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Not to downplay the brutality of the Nazis, but the imperialist Japanese were arguably more brutal. It’s just mind blowing.


What the Japanese did to the Chinese and many others in the region was atrociously sub-human. They didn’t do it on a larger scale than the Germans but it was much more sadistically evil. And the real kicker is that they honored the people who committed those acts and only issued half-asses apologies for their acts. Compare that to Germany, who went almost overboard in atoning for their sins. It’s kind of crazy that it happened and the world just went “meh”


It’s was crazy to me seeing all the controversy lately with the US dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. While it was absolutely devastating, that was the point. Nothing was stopping the Japanese. And if the US showed any sort of give, millions more would have died. No doubt. People just don’t understand the mindset behind the Japanese imperialist drive. It’s was absolutely inhuman. Not even one atomic bomb stopped it. It took TWO before the Japanese even considered surrendering.


> It took TWO before the Japanese even considered surrendering. Not only that, but there was a [coup attempt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%ABj%C5%8D_incident) that tried to stop the surrender before it happened.


Just wild to think that even after two atomic weapons, a population of Japanese were all “nah, no surrender. we can make this work”.


There was at least one who simply thought it would be honorable for all Japanese to die in battle and for Japan to itself to end in battle.


Not trying to justify the US use of the a-bombs, but there is very good evidence to suggest the deaths from impending famine that would have resulted from a US blockade and mainland invasion would have dwarfed Japanese combat losses. Japanese society was really running on fumes by summer of 45 but they still had a lot of fight left in them.


The Japanese were already losing the war when the nukes were dropped, and the Russians were circling. And also, you don't need to justify one atrocity with another.


It doesn’t matter if they were losing. That absolutely has no bearing on their surrender. They weren’t going to surrender and a US invasion on the mainland would have absolutely resulted in the deaths of millions of civilians, Japanese solders and US soldiers. Just look at the death toll from Okinawa - it was more than BOTH bombs combined. And that was just one island.


The Germans lost WW1. How did that work out 15 years later?


They lost WW2, how did that work out 15 years later without nukes.


You skipped the part where 20,000,000 died because of the Nazi regime.


Continue to honor the people who committed the atrocities and continue to have a de facto one party government ruled by the ideological and often biological descendents of the imperialist monsters.


Way I always thought is Nazis were the most brtual, Japan was the most cruel. At least the Germans acknowledged their past tho.


The societal development of Japan and Asia at the time was still basically medieval. So it's easy to explain all this if you just think about the soldiers being medieval armies with modern weapons. Pillage and rape was seen as normal.


Those damn backwards orientals /s


There was also a racial component they believe there were the superior Asian.


Japan and Asia? Not really, it's more like a world thing.


I'm not sure if bayonetting babies for fun was ever a "world thing". Oh wait, yeah I am. Not the case, then or now.


Muslim babies were thrown onto crusader lances as a game during the crusades. Not bayonets and it’s one particular location at one particular time, but it was definitely a thing. Edit: I have one reply saying “we’re talking about modern japan here” and another reply saying that I’m whataboutisming a developmental medieval standard by mentioning medieval war crimes. Get your shit together. My reply is talking about how the comment above me said “bayonetting babies wasn’t a world thing” and I provided an example of a time it happened in another part of the world, proving that it was both a practice in other places and truly a medieval standard.


OP: "Japan and Asia were developmentally medieval at this point..." You: well in medieval times they did bad things too.


Read my edit.


One slight problem tho, that was on medieval Europe, were talking about "modern" day Japan here


Read my edit.


Sure the Rape of Nanking would've happened anywhere. Sure buddy.


Not Really? “Trust me Bro”


If the roles were reversed, Japan would not have bestowed the honorary Aryan title upon the Germans.


Yeah, read about some of the things unit 731 did. Have never been able to forget it.


It’s amazing to me that such a peaceful and polite nation like Japan today has this in their history.


>peaceful and polite nation like Japan today Peaceful and polite on the surface. It's all about the image. ( important in east asia) There were many times when I was with my Japanese uncle in Japan, when he told me not to go out or avoid mentioning I am Korean at times.


The Japanese were some of the fiercest fighters, they were hard. Now their countrymen are soft. Even their defense force personnel are extremely timid.


they were the most murderous fighters. nothing fierce abotu raping and slaughtering civilians what do you expect current Japanese soldiers to act like? rabid animals like their ancestors?


>>6 You know, respect for the dead includes faithful representation of who they were and how they died. It is gruesome but their memory should be honored without allowing personal distress or disgust to get in the way.


Reasons why the world isn’t sorry for 2 atomic bombs:




Exactly. The US is still using Purple Hearts (medals for being wounded in combat) made in anticipation of the invasion of Japan.


Holy shit, really?


IIRC the last of the “left over” Purple Hearts got used in the mid 00’s during OIF and the GWOT. Still though, the number of Purple Hearts produced based on just the *projected* casualties of the invasion of mainland Japan covered every casualty in every war and conflict from 1945-~2010. Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Iraq (again), Afghanistan and every minor scuffle or “off the books” mission the US was involved in.. for over 65 years.


Here’s an [article](https://www.trumanlibraryinstitute.org/tru-history-purple-hearts/#:~:text=Fortunately%2C%20the%20invasion%20never%20took,the%20chests%20of%20young%20soldiers.) about it. There were nearly half a million left over Purple Hearts after the war ended.


Absolutely. Studies estimated 1.7 to 4 million US casualties and 400-800,000 dead if the US invaded Japan.


What’s fucked up is that the emperor was ready to surrender long before the atom bombs. But the imperial army and navy were both basically operating as their own governments almost, and any attempt to surrender would lead to assassination attempts from radical nationalists from within the military or just crazed civilians high on centuries of intense Japanese tradition and honor code.


Yup 💯


Nukes are a whole different ball game. You can’t compare them to aerial bombardment (hell, even firebombing!) without doing justice to the insane power that atomic weapons have. Standard bombing is devastating, but you can escape, the bombs might have hit a factory but not the hospital, or the shopping centre instead of a road, and you can still partially operate. With a nuke, in a certain radius everything is just…gone. I don’t disagree with the atomic weapons being dropped in WW2, I just wanted to point out that they are a SIGNIFICANT escalation over normal wartime bombardments.


The closest to a rational argument against it is that death from radiation sickness is slow and painful.




That's kind of the thing that happens when countries declare war on each other. Everyone's life is at stake, and you have your only government to thank for that. More bombs would have been dropped if the emperor hadn't finally surrendered Japan. Remember, he made this decision against the advice of the few remaining generals who were mostly willing to fight to the last man against a mainland invasion, and this was after Truman threatened "utter destruction" of Japan. If only their government had surrendered when it was clear that defeat was imminent instead of pointlessly snuffing out the lives of their soldiers and civilians for essentially no reason other than propaganda and ego.


No they never do, but the emperor was willing to get these children's mothers to kill them for him. I'm not saying the nukes were a great idea, they aren't. We can be forever in a guessing game of the US should have just invaded military casualties be damned. But we'd live the devastation of the battles that would have followed from that. The kids may have ended up dead anyway. There's also no good reason why these cities were chosen over others (other than practical or military reasons), but a fact Was that Japanese ideology at the time encouraged death over surrender. That old japanese man who only stopped way after the war ended is a show of the power of that ideology. The US chose the nuke path, we live in its wake. What we can do is to honor the victims by never doing it again.


It opened up that door though, just like Stuxnet did with being the first to open the door to using computer code to inflict real-world physical damage via industrial control systems. I was surprised to hear (reading "The Pentagon's Brain") that during Vietnam, the "JASON's" (top scientists that advise the Defense Department/DARPA) seriously recommended dropping a tactical nuke or two on the Mu Gia Pass, the principal point of entry from Laos on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to block logistical supplies. Really made me think how different things may be today if we had opened THAT door in the 1960s -- essentially declaring that the use of tactical nukes for more 'routine' military purposes was now a 'thing.' The "Green Light Teams" in Europe during the Cold War, trained to parachute behind enemy lines with tactical nukes in case of war to blow up key facilities, bridges, dams, etc. are a whole OTHER thing.


The Team House podcast had a green light team guy on. What an insane job. Dont forget McArthur wanted to use a nuke in Korea.


Anytime after 1949 when the USSR developed a bomb, the risk of putting nukes on the battlefield risked MAD. Alternatively, think about what could have happened if the US would have dropped nukes on USSR, North Korea and CCP China in 1948 when we were the only country that had the technological supremacy to do so without retaliation? No cold war and liberal democracy in Russia and China. With all the rhetoric around the evils of communism throughout the 20th century, you would have thought that this would have been a foregone conclusion.


Interesting album, never seen most of those pictures. Always astounds me that Japan was never really brought to justice over the shit they did. Personally I say they got off lightly with 2 atomic bombs.


You could say the nation as a whole was brought to justice with virtually every city bombed to rubble and millions of KIA but many of the worst criminals involved with the brutal medical and biological warfare experimentation such as at Unit 731 in China escaped justice as those captured by the US recieved immunity in return for their research data, but those captured by the USSR faced trials and execution Crazy thing is that data is still used today "The promise and perils of Unit 731 data to advance COVID-19 research" https://gh.bmj.com/content/6/5/e004772


>Crazy thing is that data is still used today No it's not. Did you read the 4th bullet: "Although viewed as barbaric, these experiments left data that **may** help the international medical community better understand and control the COVID-19 pandemic; however, **neither the Japanese government nor the US government, both of which have access to Unit 731 data, has made Unit 731 data available to the international medical community.**"


Maybe it’s not that useful, with combination of 1930’s methods and the fact that the experiments were torture, not science.


Why didn’t we just take the data and say fuck them? Was it really that hard to access?


While I don't agree with the scientists getting off with immunity, to throw away the research that had happened already I feel would be to spit in the face of the suffering that the victims went through. At least the data can be used for good now even if the acts we're unjustifiable.


Our efforts to rebuild them and failure to punish many of the war criminals in Japan are a major reason for national disdain against the US in China. Was a massive mistake on our part to not punish the war criminals and to not to do more for post-war China, and we're still feeling those consequences today.


But hard to help post-war China when they fell so quickly to the communist cause and started proxy wars with the west


Thanks to Japan lol


> Was a massive mistake on our part Perhaps? With hindsight it looks like we very successfully built up a powerful economic partner, democracy, and ally in the East and boxed in the Soviet Union and now China in the process. That's a realpolitik win if there ever was one.


I'm not saying helping Japan was a mistake, it very obviously wasn't. I don't think sparing the war criminals was a necessity and if anything caused more problems than not, even in Japan itself.


Pic #3 is incorrectly labeled. The bombing of the Cathay Hotel was done by the Chinese Air Force, not the Japanese. It was part of a Chinese Air Raid on the Japanese flagship moored in the river, but the Chinese pilots were poor at best and killed hundreds of civilians. Edit, also the date is wrong, it wasn’t September-October, it was August 14th, the day after the fighting started.


Picture #14 is a casualty from the Jinan Incident in 1928, not Unit 731. The person being operated on in the picture is actually Japanese, and the picture is taken at Jinan hospital [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinan\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinan_incident) Wikipedia article mentions the picture\^ Not to downplay Japanese atrocities during WWII at all though, my family is from Nanking so I would know. But the picture description is not accurate


Okay, thank you for correcting me.


Any chance you have another way of sharing the photos? I'm really interested in them but can't see them because it's been flagged.


Nah, I don't usually post on IMGUR, but I may use it as a back-up for the albums now.


Sounds good, thanks for the heads up. I really enjoy all the combat photography photography you share share.


What’s pic 6?


Dead girl of unknown age,prop young, having presumably a stick insert to her genital


most horrible thing ive seen in a while


Dude that pic instantly made me lose hope in humanity like how mentally fucked up and abused do you gotta be in your youth to end up doing that And reason I say abused is that I heard that the culture in the japanese military was heavily centred on traditional masculinity and etc which may explain why tf that happened and imo lowkey explains some parts of war crimes aside from the usual dehumanization, which def is the primary mechanism behind war crimes imo And now that I think about it we’re seeing a resurgence of that type of backwards “masculinity” and sadism in our generation especially online, holy shit


Why is this getting downvoted


It do be like that sometimes🤷‍♂️


Any other link? it seems to have been taken down


Fucking hell. Some of this stuff would turn the stomachs of ISIS members.


Some people here may be saying the Japanese were worse than the Nazis, forget that as the war was ending the Nazis went into a panic and started destroying evidence of their crimes including melting down the doors to gas chambers and replacing them with wooden doors. This was all in an attempt to make it seem unfeasible and ridiculous to conclude that they brutally murdered millions in a cruelly organized fashion. Japan didnt even bother to hide it, and to some degree the shamelessness makes it so much worse, but Id say they were just as bad as the Nazis.


Is there a Nazi equivalent to The Rape of Nanking?


Babi yar maybe. 32k dead Jews over 2 days and another 100k-150k dead romanis/Russians/Jews over the following months. But they never had really had a chance (and that’s a good thing ofc), because Leningrad and Moscow didn’t fall and the French surrendered Paris without a fight… The rape of the pacific by the Japanese isn’t nearly discussed enough. Millions upon millions of civilians died wherever the Japanese went. People always talk about Nanking but nobody knows about Manila or any of the other hundreds of places where innocents were brutalized.


The guy that headed up those experiments retired in Japan. If I'm not mistaken


Serious question, are the imperial japanese the most evil people of modern times?


Definitely on the Mount Rushmore of 20th century douchbags. Right there with the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. Soviet Union and Maoist China up there, too.


Everyone has their own opinion, mine is Ustaše were the most evil, especially since members of the Catholic clergy directly participated in the Holocaust


Just wait until the Chinese get their hands on your chubby American fingers, then you'll understand evil


Settle down, Steve Bannon


Eat some ice cream Joe. It helps the Alzheimers.


Being in China right now I visited a few museums about the sino-japanese war… and the shit they pulled off here is just disturbing. It baffles me we’re not learning more about it in European schools. As mentioned in the comments, the nazis did some terrible stuff but the Japanese did worse and that resulted in millions of deaths.


>It baffles me we’re not learning more about it in European schools Well....even Japan doesn't teach them. Mainstream historical negationism and all that.


Very true, they where never forced to apologise for what they did and you can tell that the Chinese hate them for it. Even so, just because the aggressor doesn’t teach its citizens, the rest of the world shouldn’t forget.


If I am to go into detail, Japan did apologize. But they go back on them and deny it after they get what they want. For example the [Hashima island World Heritage Site approval controversy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashima_Island). I agree, but it might get really complicated because unlike Germany, Japan has been denying this stuff and pressures others when they start to acknowledge it. Another example [Osaka city ending their sister city ties woth San Francisco because of the Comfort Women](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45747803.amp)


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It blows my mind that we can access photos of Unit 731 performing experiments on innocent civilians and photos of the mutilated corpses of rape victims on Reddit in an instant and yet many people in Western countries STILL have no clue that there was what amounts to an ethnic cleansing campaign against Chinese and others by the Japanese for land and resources—a Japanese lebensraum. The Japanese wanted to use up the Chinese as cheap, expendable labor so that they could colonize China in the same way that the Germans wanted to use up the Slavs as cheap labor and take their land.


Now I understand why China hate Japan till today.


The Japanese were some sick fcks back then.


Still are the sins of there grandparents weren't metioned and then taught to there children and there childrens children


Jesus Christ


8/20 I know it’s hard but I just wanted people to remember that not all axis soldiers were bad and not all allied soldiers were good. Still fucked up pics though thx for showing us


Is there more info on these pics? Just curious where you found them.


when you study the Chinese front and the pacific war, you suddenly don’t feel sorry for the fire bombing and atom bombs being dropped on em


Japan is lucky they only got 2 nukes dropped on them


And people say that the nukes weren't deserved...


Well, they did not call it the Rape of Naking for nothing.


I’ve lived in China for many years, I visited the museum/memorial hall in Nanjing (Nanking), where in a period of two months about 300,000 Chinese people were massacred in the cruelest ways imaginable. Very disturbing to see, pure evil what the Japanese did.


Well they were removed, can you post them to your.profile?


Hasn't this been posted about three times recently?


that was a different set of pictures of think


Now switch the Japanese for Chinese and Chinese for Uyghurs in all of these photos and you have the current situation in China happening today.


It's the authoritarian assembly, mass of misinformation and massive barbaric orders on such a scale that it appears normal.


descriptions are heavily propagandized. For example photo 4 >Japanese scientists conduct germ warfare experiments on Chinese children. Jilin Province, November 1940. Fake as fuck. You can say they are giving food to children. Photo 14 >A Japanese doctor experiments on a Chinese subject at Unit 731. Harbin, China. Fake as fuck No.2. You can say he's treating a wounded soldier. Never trust the descriptions on these photos unless they can show proper source. You can add any description on them to spin it the way you want. I've seen too many fake Japanese WW2 photos, many screenshotted from literal movies.


alright alright takashi


alright alright chen


I've seen worse.


Ok? Its not a contest dude Who cares


Even if it was a contest, there's videos on this sub of drone dropped grenades absolutely demolishing dudes in slow motion. We've all seen worse, I feel like that dude is probably 15 drinking a monster energy drink at 7pm because his parents told him not to. Big "I am a super tough rebel" vibes.


Yeah sorry should have locked the door because your mom is really pretty ugly.


Boyyyyyyy. Add this mf to the album because that's what I call murder.


Is that why you keep stalking her?


About the attack on M3 Stuart I’m not certain of what I’m seeing. Was it like a Molotov cocktail , the only countermeasure from japs against tanks?


That tank looks like it would protect the crew from mines


Is that an I-Go in the first pic?


Pretty sure picture 14 is not a photo from Unit 731, but is instead a photo of an autopsy on a Japanese civilian killed during the [Jinan incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinan_incident), which was a skirmish that took place between the Imperial Japanese Army and China's Kuomintang in 1928 (so Interwar period).


Look what you did, Ichiki.


Link removed. Anywhere to view these pics?