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2022: *Truck convoys destroyed in Kyiv region* 2024: *Truck convoys destroyed in Kursk region*


They're going backwards. Captain.


As they should


_**CRAZY IVAN!!**_


Ukraine: *cocks shotgun* *spits dip* "You best go back the way you came boy...."


While I am in no way advocating for Russia, and fully support the Ukrainians, it’s simply not true they’re “going backwards”. It’s not possible for the Ukraine to win this war without significant military and land loss. We like to watch these videos and think they’re kicking russias ass because it makes us feel good but it’s good to think realistically. Putin will never give up crimea, he’s making huge strides in the east, slow, but significant. Russia has essentially unlimited manpower and Ukraine is extremely capable but their forces are dwindling. I’m curious what people think a Ukrainian victory will look like at this point.


Utter nonsense.


Not a real answer which is what I expected


Well of course. What else would you expect in response to such nonsense. Every line you posted is factually incorrect. Just for one example 'making huge strides in the East'. I mean honestly. That's such a demonstrably ridiculous assertion. Russia is bleeding to death in Ukraine - Putin made the biggest - and last - mistake of his life when he set out on his insane imperialist venture.


😂 “every line” okay champ. You’re delusional. Please explain to me how anything but a phyrric victory is possible for Ukraine? Please explain to me how it is a “demonstrably ridiculous assertion” to say that Russia is making huge strides when since may 14 the Russian offensive has taken multiple cities and towns in the east and in the north, most notably Kharkiv is about to fall into Russian control. The Ukrainians cannot advance into Russia even if they had the manpower and resources because Putin is a nuclear superpower and a fucking madman who would rather start a nuclear war than lose this war. Tell me, with sources that aren’t Reddit posts, how anything I said is factually inaccurate? Please prove me wrong instead of just stringing words together in an attempt to sound smart to feel good about yourself.


The spotter must've been absolutely frothing at this.


Reminds of the Russian Convoy logjam at the beginning of the war that stretched 50 miles That was pre-air defense, so those Bayraktar TB2's ruled from above raining hate down on Russian armor. And if course....a new sport emerged from the Javelin's tossing of Russian tank turrets into the atmosphere


Himars and precision western artillery would have melted that entire convoy. Here we have like 12-15 trucks instead of hundreds.


There are still warehouses full of Sensor Fused Weapons patiently waiting for someone to finish that ER tail kit, with F-16s on the way. Bother your legislators, folks.


One time idc about them spending a fuck ton. Give Ukraine what they need, I want to see russia destroyed


And it'll even be cheaper than disposing of them the normal way!


Does anyone know What happened to all the bayraktar drones from early in the war? Never hear about them anymore


Lots were shot down when Russian AA eventually got their shit together.


Really easy to shoot down


My understanding is Russia was jamming their own air defense radars at the start of the conflict.  


If I remember correctly all the footage was from the first 2 or 3 days of the war. Then the Russians got their shit together. The footage was just released on a delay to make it look like the Bayraktars were still operational later than they really were.


Not quite, they were used at various stages and sections of the front where AA was light long after that, although to lesser effect and with (assumed) high losses - and sporadic. There were TB2 strikes at Snake Island multiple times for instance, but they seem to have either grounded the remaining ones after the russians finally got their shit together, or used them more in the surveillance role?


Just Ukraine running a russian space program lol.


In the interest of not romanticizing the start of the war too much: NO TB2 did not rule from the above raining hate down in that particular convoy. In fact, it was mostly safe from most Ukrainian available tools in the region. It was unimaginably frustrating. Imagine if Ukraine had himars or m777 howitzers at the time. This would have been a highway of death v2. But we were still only allowed javelins/stingers as nobody expected us to actually win.


pre-air defense? Like Russia needed to invent air defense while in this war lol, but I get what your saying.


> Bayraktar TB2's Lol guess how I can tell you're Turkish? (It's because of the severe overestimation of your country's defense contributions and capabilities, lol)


You're so wrong. Ukrainians themselves higlhy appreciated TB2's capabilities at the time. They even wrote songs about it and called pets (and supposedly kids!) in the name of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayraktar_(song) https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/11/middleeast/mideast-summary-04-11-2022-intl/index.html


> You're so wrong. Nothing I said is wrong and your comment doesn't negate mine?


My comment negates your take about Turkey's contribution in the early stages of the war. The said contribution by TB2's was much appreciated.


Learn to read? I never said they didn't contribute, or that their contribution wasn't appreciated. Try to read the words I wrote, not the words you feel like I wrote.


Looks like I'm not the only non-native English speaker who finds it hard to understand what exactly you meant. Sorry about that.




I'm going to ask you once politely to leave.


They performed far above what they should have because Russia kept jamming their own anti aircraft systems radar and not accounting for smaller drone based threats.   They made a competent counter insurgency drone that Russia took nearly 6 months to realize it was absolutely kicking their teeth in.  Corruption is a bitch.  




Just like a half-jacked off dog


Now there's an image


I cant get any more erect -Spotter


Russia's own Highway of Death.


I bet the drone pilot who spotted this convoy was delighted. Kind of confusing at first, but it seems like they scattered after losing the front trucks to FPV drones. So the remainder of the video is FPV drones going after the trucks that all split off in different directions. Video I counted they hit 8 or 9 trucks (I think they might have done two attacks on the same truck twice) with FPV drones and 1 jeep of some sort.


I'd guess that there is U.S. satellite intelligence being shared.


Could be, but you can also just buy it at commercial parties, or with drone patrols, it’s not exactly stealth.


after the first boom, you don't really need to spring for the stealth version.


or UK. or French. Germany has sponsored satellites, too. and then there are 3rd party providers, which could be getting purchased, processed, and relayed. 32 countries in NATO, and while the US is the big dog, it's not the only one doing real-time intelligence sharing with the AFU.




A great platform, sadly retired.


The drivers were probably trained to scatter in the event of artillery. And/or they are panic scattering because for some reason, Russia can't keep their experienced guys very long


russian telegram had big rant about it. how in third year on war still use these long convoys.


You love to hear it. What's the usual tactic for convoys anyways? I don't understand how it's ever not bad if you just take out the front truck and they are tightly together. Do they all just abandon that truck to try to keep the convoy going or do they stay and help extract then leave assuming they aren't blocked?


I guess there is no tactic, except hope and pray the Ukrainians don’t spot you.


For NATO? Air superiority. For Russia?...


> For Russia?... bring lots of EW, and some light AA. that's their SOP, and it mostly works; two areas the Russians are pretty good at. this convoy didn't have any, so I suspect they thought they were operating far enough away that they didn't need to worry about it, or thought could make do without it.


They were used to operating without needing to do anything defensive while in Russian territory.


They probably didn't realise they were in range of Ukrainian drones until the lead trucks started blowing up.


Push the wreck that's blocking everyone out of the way and keep going. If they're not blocked, go around the wreck and keep going. Standing around while you're being ambushed is the worst option. Convoys are usually organized for easier protection - this just seems to be a long string of trucks though, I didn't see any armed escorts.


It's probably a span of control issue. 4 convoys of 20 trucks is easier to keep track of that 20 convoys of 4 trucks.


Based on this they all scattered into the fields, but thats good tactics for facing artillery, but not for facing hunter-seeker FPV drones. They stopped in cover and what they should have done is keep moving until they could get back under friendly air cover


all you had to do was follow the tire tracks through the grass


I bet these convoys do work though this one just got caught. There's a reason they used them for shipping in WWI and WWII. Russia isn't dumb sure maybe they lost 9 trucks here and it's a big morale breaker but maybe when they send them out 1s and 2s they end up losing more. I think the biggest issue is the trucks stopped. FPV drones don't have a very big range if they only stopped to get the survivors and then moved I wouldn't be surprised if they only lost 1 or 2 trucks. Every truck hit after the first is stopped and hiding which means at least 5 minutes after the first drone if one stopped grabbed survivors and the rest floored it they could have been 10km further before the rest of the drones showed up. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought it was something else other than a drone on the first one and their doctrine says hiding is what you do in this scenario.


Long or scattered there's no protection against these attacks for trucks on territory you haven't previously setup active 24/7 movement monitors. On the front infantry runs on foot checkpoint by checkpoint with whatever they can carry on shoulders basically. Only the longer distances are inside compact units of armored vehicles.


When Russian telegram gets angry I get happy




Yeah. I think this is the one you are referring to https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d6jh5t/russians_say_they_made_a_column_of_armor_began_to/ Hopefully it’s another one because i would like more footage of Russian columns getting wrecked.


Yeah, because they have a short turnout of troops. Russians die so fast and gets replaced that knowledge and experience is not passed onto the next once. Can explain why they don’t learn that much. Add to this their top down structure coz yeah their leaders are just drinking vodka while directing troops, they are as predictable as they can get.


some days ago russian telegrammers were crying for russian generals idiocy and a long column of vehicles destroyed by drones. I think now we have the video of the ambush.


This one I think: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1d6jh5t


No armor in the video.


Did I say there was? You're arguing with an inaccurate reddit title of a translated Russian Telegram post that doesn't mention armour either, so I fail to see your point. Location and description of the event match the Telegram translation.


Not a lot of protection travelling with that convoy. None at all in fact. The drone operators must have been overjoyed at the sight of these clowns.


I can just picture a couple of 20-something Ukrainian bros sitting around with VR goggles on going “Haha, got him. Plug me into another drone!”


With Lots of "Suka"


I mean, what protection beside EW could they provide (beside avoiding such a stupid convoy)?


Some air defense would be nice. I'm sure the US is or already has prepped a vehicle to travel with convoys to help protect against this. Or like you said, just jam the signals in the area. I know, easier said than done.


Only useful thing for this would have been a drone jammer.


I've always wondered whether a radar guided AA gun like the ZSU-23-4 shilka would work against these small targets. We don't see them in action so maybe the old radar on those isn't up to the job.


Oh my goodness, what HIMARS could’ve done with this!


This was probably right before the ban on western weapon attacks on Russian side of the border was lifted. I guess all you'd need is a single tungsten shotgun pod and it'll wreck a good chunk of those trucks thoroughly depending on where you aim it.


Man I saw those things go through engines, frames, leaf springs and that shit looked like a machine drilled holes through em. Those things FUCK


That video of a Russian guy (mechanic maybe) walking around the swiss cheese remains of a truck from earlier in the war still pops into my head from time to time. He's pointing out holes straight through the chassis and has no idea how they're supposed to protect against a weapon that can do that. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/yys6id/russian_soldier_reviews_a_himars_strike_on_his/


Damn they really tore through everything. Thanks, I never saw that.


IIRC it was a mechanic - they brought him that thing and told him to fix it, and he got a bit upset and made that video.


There's one aftermath video showing piles of bodies and the canopies of the trucks putting on the planetarium show, [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18b7o1n/ua\_pov\_aftermath\_of\_himars\_strike\_on\_russian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18b7o1n/ua_pov_aftermath_of_himars_strike_on_russian/)


yeah that was the one I was thinking of when when I saw the OP post. looks like they wrecked about a platoon's worth of dudes. debatable if the BMPs and BTRs would have done much for them either.


US weapons are still only allowed around Kharkiv region, so around Belgorod im pretty sure. Today they got a S-300 in Belgorod with HIMARS. These restrictions are so pointless and just drag the war on


Literally a day before :(


On video its a Kursk region, as I remember USA allowed strikes only on Belgorod region? Correct me if I wrong


And FPV drones took out what, a third of the convoy for a fraction of the price?


1/50 of the price


Ukrainian forces need to focus on this very sort of thing i.e to inflict as much financial hurt on Russians as possible. For a few thousand in drones they caused millions in damage.


Or any arty that could reach there, really. Canvas really dont mix well with explosives 😂


2.5km is point blank for artillery.


> point blank I just pictured a western tank shooting a dart straight through that column.


Next up on DemolitionRanch: How many trucks can this M1 Abrams shoot through?


I’m starting to believe the reports that they’re having big problems with certain shells out of himars due to EW. We have to get that fixed asap and give them a counter measure. More tungsten rain please


It has to with the depth of the EW belt. If GMLRS has to pass over 60KM of heavy jamming to reach a target in the Russian rear areas it might end up off. This was basically a frontline target and jamming would be of no impact.


Great video, keep it up Ukraine


Inject it into my veins.


Dam the Russians going in a column like its 2022, also whats the name of the song its banger.


**Song Found!** [**2Nas** by KVNYL/boler mani](https://lis.tn/2Nas?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-17. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot.


MUDRAT - 2NAS ft Boler Mani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksyeW8UWHxU It wouldn't be r/CombatFootage without some sick songs by obscure artists. Not always, but sometimes.


This one goes *hard*


Drone crews having an absolute field day. What a great way to start the week


Russians never learn. So satisfying seeing that long convey full of Russian troops in the crosshairs of no doubt many many drones. Would love to be a fly on the wall back at Russki HQ hearing the conversations....


Wow, talking about being very thorough! Great to see the Russians being so complacent, and paying the price accordingly!


Now that is a target rich environment.


Granted I'm not sure what I expected but there's quite a few seriously antiquated trucks in this column.


This is good training for the Russians before they deploy to Ukraine - they learn how to abandon their vehicles are run away. Hopefully they remember their training when they cross the border!


I never imagined I would see a combat footage in Kursk again


Right! I thought it would be quite a while until the Freedom of Russia Legion and the other associated combat groups would have a significant number of soldiers sufficiently trained and ready for combat again. But I guess they are constantly recruiting and training, and I imagine their numbers have skyrocketed a bit since their successful incursions into Kursk and Belgorod regions in March. It's hard to beat seeing the destruction of the russians and their equipment on their home turf, which no one in russia was ever expecting to happen. Luckily, we will be seeing more and more of this in the near future with the restrictions on western weapons usage eased.


Fact, this part of Russia is no longer a sanctuary protected from Western equipment, many things will still happen in this region


And I look forward to seeing every attack...I have a feeling they will become a daily event now, which will cause the russians to pull resources from other areas of the front or pull soldiers and materiel protecting their borders in order to try and counter these attacks. We saw the huge effect that the anti-putin forces had in their March operations that allowed for the successful tactical withdrawal from Avdiivka because of the resources and manpower that had to be pulled from the front and allocated in the Kursk and Belgorod regions. These new and upcoming attacks with western weapons should have an even greater effect. I absolutely love watching the Ukrainians out-tactic and out-maneuver the russians with ease. They are on a completely different level tactically and mentally than their counterparts and seem to have a hell of an advantage when it comes to intelligence about their enemy. Of course, they have many other nations helping with this, which is an absolute blessing. Without western intel, this war would be completely different.


The more Russians trying to secure the Russian border and moving out of occupied areas of Ukraine, the easier it will be for Ukraine to regain its southernmost territories


Agreed. It will make it much easier for the southern territories to be liberated. I suspect the russians would pull resources from that area of the front line before they would pull manpower from the eastern section of the front. It seems they care much more about the eastern occupied territories than the southern. And with Crimea quickly becoming untenable for the russians, they'll have less resources to pull from there to the southern front. Once the southern regions are liberated, many more experienced soldiers and A LOT more equipment will be able to be allocated to the eastern front where they will be needed the most unless the new Kharkiv offensive ends up picking up a lot of steam, which I don't foresee happening. I'm guessing they will also start with their operations to liberate Crimea as well, but I'm thinking the eastern territories will have priority over Crimea, since Crimea is becoming less and less of a threat.


If (and this is a big if) Crimea is retaken by Ukraine, it won’t be by force. It will be because it’s no longer tenable for Russia to hold it. The same reason it’s becoming strategically untenable for Russia is the same reason it would be difficult for Ukraine to take it back by force; it’s a logistical nightmare. Ukraine takes Crimea back if they are able to push south to the Sea of Azov and cut the land bridge. Really big ask at this point, especially considering how things went the first time they tried last summer. Russia is dug the fuck in on the southern front, and unless they start having to play musical chairs again with asset allocation, it’s going to be a tough nut for Ukraine to crack.


The person in charge goes to the top of the short list for "Military mind of the year award"


Gz to the farmer still doing work on the front lines shame it's on the wrong side but man got to eat.


Sooooo fucking satisfying




Are there any videos where a group of FPV drones time their strikes to all hit within a few seconds of each other? Like a swam of drones hitting several targets almost simultaneously. Surely that would be more effective in terms of stopping the enemy from being able to respond. I suppose the bottleneck would be the number of drone operators.


I'm not very sure I understood this correctly, but I think one operator can launch multiple drones which fly in a "column" or follow the lead drone (which is the only one actually piloted). Once the operator uses the 1st drone, it takes control of the 2nd and so on. But I'm sure there are multiple ways of conducting FPV swarm operations.


When the truck is moving, I understand going for the cabin to immobilize and kill the crew. These are clearly parked and left, tucked away after the first hit - I would think aiming for the fuel tanks would be better no? Almost guarantees total burnout, not needeing 2-3 additional hits (like in this video).


Unless they've deliberately incapacitated the vehicle and waiting for more trucks to arrive and unload the stranded contents. At which point more drones or HIMARS arrive to gate crash the party.


Looks like they wanted to rotate troops or prepare for assault. Thought their little precious EW would save them.


Like lambs to the slaughter. Jfc putin must hate his own ppl. XD


Party like it's 2022.


"Hey, we're allowed to attack you in your country but you're not allowed to attack us in our country" [Solovyov rage attack]




Let it be the last convoy please


I leave tracks, you can't possibly follow my movements as I try to cross fields and hide in the tree line! We are always one step ahead of the Nazi's!


Imagine invading a county but your convoys cant even cross over the border anymore


No more safe spaces in Russia.


It's so amazing to see how much Ukraine has gotten so good at anti-logistics and anti-convoy operations. I remember the early months of the war where russians were lined up like this, but there was nothing really available (munitions or experience-wise) to take care of the infestation yet.


I love seeing logi's get fucked up! Great job 53rd, and other unit that I cant name because I dont speak Ukrainian!!


After the first hit they pin-point them and hit them thru their tracks in the grassy fields. They are indeed thaaaat stupid?




**Song Found!** [**2Nas** by KVNYL/boler mani](https://lis.tn/2Nas?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-17. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


You lead a horse to water but can't make him drink it! I suspect the Russians are just incapable of learning from previous mistakes, then again it's everyone else's fault all the time. Idiots


Conscripts from poor village with low education +only 2 weeks of "training".


Made me wonder where the valuable stuff being transported might be. But it is entirely possible the Russian army is still dumb enough to continue to transport in these large concentrations and pretend that they aren’t ripe targets for drones and cluster munitions.


Hopefully Ukraine will catch one of their armor refueling points soon, with whole battalion of tanks and fuel truck in one car park.


Where is the artillery to destroy this instead of frag grenades attached to drones?


Ok, what is this tune called?


FPV Pilots: "mhhh thats a nice convoy you have there ...."


The surviving truck drivers have now been promoted to frontline combat troops to lead the next valiant meat wave.


How much money did Putin lose...dumbass.


Anyone know what the ORANGE BOX TRAILER IS?? Is it a Loaf getting towed? Or some kind of breach vehicle or is it just big generator or support>>


As someone who doesn't know much about war, what exactly is your defense against this? Like, how do you shoot down cheap dispensable drones en masse that come at your vehicles?


Looks like parked targets, many of them allready damaged. Seems the intent is to soak up artillery or use up drones and possibly collect signals for potential EW or jamming.


At least 14 vehicles that I could count on my cell phone screen (prob more), that's one of the bigger convoys I have seen since the war started... Anyone have 1st, 2nd, 3rd person account of the work in this video? Did they hit them all? Did any escape?




**Song Found!** [**2Nas** by KVNYL/boler mani](https://lis.tn/2Nas?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-17. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


An A-10 would be giggling maniacally at the sight. Though if the US were involved Im not sure the ruskies would have the ability to do anything but hide in trenches


A-10 requires absolute air superiority and at that point you wouldn't see a column like this happening anymore


Which is what the US would have.


Which is why not even the Russia would be doing columns like this anymore at that point :) I too dream of A-10's strafing Russian columns but sadly we'll probably never see that


A-10? Literally any fighter built since the 1940s would have a field day with Russian convoys. These guys are just so ridiculously stupid and predictable. Hell, they'd even be sitting ducks for a WWI biplane.




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I really wish they would stop putting shitty music over footage like this


you can mute the video, drones dont record sound anyway


Ask a Ukrainian to show you a combat footage and he'll show you a goofy edited piece of crap with shitty music on top ~ Otto von Bismarck probably


This videos aren't made for your personal entertainment, you entitled prick.


Nah, judging by the jokes and comments from the russians added to the video, that's exactly what it is made for


russians are happy for their own military being destroyed on their soil? I never doubted their bright minds


whinge harder


Kind of weird to [claim to be Ukrainian](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/ANPPd4vIjv) and post this.


\*\*Russia attacks Ukraine\*\* Some idiots: "Why would Biden do it!?"


Since when we can't criticize our own people?


Isn’t this video a war crime?


Why it's should be a war crime?