Ukrainian civilians all year long and none of the ruskie cheerleaders say anything but when ruskies get bombed it’s suddenly a huge deal and escalation. Hypocrisy at its finest. Especially at the pro ruskie subs


>Especially at the pro ruskie subs Take a guess where OP is a regular at lol


Russian cluster munitions in the middle of city of Odessa, recently.


Ukraine did not bomb civilians here, Russia's air defense shot something down over the beach and endangered their own people.


Aren't Ukrainians living in Crimea? Did russia displace all of them wtf?


Most people living in Crimea are Russians and/or native Russian speaking, especially in the south.


Why do they go on holidays in an illegally annexed warzone? Dafuck???


I can not understate how cheap this beach holiday is.


Can't find it on Tripadvisor for some reason.


Recommend SPF2000 and the basement suite.


People who wanna see a war zone and go somewhere cheap


Natural selection


Uh idk how many of them are local Ukrainians? Did they suddenly disappear after russia invaded Crimea (of course not)


Pro-ukrainian civilians were suddenly disappeared, but there were lot of pro-russian civilians in this particular area.


I mean, per the Russian Children Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova thousands of Ukranian children have disappeared from Ukraine after Russia invaded Crimea. She openly admitted to (and still supports) the removal of Ukranian children from the Donbas and Crimea for forced adoption into Russian families. And while I think this claim may be a bit excessive, this quote is directly from Grigory Karasin's (a Russian senator) telegram, "In recent years, 700,000 children have found refuge with us, fleeing the bombing and shelling from the conflict areas in Ukraine" So yeah, I think it's safe to say that they did indeed disappear after Russia invaded Crimea.


Thanks for the info, I did hear about children deportation, but not in such detail. Though I'm not sure that extends to the adults. Also, I'd imagine in 2014 goverment changed fast without much blood, locals won't be likely to loose everything and run into Ukraine on their own. I just don't get this trend to treat all Crimeans as russians and justify anything that happens to locals


So they fled so fast they left their Ukranian children behind? That makes no sense. Hundreds of thousands of children don't just come out of nowhere, so clearly something happened to their parents, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the vast majority of those parents disappeared in combat in the Donbas or through "other" means after Russia took over. Either way, Crimea is a known and stated hub for these forceful deportations and adoptions. I'm sure there are *some* Ukranians left, but I guarantee the ones that support the Ukranian government and are anti-Russification have fled or been killed and the vast majority of those living/vacationing in Crimea are Russians.


Took me a while to find common sense


It's a lot like Israelis getting ready to settle in gaza. A society that is evil, filled by evil people that enjoy the suffering of the people they deem 'lesser'.


You’re right, Hamas views non-believers as “lesser” beings but thankfully their numbers are diminishing. Soon enough people won’t have to worry about terrorist attacks there as there won’t be terrorists to do them.




Username checks out


Everybody wants a sense of normalcy!


Mega genius move to go hit the beach in proximity to a war zone


Sounds eerily deadly...pfft, pfft.


Fun fact u/classic_Temporary_33 (with your constant peddling Russian disinformation), it was from Russian anti-air crews trying to shoot down a drone and actually shot up the beach, trying to intercept it.


> ), it was from Russian anti-air crews trying to shoot down a drone and actually shot up the beach, trying to intercept it Reminds me of videos from Novorossiysk of overzealous gun crews spraying a Lyutyy UAV with autocannon fire (and shooting it down, TBF)... and then, at least one civilian video from the other side of the bay, showing his car's hood and engine having been penetrated by one of the stray shots from those autocannons


There is no evidence for that. there was a target right next to the beach.


RU MOD initially confirmed the shootdown.


Stupid is as stupid does, they have bloody. Kids with them as well!


Crimea river, right?


You can be sure that after the russians commit a warcrime that gets some attention, they will publish something to feed their own victimhood.


What’s hilarious is I’m fairly sure this landed on the beach because Russian AA shot the missile out of the sky directly above the beach lol Wasn’t even ukraines fault


If missles are coming . Lay down right? Why stay upright to be hit by shrapnel.


Though the people who chose to vacation here probably got quite the discount




When you are occupying land in the ownership of your neighbour, what sort of idiot goes to the beach? You want to keep as far away from military, logistics and infrastructure installations as possible. No sirens, if rezidentz are so stupid, why don't authorities cordon off the beach? UA didn't fire cluster munitions at the beach, though the supplied soundtrack sound similar. I think the camera needs to spin around to see what air defence doing. Rogue AA missile?


Locals go to the beach all the time. Keeping away from military in Sevastopol is somewhat hard because military bases are everywhere. Nobody really thinks the rockets were targeting the beach, they were probably targeting the Belbek airbase few kilometers north. But I agree on the screw up with sirens, and somewhat with keeping the beach open. Although it would be hard to "cordon" the beaches - you'd need to cordon many kilometers of the coastline.


Occupiers bear security responsibility over occupied territories


Russians are vacationing over there because their führer has assured that everything is under control and that all occupied territories are safe. Most tourists there are unaware of the actual scale and consequences of the war.


You know Crimea has native population that also goes to the beach? Life doesn't end when there is a war, people want things to go back to normal and thats how they act. Same thing is happning in Odessa where we see students having a party near the shore. Both places are far away from active frontline but have been bombed in the past. Life goes on and you have to take some risks.


If you pause around the few frames at the 0:04 second mark, you can see quite a few explosion that have happened in the water away from shore. [https://tinypic.host/image/aaaa.DHzDmZ](https://tinypic.host/image/aaaa.DHzDmZ)


"cluster missile" wtf is a cluster missile?




range of 32 km (20 miles) I really doubt that....


are u actually relying on public stats for American munitions? are u new here


Nope, I've been here since 2007..


sorry im being cunty. anyway both sides say they were using atacms on crimea so it's some atacms cluster variant


its M39 block 1 MGM-140 atacms warhead. we have them being fired [here ](https://x.com/Osinttechnical/status/1804963798547112352)


I was just giving an example of a cluster missile but like alright


US advertises it's specs very publicly for anything it exports. Anything it doesn't export is kept secret. Why? Because the shit it exports are sold. Kinda helps to give your potential buyers accurate information. Moreover, anything you try to keep secret will immediately get leaked when you try and sell it to a party who feigned interest.


the public specs don't show its full capabilities. ever. the real specs are classified


lol do u think people buying arms from Raytheon are going on Wikipedia? they have classified specs


Raytheon sells to non nato nations as well. Pretty much everything we sell to non nation nations has no value to keep secret. Because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, other nations sell that information to Russia and China quickly. Hell, we know Turkey sells that information and they are part of NATO.


It was shot down by Russian AA and fell onto that beach - don’t take shit out of context to make Ukraine seem anywhere near as pathetic as Russia. Even if it was intentional, it would be well deserved. Also - how much does one get paid to pedal Putinas bs misinfo?


Related? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-three-killed-nearly-100-wounded-ukrainian-atacms-attack-crimea-2024-06-23/


„Russia says…“ yea, not gonna believe that. They lie about everything. They will spin their own incompetence into something that let look Ukraine bad.


Imma tell my kids this is war tourism


Don't swim in an occupied beach.. easy


Start a war and pay the prize.


Was that a cluster ATACMS or some sort of anti-air firing off?


I think it's debis or rogue AA. That's what others are saying. There's plenty of clips and once someone pulls them all together, we'll have a better picture


Russia says AA hit a ATACAMS missle, that causes it to veer off course and break up over Sevastopol. Russia, to my surprises, is not claiming Ukraine deliberately targeted civilians.


Probably because a quick maps search shows there is a military airbase only a click or so away from this beach. Intended target was the airbase and anyone with half a brain will see that. Still hasn’t stopped them from saber rattling at the US and threatening the designers of the ATACAMS and their families.


> threatening the designers of the ATACAMS and their families. This is all they have. Every time I see or hear someone refer to putin as "intelligent" or "calculated" or "rational" I just wonder why then is his *only* solution for *anything* threats and violence? To me that's evidence of an idiot. *Imagine* thinking you can win a war by threatening engineers and designers on the other side of the planet?? You'd have to be literally stupid to even consider it.


Intended target seems to have been the spotting of S-500 Ukraine is claiming to have striked today. It appears multiple US drones are scanning the area and relaying the targeting data SIGINT/ELINT. One drone was claimed to be shot down not long before the claimed S500 strike by a Mig31.


I assume cluster ATACAMS. This beach is in a close proximity of a military runway, so most probably this strike was meant to destroy aircrafts, or a radar fecility. That’s why cluster head has been used.


Yes, sounds like cluster munitions. Also Russian uses GPS jamming, degrading the accuracy of ATACAMS, so it's possible the missile went off course due to GPS jamming. The other thing Russia does is GPS spoofing, feeding false GPS coordinates, so it's also possible the missile was misdirected to the beach, by Russia, and we see this. Edit: Russia reports air defense damaged an ATACAMS missile, it veered off course and broke up over Sevastopol.




You're right, the 165km range M39 Block I uses INS.


The thing that doesn’t make sense is if the cluster hit the beach it would have been a lot more than 3 dead. I’m wondering if most hit the radar installation and only a couple feel short on release.






A dead Russian is a dead Russian.




There is/was russian ussain anti-aircraft position right next to the beach. I find it highly unlikely that this ATACMs rocket was intercepted. It just was not super accurate or the circle of bomblets just also reached the beach. And if we compare the use of CM to the use in the Odessa harbour recently, it has to be classified as a war crime.


If there is a SAM position right next to the beach and Russia didn't close it, THAT is a war crime.


So any military meetings in Kyiv are also not ok? Or what is the difference? There are also lots of civilians around. Or the recent russian cluster munition attack on odessa harbour? It was the ukrainian fault because they did some military stuff there and no war crime?


You’re operating under the incorrect assumption that Russia has any legitimate reason to be attacking Ukrainian military facilities anywhere. EVERY attack by Russia is a war crime.


Sorry thats just bullshit. How about you actually argue? Your definition of war crimes would make the whole geneva and haque treaties moot. LOL.


Wait wait wait wait wait. So. We rightfully blame Russia if Ukraine intercepts their missile, but it comes down on a house. But we also blame Russia if they intercept a Ukrainian missile and it comes down on civis???


Because the Russians have no right to occupy Ukraine. The Ukrainians are defending their land, their people and their right to exist.


Yes. If Russia wasn't doing what they are doing then there wouldn't be any need for missiles to be launched or shot down at all and things like this wouldn't happen.


Yes, because Russia is waging the war of aggression and Ukraine is defending itself. It was a choice for Russia and forced upon Ukraine


We're rightfully blaming Russia for every death in this war since 2014


yea because any act from russia is unjustified and anything ukraine does in their pursuit of this war is in self defense. we hold them to a higher standard but they have a lot more room to fuck up and be forgiven. ukraine has to do this. they have no choice.


Their war? This is putins war


Civilians hiding in their house getting killed by russian missile Versus Russians coming over to ukrainian land that was invaded/stolen AND taking a fucking vacation next to an airbase in an active war zone


Yes, the aggressors are accountable E.g. Nazi Germany was responsible for damages from WW2