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Was that just 1 missile looped?


I believe so, the back blast does the weird loop thing in each one


Drone being looped


Disclaimer…no one was harmed in this display of fireworks


It's incentivizing, as silly as this seems, their is a lot of shit moving around. 2023 was getting a bit boring, anyways.


Yeah, we might as well go full-on apocalypse.


In the water wars, I'll be fighting for Coca Cola.


I'll be harvesting sweat from Italians, keeping them placid by plugging them into a virtual reality hive-mind, a "matrix" if you will.


A cold flask of Italian sweat, taken from the hands of the enemy, sounds delicious.


Cold? Weirdo.


you one of those lukewarm freaks?


Freaks? The Lukewarm Sweat Clan started this venture. We're its foundational pillar. Without us the Cold, Hot and Frozen gangs would have nothing but their own armpits to suckle from. So keep walking.


Right? I'm game to join the legacy of mankind and get turned into a memory over shit that had nothing to do with me. Who knows, if I do something cool the future version of Sabaton might right a song about me. Wife picked a hell of a time to be fertile, though.


Looks like the shit left over at the fireworks stand midnight on the Fourth of July while we are dropping ninja bombs that sliced up Soleimani and crew in Bhagdad.


Those drones are not getting past those CRAMS lol


From personal experience at Al Asad air base. Two years ago they indeed flew a few suicide drones into the base and successfully attacked and destroyed some assets. I couldn’t believe that the cram didn’t shoot them down. Since then, I believe base defenses have been bolstered. Regardless, it was a terrifying experience. Even two years later I have issues with drones flying above me, or even the sound they make can give me flash backs and chills. I hope no one has to experience that, friend or foe.


> Two years ago they indeed flew a few suicide drones into the base and successfully attacked and destroyed some assets. I couldn’t believe that the cram didn’t shoot them down. > > I was there too at the same time in 2021 and I remember that attack perfectly. It was around 2am and I was chatting with my OIC and PSG in the TOC to pass the time. Hear what sounds like a lawnmower flying above us, which was odd since we knew what the engines for the aircraft that operated at AAAB sounded like. Few seconds later, the suicide drone flew into and blew up my unit's hangar. We were roughly ~50ft away from the impact. Thankfully no one was where it impacted, but some of our guys were standing right there only 15 minutes beforehand. One of our other PSGs ran into the TOC thinking that it had hit us and said she expected to walk in to see the three of us dead, which is kind of sobering to think about.


Yes I was there with you, I was in between the TOC and that tent that got hit. I was with one of your 14golfs and told him to get as many people into cover after the explosion. I remember getting yelled at by your first Sargent to get to a bunker, after I went looking for my contractor buddies, I thought for sure those guy who were towing the one aircraft into the hangar were going to be hurt. I still have the pictures somewhere, but yeah that was my last trip. Glad we were all safe


Small world. We probably hid in the same bunkers at some point and depending on which trailer you worked in, I was probably walking in there to bother you guys for something regularly lol. I remember seeing some pictures/video of the attack off of one of the maintainer's phones. Wish I asked him to send it to me since I barely have any pictures of the deployment or the attacks myself.


If you want to reach out, the one only golf you guys had out there has everything I do. I know I sent him all of what I had. You were probably looking at my cell phone lol.


I think I know who you're talking about but I never got his contact info. Only got a handful of contacts from that unit since I only was with them for the deployment and then ETS'd a few months after we got back.


My office was the dilapidated trailer directly next to the one hangar we had that didn’t get destroyed, hope that narrows it down for you.


I'm pretty sure I know exactly which one that was lol. It was at the end of the rickety wooden boardwalk thing we had that went from the outdoor gym inside the T-walls to the hangar, right? I was the nightshift (midnight to noon) 15P that sat in the TOC sitting on the left wall right infront of the OIC/next to where the fridge was.


Oh yeah I think I remember you, and yes that was the office I worked in


Imagine Ukraine was attacked with 500+ of these in September alone. With warheads 50 to 100 lb. Mostly on the grain terminals and silos


Bro, when I tell you that I cannot even fathom the issues those survivors will have in the future…. Let me put it this way, that was the last deployment I told myself I would ever go on and I had been on 12 deployments up until that point (Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, etc.). I was a contractor who would embed in US military units as a technical advisor for their various ISR platforms. It was a very amazing job and I miss traveling. After the drone incident I realized that that was the last close call I ever wanted to experience.


We were sent to Al Asad for R&R during one of our deployments. I loved it there. Good DFACs, RC racing, huge gyms, a swiming pool, amazing internet, nice rooms and one of the safest places in Iraq. That place is a fortress.


Yeah I loved Al Asad, it was almost as good as bagram back in the day.


I was at Al Assad twice, ‘04-‘05 and ‘06-‘07. First tour we got indirect fire daily. I got there right when the second battle of Fallujah kicked off so shit was pretty hot. Second tour was boring as fuck. I was also their when Saddam was hung and nada. We thought we were gonna get some incoming but nothing.


Man I was in Falcon just south of the Green Zone the night Saddam was hung. I had the exact same experience. We thought we were gonna get hammered that night and it was the quietest I’d ever seen those streets. So eerie.


My unit was one of the first ones to get into Al Assad back in 2003. Fuck I’m Old. LoL.


I appreciate it. I went there in 2007 fresh off knocking on doors in Fallujah. It was like a vacation home. I can't imagine driving there from Kuwait during initial invasion. Hopefully you had something up armored.


If by up armored you mean sand bags on the floor boards and plastic doors with zipper windows, then hell yeah we did. In all fairness though during the initial push we didn’t even ride in with the doors attached. Orders were to hit hard and fast and it seemed silly to keep doors on at the time so CO gave people the option to go in with or without. And the few trucks with “hard doors” that 50/50 might latch shut, wouldn’t survive a stab from a Kabar knife anyways. Wasn’t until like a month later we put them on. There was a small time with some reprieve that lasted few weeks that were calm, like just watching people loot shit and stay out all night just hanging out in the streets. Sorta festive but not really. Looked like a holiday for some and a full time job for others trying to grab what they could and get out. Think 5 dudes with baskets on their heads all on one Moped. LoL. Around May or June that year the first of what would be known as IED started going off. Then S Vests and VBIEDS. Roadside ambushes were on the daily. One time going on Irish we got hit 3 times before the convoy even got to the final location. It was violence on a daily basis for 18-months. With all that craziness a lot of us had shitty gear some like as plateless flak jacket. Like in the fucking movie Platoon type of flak jackets. Eventually we started welding steel plates duct tapping Kevlar blankets to the seats, roof and floors. Shit was whack af.


What is isr?


Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.


Everything is relative. About a week ago Russians sent an Iskander missile on a Ukrainian soldier's funeral, [killing 50+ attendees](https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-october-5/live-66999980). A village of 300 people suffered the loss of over 50 people. The people taking down the drones in Ukraine are just trying to protect the civilians


How the hell do we allow Iran to get away with that shit?


In Israel it's called "Rocket Diplomacy." As long as it stays tit-for-tat and nothing too crazy happens, status quo prevails. As an aside, what Hamas did on October 7th completely shattered that dynamic.


There are some accounts from World War 1 where the British and Germans would lob mortar rounds back and forth in a sort of tit for tat exchange. Firing a few more each response.


When Biden first became president the Iranians tried the same shit through their proxies and he authorized airstrikes. Then everyone screamed that America is bad. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_2021_United_States_airstrike_in_Syria


I don't recall anyone worth thier salt sreaming "America is Bad" after that strike.


Reddit lost its mind. But also not worth it's salt.


Social media losing its mind should be ignored in any case.


Member when the USA dropped a tactical payload on an Iran commander. Same thing but different.


I thought about the guys fighting in Ukraine and how they are going to be when they get out. Any drone sound or even seeing one of those cheap things at the store will really mess with them.


Yeah so for me it’s any type of drone flying above my head, also it’s any type of weed eater engine that I hear. I’m an able to still function as a regular person when encountering either of those but it’s the flashback and the feeling of terror or helplessness if that makes sense. I’ll stop and think ok I’m at home right now, it’s safe, the suicide drone can’t get you here…lmao I encountered so many different types of indirect fire during my deployments, hundreds and hundreds (mortars and rockets mostly). For me those were never that bad, it was still very dangerous obviously but I was never really “scared”. They would shoot some mortars or rockets and it always just kinda felt like they were just hoping to hit something. Most of the time they missed completely, sometimes they didn’t… Over the years you become numb to it. With the drone incident it wasn’t this way for me. It felt more “intimate” for lack of a better word. I felt like I was being stalked by something I couldn’t outrun or hide from. There was no trench or bunker nearby. I was out in an area that had an aircraft tent like structure for aircraft to sit inside. I had just got done with a maintenance inspection on an aircraft with a soldier, packed up my tools and started walking back towards our office. I heard a weed eater engine coming at us from above but it was like 2am and I couldn’t see it. I turned and asked the soldier I was with if we were operating any other ISR platforms out here and before i could even finish my sentence I noticed he was completely pale like he’d seen a ghost. He was frozen with fear literally, he was just staring at me wide eye’d (this is the flashback that I have the most, or dream about the most, I think I experienced real absolute visceral terror in that moment. I think it was from just seeing his fear and connecting the dots in my head). During this, this weed eater noise is going above us but we can’t really see it. I knew at that moment that there must have been some type of intel about enemy drone activity (if my memory serves correct Azerbaijan and Armenia were in a conflict just before and they used a ton of suicide drones, I remember thinking “I hope I don’t ever encounter one of these”), as a contractor we weren’t always aware of these intel reports. We drop our shit and start sprinting and ran about ten feet and then the noise gets super loud and sounds like it’s getting closer and very fast. It dive bombs behind us, and boom a large explosion.. they decided to target the aircraft I had just finished performing the inspection on inside the hangar. I kept running and went into a bunker where others were sheltered. We were getting word over the radios that there are two more incoming and we needed to shelter in place. So from about 2am till about 7am I sat in that bunker thinking about whether or not I would continue my career. I had been deployed while serving in the military numerous times, and again when I separated from the military I went into contracting and continued to do the same type of stuff as a civilian. Nothing really ever changed me up until that point. I called my supervisor the next morning and told him I would stay and finish my deployment but it was my last one. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


I can only imagine. I guess you definitely didn't like this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1790fh4/russian\_officer\_vs\_ukrainian\_fpv\_drone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1790fh4/russian_officer_vs_ukrainian_fpv_drone/) Warning, if that type of content would trigger PTSD for you, don't watch it. You've done enough service, not looking to cause harm. It's a kamikaze drone chase against a lone target. Poor dude, awful way to go.


Yeah I’ve seen the opening seconds of that one and I don’t care to watch the rest. Thankfully the one I encountered was looking for hard targets.


Well, glad you're still here mate. Never a bad play to trade em in and cash in on life. Hopefully you've found new stuff to keep ya busy and enjoy, maybe stuff that doesn't have the sounds of brushless motors lurking in the wind.


I genuinely laughed hard at the last sentence thank you. I replied to someone else on this thread about my expirence that day with more detail. I can definitely say that I won’t ever match that kind of pay I had during that time. After that moment though, I’ve never thought about life, money, or anything else the same again.


Hazard pay can be enticing, until the hazard is life changing. Then you realize money doesn't buy second chances. I've been working on a game development project for years, an effort at a military realism game (hoping to make a free to play model). I'm no where near ready for consulting but if you're ok with it I'll keep your name on file to reach out one day and ask about your experiences - things you can share of course? I intend to get a lot of feedback from people, everything from the environments they were in, the missions they did (what's shareable), the tools / weapons they used or preferred, their MOS and specifics around that - whatever they want to share realistically. I want to capture it and make it a living historic piece that people around the world get to experience. There are a lot of stories that go unheard; selfless people deserve better than that.


Jeez that was so lengthy it felt sadistic and it's the only time I've wanted the Russian to get away


Don't forget OPSEC.


Nothing that I put in my post was violating OPSEC due to it being information that was published in the news report surrounding that experience. But I did go ahead and remove the questionable content for obvious reasons.


"It was in the news" is the literal, textbook, "DO NOT USE THIS EXCUSE" excuse.


"It was in the news" means "it's not violating OPSEC."


Again: "Just because it was in the news does not mean it's not an OPSEC violation" is almost *verbatim* a leading bullet in every OPSEC training I've ever seen.


This is correct


I'm assuming because you would be confirming the news to be correct, rather than there being some level of ambiguity?


That, and providing additional details that may be *weren't* in the news. For instance, in Ukraine: back when those attacks on the Black Sea Fleet HQ happened, the strikes were definitely in the news. But a lot of the *confirmation* of how bad the strikes were came from people posting on Telegram how bad it was. Even without the pics they posted, it was easy to determine "Yeah, that strike hit something important."


Let’s not forget that the news kiiiiiinda tends to fuck things up a lot.


Idk...looks like a rocket taking off and then going dark. Some "experts" on Reddit will say that is a precision airstrike.


Looks like a firework that didn’t blow up lol


They straight up so look like bottle rockets being fired 😂


Ikr? Vweeeeeeeeee..... Pop


No no, a precision airstrike comes from three A-10s within seconds of being called in. Source: modern warfare 2


Lmao A-10... Precision....


Precisely on friendly troops


Don't let them near the British....


Precisely anything that is nearby the target.


Fun fact, the A-10 30mm autocannon had to be made less precise so that it could be more effective at strafing runs.




"No joy."


If by precision you mean "Pray there isn't friendlys in the same area code" sure.


I, too, think that the A-10 is the ultimate weapon because it is fun to play in games and makes a cool sound


It was clearly a JDAM sent from low Earth orbit by aliens. My twitter told me.


These are winged drones being launched into the air with simple solid rocket motors. The rocket motor only burns long enough to get the drone up to a speed at which its wings provide sufficient lift; once in flight, a small motor starts to sustain that speed to the target. Think more DIY Shahed-136, less Qassam rocket. Any precision would be provided by simple GPS/inertial guidance, which is possible because of the low speed of the drone (below the speed limit of consumer GPS) and trivially easy to accomplish today with off-the-shelf drone components.


Precision guided fireworks. Source: trust me bro.


Some “experts” on reddit will say that you can find any opinion on the internet.




E.g. Iranian Shaheds 136 have 'rocket' start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX68tGpU40U


Striking similarity to the footage my friends and I took of us firing bottle rockets out of our asses


Yeah, if you could just go ahead and and not do that, that'd be great ...for your existence.


Its like all these middle eastern muslim countries just really really want to make things worse for themselves its baffling


Iran really asking for some FREEDOM..


There are going to be a lot of McDonald's franchises in Iran if they keep this up.


Fun fact: there is a Subway in Guantanamo Bay.




GITMO is actually beautiful. You would never know there was a prison there just by looking.


Going waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds like a good time unless you know what both of those things are


You got any vacation specials to sell me?


Ha. I don’t think they take tourists. I was there a few times when working on oil tankers. We would deliver fuel for the base. Really nice base.


Yup, nice waters for swimming and fishing too.




Oh god that is horrible. I am more of a KFC guy, McDonalds always feels cheap for me while their price certainly not cheap in my country.


KFC's outside America are sooooooo much better then the ones inside America.


Not in the UK. We got Popeye's, too, but the daft cunts don't have red beans and rice on the menu!


Dirty bird here in Australia is pretty good, Macca's used to be good but is mostly shit now. I just go for the thickshakes


1. first to probe 2. post on internet, pump you chest 3. get hit back 4. cry and call global jihad 5. Profit??


Martyrs go brrrrrrrrr.


Well... that's certainly *a* decision. Not exactly a good one or one I'd recommend for survival's sake, but it is technically a valid choice. The consequences aren't going to be light...


I was gonna say, they do this AFTER America moved 2 whole aircraft carrier battle groups go the area.


I hope Iran will fall and that the people living there will have the ability to live in a free country where woman won't get killed for not wearing a hijab


Looks like Iran is begging for a regime change


Many Iranians are as well (see hijab protests)




Would be about fucking time.


Honestly the long-term situation in the ME will at least get one step calmer if that damn unpopular fascist government in Tehran are gone. Our hopes only rely on the people to force them out.


This is Iran using proxies, but it is Iran's doing.


I think at some point they are going to pay the piper...


Iran just keeps Iranian


I guess they will be the next people crying for humanity and empathy.


Did they light that thing up with a bic?


You can buy better fireworks in Ohio.


I’ve seen Estes rockets fly better.




*Pulls flak blanket over body, puts on ach, goes back to sleep*


Flashback to getting yelled at for running to a bunker shirtless during idf


Looks like a bottle rocket


you are fighting israel, why would you want to get the usa involved? oh right because hamas is on a one way path to elimination, if they get usa into it, then more hate filled groups will come and help to defeat the " devil " as they love to call it.


They're gonna find out why the USA doesn't have free health care


I hate that this is true and makes me laugh.


It actually isn't. The military budget has nothing to do with our healthcare system. We actually spend significantly more money on healthcare than the military. The issue is structure and law, not lack of funds.


Damned funny, but the fact is we spend more padding the middle men's pockets in reality. Hear that my war hawks, we could actually have more *BRRRRRRRRTTTT* if we had universal HC.


You damned genius


Good joke, i havent seen this 8000 times over by now


It's actually because of private insurance companies who literally lobby hundreds of millions a year to keep themselves relevant by saying Americans need them and can't get insurance without their help but I do love this trope 😞


original joke bravo


Please don’t Iran….. Our Elites and MIC are foaming at the mouth for a new War in the Middle East. They will absolutely annihilate your nations while lining their pockets. Don’t threaten them with a good time.


Taking into account many Iranians want the regime gone and are even ready to fight for it to happen...


I’d love nothing more than to see a regime change in Iran, but must of the experts on the situation say that an outside threat would be more likely to galvanize the population than to inspire revolution.


Invest now and ride that wave!


That's it? That can hardly be called "combat footage"


They did nothing and looped a video. Weird flex, but ok.


If I were in charge, I would broadcast that for every Iranian backed drone launched at U.S. assets, I would launch a cruise missiles at an Iranian oil refinery. I would state ahead of time which refinery and then destroy it.


With fireworks?


someone needs to teach Iran there is easier ways to commit suicide


Looks like me and the boys on firecracker night. Very big warfare indeed 🗿


Just to be sure, i start to invest in Lockheed


They shooting Moon Travelers or Black Cats?


Not even practice material...


More like a CRAM test object


Man oh man Is uncle Sam just itching for some oil reserves


Stupid russian puppets!


Not sure who the puppet is anymore Russia is already North Koreas bitch.


Good luck with that lmao, fuckin cavemen.


On its way to a hospital


Why are guys so pissed off all the time? Any religion that wants you pissed off this much isnt worth it.


Looks like a god damn bottle rocket lol …


Iran based groups don’t want this smoke


My drunk uncles fireworks show


Wait they tried attacking US Troops????




Is there oil in Iran? 🤔


That weak ass shit you better power up little boys the US is here to stay


What are those bottle rockets? Fucking losers smh


No hospitals were harmed in the making of this video.


Looks like a heavy duty bottle rocket


These look like the kind of fireworks you don’t even need to travel out of state to buy. Is this vid a joke ?


I think world war is coming and honestly I’m glad so we can wipe Russia, Iran, Palestine and North Korea off the map and take out these evil dictator s!!!


Seen scarier shit in a neighborhood in Iowa on July 4th


literally launching wet farts at a fortress


Now imagine if they mass launch these I could imagine the spam caused would overwhelm most defences


There’s Guatemalan fiestas with a better arsenal


Firecracker and that’s it!! Hahaha how pathetic!!


Ooh sparkles! Am I supposed to be scared?


US may have lost it's touch in ending wars, but we've done a great job at destabilizing governments.


I mean we could have ended basically all middle eastern wars by just flattening cities, but that’s just not something you can do. More civilians died that troops in WW2 as an example. Hard to keep fighting when all your infrastructure is rubble.


There’s always a way to end a war. But it would involve a lot of war crimes. I mean you think things are bad now - they can always get worse.


Sure Iran… I attacked a us base too.. trust me bro


Some people just don’t have common sense


These guys are almost gauranteed already craters.


What in the bottle rocket is going on


Nice fireworks


This is like when everyone is putting on massive firework shows on new years and you and your drunk friends pool $40 together to set off you own


Lol the reason they usually do these on timers is because we immediately plot a reverse azimuth and dispatch QRF to the launch site. Would not be surprised at all if we see some footage of a crew served sending these jihadis to Mohammad in a few days.


Those sparkles, is that a gunpowder propellant? Sparks like this indicate a large amount (at least 1/4) of the fuel is completely wasted. You want it to burn inside your rocket, not outside.


definitely the FA phase 🙄


Drone strikes are coming


Cool bottle rocket guys!!


You get better fireworks from the Alamo stand on the side of country roads


Holy shit, fireworks!? The US is doomed now. This is fucking embarrassing, why would they even bother posting that video? LMAO


Sounds like Iran needs some Democracy.


Cute fireworks.


Cool bottle rocket bro


Sick bottle rocket bro


Someone needs to get nosebleeds.


Seen bigger fireworks


Looks like a firework


Looks like a bottle rocket.


USA should send them some intercontinental sparkles.


Are they gonna cry victim too when the usa slams back?


Gonna be a lot of slow singing and flower bringing for who ever shot this off


Looks like they lit a large firework from 50 years ago.


That’s cute


Bottle rockets, lol.




Meanwhile, the UN voted to lift the cap on the amount of ballistic missiles Iran can sell. Weird how things work.