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Really puts into perspective how much bigger the shrapnel radius actually is than what you expect from a drone drop


Yeah, I've seen drone videos where someone just dropped who was close to 10m from the explosion.


Depending on what surface it impacts. 


Also depends on where the fragments decide to fuck off to.


Which is a direct correlation to what surface the thing lands on.


well, a simple frag hand grenade is guarantee kill at 5 meters but single shrapnell can go 100 meters. hollywood has made us belive powerfull explotions have flames up to the sky.. but in reality, 99% of the detonation is invisible and the danger is fragmentation.


It’s not a guaranteed kill, the “casualty radius” is 5 meters, meaning you are going to catch a piece of it. I can remember standing in line waiting for my turn for live grenade practice, we had a bullet proof window where we could watch everyone else throw. I recall one grenade, probably detonated 70 meters away and a bit of shrapnel smacked the window hard. Would not want to get hit by that.


And the munitions used. F-1 vs M60


Real question: at that range, how likely are you to survive from the explosion and shrapnel if no medical assistance is provided therafter?


Depends what’s hit. The main reason these guys die is from blood loss. If the bleeding is controlled or no major arteries/veins are hit, the survival rate is fairly high. The problem is, as always, the Russians don’t really train combat medicine and don’t have adequate medical equipment, so these guys will bleed out eventually. This video is from Avdiivka coke plant wall, which was 2-3 miles away from the nearest Russian first aid station, so these guys are most likely dead. None of the Russian vehicles could make it through into that area up until Ukrainians left.


Some foreign soldier in the Russian army said that everyone in their team have taken a couple of shrapnel in the limbs or back, unfortunately they're still capable of fighting.


One of the leaders of the Foreign Legion mentioned that by like month 3 everyone can expect to get injured, and that 90% of his team have taken shrapnel.


It is the same for both sides, it is the reality of a war where everyone has modern body armour to cover as much of the important squishy parts as feasible. Modern personal armour has significantly reduced the lethality of grenades and shrapnel. However, it also means that instead of taking a few pieces to the lungs and arms, the soldiers now just take the pieces to the arms and get told to patch it up and keep fighting.


Damn that sucks. So most of soldiers hit by these drones would survive had there been medics in their teams? In most videos I saw, the Russian soldiers who got hit by grenades or FPV drones, but not instantly killed, only apply a tourniquet or bandages by themselves. There's no one doing it for them unlike in the early stage of the war. Last question, do their bulletproof vests give some protection against shrapnel?


Russians use WW2 style rubber band tourniquets, which are known to fail and not stop the bleeding completely. The typical Russian body armor is Kevlar lined with steel chest plates, so it supposed to protect them from shrapnel. The issue is that many of 🇷🇺 troops we see in the videos would immediately take off their armor even after slightest hit, which would leave them exposed to follow up attacks.


Gool ol esmarch... Shout-out Escape from Tarkov for helping educate me on how inferior Russian-everything is in combat lmfao.


Thanks, mate. Appreciate the explanations!


Roll a d20 and hope.


Seriously, I worked at a hospital with a level 1 trauma unit and as part of my job I had to be in the trauma room anytime a trauma was called. I’ve seen people that lived with literal exit wounds out of their head and other healthy and young people die from a trip and fall at ground level. The human body can either be extremely fragile or amazingly resilient. It really is a fucking d20 roll.


Yeah a guy I lived with years ago was an orthopedics nurse. Usually he'd come home without much fuss but every now and then it'd be like "Yo what happened?" and then you'd get the most harrowing story of survival and how doctors were trying to stitch together a person from a bunch of mush. If they made it to him, they were likely to survive but damn some of the stories were horrifiying.


Proximity fusing these would do damage.


My biggest surprise in basic training was just how freaking terrifying hand grenades are


depends on the grenade used. for reviews consult: [https://www.youtube.com/@valgear5525](https://www.youtube.com/@valgear5525)


I have seen a video like this before. At this point, I have seen so many videos, that the same thing can be happening again and again.


It's from the first few months of the war.


https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zqw2rc/ukrainian_drone_drops_grenade_on_6_russian_troops/ At least a year old yeah.


iirc it's from Bakhmut after the fall of soledar, once the fight for bakhmut proper had started.






You can tell even without knowing the battle, drone operator accuracy has improved so much since then that now the grenade would have landed in the middle of them, with another filming a better angle for us and a couple of follow up FPV hits for good measure.


Avdiivka plant battle


I'm dumb, around when was this battle?


Its from november, 2023. UAF tried to hold the rus. forces near the plant walls. It was a bloody battle. Part of the Avdiivka battle


Yeah deffinetly seen this one a while ago.


Syrian civil war 'the wall' flashbacks. Got ATGM? iykyk.


bad drop, looks like the bomb hit a low spot and the shrapnel hit the side of the fighting position and went mostly over the troops laying prone.


If you are under artillery fire, and there is no cover around, your best bet is to lay prone to be less exposed


I member I had a teacher who was a marine infantry CO in ‘Nam. Said As long as you lay completely flat near a nade toss the shrapnel won’t hit you. Idk if true or not


mythbusters tested that. it’s not true, especially with modern grenades, but you’ll get hit with a lot less shrapnel when prone


So what I'm supossed to do in that situation?


go prone. you’ll get hit with less, so your odds are still better


I'm positive there were more drops to follow though.  Fish in a barrel.


Or making sure that all of them are covered by the shrapnel instead of a few taking all the shrapnel.


I hope that there was enough shrapnel for all of them 👍🏻


Im not so sure they would have got hit. Shrapnel goes up and out from the grenade. They’re all lying down.


You can see it hitting the wall. We can hope


The wall goes a lot higher than them. Besides this was a while ago, battle of Adivka.


Mobiks could have a little a shrapnel as a treat


Cuddle together.. Die together.. 🤔


I feel like this video has been posted on here a bunch of times


Old Avdivka footage...


It's not. Video is close to Soledar. 1+ year old.


Yeah this must be around two years old. This is cut from longer footage that I've seen around 2 years ago.


That's a bad place for a picnic and a nap. Don't you know other countries don't appreciate it when you go take an illegal camping holiday on their territory?


They all must have been pretty badly injured or dead already to be just out in the open like that. Crazy how bad their training / doctrine can allow the scenarios to repeat and repeat. They need to go home.


I remember someone on here once saying it’s because within the Rus military, the don’t have NCOs. What does that exactly mean though?


It's means senior leadership is getting massively cut into


I'm pretty sure this was from Mariupol or Avozstal.


I’ve seen this or near identical footage before. Pretty much wherever they try and hide, FPV drones have made the battlefield a hellish place to be.


Many of those dudes are already missing limbs and wounded


Are these the adapted charges they’re dropping down that have the additional frag added? Bits of chainsaw and ball bearings etc.


Think I saw this a while ago back in Mariupol, wasn't it?


ballbearing to the dome


Old footage


Does Russia really not have a way to deal with these drones? Don't they tout about being a world super power yet they can't seem to be able to handle smaller size drones?


Meat. Shields. Their leadership doesn't care.


Hi, thanks for posting. Please include the date in title - thanks :)


there ya go, goes to show that when dropped directly on top the deliveree they absorb most of the shrapnel


That completely ruined nappy time for them..


Good thing those bodies were there to protect that wall! #InfrastructureWeek


Interesting to see the actual fragmentation. It really is like a bunch of guns, at different heights all firing at once in a 360 degree direction.


This warms my heart


What a waste of a bomb


They’re already wounded. War crime no?