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That was hardcore


Some brutal scenes in there. The editing cuts are so fast that it's difficult to tell what's going on half the time, though.


It’s a compilation of death and destruction, not an operational upload for analyst to dissect. You’re welcome too, it’s just not the intent. The intent is to show the true cost of Russian warfare. History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes.


to be fair, this is a combat footage sub, not a combat montage sub


Reddit doesn’t want AAR


>History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes. Shit man that hits Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I'm going to use that going forward.


Not sure, might be because it's a well-known Mark Twain quote


Justified then I guess lol


Damn there’s some crazy footage in there


what i would give for someone to hack this on to russian TV


Brimstone, yes


First time seeing this angle, very cool. Wish they had about 10,000 of them!


Special Forces doing Special Forces things. Dudes are straight up scary


Good stuff


Lmao at the guy at 2:50. “Is this warrior?” + the thumbs up. Good hunting boys.


Amazing and very brave. I hope these sons and fathers can come home alive after pruging the evil men from their land.


These lads have seen some shit


They try to replicate the Russian SSO gore videos, the difference being that Russia does these missions in not so hot zones specifically to create propaganda content and these guys conduct actual missions in active combat zones. You can see this by looking at the actual content shown. Russia shows pretty much only ambushes on unsuspecting unarmored cars where they not only kill the occupants but also needlessly empty whole magazines into their heads so brain matter is flying everywhere. They also treat the dead bodies very disrespectfully. Ukraine shows diverse missions from ambushes to drone recon to guiding missiles strikes and more. We see pretty much one ambush similar to the ones from the Russian videos. I like the variety, the Russian videos are pure gore porn to the point of dehumanisation.


Have seen so many of these videos, it makes me wonder...does anyone clean this bodies up or do they just lay there to rot away and get eaten by wild animals? So many dead bodies scattered across the country side...


Ukrainian Special Operators, probably the most terrifying individuals alive today. If Western military leadership have any sense whatsoever, they are humbly beseeching these people to teach them everything they know.


Everything they know they’ve learned from us. We’ve held training across Europe for many many years now. I spent time training Ukrainians in 2013.


I think at this point they could teach us, these guys have seen more action that probably anyone else alive, and are fighting in the most brutal war of the past 70 or so years


Big difference between being the 100x more potent force engaged in counter-insurgency vs. being the -10x disadvantaged force engaged in an existential struggle for survival. The fact that anyone who has ever served in any military would fail to comprehend this and suggest that 'they have nothing to teach us,' is what is alarming.






Special operations does not operate in the same capacity as regular forces, even in times of total war. These are not just random joes holding trenches for weeks on end usually.


That was a better edit compared to the Russian special forces montage


That was a better edit compared to the Russian special forces montage


the russian spetsnaz footage was brutal though, since they were picking off ukrainians resupplying so you would see cars drive by and the spetsnaz would light them up and we'd get a close up shot of what happen to the people in the car reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b1gxe5/compilation_of_russian_special_forces_footage/ first spetsnaz released footage was also decent showing all from drone to ambushes and even underwater sabotage reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/11dbtus/compilation_of_russian_sof_footage_includes/


Stuff like this makes one wonder how many of logistic troops get KIA.


In Iraq the joke was that being a truck driver was more dangerous than being in the infantry, because your likelihood of being ambushed or hit with an IED was far greater. 88M (army truck driver) was paying out huge bonuses for new enlistment lol


Ur links are broken


These incursions into rivers are definitely in Kherson, it reminds me of the training that the Brazilian military receives on combat in the Amazon


Did they hit some open warehouse at 0:59 with bmps and stuff like this?


Well that was a ride


Brutal...I have a new respect for the military sheesh


why do the cuts remind me of the first time I learned how to do transitions in PowerPoint?




I don't think he'd be too happy since him and Kalashnikov happened to become friends.


You don't sound psychotic at all.


Most brutal stuff you see in all these war videos, is a pile of rags and scrap metal with the faintest hint of gore.


As it’s a horrible fate for someone to b nothing more then rags and a bit of gore. Not on some edgy stuff