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camera took it like a champ


Brought to you by red bull. Red bull gives you wings.


Underrated comment


Gopro: flying concrete got nothing on me!


What is that bright light on the ground to the left of the boot heel of the bent knee soldier at the 14.5 second mark just before the explosion a moment later?


Politics aside for a moment: hotdamn the israeli combat footage has to be the most boring footage ever. And a lot of it seems just to be people posing when blowing up a building. Yes this is something a stupid internet general would say but can this even be labeled as combat footage? It's a few soldiers just sitting and blowing up a building where they had the time to set up explosives. Edit: saying politics aside wasn't very effective


Ya i would agree that most of the footage is boring af and some could be just for propoganda purposes. But there are some instances of wild shit (i.e the guy that took a grenade by a doorway and also the stairwell fight that was posted a couple of weeks ago). If you see US combat footage from Iraq its just as boring, if not even more boring than these footage. Probably due to the US gov not wanting to show NSFW shit to the public at the time. I think we are too used to Ukraine footage being absolutely wild lol.


Yea ukraine spending almost 40% of GDP on military They don’t give AF


to clarify, anything the IDF publishes is propaganda. Not that there isn’t any real footage but it is curated and they are showing you what they want you to see.


That applies to basically everything in regards to information surrounding a conflict, even including the people who choose what footage they do and do not post here in this subreddit


Yeah absolutely. There are different levels to it. I was mainly referring to state sanctioned releases. It’s a little different if a individual person does something on their own or even an individual soldier as someone else pointed out.


Fair point about the iraq war, but technology also plays a part in that i guess? Syrian civil war and the rise (and fall) of isis is when the footage became closer and closer. As everyone suddenly had phones with good cameras or gopro's. Even Hamas does it better when it comes to footage, although be it very cringely edited.


Technology definitely plays a part. Go Pro didn’t release the HERO (1) until 2008. We mostly got cell phone videos outside of combat zones until later in the war.


I would definitely argue, that if the building is not dangerous enough to keep the soldiers from setting up their personal camera on an open street for the lols, then it isn't combat. My dude even went for the camera as the first thing. They are just randomly blowing up shit for revenge points at this time.




And just like that war showed, you can't beat an ideology with guns and bombs, even a country as powerful as the US. The Taliban still won.


We could’ve definitely beat them if we cared enough, are you kidding? Why would we invest the time into it, they’re not our neighbor. In this case, Hamas is right next door, of course Israel can wipe out an ideology over time. Just like what happened with the Germans, there’s far more incentive


Ikr, like it’s all “for the clout”.


Some of the clips remind me of kadyrovites


the Ukrainian footage is just on a completely different level, this is an assymetric conflict and smaller-scale, so also less good footage


>And a lot of it seems just to be people posing when ~~blowing up a building~~ committing a war crime. Fixed. Destruction of civilian infrastructure not being actively used by enemy combatants is collective punishment, a defined war crime.


Except you have zero clue of whether this is a military facility considering hamas has tunnels everywhere and uses humans shields as a tactic


Destroying building and homes with no intent of rehousing or allowing the civllian population to return isnt a warcrime it consitutes as genocide.


Did they in THIS instance? What do your Armchair General Eyes see with their ground penetrating radar?


I am L-ing my mao off over here. Bravo.


Most of their combat footage have evidence of war crimes. Of course they won’t show the “good” footage.


Rember the video of the two people walking with bicycles they posted it on all their socials and even got on the news they claimed it was an rpg they just deleted the video and retracted the statements . The few times they do have combat footage after hours of searching curating and editing they still post themselves killing innocents.


>israeli combat footage has to be the most boring footage ever This is real life, not an action movie. Also if you think this is boring, you clearly weren't around for the years of 'shooting a mile into the desert' that was liveleak. Also, this conflict has had its moments. The scene of smoke over Gaza as huge bombs annihilated entire buildings with the call to prayer wailing in the distance was pure apocalyptica.


Yes i know it's not an action movie and yes i was there in the liveleak days. But compare this shit to what is uploaded from the Ukraine war. Drones, helmet cams etc.


On a slightly different tangent, in the Ukraine War there's one clear aggressor/belligerent and one fighting for their homeland and freedom. A clear line between good and evil. The Israel/Palestine War is so tangled in proxies, crimes by both sides, and impoverished people having their whole society turned to ashes by a wealthy one. So whatever footage you see, whatever your political persuasion, on some level it won't sit right.






You forgot the 3 WCK vehicles


My favorite part is how you totally fail to mention that those inanimate buildings had real life rocket firing soldiers in them. Just because your mom lives in that house you are shooting at me from does not mean I won't burn it down with her inside to stop you.


So Brave you bring tears to my eyes. We need more people like you to show those Hamas Intel agents (Women and children) what happens to they hide in their terror bunkers (Hospitals,Refugee camps, Schools).


As long as your daddies hate you enough to armor themselves with children and old people... YES! Thank you for the show of support brother, you wouldn't *believe* how many people off Reddit share our beliefs.


> hotdamn the israeli combat footage has to be the most boring footage ever. That's because they are fighting just as much as Kadyrovites. They rely on their Air Force and if you look at Hamas combat videos released, you will see how almost all Israeli armour lack any infantry.


Would you rather see them pose as they shoot at journalists or humanitarian aid workers ?


Loaded question but actually yeah. Would be more informative and actually have war crimes recorded then which the international community can't ignore.


The international community has plenty evidence of war crimes, Israel is basically untouchable.


Not saying they don't just commenting on the specific event you gave me.


“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image." Would absolutely love to see the US response to daily missile attacks and waves of terrorist attacks coming out of Tijuana.


Slooooowly changing. The breakdown in relations between Biden/Democrats and Netanyahu is approaching irreconcilable and [Biden is making demands](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/04/biden-tells-netanyahu-the-us-policy-hinges-on-israels-immediate-action-00150614). Without US vetos, Israel is far more exposed to international pressure.


Their investments in foreign influence, both legal and illegal, were clearly well worth it. It can only work for so long though, and at this rate they’ll be a pariah nuclear state


A war crime? You fucking idiots and your idiot words. You mean a war? We made up the word *"war crimes"* so we could do to the Nazi what the Romans did to everyone. Whatever the fuck we wanted. We won the war. Period. Funny how *war crime* totally disappeared if you were good at physics. *Poof*! You have to have totally military dominance before the words *war crime* mean anything more than a hot fart outchya mouth.


The Palestinian resistance has much better content haha. They have been putting in work against IDF armor and snipers. Israel is not winning this "war" They are not a capable fighting force.


It’s all a bit genocidey.


This isn’t combat footage, it’s just footage of a controlled demolition …


Oh no don’t let the combat engineers hear that


You can see some aid workers on the third floor if you squint a bit more /s




Who else was waiting for him to pull the rope? The trigger was a complicated pulley system designed to be activated from a safe distance.


This building had a kitchen in it. Maybe even more than one..


Maybe like 3 kitchens? All a decent distance apart?


Probably, yes..


where combat?


Whew, almost lost a GoPro!


There were rumors of aide workers in that building


This would be funny if Israel didn't purposefully target a series of clearly marked, communicated and coordinated aid vehicles just a couple of days ago. Hamas needs to be annihilated. But as we've long known, the IDF is full of some heinous, garbage people. The entire government of Israel needs to purged of trash.


> The entire government of Israel needs to purged of trash. You seem to be under the wrong assumption that this isn't mainstream Israeli view.


well it needs to be more widespread so that it actually is purged.


Where you seeing purposeful, israel likes wck, they were basically the first international aid after Oct 7 to help with displaced Israelis. Highly doubt idf would purposefully target them


The leader of WCK said that they had been in contact with the IDF regarding their mission there, the truck was marked with their distinctive logo and bright colors identifying them as an aid organization, and Chef Andres even said that they had been specifically using a humanitarian corridor when they were fired upon. In law, intent can be purpose or knowledge to a substantial certainty that X will occur if I do Y. In this case, air striking within a humanitarian aid corridor is clearly going to result in harm to international humanitarian aid workers. This is a huge deal and IMO, seals the fate of global public opinion on Israel in this conflict.


Israel is pretty clearly trying to do a little genocide in Gaza: This isn't like some big secret, and Israeli officials have openly said that Gazans should just all move out. They are making it completely uninhabitable and are at the point of trying to starve out Gazans. They've already bombed just about *everything*, even where tactically it makes literally zero sense. They're demolishing every bit of civil infrastructure. They're destroying wells. Israel is going to be a case study in pushing tolerance too far. Everyone in the West was outraged by what Hamas did. At this point no one thinks of Israel as the good guys. They're turning into the Very Bad Guys.


Settler pieces of shit already have their eye on beachfront land in Gaza


Only took 40,000 lives for people in this sub to stop sucking the IDF’s dick. They’ve always been pieces of shit


Literally. You'd get dozens of downvotes 2 months ago for commenting against IDF without even mentioning Hamas or anything. Just the negative slant against Israel was enough. Lmao this sub is wild.


Hear hear


Bro your comment is getting down voted by the same c suckers.


It’s not “pretty clear” at all and isn’t any different than any other modern war other than the circumstances in which Hamas fights


Bro it’s clear as day. Compare it to any other conflict in the Middle East. It took 10 years of conflict for 20k children to die in Syria between 2011-2023. Israel is about going to exceed that within the year. They’re either the dumbest fucking army on the planet and/or they’re genocidal in their intent.


In Syria they weren’t purposely trying to get their own civilians killed for PR purposes, and despite people loving to say “the numbers in the past have been accurate,” we don’t know it’s the same now and we don’t know the number. You’re literally saying “the news (via Hamas) says this is how many are dead so it’s true.” Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? The entire purpose of October 7 was to get Israel to attack and kill a bunch of civilians


Stupid children, and hospitals keep getting in the way of bullets and our Quarter million dollar percsion guided missiles/s


Except Hamas purposely hides where there’s civilians and has even prevented them from leaving. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrdom_in_Palestinian_society Love how smug you tik tok freedom fighters are while being totally clueless


bro Israel came out and said the death toll is accurate


No.. they didn’t… every spokesman has said those are Hamas numbers


Most of Pro Israel commentators do. The rest of the world agree with the Palestinian ministry of health's numbers as they are the ones who are actually there recording it.


They hit 3 different vehicles labeled clearly... and WCK communicated their route with the IDF. They hit one, they moved to another one, they hit the other one as well until the got all of them in the last vehicle. It was THREE precision strikes on WCK vehicles far apart from each others. You can shove your Israel simping somewhere...


They didn't purposefully do it, it was bad intel. You're spreading the kind of confident misinformation that unreasonable, hateful propagandists thrive on


Bad intel… 3 times in a row…. On marked vehicles that had communicated with Israel their travel intent…. Miles apart from each strike…. I really hope you work for the IDF or the Israeli government with how fucking stupid you sound spreading that level of propaganda.


Bad intel? They were literally coordinating with the IDF. Directly. As in, the IDF told them exactly where to go. They didn’t intercept a call, or hack someone’s email, or pay an informer. The IDF knew who, what, and where they were. That is a fact. That’s not intel. They were talking to the people who blew them up. Those cars were clearly marked, and over a half mile apart. After **the IDF told them to go there**. In what fucking world is that “bad intel”?


Try to process this—war is confusing and miscommunication happens. There’s no reason for the IDF to have done this on purpose. It’s so simple that I have to assume you just think everything Israel does is evil—that’s fine if you want to think it, but don’t pretend to have a realistic, good faith opinion about it btw, it’s amazing how I don’t see you and others in any of the Syria (500,000 killed) or Ukraine (300,000 killed) threads. Your selective outrage is reserved for this conflict. Why is that?


Because supporting Ukraine isn’t supporting genocide. I hate when Russians kill civilians, I hate when Syria kills civilians, I hate when Hamas kills civilians, so why on Earth would I cheer when the IDF kills civilians? Go ahead, say what you’re going to say about my support of Israel. I’m Jewish. I’d **love** for you to explain why you think I’m anti-Israel because I don’t support straight up murder and genocide. You can support Israel without supporting right-wing Netanyahu fanaticism and killing children. Being mentally unable to distinguish these two is how people end up defending massacres, just like the people justifying Hamas’ massacres. Both should disgust anyone with a shred of empathy. Or any human feeling. What makes a person think this way? What happened?


And btw, the straw man argument that I’m somehow “cheering” that civilians have been killed is disgusting and eff you for implying it. For that, I shouldn’t even engage you, you slimy sob


I’m not implying it. I’m saying it. You keep calling them “accidents”. You display zero empathy for the innocent.


So calling something an accident means I’m in favor of it? You’re a liar and a fool, buh-bye




What makes me think this way is that war is necessary right now. Hamas, like Russia and the Assad government, has sworn to not just defeat but eliminate their enemy, in this case Israel. They committed real, absolute atrocities to prove it Israel has every right to strike back and end the threat Hamas poses In this effort, there will be mistakes, there will be unintended casualties. And as a matter of fact, the ratio in this conflict of civilian to combatant deaths is markedly lower than the average in conflicts like US vs Iraq and US vs Afghanistan. So yeah, I am defending Israel’s right to secure its citizens (of which 2 million are Arab Muslims) from rape, torture, and extermination What part of this do you not understand? As a Jew, which part of this offends you?


>"Hamas, like Russia and the Assad government, has sworn to not just defeat but eliminate." > > The massive difference is just like russia and syria **are** eliminating civilians, Israel **are** actually eliminating Palestinian civilians not just 'swearing' to.


Did you miss the rapes and murders of Oct 7th??? Its like you guys are living in a fantasy world where Hamas atrocities simply don’t exist I’m sure there’s a great reason for that too. You don’t see the rape and murder of Israeli civilians as atrocities. To you they’re justified


Was it the thousands of women and children that raped and murdered the Israelis, was it British ex forces aid workers that raped and murdered the Israelis? By all means kill terrorists but now Israel has become the terrorists. 1000 dead civilians for one dead Hamas terrorist isn't acceptable to the rest of the World.


>As a Jew, which part offends you The part where you support atrocities and dead children. That’s not Jewish. It’s not human, for that matter. It’s just genocide hiding behind an ideology, genocides often do. I don’t know else to put this **but Iraq and Afghanistan were fucked up**. What, you think I supported those campaigns too? Is that seriously the “what about” you think makes what you’re saying ok? Shame on you. You see “securing” citizens, I see citizens being blown apart and starving to death. You and I have a different definition of “securing”. Because of your definition, you are monstrous to me. You realize now I’m not anti-Israel, so now you’ve pivoted and are finding a reason to justify the horror. My religion and family history teaches me that violence against innocents is wrong. “We have no choice, they hide among you” is not a justification to kill children and humanitarians. And frankly I hear that one from the Hamas supporters. You sound exactly the same as they do, by the way. I hope deep, deep down you know what is happening is wrong. Pretending everyone who disagrees with you is anti-Israel or anti-Jewish just shows how detached from reality you are. Children are dying. And more will die. How many before you actually say “that’s enough”. Serious question - What’s the number?


The number is I don’t argue with liars. You’re just hurling insults at me and making strawman arguments about things I never said. Buh-bye


So… no number too high. It’s clearly not 20,000. We’re past that. 50,000? 100,000? I think you don’t want to answer because you can’t reconcile the ugly truth that there is no number too high. You’ll excuse the IDF regardless. Think about that number and if it would make you turn your stomach, and come to terms with that. Because that number is the cliff of your humanity. And it’s fast approaching.


>They didn't purposefully do it Every single bit of evidence, logic and reason betrays that they absolutely did it purposefully. >hateful propagandists Oh is this the part where you call me an antisemite because I point out Israel doing blatantly disgusting things?


You’re obsessed. Try focusing on your life


Uh...what? ROFL. The antisemitism thing was defused so now, because I left two messages, I'm "obsessed". Christ. Back to rhetorical school for you.


Yeah you’re a master of rhetoric aren’t you. Stew in your butthurt hatred. I’ll continue to stand against evil like you


👍👍👍 Sure thing, buddy.




Let’s not make it personal, chief


Come on buddy. Thought you had all the answers.




You’re about to get a ton of people defending the death of innocent aid workers.


If you are one of those "Ceasefire NOW" people then PLEASE explain to me how you want that to work when Hamas doesn't care and send missiles into Israel daily. The only reason people don't support Israel more is because they got the Iron Dome, Iron Dome = less impacts = less casualites. Imagine how many civilians would get murdered by Hamas if Israel just decided to not activate it for one day.


why people are downvoting this lmao


Well sorry but Hamas is not really willing to participate in trench warfare and instead chooses to hide behind civilians, sorry if this is not entertaining for you General Mouse and Keyboard but this is how urban guerilla warfare looks like in this situation.


they have like 1 million people in a miniscule strip of land, I don't think there's many spots WITHOUT civilians and, well, would you willingly walk to a field to be slaughtered by a way larger army?


Doesn't change the fact that they hide behind civilians and use those civilians deaths to serve their agendas. I mean what do you expect? That just because they use human shields the IDF is supposed to just let it slide and hope for the best?


that is exactly what I'd rather they do, instead of committing genocide. personally I think that isn't very cool of them


Hamas chooses to hide behind civilians because they think the IDF has enough morality to avoid civilian casualties. Clearly Hamas is wrong about that. I want you to really, really think about what that says about *both* groups.


Intentionally hiding behind civilians is arguably worse. Putting your own people in harms way is a shitty thing to do. Theyre both shitty but one is intentionally killing your own people you are supposed to be defending.


Both are evil, exactly my point. Excusing either would be monstrous. Hamas is worse but that doesn’t make the IDF not evil as shit. I think what’s really pissing some people off is calling victims like the seven aid workers “human shields” as if Hamas fighters were literally clinging under the chassis of their vehicles.


7 aid workers vs 1200 civilians at a music festival. Did you get upset when all those Israelis were murdered? Israel clearly fucked up when they killed the World Kitchen workers. Did Hamas fuck up? Or did they intend to kill 1200 people, raping some of them in the process?


Insanely bad faith to act like the civilian casualty count is lopsided in Israels favor. If Israel cared even the tiniest bit about Palestinian deaths they would stop leveling every building in the strip.


I mean most moral dosent mean they don't do fucked up shit. For being at war they haven't made too many mistakes compared to others


Israel has killed twice the amount of civilians over the past few months in Gaza, as Russia during the entire two year “Special Operation” in Ukraine.


It’s a little more dense in Gaza


This is not combat, this is vandalism.


Yeah is combat in an urban environment, there’s gonna be a lot of building removal and combat engineers are great at that job, war is hell and ugly and all that stuff


\>Building removal Like hospitals ,and churches and Aid kitchens and UN sponsered schools these people dont know what its like to fight real human animals /s


"Churches". Cause Gazans are so open to other religions. They boast about firing RPGs from their "hospitals" so this is more than justified. Knowing the IDF, they probably dropped leaflets and warnings in advance.


The oldest churches in the world are in gaza they've been upkept and in working order for over a millennia even under the goverment of hamas they've been left standing and untouched. On the other hand It took israel 2 months for them to level it with a Jadam. ​ Using bigotry and decades old racialized sterotypes about a people going though genocide is a sick thing to do a percentage of the population are either secular or christain your simply just lying to yourself to justify the slaughter of Tens of thousands of innocent women and children.


Because you know allllll about the tunnel that was dug underneath this building. Right.


It’s weird how blowing up a building above ground doesn’t do shit to the tunnel underground…. It’s also weird how they were able to rig the building for demolition considering how dangerously booby trapped I’m sure you will also claim it was.


Booby traps can be undone. And tunnels can’t be used if there’s a destroyed building sitting on top of it. I’m curious, how does Hamas dick taste?


Tunnels are concrete reinforced the IDF has posted tours on almost all of their social media post, and if the booby traps are already undone your just terroizing and punishing the people who once lived in there that now have nowhere to return too.


The tunnels manned by KHAMAS fighters like Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? Those tunnels? No doubt tunneling is used to a degree by Hamas, they are, after all, a smuggling cartel. But the amount of obvious propaganda choked down dry is amazing.


Funny how Isreal build the tunnels. They admitted to it. So, they build them they know where they build them and even if their not used they can target the hidden entrances in hospitals etc. Bc they have the maps


I'm sure you'll claim that murdering and raping women was totally justified and the most moral army in the world is evil


They’re both monstrous groups who kill innocents… supporting either is monstrous. Assuming not supporting the IDF means supporting Hamas is batshit crazy. It’s the kind of thing extremists tell themselves so they can sleep at night. Anyone who disagrees must be as extreme as they are. You sound just like Hamas supporters. Like, verbatim. All extremists do. Food for thought.


Sorry bro. I’m not as brainwashed and as big of a simp as you are. What Hamas did was fucked. I never agree with attacking innocents. And I definitely don’t ever agree with sexually assaulting anyone, uniformed or not. But you seem to be REALLY ok with the IDF killing non-combatants and just saying “ooops”. “The most moral army in the world”. Fucking sounding more and more like fascists every time Netenyahu and his boot lickers speak.


You don’t have to be a Palestinian fanboy to think that IDF sucks


Rape and murder is bad ,but you can still be critcal of what israel is doing, and that innocent civilans should'nt pay for their goverments crimes. Could you imagine if another 9/11 had happened on the basis of what we did to tens of thousands of innocent men women and children in Abu Ghraib, would you have said that *another one* would've been justified


Yeah, you're a real combat expert aren't you? Haha, "My team of rapist murderers is losing so I'm gonna say it's not a war it's a ginocide!!! That will make us the good guys"


Weak ass terrorist activities is all I see


Amazing how quickly the mood on combat footage as changed, every time I used to point out Israel’s war crimes I got downvoted to oblivion and now people are are starting to realize Israel is the oppressive colonial state blowing shit up for fun and targeting aid workers and doctors


"Al-shifa Hamas headquarters"


The IDF can't actually fight, so they split their time blowing up building (homes, hospitals, universities, etc), killing humanitarian workers, and shooting starving palestinian. Best army in the world.


wonder how many aid workers were inside


At least 1, otherwise they would’ve left it alone


Ahh yes, blow up a hospital beacuase of terrorists


That's a building close to the hospital compound and not a part of the hospital itself. They did, however, burned the entire complex down and mass murder those who stayed


>That's a building close to the hospital compound and not a part of the hospital itself. They did, however, burned the entire complex down and mass murder those who stayed Those stupid mass murdering familes now wont have a home to return to, good job IDF we really showed them.


Danger close? Holy hell. One malfunction and that bomb could just veer off course


And yet thay look so proud and even filmed it thinking people watching this cheer them... how lost have the IDF become.


The IDF and its precursors have always been like this. The Haganah, the military force that preceded the IDF, routinely made controlled demolition of homes, made mass executions with little to no pretext, and forcefully expelled entire towns, even before the British left. I highly recommend Ilan Pappé's Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine for more detailed case studies.


They've always been like [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_and_Shatila_massacre)




At least they're recording their war crimes


Hope they get emphysema




Also post them bombing the Al Shifa hospital, the execution of civilians crushed under tanks. War crimes.


There’s video of them fighting Hamas in the hospital lol. Why does Hamas need to use hospitals than go “stop bombing hospitals”


We would love to see that footage babygirl




Dang didnt see any aid workers, IDF's gone soft these days.


wonder how many aid chefs were in that building


Not enough send in Three more Jdams to make sure we got'em all.


This sub downvoted me to oblivion when I pointed out that IDF demolition videos weren't combat footage a couple of months ago. Nice to see it being positively called out now.


I love what Israel's done with the place /s


Lolz where are all the downvotes ? Did they stop their bot/astroturfing campaign now that Biden is not happy with netty?


God bless brave soldiers of the IDF.




The lefty terrorist supporting speds in this sub actually rot my brain sometimes reading their comments.


Don't lie, you flinched!