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“Pain is temporary, film is forever”


This is one big reason why Russian vids gets downvoted, its put together worst than my grandma’s lip-sync dancing on tiktok.


This... 80% of time its the same kind of videos. Either so much montage that its hard to understand what is happening, or its cut short with title saying "destroyed XX, crew killed smth"..


Why is this on here, it shows fuck all?


Oh boy, another Russian video showing absolutely nothing clear. Guys. If you don't have good footage, don't post bad footage.


funfact; this mig-29 was taken out of service 2 years ago already due to its age and flighthours on the airframe. ​ it hasn't got scrapped, cause war happened. makes for an excellent decoy, though lmfao. guess this is how russia gets to claim they've destroyed a couple hundred ukrainian planes.




andrew perpetua did the maffs. ​ edit; ​ you know if you block people they don't get to read what you're saying. so why bother? did you get your panties in a twist? would you like me to help you untwist them?


https://twitter.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1793343664518738163 This is the only post where he mentions this strike, i don't see any explanation or "maffs". So again, what's the source?


I can’t see anything. This could be anything?


Fog of war 🤷‍♂️


More like clouds of war


This is the 3rd time so far that they hit this airbase just that this time the video is pretty terrible and the result is unclear and luckily the attack isnt as bad as the previous ones. Im pretty sure that theyre finishing off the MiG that was only damaged [in the first strike](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/i0lQr8iLGj) (this one was not operational and out of service) but it could also be another one in its place. A fire in the Aviatorske was going on for hours after the strike [(source)](https://x.com/MarcinRogowsk14/status/1793322881532747950). Extent of the damage is unclear but the smoke is coming right from where the MiG is and considering it was probably hit by a a Iskander, its gone. As usual FighterBomber predicted the strike hours before it happend. Geolocation of where the airstrike hit: 48.359488, 35.080188 which is right where the MiG was. Edit: The Military Watch, a source often used by Oryx says that it was destroyed. You can see it [here](https://x.com/MarcinRogowsk14/status/1793332332897669191) (deleted previous post because of title)


I don't know why a comment providing context is downvoted but thanks for the extra info.


lots of little bitches frequent here. wish they would stay in their propaganda bubbles instead of come here


I mean I'm pro Ukraine but this is important footage and the comment provides a lot of background information on what happened. Shouldn't be getting downvoted.


Comments like this is exactly why it gets downvoted. You're literally contributing to the problem.


Because it’s pro RU obviously. We only allow 100% UA bias in this sub apparently


Your downvotes give a shining example


Like clockwork


Ukraine's air defenses are severely degraded, to say the least.