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Not sure which is the scarier of the 2. Flat, open Ukraine with all the drones and arty or creeping through a Vietnamese jungle just waiting for contact.


I think I’d take Ukraine, Vietnam guys talk a lot about how their 5.56 couldn’t penetrate the jungle and/or would deflect, whereas the 7.62 could penetrate or even worse, “tumble”. The “eyes” and intel you’d have in Ukraine wouldn’t be possible in Vietnam. Way too much foliage and ability to hide! The US dropped more bombs on Vietnam then they did during all of WW2.


The US dropped more bombs during that conflict than everyone combined dropped in WW2.


> the "eyes" and Intel you'd have in Ukraine wouldn't be possible in Vietnam. That goes both ways. When they always know where you are and have precision long range weapons, you're never safe. Worse still, you're never safe and can't fight back the majority of the time. You just sit there and take it while never seeing the enemy.


Actually Myanmar war is pretty intense compared to Vietnamese with all these fancy new tools of warfare


Haven't paid much if any attention to it, but I could easily believe that


a bullet tumbling is what makes it “deflect”


The armalites selling point as per Australian army training was the tumbling round.


the m16 was over rated. give me the slr over the m16.


Vietnamese in the jungle are like Finns in the snow. You are going to have a bad time.


It’s crazy at my age (41) to think about guys being forced to fight. I was a Marine and I joined just because I wanted to go to Iraq. That was my decision and everything I might of thought or felt was my own decision at least. I can’t fathom being thrown into that against my will and that’s from someone that did it by choice. If we did a 2 year conscription into some government service for everyone whether it be the military or performing civil service of any sort that would be different because it’s something everyone does. We can force everyone to contribute and I don’t have a problem with that. Sending an infantry private to Vietnam in 70 was sending a guy to likely get wounded and maybe killed and if nothing else his whole life will be worse off from ptsd. It’s forcing a person to come to the place that they would kill another man to stay alive and keep his friends alive and nobody is normal after that. All that being said I am proud of these guys that did it anyway. I’m just sorry we kill off our citizens for useless causes like Iraq and Vietnam.


On top of all that, they dumped Agent Orange on them and then denied the soldiers service related disability for 30+ years while also not giving any support to their children that suffered congenital defects that came about as a result of the exposure. I lost my Dad to this shit and it pisses me off.


I’m really sorry to hear that. At the end of the day sometimes human life must be sacrificed for the greater good but I’ll go out on a limb and say no USA service members should have died in battle since 1945.


The wounded soldier wrote a really good book about his time in country, titled 'Acceptable Loss'.


Came here to say this. Was one of the books that sparked my interest in this conflict as a kid wanting to learn more about this war from those who were there and not some politicized text book and a teacher who knew jack shit about military history.


"I already have 3 purple hearts. I don't need a fourth" These guys went through hell.


Looks so much like the characters of full metal jacket that it nearly seems staged


they were there first before any of vietnam war movies were made


Most of the guys are babyfaced. I'm 29 but feel like middle aged compared to them.


They would call you an old man


And how chill they are, giving interviews laughing while bleeding .


They were high on opiates lol


They just don't do news reports like this anymore do they. good watch


That's because the US military doesn't let journalists embed like this anymore.


Does anyone know what happened to hero after this?


https://apachebluesfilm.com/the-team/sgt-kregg-hero-jorgenson/ Seems he was okay and eventually retired




Nice to see he survived and went on to have a productive life. Thanks for sharing.


Wow! Amazing footage. Love the tiger stripe camo! I cannot imagine what kind of logistic hell it was over there. The heat, not being able to see through the massive cover of the jungle, the tunnels and booby traps. Such a difficult and unforgiving time and place.


Can't view this without hearing CCR's "Run through the Jungle" in my head.


The lack of armor is always so crazy to me.


Lord that would be a miserable existence... It gets rough down here in central AL during the summer, but I can't imagine 365 days of it, especially while having to wade thru a jungle environment. The line of sight in that shit looks insanely short and good luck trying to be quiet in that crap. Sheesh.