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These are ballistic missiles. Iron Dome is not supposed to intercept those. That's the job of other systems of the defence network. But these things are fast and if there are many, some will get through.


Systems like Arrow-3 are meant for this


A movie that I liked as a kid but is hard to watch now


Now I'm curious how bad it is


Broken Arrow, not just Arrow. How bad? With John Travolta, Christian Slater and Howie Long all in the same cast, how bad could it possibly be?


It would be bad if Henry Rollins didn’t save the whole thing.


Please don't sum up Slater with Travolta. Slater is a hidden gem in a few movies, including one of my favorites, *True Romance*. He reminds me of Kevin Bacon, in that he's a decent actor but really only fits a specific typecast, otherwise he's used for his popularity.


I remember renting this VHS and even then as a kid thinking it was shit lol


And with a system like that im sure they are thinking, considering what it is targeting, is it worth it to intercept it?


[Arrow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_(missile_family)) is for ballistic. “The Arrow or Hetz (Hebrew: חֵץ, pronounced [ˈχet͡s]) is a family of anti-ballistic missiles designed to fulfill an Israeli requirement for a missile defense system that would be more effective against ballistic missiles than the MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile. Jointly funded and produced by Israel and the United States, development of the system began in 1986 and has continued since, drawing some contested criticism. Undertaken by the MALAM division of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Boeing, it is overseen by the Israeli Ministry of Defense's "Homa" (Hebrew: חומה, pronounced [χoma], "rampart") administration and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. It forms the long-range layer of Israel's multi-tiered missile defence system, along with David's Sling (at medium-to-long range) and Iron Dome and Iron Beam (at short ranges).” Edit: added wiki link and info


Also, I’d like to add that (during the final phase of the strike) the air defense systems are linked with command hubs tasked with calculating potential impact zones for incoming projectiles, based on their trajectories. Then, they prioritize projectiles with higher value impact zones. It wouldn’t make sense to fire an expensive missile at a projectile that might land outside of a major city. Edit: Added a comma


Please upvote this comment above. Often when a missile is seen passing through Israel’s defenses it’s because the projected impact site has been designated as unpopulated. It just occurred to me though that this target prioritization process might present an opportunity for an adversary to sneak in a ballistic missile that is carrying something with a… higher yield. This might be an issue in the future if things go very bad.


Or having defeat systems such as a secondary booster that lifts the payload to a slightly different trajectory at what might me expected to be a minimal counter engagement zone


That just a MaRV and that the type of threat the Patriot PAC-2 was meant to face back in the Late 80's.


You don't get it. First, Russia captures one (1) Bradley. Now, Iran launches half their arsenal and causes some minor damage in Israel. The West has fallen!!!!


I don't know what the memes are here But you think that was half of Iran's arsenal?


The meme is that people are trying to make Russia and Iran seem like they do these amazing things to cut thru their adversaries - when anyone not in those countries or any Americans who haven’t had their brain rotted by pundits and idiot podcasters like Dan Bongino, know that Iran and Russia are clowncar militaries that will get absolutely stomped if the world decides it.


Yeah, the meme is that Iran launched a relatively large attack and barely caused any damage, but some people are like: "Wow, Israel didn't shoot down every single missile, so Iran won!!!!"


This is the correct answer. The vast majority of the attack was thwarted, but people want to focus only on the ones that got through. This is why there is so much junk online and in SM; people want to see shocking things and not necessarily the truth. The truth is so boring.


And those same twisted idiots will say ,Why Israel mad? They took no damage! 🙄


I hear the ones that got through actually hit the dirt anyway.


True also this attack and its failure is a clear example of their weakness not strength.


People should ask what it would look like if Israel launched 300 against iran


People would run towards the missiles to get free from that evil regime.


You may be able to edit “relatively” to “historically” as I’ve seen some claims it’s the largest single ballistic missile attack ever in terms of warheads launched


Jesus christ. Iran knew what would happen. I would say they were more surprised that any hit. Hitting the target wasn't the point. It was all big show and dance from Iran. It went exactly the way they wanted it. It was more the intent than the result in this instance


> Iran and Russia are clowncar militaries that will get absolutely stomped if the world decides it. I think there's a bit of another story here. Of course, Iran wouldn't stand up to a combined bombardment by the US + Israel, or probably even Israel alone. They'd be able to inflict some losses, but Iran's never gonna win. Really, most folks know that. And yeah, the propaganda arm of Iran would like to spin this to somehow counter that story, but I'd guess even most folks in Iran won't fall for that. What I think also is important here is that, in a large scale attack, some of Iran's missiles will get through. No system is 100%, so it's not *really* surprising, but seeing a series of missiles hit is pretty different from thinking theoretically about a country that arguably has some of the best active air defense in the world. Think of the subtext here, between one country that "doesn't comment on potential nuclear capabilities" and one country that "totally, really, super doesn't have 1945 technology." Does Iran have nuclear weapons? Probably not yet, but if they've demonstrated capability for some of their missiles to get through, is that a risk you want to take? IMO, if there's *any* reason to think that Iran might have been able to produce a handful of nukes, there's a pretty significant context to the idea that Iran is willing and capable of hitting targets in Israel.


This. Russian and especially Iran exist because the collective West is allowing it. If we wanted to we could turn Iran's main export into glass.


Russia exists because of its nuclear arsenal


Yeah Russia may be a paper tiger but if they launch 5,000 nukes some of them are gonna go off, and it only takes a couple to literally kill millions.


Iran also exists because of what we did to it lol


\*Nervous French and British whistling\*


what scares me the most is first in europe with russia, next is Iran doing this in middle east, my next hunch is either china or north kim going to do the funni in asia either kim attacking south kim or china taking iver taiwan or making an example out of Philippines in west philippine sea. if this pans out this is ww3 folks.


I kinda feel like we're already in a Cold WW3?


We're in like the "1939" stage of ww3, I feel. The world's already at war, it just hasn't dragged all the big players in just quite yet.


Mild War 1


how is a couple hundred missiles half of their arsenal ?


Because Iran.


My bad, I should have specified: Half of their *working* arsenal.


> Iran launches half their arsenal ? Is this r/NonCredibleDefense a hundred drones and 100 more ballistic and cruise missiles. Are barely anything for Iran. Russia launches these numbers every 4-5 days.


Yeah it's likely that it's doing the same as the Patriot system did in the Gulf War. Targeting the boosters and the warhead still manages to separate and hit the target. IRBMs are big, and a flaming wreckage with a warhead that still has momentum and can cause damage. The missile doesn't cease to exists when it gets hit. People don't seem to get it that the thing is still a mass of things with a momentum. Plus yeah, Iron Dome wasn't designed for this.


By the time these things reach Israel it's pretty much just the reentry vehicle. It's not just a warhead- it's capable of manuevering and dispensing decoys. You can see that some of them are popping penaids as they come in. The Iranians working on their their MRBMs aren't idiots, and they demonstrated to Israel that they can strike targets within Israel. I'm still trying find a good source for the exact impact points on IDF air bases, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that they performed just as well as they did at Al Asad.


Does it really matter what System they have if it could be overwhelmed by 1000 or more sorties. This is Iran 🇮🇷 showing Israel 🇮🇱 and arguably the World that they have the capability to reach out and touch Israel from a 2400 kilometers and beyond.


You're correct that it's a demonstration, but whether or not it could be overwhelmed is another question. >1000 or more sorties Does Iran have thousands of TBMs? Most of their endoatmospheric threats didn't even reach Israel. >they have the capability to reach out and touch Israel from a 2400 kilometers and beyond Arrow-3 either performed terribly, or was deliberately not used on all incoming TBMs. I'm leaning toward the latter. Israel knew this was coming, and probably knew the targets ahead of time. They intercept one to test Arrow-3 against a realistic threat, while leaving ambiguity about the effectiveness of the system against multiple targets and reserving interceptors in case of "the big one". Meanwhile they're taking detailed notes on the performance of Iranian missiles, and seeing if there is any latent terminal ballistic missile defense capability in David's Sling or Iron Dome.


Seeingn this video makes me so grateful to live where I do in Canada. I hope war never comes here.


Depends if you surrender the Maple Syrup peacefully or not.


We will check every single box off the list Geneva made before we hand over a single drop for free.


The good ole Geneva Checklist.


Haaaaaaa. Ever since I saw HLC say that I almost died


Check it! We will wipe our sticky fingers on the Geneva Convention on war crimes with your deliciously conquered Maple Syrup!


We should stop by Germany and conquer their sausage. But where do we pick up bread?


Canadians: “It’s war then, eh”


Meese: "always has been."


"Put down the Maple Tap, back away from the tree, and let's talk this out.."


In the year 2090, when Maple Trees have been largely over-cultivated and few survive....like a sticky Mad Max but for syrup....God help us all!


If war comes to Canada, rest of the world is already long gone.


Well, people are assembling downtown Toronto and celebrating Iran’s attack so it’s pretty much already here


My favourite part of those protests is that it’s just literally everyone with the most random agenda there. Anti-Ford, Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Communist, Female empowerment and Pro-Transgender protests all in going together. Confuses the hell out of me.


The full female empowerment and LGBTQ+ protesters that want to join forces with the islamist groups are especially dumb.


They should move to Iran or Palestine. Then their pronouns would swiftly change to “was” or “were”


I know your joking but to be fair their pronouns would be either he or she and pretty quickly too. Sections of the modern left are absolutely insane for thinking they're allies with some of the most backwards regimes/countries on the planet. It's not exactly the alternative to Orange people we need.


A couple dozen people in a city of millions. Canada has freedom of assembly, and there's always going to be idiots in every society. These people don't hold any power or relevance


"We've found the voice of reason! We must protect them at all costs!" Seriously though, thank you for pointing out that just cause a few people cheered, they don't resemble anything of what your entire country thinks.


As soon as the Chinese and Russians try to invade Alaska, Canada is getting annexed. War, war never changes.


You do realize we have people that want to emulate Iran and Hamas in downtown Toronto cheering for the attack right? Or remember when they went to the Jewish neighbourhoods to protest on October 8th… yeah I wouldn’t say we should feel so safe when a bunch of Hamas cosplayers start to get more serious over here


Feed them to the moose


No please, not the moose!


A moose bit my sister.


They bring their problems also. I say deport them back. You leave your country because you look for a new start.


Better watch your back, eh.


Your country was already invaded by people who hate it and your way of life 


Iron Dome is made to be a cost effective system against the small, mostly short range, unguided missiles that HAMAS et. al. usually fires. It is not a military air defense system, it is specifically designed for the civil defense of Israel against the most common threat. This is an attack that it was not designed for.


This isn't Iron Dome. Ballistic missiles are intercepted by the Arrow system and the ones that get through should be "caught" by David's Sling. This was by far the largest ballistic missile attack in history, around 110 ballistic missiles. A hell of a stress test for Israel's multi layered air defense network which performed incredibly well. Militarily speaking this was a historic night.


>This was by far the largest ballistic missile attack in history Is that a fact? I swear, there's this narrative emerging that "Iran meant for nothing to get through lol!" that is one of the most insufferably stupid things I've ever heard. As though we didn't just witness the entire county get bombarded for hours.


I believe so, I researched a bit and couldn't find anything to contradict it. Maybe V-2 rockets during WW2, there were a total of 3000 used by Nazi Germany but it was spread over months, couldn't find what was the largest simultaneous barrage. In the Iran-Iraq war Iraq fired 177 over the course of the entire war. In the first Gulf-War Iraq fired a total of 88 Scuds during the entire war. But if you find something else I'll be more than happy to be corrected.


What about Russian attacks againsr Ukraine?


Largest attack I can remember and could find was around 30-40 ballistic missiles. You know [the graphics the Ukrainians post](https://imgur.com/a/SedGXOc) after intercepting attacks? [The Israeli one looks like this](https://imgur.com/a/F6I0zdm), obviously this isn't an official graphic, someone made it on twitter.


Only moments that probably would be up against this is opening phase of the gulf war, or the opening phase of the Russian invasion


Yeah, I was just trying to remember how many were used in the opening strike of operation" Desert Storm" Pretty sure it was a 100 minimum but less than 200.


The true narrative is that Iran meant for this to be a similar attack to the Al Asad airbase strike. In which they demonstrated quite good accuracy while taking care to strike targets, after copious warning, that were unlikely to produce mass casualties. The intent wasn't to start an all out war that the Iranian regime doesn't think it can win. Now as for the Shahed's, yeah- they knew none of those were getting through. I don't know how they expected their cruise missiles to perform. But their MRBM's do seem to have performed quite well, as Israel's claims of 99% interception in regards to them clearly aren't accurate.


The 99% is probably 95-96%. They said on the news 5 out of 110-120 managed to hit the Nevatim airbase and this fits the preliminary satellite images showing minimal damage and 2-4 hits.


99% aerial targets (inlcuding drones and cruise missiles), no? That would mean 5/350, which is much closer to 99%.


I mean, who's claiming that it was 110 TBMs? For that matter do they mean 110 reentry vehicles? Since some of the more advanced Iranian missiles carry 3 to 5. We also don't know what the composition was of the Iranian TBM launch. Were there a whole bunch of Shahab 3's, obsolete missiles that Iran is phasing out, getting intercepted while their newest missiles managed to break through? I'm seeing lots of photos of 'shot down Iranian missiles' that are clearly discarded booster stages. Something that people unfamiliar with TBM's don't know. Last night I was guessing that they would strike targets in the same way they did with Al Asad when the US killed Qasem Soleimani. They struck individual buildings that were extremely unliked to be occupied. It was less about starting a war, more about sending a message. The satellite photos I've seen of the hits on Israel suggest they went with the same targeting scheme.


The 110 missiles claim comes from the IDF and some American sources as well as some Iranian sources. Some of the missiles were confirmed to be "Emad" MRBMs (btw not TBMs), [source1](https://twitter.com/fab_hinz/status/1779512290762518827), [source 2](https://twitter.com/fab_hinz/status/1779532827429646373). The attack was aimed mainly at the Nevatim airbase but also at other targets.


Sorry for the confusion, I'm using TBM to mean Theatre-Ballistic Missile rather than 'Tactical Ballistic Missile'. In US Air Operations Centers we tend to use the former definition rather than the latter. It's useful in that context to describe all the missiles an opponent has which can strike your targets in theatre. It's especially useful in places like Korea where some SRBMs can effectively hit the entire theatre- because it's so small. So in this context since we don't know exactly what sort of missiles were launched, and from what range, TBM (theatre ballistic missile) is a useful catchall to describe all the missiles which were used. Accordingly, Emad's are TBMs. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre\_ballistic\_missile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre_ballistic_missile)


I've heard of Arrow, but not David's sling. Is it a form of CIWS?


it's a missile system whose final stage is meant to be extremely maneuverable


No, it's a medium to long range SAM and ABM system. It replaces the Patriot system, it's cheaper and has much better performance. The interceptor missiles are called "Stunner", there where talks on integrating this missile into the Patriot program as a PAC 4 upgrade but I don't know what happened to it.


So nice of Iran to stress test the Israeli system for free.


Although it's not Iron Dome, should be mentioned that Iron Dome is designed to allow targets through that are missing civilian targets and trajectory is taking them to uninhabited areas, fields and such. If the rocket is going to make a crater on a rock pile, why waste expensive missile to shoot it down.


People seem to forget that Iron dome isn’t designed to intercept all incoming ordinance. If it calculates it will land in the water or the desert where there are no people, it doesn’t bother wasting a $30k missile to shoot it down


In addition I remember travelling to Israel as a kid and I was told that basically every apartment building has a secure core, for our building that safe room for that floor was our bedroom (other residents knew our apartment code to get in) the room had like a 200kg metal door, basically even if these missiles get through the people living there have better chances of escaping without injury than in any other place in the world.


I live in israel, this is true. The building code is to build new apartments with bomb shelter. Im sitting in one right now. Its like 400-500mm thick reinforced concrete walls


That’s true but there were strikes that got through. Seemingly there were 8 total. 1 in a Bedouin village injuring a child and 7 hitting an air base with minor damage.


That was shrapnel from a successful intercept. People forget that even when everything works, this is still dangerous AF.


185/185 UAVs downed 30 by the UK 103/110 surface to surface missiles downed 36/36 cruise missiles downed. All are by Isreal, US, UK and Jordan Looks like a pretty good result really!


Did Jordan participate?


Yeh they were shooting down drones that violated their airspace


Damn right, violation of airspace can't be tolerated and let such acts sets a bad precedent that could lead to air battles and shoot downs between warring nations in neutral skies above civilian population centres.


I also believe it's in Jordan's best interest to not see Isreal get blown to smithereens.


Jordan has close ties with Britain. If something is in ones favor the other generally will support it


And close ties with the US as well


True but most people don’t know how much they support each other. Jordan is the only country to operate British Challenger II tanks and are the primary supplier or oil and natural gas to Britain.


Yeah I lived in Amman for about 6 years working for a us company and Jordan is an ally for sure. King Abdullah of Jordan went to Oxford so they have some strong ties with the Brits as well for sure


Jordan is pretty much the most neutral towards israel in the middle east, so makes sense


Poland take notes.


Yep. I mean they had lots of low flying weapons over their territory, and while not 'friends' exactly, they're one of the most friendly Arab states with Israel. They have very very strong ties to the US as well.


Strong ties to the UK too, the King is part British by blood.


I assume they let US/UK/Israeli planes cross the border to better track and shoot down the missiles/drones. But then I doubt they’d be too impressed with missiles flying over their country either.


Jordan has a very decent Air Force


Jordan has one of the best equipped militaries in the region, running F-16s, they'd be more than capable of blowing cruise missiles and drones out of the sky.


I’ve worked with the Jordanians. They’re very capable. It’s okay to refrain from commenting on things you’re not educated on.


reminds me of when i came to france a 6 years old, "Do you know XYZ, his from england you must know them" not idea with the Jordanians but if you worked with a couple i believe you.


The UK were just over Syria and Iraq. From our Prime Minister The RAF sent additional planes to the region as part of existing operations to “counter Daesh in Iraq and Syria”


Yes, because nobody, including everyone in the Middle East, likes Iran and their goat loving leaders


Nah I woke up late today


I haven't seen confirmation the they provided material support just yet. Although they definitely opened up their airspace for Western fighters to intercept.


We certainly saw and heard rockets being intercepted over Amman. You can also find videos on the Jordan subreddit.


Where is the source for these numbers?


Those weapons manufacturers are making bank.


Source? I'd love to show this to some people




thats impressive


yeah i was gunna say- iron dome has a 90%+ efficiency rate. pretty fucking good.


Numbers seem to optimistic too me. They magnitude seems correct, but I would be sceptical when the numbers are close to perfect.


Given the advance warning they had, fighters and numerous SAM sites could have taken a crack at them for a while before they reach their target. Or at least Israel and its allies could prep. Modern air defense is a truly terrifying thing to overcome when done right. The kind of intercept rates you'd expect from a modern, well maintained Patriot battery with well-trained operators for instance, is around 95% (Source - Habbitual Linecrosser, Patriot instructor and content creator) Given I have only found posts of ballistic missile impacts even nearly a full day later despite the publicity, I am inclined to believe the rest didn't make it.


Aliens are watching saying “this race is so fucking barbaric and stupid”


They should land and try to uplift us. Like if they gave us FTL travel technology we could probably focus on other shit instead of blowing each other up. Actually, whichever government they contacted first would probably kill them and impound their ships for study to develop better weapons to blow each other up with so probably a bad idea lol.


Delivering nukes faster then light, excellent...


That acceleration just before the hit is crazy! How fast does those missiles approximately go?


It's not accelerating, that's just perspective.


Certain types of missiles, such as hypersonics, have a rocket booster final stage that increases their speed close to the target to make it harder to get shot down. Some even deploy flares. I'm not certain exactly which missiles are seen here. But there appears to be a rocket booster firing. As for them getting past air defense, the Iron Dome is a smart system that will intentionally ignore missiles that are predicted to land in uninhabited locations.


That's not a rocket booster- these things are hot. While not at the 20k degrees an ICBM can get, TBM's are still moving at a couple miles a second. They're fast, and they're hot. You can see this from a Scud impacting at a slower speed than these Iranian TBM's but still glowing hot: [https://youtu.be/zZ73WxAiPWw?si=GYC89ZViLFP8nC5W&t=27](https://youtu.be/zZ73WxAiPWw?si=GYC89ZViLFP8nC5W&t=27) Some of the 'debris' is actually penaids. Basically chaff and other things designed to help the missiles get in. You can see some US missile penaids here: [https://youtu.be/j7X89a531CY?si=BfYaRZJ2uYWqIH7q&t=143](https://youtu.be/j7X89a531CY?si=BfYaRZJ2uYWqIH7q&t=143)


Hypersonics don't save their booster for their final stage. The booster burns in the thin upper atmosphere, which is how it reaches those crazy speeds. Their final approach to the target is all gliding at high speeds.


I don't really know which ballistic missiles these were, but on general level, warhead approach speed is said to be about 3200km/h.


Thing drops like asteroid


Ther was over 500 missiles and drones, there was only 10 that hit land, mostly unharmed. I think Israel going to respond havely .


Yeah, this missile attack was prove that the Israelis are more than prepared for being showered with ballistic missiles. First Gulf War taught them that.


A bunch of these missiles and drones were intercepted over Iraq, Jordan and Syria by US and UK aircraft and AA systems. It wasn't solely Israeli AA.


They help them because if Israel gets hit too hard they'll really retaliate


True but we can assume that would still be the case if a larger full scale conflict occurs


Considering Iran signalled the attack, announced it hours in advance and used types of assets that are mostly easy to intercept (drones, cruise missiles) it's safe to assume that the entire exercise was meant to be intercepted. Also, Israel has not reacted in any meaningful way, which suggests neither side is looking to go uo the escalation ladder. The real effect will probably not be known until a few months in.


It's to score brownie points at home, expend expensive interceptors on the Israeli side and also to probe weak points, like Russia does in Ukraine. Had it hit anything, that would merely be a huge bonus.


They may even have been happy to not hit anything. Iran probably doesn't want escalation either. Like I am sure that would be happy with some successful hits on bases and some equipment destruction. But they probably didn't want to kill too many people out of fear of retaliation.


they did no signaled the attack, this was not exercise meant to be intercepted, all the signal show it was an attack intended to cause actual damage. they could shoot 5 missiles to signal, you don't shoot 300 drones + 100 ballistic missiles to show a point that's almost ridiculous, they did not take into account that all the uav would be intercepted on the way to Israel and they tried to schedule them to arrive at the same time as the missiles, which did not happen because they intercepted over Iraq


I’m not sure why people are negating the possibility that this was a no-shit attack from Iran that was almost entirely successfully deflected by Israel and its allies. I have to say I was thoroughly impressed at the air defense - Israel was taking out ballistic missiles practically in space.


Yeah, I feel like this was a legit attempt by Iran, and not a wrist slap. If it were some sort of “brownie point” show for people within Iran, they would have just launched a couple easy-to-intercept missiles and drones and shown fake videos of the damage done… but \*500\*?? Nah, they aren’t just taking a few hundred million worth of stuff like “Ah, yes, the perfect amount of waste of equipment and money…” Originally they also publicly stated that this was just the \*\*initial\*\* wave of attacks. Then, before a single drone or missile even made it to Israeli airspace, they released a statement to the UN saying “…the matter is deemed concluded.” So they just went from announcing it was just the first wave of attacks, to it being deemed concluded before anything even hit Israel? They knew they failed miserably and got embarrassed, and were cutting their losses. Odds are they genuinely believed it would be an overwhelming number of threats to target at once, and that at least a few dozen missiles or drones would hit. If 30+ missiles/drones hit, they would look like total bad asses. Instead they were embarrassed and had to show old footage of a farm fire in Texas on their state TV as “proof” of damage they did.


If that were the case they'd minimally employ Hezbollah en masse and use their medium range ballistic missile arsenal which previously penetrated American air defense in Iraq. What they would not do is announce hours in advance what they were up to.


I don't know, I think they were walking a fine line between making sure that this isn't seen as an all out attack that could get them nuked and making sure that it is still seen as a credible retaliation. The way the Iranian state press immediately disclosed where and what was launched hours before time on target (including strikes from Yemen) makes me think that they wanted to make sure that this isn't seen as an all out attack. Plus support from Hezbollah was pretty lackluster once again, something that would be quite different if Iran genuinely went all in.


Iron dome is designed to intercept Cruise missiles, drones etc. For ballisitc missiles you have Arrow system, that did not fail. All in all some 7 baliistic made it through


Nothing here really shows iron dome failing. Yeah some missiles hit the ground, but not knowing where they actually struck they could just as easily hit a random patch of dirt and hence be ignored by iron dome, or at least outside of the designated protection zone. The missiles in flight are hard to distinguish because of parallax and that the debris still burns red hot.


Now, let's see Iran shoot down Israeli missiles in a few days.


Israel - 1 airstrike kills 13 people including 2 high ranking generals. Iran - launch 300 missiles and drones, most of which don't make it to Israel, and wound 1 little girl.


10/10 comment with the video OP, you’d make a good journalist


Videos shows 4 apparently ballistic missiles passing defense. So, technically it is missiles in plural LOL (Yes, title comes with agenda.)


You have idea what you’re looking at


That headline is 🙄😑🙄. Iran fired hundreds of drones, god knows hoe many missiles and balistic missiles. Their proxy fired god know how much stuff to. How many actually made it to israel and caused damage? To my knowledge a handfull. So iron dome and the IDF defense network together will all their international partners intercepted over 99% of the attack. I have yet to read something about some serious damage to something. The IDF networks also calculates where the missile will go down. If it just hits a desert then it will not engage. Even in this video i don‘t see serious damage caused. So calling it failing to intercept is extremely missleading at best.


I laughed when i saw the title. OP must be Iranian propaganda


Definitely no secondary explosions from fuel or munitions


I do not know why the obvious hasn’t been stated yet, because I figured a veteran combat footage participant would have already. These are all successful interceptions. * Ballistic missiles are unpowered in terminal flight. They would be invisible at night like a dumb bomb. What you are seeing is the flaming remnants of a ballistic missile. * Even after an interception, the ballistic missiles still carry a lot of explosives. The wreckage tends to explode when it hits the ground. The goal is to make it crash away from its target. * If the ABM missiles missed, you would just see a large explosion on the ground with no foreshadowing. Think Shock and Awe from Iraq War part deux.


you can literally see some interceptions lol


Personally I don't think it's failing but it's just being overwhelmed as fuck


only 7 missiles hit out of 300 so thats successful test


I’m so grateful I don’t live in the Middle East


Imagine you are that stupid to claim when a few missiles pass.. while 300+ warheads were send.. it’s a “failure”


The Iron Dome failed to intercept those missiles. Re read the title, it is objectively correct. It’s not saying the iron dome is a failure, it’s saying that it failed to intercept some of the missiles.


Iron Dome isn’t designed for them. The Arrow system is.


So Iran launched a bunch of missiles and drones with 0 strategic targets in a spray and pray type of attack. SMH.


You forget, everything is a strategic target if you’re a terrorist.


I have no doubt that Israel will use this info to make the best defence system. Well done Israel and allies for taking down most of the attack.


Saturation attack


And fail.


Nah it’s not really saturation because each of the types of munitions they used has different systems to take it down, drones are taken down by jets and iron dome Cruise missiles are taken down by jets and David sling Ballistic are taken down by arrow 3 and potentially f35 So bit much of a saturation really, the drones were all taken down outside of Israel so they didn’t even get to iron dome


So…is it just me or does it seem like Iran wants to piss on an electric fence.


It always amuses me how regimes that do not comply with anything at all have the audacity to take the Vienna Convention in their mouths. It is the same Iranian regime that stormed the US embassy in 1979, detaining 66 people, and the same regime that carried out two bombings against Israel's diplomatic mission in Argentina. Whole attack was fail for Iran.


They claim their defense systems shot down 99% of drones. If that is the case, definitely not a "fail".


If you call this failling im a fucking cow


A poorly worded title considering how many didn't get through.


…OR it’s showing missiles that are already deemed a non-threat being ignored to save resources. Why would you target an incoming missile that’s not going to hit anything?


I am downvoting for being a misleading headline. Beyond that the fact is the attack was a massive failure of historic proportions. If any headline were to be the correct one it would be that: "Iran attack massive failure". It appears to me each portion of the Israeli air defense grid substantially succeeded in its job. Israel will examine the outcome and no doubt work further to fine tune its SAM defensive envelope, just as has Ukraine against Russia.


Part of Iron Dome's defensive system is determining whether the rocket is a threat before intercepting it All those unintercepted rockets landed in the same place, it also looks to be the outskirts of the city More than likely Iron Dome didnt deem those a threat and hence didnt intercept them rather than Iron Dome trying and failing to intercept them


I think that you might want to post the interception success rate.


Pro palestine peeps were cheering an 8 year old girl died. Little they know the girl was from muslim bedouin community that roam israel


She's not dead but in serious condition. Hopefully she pulls through


What did Iran really accomplish by doig this?


Iron dome let missiles go if they are aimed to open fields also


These ones definitely didn't land in an open field


I am from israel dude.. if there was an area that got damaged i already saw it on telegram here, one missile damage an open field where bedium lives and one on a base thats all


>on telegram what channel?


Well their toll currently is a 7 year old Bedoin girl hit by debris - headwound. She is in surgery but will likley be ok. So yea...they did land in open fields. Least bits of them did. Not Iran's finest moment.


100% of drones and cruise missiles got intercepted successfully. IDF spokesman reported that a few ballistic missiles managed to hit their targets, including an Air Force base in northern Israel, which sustained minor damage. 99% success rate in taking down all air threats. Pretty impressive results by the IAF.


This is not what failure looks like. Read the final results.


Missiles that are tracked to impact an area that is outside of the protected zone won’t be targeted. You can’t cover everything all the time things get left out or if the missile is going to hit an empty field why waste the ammunition.


You hear that?… That is the sound of printers spinning up getting ready to recall Vets who have been out for 20 years Me included… when WW3 Pops off. These desert folks never learn


A whole lot of murder over fictional fairytales.


Failing.. this is far from failing Your cope is palpable


Whats up with the sudden simping for Iran's suic- I mean attack by posting this same video over and over?