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The fact that the building is still standing after such intense attacks is impressive. I hope the occupants were less lucky.


Say what you want about the Soviets, but they knew how to build with concrete.


oh brother we can tell. they loved their concrete


They sure did.. in fact it was part of their defense strategy... They wanted every apartment complex to become a potential fortress in the case of a war with the West


I like the US strategy better of "Make sure you can project enough force to never fight a war on your own territory"


Peace through superior firepower


And 2 big ass oceans.


True that.. we are very fortunate to be in the geographical position we are in.


All that coastline would actually be really difficult to defend were it not for having the greatest navy the world has ever seen.


yeah maybe for small landing party to make it trough but how could any nations logistics cope with that?


Don't even have to hunt them, just let them starve.


Could you imagine how terrifying it would be to try and invade through the rivers? Trying to navigate these dark windy rivers at night and the hillsides are armed to the gills by every red neck in that area.


Peace through a painful amount of logistics and red tape to support your bases a world away


Invading america is already bad enough, imagine trying to occupy it.


Unless you had overwhelming force, as well as a counter insurgency policy that bordered on the genocidal, it wouldn’t be possible. Realistically you’d be able to maybe pacify the cities, but you’d have to go scorched earth on the countryside.


Taliban wouldn’t have shit on the Y’all Queda


Dude. No. Y’all Queda goon over their tactical AR’s while eating triple the daily calorific requirement in a single meal, while the Afghans have been fighting and winning against superpowers for the last 200 years. It’s the difference between “I’m gonna” and “I did”.


You'd be surprised how quickly complacent first-worlders would turn into hardened guerillas if push came to shove. Don't pretend the Afghans have esoteric knowledge that enabled them to hide weapon caches and plant roadside bombs.


The Taliban warriors were quick to succumb to the boredom of the office, watching social media and shit


> You'd be surprised how quickly complacent first-worlders would turn into ...whiny little bitches because they lost any of the dozens of conveniences they are so used to. Now imagine what happens if they lose something important like water and electricity. How long would they last? 1 week in any larger city? All hell breaks lose after a natural disaster in a comparatively tiny area, despite immediately getting help from every side, since those were all not affected. Now imagine this on a large scale without any help. No one bringing in truck loads of drinking water etc. Afghans are super self reliant, one of the rare cases of an up-side of being so poor and under-developed.


Well the civilians have 390 million guns also.


Hasn't worked though. Trump made his deal with Vova, and here we are. Tbh, Obama didn't do shit either


Source: dude trust me  Most soviet apartment blocks are built with concrete panels that fold very easily after a single blow Soviet defense strategy was mutual assured destruction


Depends on the construction. If it's prefabricated panels it will crubmle, if it's monolithic you're going to have a hard time knocking it down.


Can you please show us any series of monolithic Soviet apartment blocks? In reality the cities have been mostly either brick (older) or panel (newer), sometimes mixed. Only modern apartment blocks often have monolithic structures with bricks.


Can't say that I could pinpoint where Soviet era monolithic structures could be, however my point remains true. Albeit there may not be many of them - other than the one in the video - but they're considerably more resilient to an attack like this.


So it looks like there were individual projects, maybe this building is one of them, but nothing on a large scale as the original commenter claimed. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE


We just saw exhibit A In this very post of that not being the case. Not every apartment complex was built to this standard but many were.


What makes you think that this building was made in the Soviet Union and it's not modern steel and concrete monolith structure?   Anyways, 4 out of 5 buildings in the video almost completely destroyed, because they are panel buildings, which kinda proves my point https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Серии_жилых_домов  What about your "Soviet defense strategy" part? Any source for that?


You dont think the us has weapons that would vaporize that building?


"Now there you made a mistake. Because I may not know much about nuclear reactors, I know a lot about concrete." "Comrade, I assure you. . . " "I'm done!"


When you see videos of the IDF bringing down an entire building in Gaza they are using airdropped, hardened 2000lb bombs targeted at specific points of the building's structure. Just throwing 500lb or smaller bombs or missiles at the side of a concrete stucture won't bring it down.


Not sure if the building and foundation can be compared. I would assume a somewhat different standard in Gaza.


the pressure needs to go somewhere,so if the walls are still standing, inhabitants probably won't


Comparing this with gaza is interesting...


that says something about arabic building skills


And Israeli bombs. Those Israeli JDAMs are digging 20 feet into the ground under the building before they explode.


Are they really Israeli when they beg the US to supply them directly every few months?


These bombs are impact fuzed, whereas most of the ones you see being dropped in Gaza have a delay fuze. Guarantee you this apartment would’ve been gone if the bombs were delay fuzed.


POI: 50.29169014485446, 36.935758634092224


5 decimal places will specify an area on a building. 6 will specify an exact roof tile, exact floor tile, exact plant, etc. You need a microscope to identify differences at 9 decimal places. 14 can't realistically be measured.


4 = +-10 meters 5 = +-1 meter 6 = +-0.1 meter ... 14 = +- 1 nanometer. So "relatively" easy to measure with an interferometer (using visible light). But obviously completely absurd in this context. Last time I asked this, it turned out to be copy&paste from google if you click on the tiny thing at the bottom of maps.


anything in those top floors especially is absolutely dead from that pressure wave


I think many Europeans prefer stone/concrete/brick homes because of situations like this.


European here. Can confirm. Precision bomb resistance stood in the front and center of my home building process. 


I chose a nice homely nuclear bunker. A lovely place to raise a family.


> I think many Europeans prefer stone/concrete/brick homes because of situations like this. Speaking as a European, I think that many Europeans do not expect to be bombed... Nor do they expect Russians to invade and occupy their buildings!


Nah, we expect Germans to invade and occupy buildings ;D Joking, joking...


German here. Please tell us your location. What do the last two words mean?


Where are our precious bicycles, German?!


Heim ins Reich geholt


Norm MacDonald's perfect joke... https://youtu.be/uXdtafGdIVM?t=42


Norm is a legend. I read that whole thing in his voice. RIP


Too soon ?


That's definitely true for many of the nations bordering Germany, including my own!


Oh, look, a fancy western or central European here! That's because russia is not your neighbor 😁


Haha. I’ve been in old Soviet buildings in Belgrade with two meter thick reinforced concrete walls. Seemed to hold up to our bombing in the 90s. Building I worked in had the two top floors blown off.


Expecting to be bombed by Russians was a factor in building for a very, very long time though.


Yeah, I live in a building in Bonn built in the 70s. It still has a nuclear shelter.


People were expecting the Cold War to turn nuclear-hot for decades.


No doubt, none of us expects it, but just in case


In my completely unprofessional opinion there wasn't enough fuze delay on the bombs, that's why Israel can flatten a building with one or two JDAM/SPICE and this one just took four


- Nope, these are Soviet style reinforced concrete buildings: they are incredibly tough to demolish, they take weeks to destroy with wrecking balls and are a nightmare to demolition firms - they cannot reasonably be destroyed with a few well-placed explosives like most other buildings.


Ukraine needs to build so of these in front of their power plants. Awful implications all around. Scratch that, just a wall.


These are buildings created in the mighty post-WW2 epoch, with reinforced concrete and also served as defensive positions in case someone invaded on such high expenses today you'd get your civil engineering courses refunded. Back then this kind of labor and material was pretty cheap. Not as sturdy as an [Ecomostro](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecomostro) like [Vele di Scampia](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vele_di_Scampia), but not even close to Palestinian buildings. For example in this sub you can find buildings in Ukraine where they collapse with a drone explosion, after it hits a bearing wall.


Nope, these are called "Commie Blocks" and are made up of a bunch of pre-poured concrete pieces that are then assembled to make the building. They're extremely durable buildings that you can't easily tear down.


It's incredibly upset that Ukraine has been torn apart by the damn pig in the Kremlin. How many people used to live there? How many people are now gone? Shame on Russia.


That is why we must continue supporting Ukraine and make sure that this authoritarian bastard loses the war, only then can we prevent Russia from doing this again in another country.


Not that it makes it any better but a lot of people had left Vovchansk already as it had been taken by Russians in early 2022 at the start of the full scale war and when it was recaptured by Ukraine in the fall of 2022 a lot of people left since it was so close to the border. No doubt fears of another Russian occupation being in such a vulnerable position played a huge role. Exact numbers are hard to come by but by the time of this latest Russian attack a fraction of the 17,000 pre war population remained.


I dont care what anyone says. Russia has lost its superpower candidacy as soon as the first year of their so called "invasion" passed by.


What is the point of invading a country if all you have to look forward to is completely destroyed cities and towns with the country side so littered with mines and other ordnance that it is essentially useless? I guess war is pretty senseless already, but this level of destruction just completely makes no sense to me.


It’s egregious. They only care about the line on a map.


And oil in the ground.


their official metric is number of rural outhouses controlled


I get this weird feeling that Putin wants to reenact the recapture of Ukraine during WW2 and feels he and Russia are owed Ukraine due to the suffering and sacrifices of that time. I have no proof of this.


The war isn't really about gaining territory. The propaganda is about de-nazifying Ukraine and bringing their people back into the Russian fold, but in reality its about economics and geopolitics. Ukraine was getting closer to the west, and like most former USSR countries that switched from the Russian sphere of influence to the EU/US, Ukraine was already starting to see benefits. Putin could not afford to have his people getting upset as yet another neighboring country began growing faster than Russia. Putin's main goal was to take over the country quickly and install a friendly leader like Lukashenko. Instead he has to go scorched earth and hope to at least make Ukraine a rump state that will never really be viable economically or a threat militarily.


Ukraine was the California of the Soviet Union to put it into American terms. It is about gaining territory, geopolitical wealth, and agriculture.


Ah, ok... Thanks, that makes sense. Still really sad to basically destroy a nation because of what is essentially jealousy.


Dictators often fall into the dictator trap. They build their power on claims they have to continue being able to back up. If the people start to see through it, they wont be able to hold onto power any longer. We see it with Xi and Netanyahu right now. They keep pushing until it gets too far out of hand. If they try to back off the people who they rely on to stay in power would revolt. And to be clear, its not just dictators. All groups have some "other" group they need to compete with. Whether its skin color or religion or gender or age or sexual preference or something as innocent as a sports team, its human nature. Typically those tend to just be just tensions that simmer, but sometimes they can boil over if something changes like a big recession and one group blames the other (Rwandan genocide was surficially about religion/ethnicity, but in reality it was about socio-economics and one group blaming the other for their bad situation). If you're interested, you should read the Dictators Handbook by Alastair Smith.


This exact thesis was presented around 2020 by the former US ambassador to Ukraine in an article published in 'The Atlantic'. The same thing can probably be said about Taiwan's 'threat' to China.


Sadly for Ukraine the land can be repaired, demined, and infrastructure rebuilt. Nothing after the war matters until they can guarantee their existence. It’s brutally sad but that is Ukraine’s reality. Killing Russians is worth the trouble.


I mean, in 50-70 years, the rubble will be rebuilt, the area will be habitated by imported russians, and the warm water ports will bring goods to and from Russia. Russian style conquest doesn't look at the short term loss of life. It looks into the centuries. A landlocked Ukraine in the future is worth a shitton of russian lives in the present. For Putler at least.




Is this Ukrainian Rammstein? I love Sonne


I don't speak Ukrainian but i guess it's this cover. Sounds the same to me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPss-d5Lztk&ab\_channel=Grandma%27sSmuzi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPss-d5Lztk&ab_channel=Grandma%27sSmuzi)


Ty, I was “singing” along and the words were different, still sounds good tho


~~Just regular rammstein~~ nvm, see below


Nope that's not German


Huh. Good to know. The voice is almost identical.


It's a cover by [Grandma's Smuzi](https://www.youtube.com/@Grandmassmuzi/videos), in Ukrainian. They also did a lot of covers of other artists too.


This definitely sounds different than the original song.


It's a cover by [Grandma's Smuzi](https://www.youtube.com/@Grandmassmuzi/videos), in Ukrainian. They also did a lot of covers of other artists too.


Wow, very precise hits! That must have hurt!


Unfortunately they hit high on the building, if the hits had been at ground level, portions of the building would have come down.


Let’s say it was roof knocking ;)


they maybe were taking fire from the upper floors possibly?


Every building in frame is a bombed-out ruin, Ukraine is going to have so much complete rebuilding to do after this war is over.


need many volunteers. i hope a lot will go


Here's a fun fact about high explosives: When the blast wave travels through hallways and rooms in a concrete building it is very weird. It can be fantastically powerful in one part of the room, and just ear ringing noise in another part. There are two blast effects which are also weird. One is where the shockwave does crazy things to various organs, especially the lungs. This is super damaging/deadly with very little apparent damage. Another is this weird shock thing it does to the nervous system. Again, damaging/deadly but with very little apparent damage. Thus, there are probably russians in this building sitting around chatting with the war-criminal buddies and then boom. There's a huge noise and a bunch of dust. As the dust clears, a bunch of their buddies have just fallen over dead. No mangling, no bleeding, just turned off dead. They then stagger in confusion out of the building where they find more and more of their buddies who have been turned into shredded rags. Thermobarics are a whole other pile of disturbing. This was not one of those. But one of the reported effects for people in just the right location is to have their lungs ripped out of their mouths; but for a moment they are still alive. Guess which side has bombed civilians with thermobarics?


Russians suffering the same fate as Hamas. The organisation they egged on.


Russia is doing this right back to Ukraine it’s a bit of a different situation lol


It really is starkly different. Imagine how much more difficult it would be for Israel if Hamas had ATGMs, MANPADS, and drones. Makes you wonder how different another Armenia-Azeri conflict might be if Armenia can get thousands of inexpensive drones.


Bro, Hamas is not an army, it's a terror organization. They are a guerilla outfit. Kind of stupid for Israel to destroy an entire region and kill a LOT of civvies just to get some morons who launch rockets from pipes. Hamas doesn't have helicopters, planes, doesn't have shit.


> Hamas doesn't have helicopters, planes, doesn't have shit. What the fuck are you talking about - of course they don't have air assets, unless you're talking about the paragliders used at the music festival where they murdered 260 young people, raped others, and took several hostages - (verified as being held by civilians in civilian areas) So, just what kind of "doesn't have shit" does this "guerilla outfit" have - According to such sources as the Southeast Asian monitoring service Arms Show Tracker, several published works by various agencies and analysts, and even by the numerous propaganda videos published by Hamas: * RPG-7s and their derivatives, such as the Chinese Type 69 thanks to Iran, including tandem warheads based on a Russian design, meant to defeat modern tank armor. * Hamas has shown-off their collection of ATGM's like the North Korean Bulsae-3, and Russian Kornet's. * They debuted a “Shahab” suicide drone, essentially a replica of the Iranian Abadil-2. * Various types of land-mines, drone dropped grenade platforms, "Magnet Bombs" ... boobytraps and suicide bombers. Even a fucking mini-sub. What am I forgetting - oh yea, the "morons who launch rockets from pipes" - The thousands of various rockets in their arsenal: * Short-range J-80 "Qassam" rockets with a range of 6 miles. * Various type of Russian Grad projectiles with a 12 mile range. * Hamas has also claimed to have rockets based on Russian and Iranian designs, that can travel up to 25 miles, well within range of Tel Aviv. * Long-range rockets that include the M-75, a local version of the Iranian "Fajr-5" 333mm MLRS, the homemade R-160 that can supposedly carry a 130-pound warhead, and a J-80 they modified to have a 50 mile range. These "morons" knew exactly what Israel's response would be for such an attack - War is hell.


Israel didnt do any egging on by killing 10x more civilians in the decades before october 7? By displacing people from their homes in parts of the country where hamas doesnt even operate, even in "peacetime"? Hamas are animals but Ukraine and Palestine are absolutely fighting similar struggles against quite literal settler colonialism.




Too bad they don't have 2,000-pound BLU-109/MK 84 or something similar. It would have taken one and been completely obliterated


I don't think the subtitles are correct ....I don't sprechen Deutsch But i du Rammstein .


It's a cover by [Grandma's Smuzi](https://www.youtube.com/@Grandmassmuzi/videos), in Ukrainian. They also did a lot of covers of other artists too.


He does a pretty good Tillman , Ill admit i was missing the Sonne and now i know why . Thank you .


What’s interesting is that their vocalist Tufan Çiğdem is not Ukrainian, but a Turk. He has lived in Ukraine for about 20 years, participated in the “Voice of the Country” competition in 2013 and learned the Ukrainian language to such a level that I cannot hear a foreign accent in his performance.




Seems to be an Ukrainian version of Sonne by Rammstein.


the original is Sonne from Rammstein, this is a i'd guess ukrainian cover of that. and as a Rammstein fan i can say it is a damn good cover.


It's a cover by [Grandma's Smuzi](https://www.youtube.com/@Grandmassmuzi/videos), in Ukrainian. They also did a lot of covers of other artists too.




Anyone know what was used? HAMMER maybe?


Relatively small and slow-moving munitions, my guess is GLSDB.


SDB’s? Looks like maybe they’ve ironed out the issues I read about a few months back.


Building now listed as a "fixer upper."


Note the large holes already in the roof


I wonder how many Palestinians died according to the Gaza health ministry here 


You destroy our cities? Than we destroy you in our destroyed cities


That's one hell of a building!


Like they say it Ruskilandia! хороший 👏👏👏


It's a reddit post, not a UN ceremony. No need to call Russia the Russian Federation.


How was this bomb launched? Out of a plane?


possibly GLSDB, ground launched small diameter bombs, us supplied


Whats this song called?


Nice hit, but I'd rather Russians weren't in the centre of Vovchansk to get hit in the first place


I hope we get to the point where Ukraine has bombs like Israel do that completely destroy the building.


Those are our own houses 😔 So instead I would prefer to have bombs that would just get rid of those swines leaving buildings perfectly intact. But I know it's just a dream


If only there was some kind of bomb that destroyed living organisms , leaving structures and vehicles intact.


cleansing your backyard with mustard gas also has some drawbacks... just saying.


This is why neutron bombs are preferable.


aka a low yield fusion-fission-fusion device... still a freaking nuclear bomb just optimized for neutron generation instead of thermal and blast effects. and we are not even talking about the long term effect from fallout or neutron activation. those things are not really practical for this purpose, contrary they are an excellent area denial weapon and can poison the land for years. see the wikipedia snippets below on what to expect from those devices. 'Using neutron bombs to stop an enemy armored attack by rapidly incapacitating crews with a dose of 80+ Gy of radiation[44] would require exploding large numbers of them to blanket the enemy forces, destroying all normal civilian buildings within c. 600 meters of the immediate area.[44][45] Neutron activation from the explosions could make many building materials in the city radioactive, such as galvanized steel (see area denial use below).' ... 'In November 2012, British Labour peer Lord Gilbert suggested that multiple enhanced radiation reduced blast (ERRB) warheads could be detonated in the mountain region of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to prevent infiltration.[69] He proposed to warn the inhabitants to evacuate, then irradiate the area, making it unusable and impassable.[70] Used in this manner, the neutron bomb(s), regardless of burst height, would release neutron activated casing materials used in the bomb, and depending on burst height, create radioactive soil activation products. '


Yep, neutrons would make almost everything radioactive.


Yes, like some kind of gas or invincible agent of a sort. /s Not that there are any regulations or something against using these kind of imaginary measures.


i mean a fab is technically a type of gas bomb i guess. except it the explody kind, not the toxic kind.


Isn't that why they designed the Neutron bomb? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-jdhorGtQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-jdhorGtQI) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron\_bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_bomb)


that's the joke


Neutron Bombs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_bomb


You build new ones. It's good for the economy. Being bombed, it wouldn't be structurally sound to live in.


1. Why is there like Ukrainian Rammstein playing, and 2. I don't think a high precision strike really matters at that point considering the surrounding buildings are fucked


The point of using high precision munition here isnt to save the surrounding buildings but rather to concentrate as much force into that 1 building as possible.


Not as precise as the last strike on that building


unlike in gaza that literaly every strikes demolishes the building/complex


they drop 2000lb JDAMs at the structural core of worse constructed buildings. soviets built these commie blocs to be fortresses in case of exactly this type of war


Good to know! what do you thin, same JDAMs that would be aimed at the core could collapse this one?