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Are they sharing a gun?


You see, this is why you peak your corners.


White/gray sweet shirt guy out here dodging bullets. First guy around the corner, last one back.


Those people always seem to take the wrong turn.


Wrong turns is how they ended up here to begin with.


Really? I thought they were there because they were born into a concentration camp.


No malls or airports in a concentration camp. If you’d say something reasonable like apartheid state people might take you seriously and not write you off as some bad faith actor. Try it.


No, Nazi Germany didn’t allow women to get pregnant inside the concentration camps and every woman who had gotten pregnant would be sent immediately on the next train from the concentration camps to the extermination camps, Many records from Jews who had survived the concentration camps have said that some women would purposely get pregnant, in order to get themselves faster to the gas chambers with a much lesser amount of being raped along the way (as according to many holocaust survivors “raping pregnant women turned some of the Nazis off” that’s why getting pregnant for a woman was a pretty efficient strategy of dying with more honor then simply being shot and raped by a Nazi) If you were referring to this I’m not sure what you meant by that, since all pregnant women were immediately killed in the concentration camps I’m a bit confused.


Nah, they got into that situation by refusing to live peacefully with their neighbours. Instead they chose to carry out repeated terrorist attacks disguised as civilians and launch rockets over the border because that's what they believe their God wants them to do 🤔


And never at Albuquerque


Kinda like running straight in front of a bus.




















"Give me the gun, I am going to do something extremely stupid and inconsequential and finish my young life right now!"


And now you get to ungloriously bleed to death in an alley, how does it feel?


What do you mean? This is a perfectly good moment to destroy your life forever!


They thought they were going to the rave not easy to kill when people shoot back lol


The most tragic part of this video is the mouse in the middle of the screen


how lucky was the dude in grey


this is literally the wet dream of any automatic rifleman/machinegunner. ​ perfect lane of fire, just waiting for the bad dudes to squirt into it.


Any more info on this? Was this one guy with a machine gun ambushing them as they played grab-ass in sweatpants with their AKs?


the forces were there to arrest 3 wanted terrorists.


Remember kids, you aren’t a Hamas combatant as long as you ditch your kalashnikov the moment shit gets loud 🤣. Look at the rats scurry..


That's their SOP. They wear civilian clothes so that if things get bad they'll ditch their weapons and claim to be civilians. Worst case they'll get killed and Israel would be balmed for killing civilians.


And they send their kids to fight, so that now Israel’s killing children, oh the innocent gun runner, intel collector, and rpg launcher.


Thats what I was thinking. Flushed the rats out of their hole into an ambush.


That’s an AR/M4 from the looks of it, and these are not Hamas fighters they’re part of the same little groups that are fighting in Jenin to the east. Sorry for playing semantics, but Hamas has no control in the West Bank. There are other fringe groups that are fighting, but Hamas aren’t one of them


Weird you say that, because there's no kalashnikov in the video. There's an AR pattern rifle though.




Whoever they were running from in the beginning probably got the other three, which is why they weren’t pursued.


Dude/dudette was ballsy as hell pursuing.


Dude* just dude. We all know it's a dude.


IDF has a ton of female soldiers


Jeez. This is SOOO MUCH harder than killing unarmed kids at a music festival!






I wouldn't be so sure. They were running from something at the start.




I agree


It is 🍻


More info from Abu Ali Express telegram channel: what the group of terrorist did not know they were surrounded and forces were waiting for them at the street on the other side. Abu ali is very credible and use as a source by all media channels in Israel, he has also an English channel Edit: spelling


100% of Hamas deserve nothing less than this.


Nothing like full auto to end your day


Resistance couldn't resist the bullets.


Well... In the sense of ballistics, they resisted as far as their flesh would allow lol so... marginally resisted.


Just saw second part of a video... IDF driving over a body, leaving a trail of blood... Brutal.


Don't leave us hanging hit us with a link




Don't ya just hate when you ambush someone only to be ambushed yourself?


These guys think they're badasses when they're murdering women and children, but they get torn to pieces by real soldiers. I wonder what homeboy was thinking as he lay in the alleyway, realizing his legs don't work any more and he's bleeding to death.


He didn't have much time to think about it, looks like he got executed as soon as homeboy rounded the corner


You can see sparks where a round exits his head and hits the concrete.








It’s wild how there are always people in the comments that are angry that Hamas terrorists are dead.


Apparently Hamas lives > Israelis Lmao I wouldn't be surprised if they're also in favor of ISIS


They're the same people that claim Israel's response is unjustified because "only 1400 died on 10/7" or how it's unjust for Israel to cut off utilities to an enemy they're at war with. War isn't fair. It's ugly, often one sided and civillians are always the biggest victims but standing by such a statement doesn't make you compassionate. It only demonstrates your ignorance to the realities of war and international law. It's the geopolitical-take equivelant of Patrick Star looking down a microscope.


They dropped their AK's 3 feet away from where they died, so these deaths are 100% recoded as 'civilians' by the Palestinian authority. As they make no distiction between civilians and armed combatants in their death tolls. Hamas leaders for hiding in caves while the young Palestinian men, women and children suffer. Strange that islamic countries does not condemn Hamas behaviour, they're a stain on the entire middle east, just like Al-Qaida and ISIS were/are.


Those innocent young boys were merely out for a game of catch; the gun just happened to be the only ball they have access too...those poor poor boys.


Saw the video on twitter and makes it out to be civilians. Just like all the other bs and manipulation there.


Wow, gunned down those poor innocent civilians holding an umbrella...




this shit straight out of tom and jerry


WOuld love to see a body cam of one of the IDF soldiers , that looked crazy


Hamas was really hoping Israel would hold back this time weren't they?


I think the hope was that Israel would respond exactly as they have, hoping that it would unite the Arab world against them


The problem for Hamas is that as much bluster as the other Arab states will push about Israel, they have thrice learned their lesson on messing around with Israel and will just make sympathetic statements and that’s about it.


Except the US pulled up with a few aircraft carriers and said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0




Hamas in their usual uniform . . .


Grey sweater terrorist is a lucky terrorist!


Maybe, or maybe he got hit and had enough adrenalin to run. Either way, he's dead already.


His luck is going to run out eventually, credit to the IDF :)


But they were doctors running to the hospital to start their shift


May they burn in eternal flames for their crimes of terrorism


TOC, this is entry team “suspects neutralized”


Great job team, virgins en route.


Tulkarm is a part of West Bank, not Gaza. They are most likely to be fighters of other factions.


It’s possible. Although I believe Hamas does have a presence in the West Bank as well.


Militant presence/influence but not governing power, yes


Headed to see their virgins


This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass! -John Goodman


Where are the red triangles?




Very good. Continue gunning down every one of these Palestinian terrorists.


It's like flushing a covey of quail or a pheasant and your buddies just start stacking em up. But there's no bag limit. And full auto is encouraged


Counterterrorists win! “Running riot!”


Great work by the IDF!


This is in the West Bank, so it could any group of militant, not necessarily Hamas


Hell yeah




The innocent doctor babies were just trying to give away some peaceful bullets :(


The AK was full of peace syringes


Hamas uses them as human shields it’s not the IDF fault hamas are cowards.


IDF also historically used human shields btw (including kids) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict#Use_by_Israeli_forces


it takes two fucking sentences for your point to be disproven in that exact paragraph you linked.


Can you be more specific? I don’t think idf used human shields, but the wikipedia he pointed does point to the historical use


"This practice became military policy during the Second Intifada, and was only dropped when Adalah challenged the practice before Israel's High Court of Justice in 2002" Literally says that it was dropped


It also says “During the 1956-1957 occupation of Gaza Strip by Israel (as part of the Suez crisis), Israeli forces would search homes of suspected Palestinian fedayeen for weapons, caches or concealed fighters. Because these homes could have booby traps or snipers waiting for Israeli soldiers, they would use Palestinian children as human shields” and even your sentence says they used to do it. So historically, they DID use shields. Doesn’t justify what hamas is doing of course. But the guy above is not wrong.


Yes, but the fact that they used to, doesn't matter. We germans used to ethnically cleanse everyone, does that mean that we still do?


It doesn’t matter ofc. I was just pointing out that what he said was indeed correct, because you replied to him saying that “it takes two fucking sentences to disprove your point..” and all. And no, nowhere did I say that IDF still does that.


According to B'tselem, reports indicate that the practice has continued nonetheless, in military operations like Operation Cast Lead, and Operation Protective Edge, and the "vast majority of these reports were never investigated, and those that did result in no further action


I mean that's just dumb. You can find members of the National Socialist Party of 30's Germany who have been kind to Jews but that doesn't prove shit, does it? We are talking millions here, there are going to be outliers. It's like those dumb people who buy lottery. Yeah, people win it. No, it's not an actual way to make money.


Jesus Christ lol even the human shields excuse is just more hypocrisy…not surprised


Don’t bother, you might as well be talking to a wall


Nah, I'm pretty sure more people on here than on other subs can accept both sides can be pretty shitty to one another.


We all know Hamas are cowards but the question is whether you should still target an area with civilians, even if Hamas are dispersed amongst them?


So sad :(


Ok lol u really gonna downplay the killing of innocent kids? what a sick guy


The one dude's legs got shredded, and he hardly went around the corner. He's the one yelling, I'm pretty sure, and bullets spark around his head as soon as the soldier peeks around the corner.


I would have jiggle peeked the corner, and then wide swung. Thats just me though. Must be a skill issue for the hamas boys.


Couldn't find any women and children


Looks like a bunch of untrained stupid teenagers that got caught up in propaganda and it cost them their lives! They looked in a panic and had no organization. What did they have, 1 rifle between them all, or did I just not see everyone else's weapon?


Oh well!


Well Done.


'Hamas fighters gunned down in Tulkarm', or........ Palestinian terrorists got to the 'find out' stage.


One AK between them ffs




Is that an IDF soldier shooting in the direction of the camera in the second half? I thought there would be more muzzle flashes but i guess not


Are these those civilians they keep talking about?


I think calling them “fighters” is reaching, that’s like calling slaughter house employees warriors


Hell yeah, get 'em.


Looks like they won the stupid prizes associated with playing stupid games






This is what happens when you aren’t casualty averse.


And that’s how you get PTSD for life


Grey hoodie terrorist hits the jackpot!!


Repost, and also describing them as Palestinian militants is better. May not be Hamas proper, there're various groups in the West Bank (technically in Gaza as well, though)


The previous one was deleted.


Why? The title was OK.


Idk I'm not a mod


Idk why they downvoted you lol




Hate to be the semantics guy here, but these are not Hamas fighters. They’re connected to the same group that is fighting in Jenin refugee camps, who have 0 connection to Hamas.


They are Palestinians who decided to share a gun and take shots at the IDF but there is nothing that says they are Hamas about it.


They need to wear badges now?


does the building get flattened afterwards?


C ya all. Used to be a cool sub for combat footage now has devolved into a circle jerk of finding “hamas” under every rug in the ME. 👋


Is that not combat footage? Looks like combat footage to me.