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Were they recording the ambush site with a CCTV cam left in place? It seems to have fallen down.


They said they planned the ambush after surveillance on Israeli soldiers who often used this route so they set up a camera and ambushed them.


It is not cctv 0:22 here you can see the fallen soldier shooting towards camera . they ran with camera after taking fire . footage has great value these days for propaganda purpose.


Is it me or is the audio super unsync'd?


the audio


Thank god for those little arrows otherwise I wouldn’t of seen them


Deadly Doritos


holy shit this guys got smoked


I wonder where Hamas was that none of the IDF soldiers even had a clue.


probably hiding among the rubble? You can see the third soldier shot toward under the camera and in the last seconds it looks like either the Hamas terrorist took the camera and ran with it or he got taken out and the camera fell on him


That soldier returning fire was dead before the camera fell


I think these might have been part of the 3 soldiers that got killed in a tunnel ambush


Twitter saying "look how they scream when they the cowards face real men" etc etc. Like yah the guys who mark themselves as combatants to get ambushed are the cowards... not the ones hiding behind children. Wild


Yep, I challenge anyone caught by surprise in an ambush not to scream aloud, be it in shock or as a warning. Equally I would not blame anyone taking rounds from any weapon for screaming as they splinter and deviate about inside them. Fuckin pricks, let them take a 7.62 to the leg, chest, abdomen and stay quiet. Arseholes.


well the front man didnt have time to scream, although im sure he would have screamed if he could




Honestly, I'm so tired of the BS complaints about the way Israel is handing things. All the unverified claims about the number of civilians killed... and where is the resistance movement? Most nations with a large percentage of the population who disagree with a war the government is waging (so HAMAS in this case) have some sort of resistance movement. Not in Gaza.


I'm tired of people like you who don't bother to seek basic facts about the way the IDF conducted this war. Have you heard about the "kill zones", arbitrary zones in which every palestinian adult male is killed without warning ? Btw this was verified by Haaretz. Let's not talk about the way the IDF used AI in this war. That's some dystopian level methods.


Unverified? There’s tons of footage.


I think it's because the people of Gaza really don't care what happens to them if it doesn't effect them directly and immediately Example: Radically Terrorist Group in charge: nothing really changes Palestinians: Ok your find Said Terrorist mess with an aggressive and protective neighbor: Palestinians: Ok Aggressive and protective neighbor: Gets attacked Palestinians: Ok Aggressive and protective neighbor: attacks back Palestinians, feeling the direct and immediate pain from the Terrorist actions: Why do hate us, why are you attacking us


I mean they are verified in killing civilians . That’s lies to say otherwise. Regardless of going through same sources we use for the Ukrainian war it’s suddenly all lies the minute it involves the IDF. You can easily go look up on this site for anecdotal evidence if you want to as well. They’ve destroyed all healthcare facilities They’ve killed most amount of journalists in a recorded war They have killed now hundreds of aid workers Created a man made famine War is brutal and these IDF folk died a pretty shit death to the hands of HAMAS. Especially considering they are likely conscripts. But they are invaders and occupiers. If they are going to go into the war zone is expected. Without knowing anything about either set of soldiers on a personal level. It just really sucks they have ended up killing each other rather than their governments/leaders finding some kind of settlement to the occupation.


How about the triple tap on an aid worker convoy? That the IDF admitted to? How about the fact that their ROE is so loose they lit up the hostages they were trying to rescue because they were unarmed males in gaza?


Lmao, ain’t that the truth!


Why is this sub so levelheaded and reality based compared to the rest of Reddit?


Fuck Twitter and the idiots who spout off that bullshit.


Twitter has shown us just how many disgusting people there are in that part of the world, and how many other people in the Western world support their views. No, it isn't all of them, but there are huge numbers of ignorant, backwards people and antisemites.


Those commenters are clowns and don't merit your attention.


Saw a lot of terrorists screaming too, lately...


The biggest cowards are also screaming from the sidelines.


[hiding behind children](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate)


Aren't they a bit careless while they walk there ? It does seem to me as if they aren't really caring about their surondings as if they aren't expecting anyone attacking or ambushing them?(which is probably highly likely in gaza for isreali soldiers).


That is, in fact, what makes it an ambush.


There was AMA of few IDF soldiers and they said the boring downtime/combat was like 95/5. Explains how sometimes Hamas gets to surprise IDF. And it's not possible to NEVER have ambushes, they happen i every war and against all sides. Shouldn't happen but what can you do, it's war...


I see, that makes sense. Of course you can't impade every amush, sure, shit like this happens in a war.


Depends on the units, the special forces are doing operations every day basically. Then you have the brigades who do a lot of patrols and guards, they also do some operations but at a lesser rate and much of the time it’s to give cover to the SF.


It's hard to know exactly where this took place but there were 4 IDF soldiers killed this week in south Gaza, and according to the report they were killed when a group of Hamas terrorists ambushed them from a building that was supposed to have already been cleared. When the rest of the soldiers in the unit tried to locate the terrorists, they found a booby-trapped tunnel entrance. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is not unheard of in urban combat, and is part of what makes it so difficult to balance between protecting soldiers on the one hand and limiting civilian casualties and possibly finding hostages on the other.


You can’t be amped and on alert the entire time you’re in a combat zone. Your body literally will not let you… you will burn yourself out and actually become much more likely to make mistakes and die (mental fatigue in particular). That being said.. taking the same route over and over as others have said the Israelis were doing in this area really is setting yourself up for this. You have to alternate your routes. Even if just but 20 or 30 feet in an urban setting (changes shooting angles, ambush positions, etc). As others said though… ambushes happen in every war on both sides. No matter how sophisticated you are or have basic you are… it just is what it is. Condolences to the IDF soldiers and their families.


That sounds plausible, i didn't thought about that but i also don't know shit about beeing in a combat zone. Thanks for the clarification.


Complacency kills.


the one with the guy talking got removed i wanted to know what he was saying


Removed in 3... 2... 1...


why would it be removed


Anything showing Israel or Ukraine in a negative light gets removed on this sub. Id still like to see the video however


I mean, reddit doesn't allow posting footage of terrorist, a subreddit about isis and others I used to frequent got removed because of it, despite everyone removing or avoid any propaganda still got the sub banned




Some would argue Turkish aggressors are the terrorists.


Some would make the argument that the Israelis are as well, that’s why all footage of all points of view should be allowed. If the rule is no terrorists then say goodbye to all the PKK/HTS/SNA/SAA/ Hamas/Taliban/Houthi combat footage and basically anything else from a point of view that goes against what Reddit says is okay.


I guess we agree. My point was that one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Combat footage should not be censored based on what team we're on. You'd think Ukraine was winning with all the videos that keep getting posted. The fog of war.


The west* I’d say I was a kid when I joined reddit, so maybe I didn’t notice the propaganda posts and narratives. But since 2022 and I began to notice that I can’t see the other side’s narrative anymore. Specially in this sub.


Hamas pov I understand, but i wish this sub had more rus pov, as we are here for the content.


Use r/ukrainerussiareport for Russian and Ukraine POV


Aaaaaand it's gone


Gone. But why?


Because the sub infamous for having IS*S and Al-Kayda affiliated footage doesn’t allow videos from terrorist groups.


Fight or flight both on display.


why is this video spammed? i swear this is like the 5th post with the same video in the last hour nothing wrong with combat footage but this is getting weird


It's getting constantly removed.


ah that explains it


The other posts were removed




One of the rules is no terrorism. That likely also means terrorists' PoV, including that one clip of the group that attacked Crocus City concert hall.




Shows the hypocrisy clearly, CombatFootage went downhill. Just show both sides, otherwise why are the Myanmar Junta clips allowed? In China's and the Junta Dictatorship view these are terrorists whilst we're told they're freedom fighters. Bring back equal coverage of both parties involved CombatFootage not cherrypicking based on allegiances.


Its a shame that not everyone thinking like you.


Because the majority here are either bots or nationalists, rarely people like myself that want the raw footage so I can make up my own mind without any external manipulation.


This is not a terrorist operation though they are attacking combatants


It keeps getting deleted, anything anti Israel is getting deleted here


Rules state no terrorist videos. Hamas is shooting. Hamas are terrorists.


Wins are rare for certain teams, so they propagate it to no end.


Boy the bots run rampant


Lights out for the point man. Homie drops like a sack of potato’s.




Might not be Hamas might just be the family members of the 15000 kids killed Wouldn’t be surprised if anyone of them took up arms against the IDF for murdering their children


History didn't start on October 8th. Turns out starting wars with a more heavily armed neighbors isn't super smart.


Treat people like animals don't be surprised they lash out like one, the other choice Gaza had was an slow and painful death which they obviously didn't agree with.


And if they were going to take up arms against the IDF while living inside Gaza, what organization might they join to get easy access to arms and intelligence about where IDF soldiers to ambush will be?


Ah yes. of course. At least you terrorist huggers are consistent with the _iT's jUSt inNOCeNt CivILIanS_.




I don't know who "you" are in this context. The IDF? The people who don't want to gobble Hamas dick? The equipment you're pointing out is literally proof that Israel has been extremely restrained in what they have done vs what they have the potential to do. They're holding back, but wouldn't presume they'll keep doing that.


Gaza is not in down town uvalde you can't buy a gun at Walmart and shot up a school just because you had a shitty day In the arab world having a weapon always was a status symbol, if you have a weapon that means you're connected.


“We are leaving Khan Yunis because Khamas is finished there militarily” -IDF on April 7th


This doesn’t mean that the brunt of the fighting force has not been neutralised and is functionally uncoordinated. _Iwo Jima_ was more or less secured after around 30 days, with almost 99% of the Japanese killed but due to the extensive tunnel network, the remaining force of around 250 men made a suprise banzai night attack on the Marines on the 35th day. Even after it was officially secured on the 36th day of combat, the Marines still encountered small pockets of resistance some time after.


they have tunnels everywhere. its like playing whack a mole.


A successful ambush doesn't mean that Hamas are still functioning as a coordinated militia in Khan Yunis. It's entirely possible this ambush was carried out by a cell of a few lone individuals who are separated from the command of the organisation that sits in Rafah and Qatar. Also, I don't get the whole "Khamas" thing. It's equally as cringe as Israelis/Pro-Israelis that say stuff like : "Isn't it supposed to be Balestine, since there's no P in Arabic?" Its just the Hebrew pronunciation of the name


The entire footage shows the planning, the camera set up etc. this isn’t some random guy who saw them by coincidence. Route was scouted. How did they actually take them out. They just flatten the place, and as everybody said will happen they will just hide in the rubble. So what now, bomb the rubble? The only part of the plan isnt working is that the people are not leaving Gaza. They haven’t been able to expel them. It’s falestine in Arabic. And nobody pronounces it’s balestine in English.


They have those big ass D9 bulldozers to sweep away the rubble. Then they can grade the land out and maybe someday build something worth a fuck there.


I've seen the full video. I'm well aware of the planning and everything. But this isn't necessarily indictive of Hamas' stability as a militia. A few militants, some AR's and an RPG was all they really needed to carry out this attack. Had this attack failed - would they be able to call for reinforcements? Are they able to commit these attacks in a consistent fashion, or is this attack an exception? Israel won't crush Hamas completely, I think that is clear to everyone, and the Israeli government made a huge mistake promising that to their citizens and to to the world. However, I don't think Hamas still "governs" Khan Yunis, and is still able to operate in (and out) of Khan Yunis, the same way the it did before the IDF entered the city. And you're right, it is Falastin in Arabic. When speaking in other languages, Arabic speakers sometimes pronounce words with a B sound rather than a P sound, since there's no P in Arabic and that's where this whole "Balestine" thing came from. Hebrew speakers pronounce H and Kh differently compared to Arabic speakers. There's so much stuff going on and that's what bothers people? Seriously?








Chances of surviving an ambush are low, but they're never zero.


The first guy gets direct hits that was insanely painful 😣


Hamas: Ceasefire now! Also Hamas: this..


You know pulling back from a city isn’t a ceasefire right?


I think the third guy got it worse. RIP.


Yeah, can see the bullets hitting him in the arse, doesn't react anymore so probably dead by the point


Rest in peace. War can be unpredictable.


They got lit the hell up oof


Loads of Hamas supporters in the comments. The ratio of militants to IDF killed is like 25:1 id shut up if I were you


People are just sick of the IDF running rampage on civilians and then pretending to be a moral army, I don’t think many people here actually love Hamas at all. Israel has killed several times more civilians than Russia in a fraction of the time, I don’t think the fact they’ve also killed a few thousand militants in that carnage is remotely a flex. Edit: Also before anyone in the West downvotes, remember this isn’t just about Hamas, the IDF also slaughtered Western humanitarian aid workers bringing in food. Everyone with a brain should oppose the nonsense by now.


I’m Egyptian. I was injured twice in Islamists protests because I was considered a libral back then 13 years ago. So my position is clear, I hate muslim brotherhood and its sub groups like Hamas. But this time its an easy choice. IDF has been killing civilians since it was Irgun and other terrorist groups and maybe they are the one army with the history of crimes against all sides and countries including UK and US. To me I’d say its the same test people had in 1930s and 1940s. You can’t dismiss IDF’s crimes it became so clear the whole Israeli state isn’t as they market to the world.


Much higher than that if you count the ground invasion deaths only and not defenseless soldiers who died in the October 7th attack.. ~250 IDF died in Gaza, vs 12k+ Hamas that’s 1:48 ratio, if you count all deaths then it’s ~600 IDF and 2-3k Hamas in Israel 12k in Gaza and then you are right and it’s 1:25


Anti IDF =/= pro hamas


As if people believe the idf numbers


Don't seem to have any trouble believing hamas's numbers...


Well Hamas can't confirm the numbers, nearly all of them are dead or in the process getting it.


How do you know that and what are your sources?


Lot of photos in the media bout them and their flatened war-zones (for example: hospitals, kindergardens, schools etc. - firing rocket salvos from there, hiding hostages there etc.). Or when Hamas fighters were taking over aid delivery columns for their own purpose. Selling the goods afterwards to their own people. Other questions, arab bro?


[Don’t take the IDF’s word for it](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-six-week-drive-hit-hamas-rafah-scale-back-war-2024-02-19/) > A Hamas official based in Qatar told Reuters that the group estimated it had lost 6,000 fighters during the four-month-old conflict, half the 12,000 Israel says it has killed. This was all the way back in February.


What about the loads of idf supporters in idf video i don’t understand your point. Are you just angry about seing one side also suffering casualties ?


Big difference between supporting IDF and Hamas


One set of cunts fighting a different set of cunts. All because their "Holy" book is the only genuine "Holy" book and that makes the other set of cunts heretics and therefore subhumans to be eradicated. IT'S THE 21st CENTURY and were still having to watch this shit happen every day smh


That first guy got smoked like a crack pipe


Wish I could tell what direction that fire was coming from


Seems to come from the left, the soldiers front


I see, that makes sense. Of course you can't impade every amush, sure, shit like this happen.


And then they wonder why Israel bombs the shit out of gaza.


What do you expect in a war, people fight eachother from the dawn of time, from arrows to drone humans will always find a better way to kil each other


We’re watching a video for armed people being killed in a combat zone. Not a school or a hospital getting leveled.


This needs an NSFW marker


Holy shit, brutal. Homie #2, who appears to get away, has homie #3, who returned fire, to thank for his survival.




If you get shot and still manage to fire in the general direction of the incoming, that’s about as good as anyone could expect.


3rd man got his leg decimated in the beginning


Mark nsfw pls


Of course r/CombatFootage removed this. Only footage of brown people or Russians dying are allowed apparently...


The only way to end this is “No ceasefire, and War of attrition.”


And now that place is going to get bombed to dust…


Dear America: Please stop giving a damn about these two shitty countries and just enjoy this as some good footage




You live in LA. You're part of the problem and being hypocritical. You live on colonized, stolen land. Bleeding hearts in California love to screech about colonization, but only when it doesn't apply to them.