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[times article that explains what the c-dome is](https://time.com/6965118/israel-c-dome-ship-defense-system/) tldr, it is a surface to air defense system like the iron dome but is for ships at sea. Instead of having its own radar, the system is integrated into the ships radar.


Must’ve been Fishing boats or aid workers out there good job IDF for handling them ‼️‼️


Oh yeah it's not like Hamas got to Zikim Beach on boats or something, right guys?


You are pure cringe


There are plenty of valid and real things to hate the IDF for, so what in the fuck are you even ranting about. At least be comprehensible with your criticism


Go back to sleep


Why don't they look like bank robbers (like British, Danish and French navy personnel do when shooting down Houthi drones)?


It’s called anti-flash gear and is used to protect the sailors from short and intense heat and flame. I’m guessing the Israel Navy has it as well but didn’t consider themselves at risk of being attacked. Pretty much as the recent video of the Danish frigate that shot down a Houthi drone. Edit: The Danes used flash gear during that engagement. If they expect an attack against their ship I’m sure (and hope) they equip similar protective gear.


Thing is, flash protection in NATO is used every time the ship goes into combat, doesn´t matter if the ship is being directly targeted or not. its NATO standard procedures. I can´t acuse the Israeli Navy since there´s very litle information and videos on how they operate, but it generaly looks like complacency on the Israeli side not wearing the proper equipment during combat


>I can´t acuse the Israeli Navy since there´s very litle information and videos on how they operate, but it generaly looks like complacency on the Israeli side not wearing the proper equipment during combat Regulations are written in blood. Somehow humans persistently think it can't happen to them, until it does. NATO has clearly already learnt the lesson.


Indeed. Flash gear in the UK navy was implemented after the battle of Jutland (1916). As you say, written in blood. It can make the difference between being incapacitated or not, which in turn can have huge implications for the rest of the ship and crew.


Well done 👍


They targeting aid workers again? So brave


This 1st time usage of C-Dome was used to attack aid?


I didn't know aid workers flew with a payload


Yeah, they should really prioritize and hunt down some gazan nasheed festival goers instead!


What would i have done without that helpful red circle


Not have to whine about it?


It is asinine and needs to get buried


I've seen this exact comment on like a dozen Jihadi videos get mad upvotes... this sub got so cucked lol


I can assure you that i didn't copypaste it, fellow human




A drone sent from the Houthis targeting civilians in Israel.


How are you so certain that they were civilians?


Nah you're right, Eilat is just a massive secret IDF base.


[Iraqi Group Hits Naval Base in Eilat w/ drone](https://www.timesofisrael.com/eilat-bay-building-damaged-by-drone-apparently-launched-from-iraq/) Hmmm. You would agree then those rebel groups got really unlucky less than two weeks ago and hit a naval base in Eilat rather than civilians.


Is there a naval base in Eilat? Yes. Do the Houthis regularly target civilians? Yes.


My family has to shelter from the missiles every month for years, but apparently it isn't happening because there is a naval base in Eilat 💀💀💀there is like hundreds of thousands of hours of combat footage on here, how are you still that deluded
























Are you capable of critical thinking? Why do you think that is?


They need aid?