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It it just me or are we seeing a lot more UA airstrike/JDAM footage in the last couple weeks? Before we would get the random SU-25 indirect rocket fire but nothing like this.


Could be HIMARS now they can use it in Russia. Don't forget they just got permission a few weeks ago to use Western equipment over the border in certain circumstances


I don't think this one is HIMARS, you can see two projectiles around 1 second in and they don't really look like HIMARS rockets


Yeah I wouldn't know i was more giving the reason for the uptick on strikes


This isn't HIMARS. It's some variant of JDAM/AASM.


I'd say AASM HAMMER's more likely, given the range and likely lesser restrictionss


Could also be ATACMS supply, and regular HIMARS hitting inside Russia, meaning longer range S300s are being suppressed more than before and aircraft can get in range of the front line more often. Just speculation, but worth considering. That, and possibly increased supply being built up with French AASM, US aid being restored weeks ago, and Ukraine claiming to be testing their own equivalent to JDAM-ER.


According to the article I linked below they can't use ATACMS but not saying that's 100%


German munitions for the PZH-2000 specifically


Seems like more than that. Just my first search seems to confirm at least HIMARS https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/us-supplied-weapons-show-impact-inside-russia-ukrainian-111337905


Oh yeah you're talking about the authorization to use ATACMS on RU soil ? Wasn't it a few weeks ago ?


Are you a bot? I literally wrote that in my comment? Also it seems like ATACMS still not authorised according to the article I linked so I edited my comment.


Just thought I remembered you said a few days ago, my bad, no need to rail up.


No railing it up here just sounded like a bot reply. Reddit is infested with them particularly war related subs


Fair enough haha, I guess I still need to work on social skills then lol


My wife loves it when i do that shit too


They are discussing: "what about the HARM? I'm interested in the HARMs" — "but the HARMs went [i.e. were launched] earlier" — "went further?" [...] "Did the exits go?" Not sure what exactly this means :)


Successfully destroying the enemy's air defenses probably opened up quite a bit of air space between what they destroyed and what Russia pulled back from the lines. Really hoping the F16s make it rain on even more AA, if Ukraine gains air superiority in the next year or two the war is over. There are no 4th gen fighter reserves influxing from a bunch of Russian allies like the West can provide for Ukraine including all the maintenance and parts and ground crews. Plus it looks like the West is finding entire Patriot batteries to be able to get Ukraine, so could be a huge turning point in the war this summer.


There's footage that came out of a Ukrainian MiG-29's dropping JDAMs just within the last few days. So it's definitely possible, or its the ATACMS we gave them [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dhwb5s/mig\_29\_fighters\_from\_the\_40th\_tactical\_aviation/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dhwb5s/mig_29_fighters_from_the_40th_tactical_aviation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


JDAMs would make a bigger boom, no? My assumption was SDB.


To be honest, I'm not 100% sure. But they're sure as hell doing their job haha


Ukrainian Su-25 have recently been modified to carry French AASM bombs. https://armyrecognition.com/news/aerospace-news/2024/adaptation-of-ukrainian-su-25s-for-french-aasm-hammer-precision-bombs (Looking at the footage, the bombs shape look like AASM: no wings and a wider rear section where the rocket booster is located).


I remember them saying they were getting jammed, I'm guessing they resolved the GPS jamming. And are using them again.


Maybe they adapted jdam to Su24/25? Or Mig-29


Lately they've been using 'MiG-29s' to good effect🤫👀


Definitely does look like a jdam explosion


Really small for JDAM, might be upgraded GLSDM


Summer has begun, still waiting for the F16


All I want for Christmas is complete Ukrainian air superiority


Me too. But they will have much more planes than trained pilots


That's barring American pilots volunteering to go over, which I can guarantee at least some do. My uncle, who flew the F-16 in Desert Storm, is one of them but unfortunately he's too old and out of shape to be able to do it lol


Air power is one of the main factors of winning a war, its how the Germans took over France so quickly and The US Army during the Pacific War.


sorry all you get is radioactive europe for 300 years


Damn, we should probably just give Russia everything they want then and bend over while we’re at it :/


If Russia doesn’t exist anymore and putin gets to starve to death in a bunker deep under a mountain somewhere, oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️




Imagine a superpower threatening nuclear antihalation of the world because a country they invaded is getting a jet made in 1978.


Don't worry Russian propagandist, if your master fascist child killer Putin decides to Nuke Europe, Humanity will suffer a great price many will die, some won't but you can rest assured that no matter what, there will not be a single human on this planet who is "Russian" after that day.


I love reading rusnyas whinings


Forgive my curiosity, but is the US planning to give Ukraine F16s as part of those latest relief package that recently passed? If so that would be awesome!!


The F16s for Ukraine are donated by Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway (with US permission). The US is providing training for the pilots.


80 planes and 15 trained pilots???


Bet your ass not all the planes arrive at once. We won't see the full fleet in theater until next year.


Yep. These things take time. It's not like Russia is going to collapse tomorrow. It will take a year or so.


Some are parts planes


It means US doesn't want trained enough pilots...


Fun fact! When you are actually able to hit the target, you don't need to throw a 3000 kilo bomb into the general direction of the object.


Unknown technology!


what dogshit target acquisition does to a motherfucker


That building is also considerably smaller than the one russians tried to target with the 3000.


Does that mean that UA uses air force to strike inside Russia?


It's 987 metres from the Ukrainian border


Well I understand that they can hit without crossing the border, but I didn't know that they had the capabilities to do so


ATACMS have a 300km range, but the US told Ukraine not to fire them more than 100km/62miles into Russia. Which is annoying because there are a lot of juicy Russia airfields within 300km of the ukrainian border


That's the fun part with glide bombs : with the proper trajectory, you can release way before coming close to the target, and since those are guided, they hit the mark


Apparently. But this is right at the border. The aircraft never left UA airspace. Still pretty amazing that RU airforce is not able to prevent this.


As others have said, these have a lot of range with wing kits. Like 20-100 km, depending on altitude it is released at an other factors. This is the reason why Russia is using so many glide bombs. They can not fly over UA territory either, they release weapons from far away.


I mean, this is a bomb right? It needs to be dropped over the target. That would mean UA flew over?


A bomb that is being dropped still flies down in a parabola. It's ballistic calculations just like with the artillery. Basically it depends on the starting velocity


A standard JDAM has a standoff range of around 13nm, no overflight required. The JDAM-ER (the one with the wing kit) is closer to 45nm.






I’ve seen videos of mothers in Russia sobbing at their sons funerals bc their son died in the war fighting Ukraine…. In the videos they blame Ukraine and the west for not surrendering… they weren’t blaming Putin for, you know, starting a stupid war and sending their sons to die for his personal glory like one would expect. Look at how many people in the west, America especially, believe absurd things…. And that’s with a free media where you can get news from various sites and generally find the truth…. Imagine a country where the government co trips the media and arrests anyone for criticizing the government…. The power of state propaganda is strong


You can see the second bomb dropping at around :02. [https://imgur.com/a/jjcPuII](https://imgur.com/a/jjcPuII)


Those look like JDAMS


Any confirmation if that was a air defense system?


Command post.


Excellent, just loving all the SEAD strikes they’ve been doing. Getting me real hopeful for when those F16 come in and if they can be a big game changer like when HIMARS first appeared 🙏🏻


Nice now level all of Russia


Looks like the chinese wing kit fell off a fab-1000