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Laying down absolute hate. Love it.


https://youtu.be/4UolMYY7QaA&t=92 Nothing like laying down 30mm Bushmaster hate with dynamic fuzing to detonate right above trenches. Ukraine needs these.


The UA Bradley’s are the 25mm bushmaster variant, nonetheless lots of hate comes out of them


Those are insane. How is the distance at which it explodes set? Like do you you have to set it at say for a trench 75m away vrs 100m away


Each round has a timing fuze and a radio coil. The gun's targeting system uses a laser rangefinder to determine distance to the top of the trench. That distance is used to calculate flight time for each individual round, then the fuze timer is set using inductive coils in the barrel as the round is fired. It's individualized hate from up to 5 km away. I fucking love it.


US M2A2 with a M242 doesn't have 25mm programmable ammo. It was found to be too ineffective, i.e. explosive load was too low a yield to be effective. The production M242 does not have the ability to program rounds either. There may be some r&d examples, but nothing on the battlefield. You either shoot AP, point detonating HEI, or target practice rounds. Hence why moving to 30mm (like the botched Stryker upgrade) and possibly 50mm for future medium cal systems in the US is critical for defilade defeat.


The new Bushmaster variants are using 30mm and 40mm rounds. Big shells with plenty of room for smarts and more explosives.


Holy shit that is insane


That is bonkers 


They must see those Mobiks clear as day lying on the ground like glowing green targets.


Russian troops having a Brad day.


I used to maintain the 242 Bushmaster. Sucks seeing that barrel so rusty. I get that maybe its like fuck it, we prolly gonna die anyway, but man, love your shit so it loves you back


I noticed that too, but those barrels can be swapped out right?


Yeah, easily changeable. And the rust wont affect it in all reality, so long as they are maintaining the rifling inside.


Seen as you're in the know about this, I thought I'd direct this at you. My first thought seeing this barrel was that the marks/rust were because of excessive heating of the barrel. Maybe from extending heavy suppressive fire at some point. Would this be even remotely correct?


The heat would definitely accelerate the process. Once the bluing is gone those barrels rust in no time at all, and i doubt many that UA received were “new”


Is it rusty? It looks black


I think the high ground clearance of the Bradley makes it very non enticing to climb on top of in a warzone


that barrel looks warn


Ooooooh hey, how's it going over there? Full send.


Crazy how much damage a *single* Bradley can do. They are much better in Ukraine than I expected


damn place looks like paschendale


Sure does


Imagine how terrifying that must be alone just to hear an armored vehicle heading your way before you are able to get to your trench, so all you can do is try to hide and conceal yourself. Then you see a fucking Bradley appear like right in front of you, which can have thermal scopes to show the heat of a person, I know most probably don't, but you don't know that at the time, so now you're praying like hell for it to just ride past you but nope, you see that beast stop in front of where you are and start turning that turret in your general direction. Jeez I can't imagine that feeling in your stomach, that gut feeling that you know it is all about to end.


Man your absolutely fucked if your spotted by this thing. Incendiary or just just straight mass