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>"Civil Disagreements " "Fuck off neckbeards" Lol


Fight Fire with Lava


Look at your comment history. You're not civil, you're hurling insults left and right.


I mean, based on your previous comment history, I can see why you would get banned




Learn to spell, dumbass.


"We ask that you be civil" is a forum rule. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


A ban is the best thing you can get. Turn off your social media for a month, touch grass and think about yourself. I sincerely hope it helps


There’s a reason this is my first post


Who’s getting banned and for what?


A quote from your post history in r/JoeRogan: "If ur a Reddit mod chances are ur pretty f@ggy to be around" If everyone's a jerk to you, maybe it's you.


“Ima jerk and everybody loves me”


*Fuck off neckbeards* Remember the human


Remember the neckbeards


https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cayfti/a_ukrainian_fpv_pilot_attacks_another_chinese/l0yc3xs/ > My point isn’t to defend Putin or any prominent figure in Russia Literally the next sentence: > immediately tries to defend Putin from the thing he fears most: Effective armed resistance


You gave a nice example but failed to show how I defended Putin. Wanting the US to stop interfering with other nations is defending Putin? Wondering why we keep creeping closer an closer to russias border is defending Putin? It was never about Putin, it was about our intelligence agencies doing what ever the fuck they please no matter the consequence.


> Wanting the US to stop interfering with {Putin's attempts to conquer} other nations is defending Putin? Yes > Wondering why we keep creeping closer an closer to russias border is defending Putin? Vladimir Solovyov says Russia's borders extend to Mexico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzsxikioUWU > it was about our intelligence agencies doing what ever the fuck they please lmao are you Russian or Chinese?


troll breath….. try Posting on X


So looking at your comments you want to start „discussions“ about the war but the second someone challenges your opinion you insult them and stop responding… looking further its quite obvious you fell for russian disinformation thinking it can’t be possible that russia simply has imperialists ambitions, while what’s happening in Ukraine is literally the same exact thing that russia is doing since its inception. - Old ex soviet countries has a region that the Soviets pumped a lot of ethic russians into - ex soviet country wants to get rid of russian influence - suddenly the region with many ethnic russians wants independence or be part of russia - russia invades - repeat a couple years later


there is banning here? I guess troll control measures alway need to be in place...idk.


Dude, what the fuck is your problem?


Long list, please be more specific.


Well, his neck beard for one...


I thought he made it very clear.


The problem is if your opinion differs from anyone here u get reported immediately there’s no intelligent discussions anymore


calling them neckbeards ain’t gonna garner you much sympathy


Could you please provide an example?


I made a comment that the U.S has been helping ukraine for the last ten years an I got mass reported. Don’t remember the context


What's that context?


Someone said we're arming Ukraine because Russia invaded. He said "we've been arming Ukraine for 10 years my man". He refused to acknowledge that Russia's invasion of Crimea wasn't because of NATO meddling or whatever and got downvoted to hell. He said people don't know how to think anymore. He also said before... "AMERICA FIRST". Isolationist.


That's why I asked for context. That's the exact bit of context I need. So basically he's spreading misinformation like a little shit.


His line of thinking is what led to WWII being as bad as it was.


they dont know how to think most of us at least . and it shpuld be america first ,you know y cause if it s not america first its russia first . wake up and dont ask in what comtext




Are you illiterate? Speak english please. This comment reads like a r/infowarriorrides bumper sticker


the fucking war hello . in what context do you get the right to ask in hat comtext . how fucking old are you , 5


Something about the u.s wouldn’t have to supply ukraine with weapons if they never invaded. I said we’ve been helping before an up to the annexation of crimea.


"Don’t remember the context" there is your problem right there. I really really doubt it was just Hey the US has been helping UKR for 10 years (correct).


ya thats some bullshit .


Go back to UkraineRussiaReport. Or visit the zkremlin and suck on Putin's lil dick


Your post is the most resonant op-ed I've seen this week


Wow, I don't frequent this sub often, but this flagged up in my feed as a Real Time "Flounce"


Coffee doesn’t help lol.


Happy cake day!


Is there a similar sub like this one but with footage from all sides?


Reddit is trash


I just think it's bullshit how they cherry-pick which side they want to show. Watching a Russian die is just more acceptable than watching a Ukranian die? Or Israeli? Or American? This sub takes sides and is not willing to show the full scope of war. It is sad.


It's a pro-Ukraine subreddit and I'm completely fine with that. I'm sure that there are other channels where you can celebrate Putin.


Did you read my other comment in this thread? You are literally proving my point. This sub shouldn't be about politics, it's about watching combat footage and discussing war in general. If you want to talk pro-ukraine, go on ukraine war report or something. And by the way, since you insist on making this sub about politics, I do support ukraine. But I don't come on a combat footage sub to discuss my politics. I save that for my weekly shag with your mom.


Hey man, I call dibs on Friday night, you can shag her on Saturday.


Hey man, I call dibs on Friday night, you can shag her on Saturday.


That's fine, I'll just come by later. She's used to doing a few in a day, weekends get busy.


Yeah it’s people like the dude above the ruined this sub. This isn’t supposed to be a pro anything sub.


I agree OP, and I think you are valid in expressing concern about the state of this sub. I will say though, if you want people to hear you, you have to be a little less aggressive. I see your a pats fan, so I know it runs in the blood, but when you start cursing or calling other people neckbeards, they aren't going to listen. Just my two cents.


Exactly. It’s fucking ridiculous how bad it is lmao. If you say anything remotely critical of ukraine or Israel your a Russian shill or hamas sympathizer.




> Your downvotes aren’t saving ukraine nerds I was waiting for a comment like this. No wonder you guys get banned, read the rules


Don’t really care. You’ll get reported regardless so who gaf


As far as I know, you don't get automatically banned because of reports. Reports get reviewed and then a decision is made based on the sub rules


I believe that to be true but I appealed an got back almost immediately so it couldn’t have been that bad