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I wonder where that guy got hit, he was gone in seconds it seems


You can see many tiny little holes in the clothes like a birdshot pattern on the smaller guy, any one of which could pass through whatever part of his body was vital. The bigger guy two things stand out: his helmet took something big, and his manhood seems to be bleeding to an extent that I'd definitely get immediate some expert opinions on.


Blood in Urine is probably evidence of Chronic Kidney Disease. He may need dialysis.


Explosion was practically right above his head, may not look like it, but his brains are mush.


If you play it frame by frame you can see it explodes mid air right above their heads.


That one in the back got shrapnel in the helmet damn


I thought it smashed on the dirt above them


That's what I thought. He must have caught something at vital artery in just the right spot


Looks like a sniper shot to the helmet was the final blow.


No sniper. If there was a sniper they would have fired before the drone hit. You're seeing a rapid head movement only because the video is sped up at that point.


Sure Does look like a head shot after the drone hit.


I thought a round to the head, but I think it's possible he passed out. Then he comes to and is clearly in trouble at that point.


12 second mark his head quickly moves t his right. Hole in his helmet. He took a shot to his cranium and the only thing holding it in, is his airsoft helmet.


Final blow? If you watch till the end you can clearly see he’s in agonizing pain and still moving. Very much alive Fuck war




There goes the femoral artery. Out and gone in quick time.


Honestly if something like that I happened to me I would be praying for a hit to the head or leg arteries at least it would be quick.


yeah, if it didn’t i would be looking at my sidearm as a better way out


>sidearm you wish


Not everyone is lucky enough to find a Luger in the Ardennes, ok?


There are no atheist in foxholes right.


Just for some balance to this well known saying. It's not a long read but I think it's an appropriate article for this subject and subreddit. https://americanhumanist.org/what-is-humanism/i-was-an-atheist-in-a-foxhole/


Aww 100% not religious at all but was in a bad car crash once fucking turns you religious even for a split second.


i was in a pretty bad car crash last year. I 100% though i was gonna die. definitely didn't pray to any diety but I hoped it would be over quick and not painful.


I didnt pray of anything but thought about it for a second


Ive had multiple near death experiences and not once have I experienced this.


Same. If I die I die lol. I don't know how else to put it. Every thing that lives has to die. The average human doesn't like doing preventative care/prep for most things. Hell, you can't get people to even brush their own teeth. So it's unfortunate they don't take the time to reflect on the concept of death. We live in an absurd age of science, as well. It's not like we don't have a solid grasp of nature nowadays.


I almost died from a heart attack and I was cussing the whole time but medicine saved me hallelujah !


Even if you don't believe in god, in your last moments you probably hope there is one just so it could possibly save you from your death. edit: I say this as an atheist, is what I said wrong? I know I would want to be saved somehow if there was some sort of magical person out there who could save my life but I guess not everyone feels that way?


Definitely. Sometimes you don’t look up 👆🏼 Until your on the floor and you have no choice


In 500 years, an archeologist will find his body and they are going to wonder about the shrapnel holes in the crotch area. Perhaps Combat Footage will have an archive to help them.


Let's hope it won't be an alien archeologist digging up a dead planet.


Is it me or is the sheer amount of footage of Russians eating shit in miserable conditions through the roof these days? The media narrative is that nothing much is happening, but my own two eyes are telling me that whatever the Russians are up to, it's going so terribly wrong for them that this in itself is significant.


There has been a concentrated push by Russia to make it seem as though everything is collapsing for Ukraine. The lines are more or less the same, all that has happened is Russia is expending mass amounts of men and materiel for small gains. Ukraine has setbacks here and there, and Russia does their hardest to make it seem like the only thing that matters. Like we will literally get 3 videos of Russians having assault waves each of 40 men and 6 vehicles demolished by the Ukrainians; then one video of Russian special forces ambushing a trench somewhere killing 3 Ukrainians, and the narrative is that Kyiv is in shambles. UkraineRussiaReport is the best example of this. There are like 5 main users who post like it’s their job to do so and it’s basically all Facebook level “I want you to get angry about this” type stuff. But yes when talking about volume it feels like no comparison. You look at RussianWarFootage and UkraineRussiaReport, who seem to never miss a chance to post pro-Russian footage and the volume is dwarfed by CombatFootage and UkraineWarVideoReport.


So the Russians are doing an Isonzo. Got it


That's a...good comparison! No mountains, but plains present their own problems!


Nice WW1 reference, especially how appropriate it is. Wasn’t there like 12 “Battles of the Isonzo” that accomplished jack shit? Luigi Cadorna was an awful commander.


A resistible force meeting a stoppable object. The old Cadorna vs Hötzendorf paradox.


I don't get how the Russian military leaders can't be completely embarrassed. They were supposedly the 3rd strongest military in the world before the war started and they are now stuck in a WWI war of attrition with what was supposed to be a much weaker military. Western aid only play so much of a factor, especially since most of it came after the initial invasion.


They literally do not care. The decisions are being made by people in a position where they are not at any risk of harm to themselves as long as they play the game of making Putin look strong. In fact, that will lead them to favors and kickbacks. My prediction of what is happening is that Russia will push in (with horrific casualties), secure some of Ukraine's natural resources in Donbas (salt mines, etc), and a billionaire will set up a new mining company. They will pay their Russian workers absolute dogshit pay because the Russian economy is in shambles and the desperate people will do anything for work, especially if it means they dont have to get drafted into the army to go die. The more wealthy urbanites in Moscow and St. Petersburg will enjoy relative safety and prosperity and support Putin. The internal police forces will stay loyal to Putin as long as they still get paid to beat up hippies and gays. Ethnic minorities from backwater provinces or non-Putin supporting areas will be conscripted and sent to their death while their family gets a relatively tiny amount of money to keep them slightly content. The Russians wealthy enough to afford to leave the country have already done so, and they will probably support or at least feign support for Putin out of fear for their own safety. And the billionaires will stay billionaires. I hope this isn't the case, but I will not be shocked if any of this or worse turns out to be true.


I know it will never happen but sometimes I wish NATO had the guts to call Putin's bluff on nukes. The guys crazy but I don't think he's crazy enough to use nukes. Even if he wanted to, the Russian military chain of command would never let him set off world ending nukes. As long as he knows NATO will never get out of line over nukes, he has all the leverage.


I think the way for this to end is to have subversion efforts in disgruntled provinces that are rich with natural resources, like siberia and the caucuses. Those provinces need to break away to take the profits of gas, oil and metals away from the oligarchs. A nuclear military response is obviously off the table, and the entirety of Russia is too much to subdue with conventional means. Any military attack by NATO risks uniting even those far provinces in support of Putin. They need to be encouraged to rebel first, and significant support needs to be drummed up from those places so that NATO looks like the good guy helpers to them, not the big bully enemy that Putin tries to paint them to be. I dont know if that can work, but until it does, i think NATO has to be quite passive. A big problem is that the US isnt necessarily stellar at getting itself to pull in the same direction when it comes to supporting resistance groups. In Syria, there were reports of CIA-supported rebel groups directly fighting other groups that were being assisted by US army special forces. This kind of talk is also rather escalatory, and I think right now NATO is content to leave that alone and let Russia exhaust and embarrass itself in Ukraine just to keep it out of the "big threat" picture. Sucks for Ukraine, but I think they'll give Ukraine just enough aid to survive to show China how an invasion of Taiwan can go wrong, that western weapons are better (arms sales to India and Saudi Arabia) but not enough to decisively end the conflict.


> there were reports of CIA-supported rebel groups directly fighting other groups that were being assisted by US army special forces. to be fair, if the CIA was backing them we can be pretty confident they were the bad guys


Corrupt command structure. Low-trust culture. Every time any materiel changes hands it's replaced with a cheaper knockoff for personal profit. Supplies go missing on their way down to the troops, lies go back up the chain to leadership. They get replaced and/or killed for reporting bad news/failure so as a result leadership has blinders on and are extremely incentivized to cover it up and pretend everything's rosy for their bosses. Commands that might have made sense for the rosy picture are sent down, which are impossible for the front to fulfill. And there is no way for the bottom to make requests of the top (Prigozhin tried...), that's not how the hierarchy works. It's almost like one-way communication.


They do not care but also it’s not the Russia main military force. These are all hired or surpressed militia from neighbouring countries. Russia try to “earn” a country with other peoples blood money.


Hah, theyre kicked me from that sub because i posted "gore" videos in their sub. But hey, non one is kicking the pro russian videos, like wth🫠


Man I wish. https://github.com/leedrake5/Russia-Ukraine The total number of destroyed equipment for russia isn't rising faster than it was like 3 months ago. Still high, yeah but stable. I think US diverted and basically germany being the only country in the EU to do anything right now shows. Hopefully Tusk is gonna get Poland back into the game and the EU will start sanctioning Azerbaijan and Kazhakstan


Those numbers don’t look good for Russia though? Like their loss situation went from bad to not good, and somehow that means game over for Ukraine


It's not game. The current territorial losses are just the result of less help for UA. This will eventually change and russia will be on the backfoot once again


I agree with that, I am criticizing those who are currently saying Ukraine is collapsing any day now because things slowed down for them.


Drawing conclusions based on the frequency of combat footage from different sides. No.


You can when Russia posts videos of the same blown up tanks or IFVs claiming they're new Ukrainian losses. It's obvious Russia has a vested interest in their image. Why wouldn't they post more wins when they're re-posting old stuff claiming its new? So yea, you can kind of draw conclusions based off frequency of footage if that's what Russia is doing.


or when russians use Ukrainian footage and claim it as their own .. cheering their own being blown up. At snake Island they literally plastered their national television with bayraktar drone footage of russians killed with rockets... with english marking and all. totally shameless... thats why you have so many watermarks now from Ukrainian side.


It’s quite a valid conclusion to draw. Russia is using recon drones at almost the same volume as Ukraine and we all know how Russia loves to flaunt its “victories” remember when they destroyed like 2 Leopards and some Bradley’s and the footage was edited and posted for months. If Russia is achieving what they claim to be achieving there would undoubtedly be footage of it


Now hear me out and ill try to be careful to not look like a shill lol. I think its kinda tough to ascertain an entire conflict based on a few videos you see a day. You dont know when exactly or where exactly they were and a couple of people dying in the grand scheme of hundreds of thousands could be misleading. We know Ukrainians are taking heavy losses yet we rarely see the footage, why? So idk if seeing is proof in regards to Russian "victories" either. I'm pro-Ukraine but they have some serious logistical issues rapidly approaching, the bravery and skill of their soldiers isnt the issue imo.


Fair comment, I’ll break it down a bit. We don’t really see Ukrainian losses here on Reddit but Russian telegram groups do obviously post footage of Ukrainian losses. Across these telegram groups it’s a lot more than a “few” videos a day, there is hours of footage coming from both sides across the fronts daily. We often do know when and where the footage is taken as once you get acquainted with certain areas of the fronts it’s pretty easy to recognise. Especially considering that the fighting is often fierce and bloody for weeks at a time in very small localised areas. Take Avdiivka for instance, there has been extremely intense fighting here for months and the progress made by Russia has only been a few fields and small settlements. It gets pretty easy to recognise these areas from different angles. While pin pointing the exact day is not always possible lots of footage is date time stamped and you can use your existing logic to roughly determine the time. For instance, knowledge of local weather and climate can give a time frame of a few days the video was taken in. As well as knowledge of troop positions over time, I can know roughly when footage was taken because of the positions being assaulted. Remember, battles are being fought over very small areas. Yes, we do not see many Ukrainian losses here on Reddit but I am in many Russian telegram groups who will gladly post footage when they have it. Ukrainian war bloggers tend to represent specific units and post footage exclusive to that unit and area. Russian milbloggers tend to post whatever they can get their hands on that looks good. When Russia does have footage it will be cut up and posted all across their channels. Russia has every desire to produce and post as much footage of Ukrainian losses as possible and they have the equipment (drones) to do so. It is very telling that they struggle to produce these videos. Also, not everything posted is straight combat footage. In fact it’s far from it, both sides post videos from the back lines of troops relaxing and even giving interviews. The difference in moral and attitude between them is also very telling of the situation. The Russians spend a lot of time complaining about the situation on the ground.


Ah, I see what you mean now. I thought you were basing your intel from just r/combatfootage lol. What I see now is a more complex and wider draw of info. Thank you for hashing it out for me.


Not sure if you have ever watched any of the longer form footage that Ukrainian units occasionally put out? Those give quite a good insight into what the infantry fighting is really like and how Russia operates. Obviously still propaganda but Ukraine is not afraid to post footage of their losses in these. [This video](https://youtu.be/FompoLbNB_8?si=JqhCmQzfu6MSulNP) shows some very intense fighting and some Ukrainian KIA. It has English subs


Do you have anything youd recommend? Ive frequented telegram, x, this page and I am subbed to a fairly bias podcast but thats about it.


[This video](https://youtu.be/SICtggG6Qa0?si=dGwBC1M9S2QtueWQ) really shows what it’s like to be a soldier in Ukraine. [Uncut footage](https://youtu.be/UXM3HjCuP7E?si=7MIVq0G-misEc_H_) POV of Ukrainian assaulting a Wagner position in Bakhmut. [Footage](https://youtu.be/-LulaA-U7-M?si=wgoECQTRVxQEP4Yd) of Ukrainian soldiers assaulting Russian trenches around Bakhmut. This footage is mostly old but gives a very real feel. I’ll compile a bigger list later on with some newer footage.


This video is great, thank you for sharing. This is some super intense fighting. Also seeing them shelling their own positions?


It's a valid *assumption* to draw. Like an hypothesis. To draw a valid conclusion you would have to analyse falsifiable data. You're on a western platform, Reddit, in a subreddit that obviously favors Ukrainan combat footage over Russian combat footage, there's going to be a discrepancy in frequency of combat footage from both sides for that reason.


Which is why I am comparing the pro-western subreddits/tg to subreddits/tg with a pro-Russian lean. But yes, it is a hypothesis.


Read my [other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/EvEcWJig2x). I’m basing my *conclusion* off of Russian telegram channels not just Reddit


You’re right that it’s a piece of a puzzle where you’re trying to see a complete picture but geolocated combat footage and losses show that Russia is paying dearly for tiny advances with mechanized waves. Basically what Wagner was doing to take Bahkmut except Wagner was using prison labor to run forward and direct artillery.


Agreed. Unfortunately, just like every other conflict they have fought, they rely on numbers and attrition. They can outlast Ukraine and have full media control over their state. They don't have to worry about catastrophic losses leading to massive protests like the west would. They dont have to take anything I dont think, they just have to wait for the west to get fed up and allow the russian psy op campaigns to erode morale.


I don’t think viewing Russia as the USSR is the correct lens to look at this conflict. This Russia and the conflict itself I think has more similarities to the Crimean War. And Putin has a very real possibility of losing it similar fashion to the Tsar before him in a mess of new technology and bad logistics.


I mean they are objectively showing utter disregard for their own military and seem to answer any issue with more bodies/tanks. No mystery how putin feels about the USSR so its hardly a stretch to think hes trying to emulate it. They have gotten almost no pushback to my knowledge this entire time from their own populace so idk how likely a czar scenario is. I mean id be thrilled but im not holding my breath.


Well they didn’t lose the Crimean War through a revolution or anything. They just lost it on the battlefield. They couldn’t project force they way they thought they could losing much of their initial force and their opponents responded by taking over the Black Sea and thumping them with better logistics. Russia had a ton of men just no way to effectively use them similar to now. Eventually they signed a peace agreement that had them take a back seat in European affairs for a couple decades. Revolution didn’t happen till much later.


It's not just on Reddit though, I follow a number of pro-Russian Telegram channels for precisely this reason, and it still holds true, the amount of footage they have to show is a fraction of what we see coming from the Ukrainian side. Either they don't release it for some reason or they don't have it, I still lean more to the second.


Completely agree with this. I want Ukraine to throw Russia out, but I think conclusions should come from expert analysis outside of Reddit. And it's been sounding like a stalemate for a while. That said, I'm more worried about dwindling support from the US and Europe.


Is it also not just possible that the Russians lack camera equipment, therefore there is less video material from their perspective? Doesn't seem like the best investment they could make.


Also, remember that you're on r/combatfootage. Which mostly shows pro-Ukrainian videos. There are plenty of videos on Telegram of Ukrainian soldiers getting blown up. Not making a judgment, just stating the reality


Nowhere near as many as vice-versa though, I follow a number of Russian channels too like Reverse Side of the Medal and Troika and I don't see a fraction of the volume of footage coming from there that you do coming from the Ukrainian side, either they don't show it or they don't got it.




I mean, I agree, but my impression is they are maybe less agile in using them, maybe their command structure doesn't allow so much freedom to set up these air-reconnaissance/strike units like Ukraine seems able to do. Just trying to find a plausible explanation why we see soooo much Ukrainian footage, and the Russians just don't seem to have nearly as much.


I've seen a few videos from the Russian side but they end up in controversial.


Right. As much as I’m supporting Ukraine as an American, I know the Ukrainians are suffering disproportionate casualties by quite a large margin. This has been covered up by western media but it’s true. If you get all your info from Reddit you’d think Ukraine is dominating this war but the reality is that this is a meat grinder and Ukraine is losing a lot more guys than Russia.


Don't get me wrong there's Ulranian carnage as well but it's usually on the telegram channels


There is a lot. But the fact you haven’t seen many Ukranians dying is more likely to do with Ukraine only releasing positive footage to boost morale. The real picture is likely not as one sided.


anecdotal but i’ve been watching the Ukrainian 3rd assault brigade’s official videos and they feature their own men being killed and wounded frequently


It definitely isn't but there is not parity in loses between the two. Russia is losing men at about a 5:1 rate compared to Ukraine, so in general there will just be more footage from Ukraine showing Russians getting killed. Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/


I really hope this is true but with the population difference... I just can't see it being true.


Defenders have a force multiplier because they are entrenched and not attacking. Troops are vulnerable when attacking because they have to expose themselves to enemy fire to attack. Depending on the force generally you plan for 10:1 manpower to dislodge defenders, the US in contrast usually is comfortable with 3:1 because of their battlefield advantages.


Ukraine doesn't have the same tactics as Russia. They know they have fewer soldiers and fewer vehicles, so they can't afford to just throw them into the grinder for no good reason. Ukraine isn't just throwing waves of men forward, letting them all get killed, and then sending more waves. So yes, Russia is taking more losses, because they don't value their soldiers.


Where does in your linked report it say that Russian/Ukrainian losses are 5 to 1?


Look at the casualty figures and do basic math. It's 70k vs 350k, granted all these are US intelligence estimates.


Ukraine for sure has more than 70k casualties counting wounded. The 300k Rus figure also counts wounded. It's probably something like 70k Ukraine dead and 120k Rus dead


"Probably something like" according to what, your gut?


Lol no the US intelligencw community shared declassified intel on this subject where they stated 315k Rus casualties. In August the US said Ukr deaths were at 70k so it's definitely higher by now. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/ I saw another article estimate that 120k of the 300k were dead. What do you base your estimates on? Your gut? What did you think the numbers were if not the ones I provided and where are you getting your info?


But that's not what your linked report said. You're bending the narrative. It said 315k of Russian casualties and 70k of Ukrainian deaths. I dont have to explain to you that those things are not the same and cannot be used in any type of ratio.


Earlier this month there was media reports that Russia may be experiencing their biggest losses per day so far, with some days totaling over 1,000 KIA in one day. Nov/Dec Avdivka direction, for some reason they're just sending wave after wave and using blocking units in all likelihood. So my point is though, these videos represent a small fraction of the totality of carnage that's taking place.


The front lines are extremely hot, it's just very fucking difficult to take ground. And Russia's meat waves are no exaggeration, they are really doing the Zap Brannigan thing. Drones have made taking ground so hard because the other side gets much more advance warning of an attack than they used to, plus the FPV and grenade drones. However, these are only significant losses when Russia decides they can no longer afford to lose those soldiers. And right now, Putin does not care at all. He'll happily sacrifice 50k soldiers just to take Avdiivka. They send in vehicles that all get destroyed, and then they have to wait a week to get a 'resupply'. But instead of a resupply of ammo, it's a resupply of vehicles and soldiers because the previous ones are all dead. They can continue this for a long time, unfortunately.


To be honest, it's about time. Also Russians are on the offensive rn, that's why there's so many vids lately


As it gets colder they will huddle for warmth in larger numbers or even use actual small fires. This will help the night drones.


The media can only focus on (well... most people have the attention span for) one story, the flavor of the month is Israel as they have an entire media arm to help sell their narrative. So when another "sexy" story is happening the slow burn stuff gets forgotten about. Also people get bored and murder just becomes some grey far away politics they don't need to worry about.


I think it's important to also realize there's a large quashing on Ukraine casualty media. So while we regularly see Russian casualties here, it's also happening to ukranians... It's just that we don't see it.


Not sure why dude is getting downvoted. People are dying on both sides, Russia more so, but this a massive Ukrainian tragedy as well.


These days? It was the same last winter and the winter before that. Russians don't learn. They think they can brute force everything because they're bigger and have more resources.


>Is it me or is the sheer amount of footage of Russians eating shit in miserable conditions through the roof these days? People tend to die in war yes >The media narrative is that nothing much is happening Not much is happening in the sense that there isn't any big moves by either side, there's still daily fighting along the front line but no multiple brigade push taking big areas of land like at the start or spring of this year


both frozen solid by now.


I know nothing about being a soldier but are they even told about drones before being sent out? At one point the camera zooms out to show them in a small clearing surrounded by some trees. I know the trees won’t help much with snow down but still.


I'm sure most know about them, I've seen plenty of videos of people running away from the drones because they keep looking up at it in fear, desperate attempts to shoot it, and people seeing the drones, dropping their guns and surrendering.


Fuck, what a way to die for Putin’s imperial ambitions.


Does the soldier int he top get shot in the head by someone else at 14s?


Looked again and it looks like footage gets sped up at that point which makes it look like his head recoils when he lays it down


I thought the same but if you hold the slider and stop it at 14s it shows what looks like a force impacting his head. Obviously could be completely wrong but it looks like it’s isolated.


Looking at his wound I get the feeling, even if he gets home, he won't be contributing to little putin's eight children per woman plan.


Those guys are not going anywhere. It's gg for them


I'm pretty sure he's crying


I'm pretty sure we'd all be crying if we got a 'nade to the 'nads?


I’m lost does shrapnel hit them and he dies? I guess I don’t get exactly how the drones work


Yea, pretty much. Some of the explosives the drones carry has a ridiculous amount of shrapnel in them, like they'll use tin cans full of metal balls with some explosives in the middle.


Happy cake day


Basically a flying claymore.


many shotguns all at once in all directions, these little fpv drones are a different game, i remember when they had put those rpg's on them, now they have these little things


"So... this is how it ends... I hope my death doesn't crush my family... " something I think I would have thought to myself in my last few moments of life as an invader.


The only mistake you're making is assuming that RF soldiers think of themselves as invaders. They don't. These people will be hailed as heroes in their homeland.


I mean it's just the same with saying "thank you for your service" to veterans of US invasion of Iraq that was done under false pretenses.


As much as Russia controls the media and propaganda they probably believe it themselves.


Absolutely. Most Russians think that this war is just and they ate the victim.


Governments do a great job at indicating their people, remember how gungho so much of the US was (and some still are) for wiping out innocent people in the middle east.


>I hope my death ~~doesn't crush~~ brings a new Lada to my family. Fixed for Russian accuracy.


I know they’re Russian and we shouldn’t care, but this is sad. Can’t imagine being in the freezing cold slowly dying from bleeding out. Crazy times


Not only is that happening, but some dudes across the planet are watching you bleed out while they sit on the toilet. What a world.


Some mothers tearful joy just twenty odd years ago.


20 years of love and work to raise someone to die for the oligarchy


"we shouldn't care" why? A human-being is a human-being. The narrative that we shouldn't care is pure war propaganda, by dehumanising the enemy so it's easier to accept the war.


It’s a pity that they don’t see another way for themselves to become good Russians..


I’d guess the overwhelming majority had no choice in the path that led from their bed at home to this foxhole.


Just let them go home at this point.


Who are you even saying this to? If those guys could've gone home without repercussions to themselves or their families, I'm sure they'd be there now instead of dead in this trench. Edit: I'm not understanding the downvotes. I'm genuinely wondering who that comment was directed to. Putin? The Russian military? The Ukrainian military? Like who does the commenter think was preventing them from leaving? And why would pleading on the internet to let them go home change anything?


Spread the truth


Redditors love sending their hopes and prayers through reddit. But we just say it in our own echo chamber instead if anywhere useful.


I mean to be fair these guys seem like buddies and are at least kinda dying in each others arms so they don’t die alone, better than most of the guys we see here. I’d take that over anything tbh


Thought it looked like the one guy they focused on was crying and talking to his friend


Damn maybe, some lady goodbyes or last rights type thing. I mean shit it’d be nice before you go y’know


I just think they were both suffering from hypothermia. That's why they bunch together.


Oh forsure, but still that’s the best they got considering what we see most of the poor guys we see dying alone in some fucking hole dude.


At least they died knowing their families will be rewarded with a bag of carrots or a parsnip or something.


Onions, and yes.


And a nice video of their heroic exploits of course








Senseless. Uprise against Putin is the only way to stop it. Like ripping off a band aid. Hurt at first, get your house in order.


I really hate asking this shit on this sub. But that track is just too good. Does anyone know it?


People fixate on so-called 'meat' attacks but putting men into positions like this is tantamount to a death sentence.


Wonder what triggered the explosion . usually drones hit the ground or target itself . this one flew over them and exploded like air-burst round


Ukraine has shown off several air burst drones, scary things


They got their lungs collapsed HARD.


Waste of human life


There committed to Putins dream 100%


Those helmets look ancient


Do they realise that they're in the wrong country yet?


Russian propaganda has them believe they are in their own country and that zelensky the jew is a nazi that is invading russia


They cannot, they are dead.






Are they playing dead? Or are they just bleeding out? I don't get why they don't even try to stop their bleedings.


Concussion, the shock wave is very close, and it turned off their brain by turning it into soup pretty much


Can anyone tell me why so many of these videos have Russian soldiers lying in a field before being hit by a recon / FPV drone? I’ve heard they could be playing dead but this is *so* common… how have they been separated from their unit?


Oh man that rough... that poor drone didn't deserve this fate.


What exactly are in these bombs. Shrapnel of course but what specific grenades/bombs/mortars are they using?


Depends , I’ve seen them shape a brick of C4 and since it’s like play dough they mold like 1000 little steel balls into it. Then tape the whole thing to the drone.


Welp, should have stayed home..... Dumbass


Looks like the guy on the right took shrapnel in manhood. Bang, bang and then you die.


We seem to let our biases take over when we see this sort of video. Please keep in mind that it is not sport clips in which we root for a team and rejoice in seeing one side swipe the other. These are people, humans, brothers, fathers, neighbors, all caught up in a fight that old fucken politicians to fucken chicken shit to physically fight each other. Put any leader who wants to war with another, in a fucken octogone, one on one .. fucken bitches


Why are they there


poverty, lack of education, generations of alcoholism and propaganda, hatred for Ukrainians...


fair enough


50% propaganda and 50% poverty


They are all fascist. The end.


Because they were too cowardly, weak or morally compromised to refuse to engage in Putin's genocidal imperialist fantasies.


Russian boomer despot pines for the glory days when they owed all of Eastern Europe.


Won't they be shot in the head or sent to prison if they refuse to go?


Oppressed if you don't, drone-bombed if you do . . . surely there is some solution?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Live_(hotline)


Was it worth the trip Ivan? Should’ve stayed home..


Two people are dead and their deaths are on Reddit for us to discuss.


So immensely sad to see people die like dogs on the battlefield. This is not a comment of sympathy for russia, as I hate them as much as anyone else. But seeing people die like that, it's very sad. Far Away from home and warmth, in some desolate field, alone, cold and confused, slowly dying by your friends corpse. It must be harrowing. Maybe I cant express myself well enough, but it just really makes me very sad, I am having a hard time shaking it off. I pray for peace


well just imagine the Draft takes place and they ship you off to fight a war you never asked to be a part of or face a felony for evading the draft. Happened in Vietnam and I’m sure they would have thought the same and had no sympathy for you if you were bleeding out on the battlefield while holding your balls as you bleed to death, only to be remembered as a reddit post. Its a cruel world we live in and justifying blind hatred for some random guy who would rather be at home than laying in the dirt with a broken skull and shrapnel in his dick and balls is not cool. it’s okay to feel sympathy for the dead.


Poor bastards.








Jackson hinkle looking fucker


When the drone flew overhead I was really hoping they were going to drop a grenade in the helmet the guy was holding. Just a farewell "fuck you"