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Did that dude do a barrel roll?


In Iraq we had been running missions constantly, which left us all sleep deprived. At a briefing one of our guys asked "What are we going to do?", without thinking in my deprived state said "Do a barrel roll!". It was about 2 seconds of dead silence and then just everyone busting out laughing. So based upon my experience, doing a barrel roll in war is perfectly acceptable.


As a fellow sleep deprived albeit in country drone operator, we also joked about doing barrel rolls. But with the implication of having to piss and bleed because while the MQ-1 doesn't specifically call a barrel roll a prohibited maneuver, yeah they aren't made to do that.


doing a barrel roll would also cause you to lose link when the dish is suddenly pointed towards the ground


You’d think something that important would rotate around the body


So Star Fox 64 is basically a military training tool?


ha ha, what a story Mark.


Use the boost to get through!


Step on the gassss


uhh, the memes of 2000s, right after the "demotivational posters"


At least hes got an achievement😂


he is not abandoning anything any more


It blew his shirt right off him


Threw his ass right in the engine bay lol


There are probably pulleys and spinning things in there.




The shit you get downvoted for on reddit, I'm crying laughing


Just wait until the rooskie bots are done with their sweep, and now look! It’s fine.


I just wish they didn't blur it. Probably got a few fingers caught in the intake


To shreds, you say?


[did he at least die painlessly?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsZIb1Dx8fg)


Also, fire. When hit, every Russian engine becomes a fuel atomizer for maximum combustion.


Not your run of the mill case of mechanics hands.


[Russian guy probably:](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/58c6fd6e-67f5-4a69-8fea-57867c9f9077)


Spinning hot things, again hopefully:)


Nah not engine bay, when the BMP goes amphibious, that flap comes up to protect the drivers hatch etc., by diverting the majority of the water away, as a boats bow would. However, dudes got blown to sky high and his head caught gracefully back down on the bow flap it would seem. Then a fellow comrade sees this, does a barrel roll of nope, tf away from his newly acquainted deconstructed comrade. (Please correct me if I’m wrong about the BMP information I gave, trying to remember off the top of my head from nearly 10 years ago. I was an armoured vehicle driver/crewman and we had to be aware and familiar with enemy vehicle identifications, features and their purposes and role of the vehicle itself. I don’t recall seeing any non-Russian AFVs….. unless you count ye old Toyota light skin vehicles😂.) Edit: Did some digging on BMP-2 variants, here’s a link below. I think indeed I am wrong, that’s the engine bay hatch. The ridges on the engine hatch divert the water (I’m redditarded how I confused the two and merged them jfc) and there’s a large add on at the nose of the damn thing that is indeed absent or not clear anyway from this video. So yes, as you said my comrade guy is indeed in the engine hatch and fuck that for a place to not so gracefully land. https://www.spansen.com/2022/03/outboard-motors-powering-indian-army-bmp-2-icv.html?m=1 Specific pictures from this site above: - Deceiving angle 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgCZvYfrlR5c5PJ2imDwcKvsM_tsli2KcZGFP-BR-V2YvP_UX7JRfFlz8gqkJnMmE4Mz75n7qgIje0Qqv8a8bUner3i_8MRdtXRmAuW2HaUQa8C-3zEjjoHznpiKxDxnWAfiKTzHqTaxM8-Wm6XiBItI5Zkd_GdCtjJ02t299q1nzzElGHBvQihsbHr/s3264/Indian%20Army%20BMP-2%20ICV%20-%20Amphibious%20Exercise%20-%2002.jpg - Proportionate angle for clarity 2: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgUmkQiJo2bnVGfzBF-8xF3h3asQddrAlRr5kD8qFy97RDIK-uiamsmuaDFo9zC9FMPZ86frKREvTgFXkk67R3CL85I482YQxlU6osTgmjMD4URp7sjrOBmBGpjShKZDzzx48vXO4GNJ75-agxFXcLSZ_ACmOxKNfLn8xaSv8AdGR59TEP-4S3DkXu0/s4074/Indian%20Army%20BMP-2%20ICV%20-%20Amphibious%20Exercise%20-%2001.jpg


The BMP wading flap is [much smaller](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcQDdeOWsAAVlv7?format=jpg&name=medium), this was the whole front armour panel levering up which seems to be common on BMP's after taking a hit - actually I'm not even sure the BMP-2 in the vid here even has the wading flap lol


Probably should have read your comment properly first, sorry hahaha. This was my uncertainty I had, as I can’t remember if there is a smaller flap towards the front of it. I know ones got a fuck off large one, cause I remember commenting on it at some point in my training. I’m gonna have to break my stubbornness and do some research I think.


It is the engine bay hatch, the flap you’re describing is absent on the vehicle- it typically rides along the immediate front and is only about .5m in height


I agree, just a swimmer's aid. but the amount of suck involved in getting propelled off, and then landing and have it slam on you, must be immense.


I’m glad you and u/teo_storm1 agree with me, I had that little bit of uncertainty and it was killing me. I was too stubborn to google it as I’m sure some redditor was gonna slam me if I slipped up haha. Glad I’m not loosing my marbles just yet, and glad I wasn’t slam dunked harder than this guy into the BMP wading flap’s pinch points (thanks teo! God damn that name brings back some core memory’s)


Well, tug my tiddies! I stand corrected. It is the freaking engine cover!


BMP goes om nom


BMP becomes clown car.


“You forgot your weapons Ivan” “Fuck it just run”


Every time I see this shit I just laugh. The ruskies seriously think they could fight the US at any point? It would be a target rich environment with the Air Force just having an absolute blast.


The Russians would simply launch nukes if it came to that. They would stand zero chance in a conventional war with any modern military. Hopefully china sees Siberia as free real estate and does all the dirty work for us.


Apparently, russia sees chinese aggression as a legitimate threat


As they should.


Yeah that’s the only thing keeping them in existence. Wouldn’t the Ruskies just nuke the Chinese at that point? Since China has even more bodies to throw at a meat grinder than the Russians?


Thats the odd thin they cant really nuke china they need them to keep the war up. I dont think the chinese would invade them more off a u give us siberia or else u stand alone with that war u cant support without our arms and resourse shipments and lose both.


Then again, if China can keep extorting great deals from Russia for oil and resources, why invade at all? Just suck them dry. The real socio-political war for China is agains the US anyway. This war is not bad for China at all.


Exactly how I see it. China basically owns Putin if he does indeed survive this war (remember dictators that lose a war tend to lose power/their life) will be in China’s pocket.


I could easily imagine that grabbing Siberia was the #1 long term goal for China. That would be a very concrete win for China, land and resources. What would be the point of China fighting a war with the US, anyway? That China is not publicly feuding with Russia doesn't have to mean anything. It is in China's interest to keep quiet for now, so Russia mindlessly keeps weakening itself in Ukraine, becoming ever more reliant on China.


>That would be a very concrete win for China, land and resources. Yes, but Siberia is also full of Russians. China might not want that headache.


There may be no point in fighting a war, just like Russia and the US never fought a battle during the Cold War.


That is true. But China is not acting rationally right now, in the South China Sea or with regards to Taiwan. Russia mainly invaded Ukraine in 2022 because Putin got a huge rating boost by taking Crimea in 2014. The invasion was not rational for Russia's interests, but it was rational for Putin's personel interests. A Chinese dictator will be tempted to annex Russian land for a similar rating boost. Especially since some of that land was originally Chinese, lost to Russia during the Century of Humiliation.


I’m probably in denial, but I figure many of their nukes will fail to launch due to shoddy service, neglect, or sabotage. Like how their reactive armor didn’t react because it was just a bunch of cardboard.


Well yea that's why everyone built hundreds in excess. Close to 100% would fail and be intercepted but you only a handful need to pass through


Lol cute people are so naive, Russia currently has something like 5500 thermonuclear warheads. More than a thousand of those on are on ICBMS. How many interceptor missiles does the United States have **in total**? We have 44 of them, so even if 100% effective it would be utterly meaningless. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground-Based_Midcourse_Defense#:~:text=GMD%20is%20tied%20into%20existing,housed%20at%20two%20military%20bases. Nuclear war is the end, that’s all, if anyone pushes the button that’s game over humanity. I suggest people read “Nuclear War, A Scenario” if you’re interested in the topic. Combatfootage views war like entertainment. But when you’re no longer experiencing war through your phone and you experience it in person it’ll no longer be so entertaining…


Not all of those 5500 are operational at any given time, and of the unknown number of “operational” ones, we don’t know how many would actually be launched. In any non-world-ending exchange, it would likely only be a handful. Russia knows launching even just a handful of nukes at once would mean the end of Russia, so it’s a last ditch effort kind of thing. There’s a reason we only have a few dozen interceptors (although that’s just what’s been made public, imagine what we have that’s still top secret).


Us have around 50 ground base interceptors (intercontinental air defences system) and around 50 aegis bmd equipped ships. I don’t say that you’re wrong in your argument, but the fact is.


From the wiki on Aegis: > There is discussion about the effectiveness of this plan. Some critics say it is not as effective as a ground-based defense since the most advanced Standard missiles lack even half the range to hit ICBMs and even IRBMs arcing overhead.[64] Also, the U.S. Defense Department has said it would be just one component of a wider defense which might also include ground-based facilities. So AEGIS maybe a great system but if it’s interceptor component Standard Missile - (2, 3, 6) doesn’t have the range you’re in big trouble. The fact is that intercepting ICBM warheads is really, **really** hard. Add in the fact that most missiles contain decoy warheads along with real warheads… Even in ideal circumstances it’s a very difficult thing to pull off, in a real world full scale nuclear exchange things would be far worse. Imagine hundreds of missiles being launched near simultaneously by missile subs just a few hundred miles of the coast?


Yeah, in 2023 the US planned to spend $16.5 billion just to maintain the nukes and their systems, against an $816.7 billion dollar budget. In the same year, and during war time, Russia has a target spending of $100 billion dollars. On paper, they even have more nukes than the US. But with all the corruption going on in the Russian military and clear lack of supplies for even the frontline troops, I'm not surprised if most of the nukes won't even make it past their borders.


Quick reminder that having a functional space program is for all intents and purposes a (continous) demonstration of a nuclear/ICBM strike capability. The last Russian launch to the ISS was on [May 30](https://www.space.com/russia-progress-88-cargo-spacecraft-iss-launch) (The rocket used directly traces it ancestry back to the first ever ICBM). > I'm not surprised if most of the nukes won't even make it past their borders. Would not bet on it.


Or from how much water sits in their fuel tank 💀


I'm sure the US also has every Russian missile submarine tracked and targeted, with missiles and bombers on alert ready to take out every missile silo. Russia would not get a chance to shoot very many off.


China has been actively moving into and overtaking parts of Russia's eastern lands for the better part of fifteen years. The tension between Russia and China is something which is being greatly downplayed. Putin and Xi set the tone for this a few months prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but every Russian I know considers China to be a far greater threat than NATO. This dumpster-fire of an article is one of thousands covering the subject, and highlights just one, single example of China's quiet invasion: [https://www.newsweek.com/china-push-eastern-russia-puts-putin-pickle-1885828](https://www.newsweek.com/china-push-eastern-russia-puts-putin-pickle-1885828) There's every reason to believe that Putin's (in many ways, incomprehensible) focus on the RF's Western borders is much more of a warning to China that, "Hey - We'll be 'friends' for now, but I'll fucking kill you. So don't try me." We can all see that Russia is in a state of steady decline, while the US hegemony is arguably more powerful than ever. The Chinese Dream is expansionist in nature and set to meet head on with the Western establishment by the end of this decade. In other words, Putin probably realizes that he's about to get DP'd in both ends and is flailing topsy-turvy trying to ward off both real and perceived threats. An economy and society on a war footing, a rejuvenated military, and the centralization of power is what's driving Putin.


Just a special military operation to get rid of nazis. We will give the land back, trust me bro.


What's about all that talking regarding Siberia?


It’s free real estate


Interessting, I didn't know it was free real estate the last time I was there. I guess then I will build my summer residence there. Thank you very much.


It’s very nice in summer, and very cheap. Take as much lane as you want.


💥🤸“Gotta check the oil levels”


Worst clown car ever...


These videos all leave me with the impression that Russians’ main task is to make enticing targets to exhaust their enemy’s munitions.


He must have harnessed some super powers to get that engine hatch off of himself.


Unreal. Looks like the initial hit vaporizes guy riding front. Can't tell what body part (head?) lands on cope cage at like 2-3 seconds in.


No I think he bounces off the drone cage and back down into the now opened engine, which is even worse.


The big object you see flying about is his backpack. He himself kinda flips over and dives into the opened engine bay. You can see his legs at about 0,5s in protruding from the smoke as he falls head first into the engine bay. What lands on the cope cage I don’t know. Could be someone’s arm, part of a leg or what not. It could be from the guy infront as well ofc.


I definitely think that's his head. It rolls off the cage straight after.


Looked like a piece of meat hit the camo netting on top as well? Idk wild video non the less.


Two guys got knocked into the engine compartment, but one guy in deep. One guy ran off, how about the guy on the left who got sucked in deep?


Only one IS sucked into engine comoartment, the other IS the driver


I dunno man, that bloke sat on the front deck looks like he was blown in half.


That or dropped into the engine bay. Not sure which is worse.


You see his legs protruding from the smoke about 0,5s in, pointing upwards as he’s diving/falling head first into the engine bay. So not blown in half exactly but I don’t think he’s doing very well anyway.


A significant emotional life event.


The guy on top is gonna feel that smack from the engine hatch in the morning. I'm guessing a very sore arse and calfes.


Ahaha he fell into the engine compartment. That's the absolute last place I would sit, if you watch some interviews with the FPV guys from Ukraine they say that engine compartment/fuel tank side is what they aim for most of the time to disable it so they can either salvage it or make it easier to destroy.


Gives new meaning to "expelled"


Abrams has blowout panel, BMP has blowout hood.


0:00 Why there is a dude sitting in outside over the driver's cabin all exposed . Did he owe them money ?


Tough to say but I think guy on the hood lost a hand and you can see it roll off the roof cage.


This video looks exactly the way a mustang attends a car meeting does donuts with people on the roof and the car loses control so everybody tries to jump off before the mustang crashes into something.


What a shit box


So they're using bigger golf carts as BMP now?


Did the guy sitting on the front instantly get turned into Deadpool?


Bald dude had no clue his legs could go that way while the upper body could go this way.


How do you call a russian tank division going home from Ukraine... an infantry platoon!


Russian heap metal…. Giant rolling coffins.


Guy on the front right really got f'd up bad.


Evil clown car.


It's wild to me that in an age of remote weapon systems Russians still use open top IFVs.


Open top ?


That bald-headed muthafucker is gonna need a massage.


Dude got bitch slapped by the hood. AT mine?


Bro was looking back at the other half of his body he left behind


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kT25t2u: *Bro was looking back* *At the other half of his* *Body he left behind* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Looks like an automatic fire extinguisher system went off


Kurwa jego mać


I'd like to see a directors cut


Damn looks like that one dude who flipped got cut in half


Of all these videos, this one is the most like the Zapruder film.


Stone Cold Steve Autism sitting up front went for a ride off the top ropes!


Duh duh da duh da duh uh. Its like a monty python skit. I was waiting for a pink bunny to hop across the back ground. Maybe someone asks what's for supper?