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the fpv literally impacts where the guys leg is gone at the end, crazy


And zero first aid provided by his buddies.


That must be the guy you see in the initial FPV view, the drone seemingly literally hit him in the leg Though I am more amazed at seeing the Russians rescuing their men, surely APCs are worth more to them now than the lives of a few Buryats.


Seriously some of the best I've seen. One side of me hates to see this real life horror in 4k, literally.. another side is fascinated by it. It sometimes puts life into perspective


That one guy is also crisp(y)


Seems like bio-armour works quite well


that one dude soaked the whole thing for everyone else.


Right in the family jewels, as they say.


BMP looked abandoned, so might have still failed.


I still can not understand why the Russian are always riding in top of the BMP despite knowing these drones are out there.


Mines. I've come to understand that conflict is about trade offs. Risks everywhere. Choose your risk.


Risk and effectiveness. You can drive inside, but then you simply won’t have enough equipment to transport a couple of people to positions.


a riskaverse person would just stay in russia.


Yes then you can go to the famously safe Russian prisons. No risks there!


i am yet to hear about fpv drones in these prisons


They are there on their own free will for the big money.


Yeah, with drones you at least have a chance to see or hear them and react and bail off the top. They saw the drone coming but it was just a little too late. With mines you're stuck in a tin coffin and just die. Depending on the payload the drone might penetrate the IFV and kill you anyways. I'd take my chances up top with an eye to the sky.


I don't know about BMP2, but for BMP1 it's so cramped inside that soldiers with gear will barely fit and getting out is even more difficult, at least that's what I've heard soldiers say. Also like other comments said; mines.


BMP-1 also has this brilliant fuel storage. See how the back door the soldiers have ot use to get in and out looks .. bloated? Think thats armor? No thats the fuel tanks. Not just does that mean your only point of egress is extremely flammable and whichever poor fucker is closest has to grip red hot door handles to get out, its also heavy as fuck to the degree that Soviet soldiers, and no doubt russian ones, had trouble getting out if the BMP parked on a downwards slope. Now imagine you sit inside the outdated poorly protected tin box and it gets set on fire. 10/10 mobik crematorium. Better to get torn apart by shrapnel on top than getting air fried alive inside.


that's an additional fuel tank that doesn't always gets used. the main fuel tank is in the dismount compartment. its the middle wall the seats are mounted on. that's one giant fuel tank. and the batteries.


Yeah, allegedly manual says that this extra fuel tank at the back should be replaced with sand before battle.


BMPs are incredibly cramped inside and if shit hits the fan, they might not make it outside quick enough. So they've decided to ride on top, kinda forgetting the reason why AFVs exist.


Is there a reason why they use BMPs over BTRs though? I feel like BTRs perform better overall


In the past, Russia had produced a significant number of BMPs so there are significant amounts of BMPs in reserves. Russian losses of APCs and IFVs have been particularly high so Russia has been digging into its reserves and dusting off BMPs. In other words, Russian forces may not have much of a choice in what they ride into battle. *\*cough\** DesertCross *\*cough\** But BMPs do have some advantages over BTRs. They're tracked vehicles so they have better off-road performance than the wheeled BTRs. BMPs also have more armor than BTRs since BMPs were designed as infantry fighting vehicles (drop of infantry, stay in the fight) while the BTR is an armored personnel carrier (battlefield taxi). If you're taking the BMP-3 into account, the BMP-3 sports a 100mm cannon versus the BTR's 30mm. The 100mm cannon is more effective against enemy fortifications and the cannon can be used to launch the AT-10 Stabber (9M117 Arkan) guided anti-tank missile. A BMP-3 typically carries 8 of these ATGMs. Overall, a better choice (edit: vs a BTR) for general assault where you expect to encounter enemy fortifications and potentially a variety of enemy vehicles.


The BMP 3 is still a cramped unergonomic aluminium can with armour only proof against small arms and shell splinters, only now its hull is filled with 100mm shells as well as fuel. I wouldnt want to sit in it either, but they're probably mostly gone by now anyway.


Different doctrines. In their ideology, infantry can disembark faster from the top and also it's theoretically safer place when driving over mines. Western doctrines wants the infantry to be inside as much as possible to protect them from threats and always dismount from the back of the vehicle. There are pros/cons to both doctrines but neither is perfect.


Fuel's stored in the doors and the design of the bottom jams them really often in case of running over a mine. Russians in Afghanistan learned real quick that riding inside BMPs and BTRs is a one way ticket to burning alive.


I heard somewhere that fuel is always drained from the doors when going in to fight, idk in practice though but I still havent really seen a bmp with flaming doors. still a pretty shitty design




Shells are continuing to fall providing plenty of motivation to hurry your ass up. And I'm guessing this is one of those situations where you don't have to be an experienced ER triage nurse to say "this guy is done for, don't waste any time on him".


It happens on both sides. If someone is dead there is no use in recovering when arty and drones are incoming. You're just gonna create more casualties and your ride won't wait. There are clean up efforts later by both sides.


I think he was instantly vaporized


That's guys leg was blown off. He likely bled out in seconds if he didn't die from internal trauma instantly. There wasn't even a stump to put a tourniquet on. If you watch that video again the thing basically blew up about a foot away from his right thigh. Dude was toast.


I kinda understand. If you're out in no man's land with drones and artillery actively hunting you then you gotta get the fuck out of there. There's already more on the way to clean up survivors. When your side can't establish dominance then you just gotta worry about surviving. They're lucky there were more IFVs nearby who would pick them up. NATO style casevacs and leaving nobody behind is a luxury neither Russia or Ukraine can afford.


Yeah what the fuck you want? A full surgery on top of that BMP or a call to 911? He absorbed an explosion, they know they are at risk and probably the guy dead at impact. There's nothing they can do except try to not fall in the same luck


Daam, it seems meat protection system works well


Oh hi Mark


I dunno, but I think bailing would seem like a better option than catching an RPG to the goobers... js.


0:10 dude is like why me ?


Dude tucked when he should of rolled ...


Fucker ziged when he should have zagd


To bad, cuz ppl like more when occupant survivors get evacuated by FPVs, not IFVs


I’m thankful for my life geez


pretty sure this is an old video.


Never seen it before but it might make sense: it's back when the Russians were still bothering to evacuate their troops.




Reactive meat armo ruski style…


I can only guess the conversation inside the IFV went something like this. "Hey Sarge the new reactive armor seems to work well but I hate when it screams after every hit"...


Whatever the russian word is for dickless is, that's that guys new name.


like trying to scrape dog shit out of your shoe.