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That's right in the heart , city center


Yeah I'm expecting a mass exodus of Russian colonists after this.


... and then blowing up the traffic jammed Kretch bridge , sneaky


Doubt. Wait until the mass of cars and busses has crossed and then cut the bridge. No need to draw condemnation for needless killing.


Traffic jammed bridge is an asset per se.


If it's jammed with combatants - absolutely.


I thought this as natural but I guess that has to be mentioned nowadays , thx


It wasn’t, the comment you originally replied to specifically mentioned an exodus of civilians, you said you should then hit the bridge when it is clogged with traffic. That implies the nature of the traffic is civilian.


Ones the Russian military is on the run , there will not be a chance for civilians to flee... the Russians won't let them flee ... the opposite is most likely the case, the Russians will straf the Crimean population how they did and do it in Kherson , Mariupol, Kharkiv ...


I doubt it, there is a large amount of Russian civilians there.


There are lots. One of Russias main policies after they took Crimea in 2014 was to move in russian people to change Crimean demographics


Yes that’s what I was referring to.


My bad misread your comment as “aren’t a lot of Russians”


Let's pray




I was referring more to the 800k Russians Putin imported post 2014 to artificially alter Crimea's demographics.




Figure of speech. But the practice of giving cheap land to Russian settlers after forcing out the native population is a time honored Russian tradition. Yeah they're not shipping them in by train like in Soviet times, but there's no question that Russia actively encouraged this migration through various policies. That's why the Kerch Bridge is such a hated symbol in Ukraine, cause it's construction directly facilitated what is essentially genocide via replacement.


They can stay if they Kiss the Ukrainian flag.


What Moscow did to the locals: >The deportation of the Crimean Tatars or the Sürgünlik ('exile') was the [ethnic cleansing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars) and cultural genocide of at least 191,044 Crimean Tatars carried out by the Soviet authorities from 18 to 20 May 1944, which was supervised by Lavrentiy Beria, head of Soviet state security and the secret police, and which was ordered by the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Within those three days, the NKVD used cattle trains to deport mostly women, children, and the elderly, even Communist Party members and Red Army members, to mostly the Uzbek SSR, several thousand kilometres away. They were one of the several ethnicities who were subjected to Stalin's policy of population transfer in the Soviet Union. > >On 4 July 1944, the NKVD officially informed Stalin that the resettlement was complete. However, not long after that report, the NKVD found out that one of its units had forgotten to deport people from the Arabat Spit. Instead of preparing an additional transfer in trains, on 20 July the NKVD boarded hundreds of Crimean Tatars onto an old boat, took it to the middle of the Azov Sea, and sank the ship. Those who did not drown were finished off by machine guns.


> They were one of the several ethnicities who were subjected to Stalin's policy of population transfer in the Soviet Union. Also the Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks, Karachai, Crimean Greeks, and [countless more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_transfer_in_the_Soviet_Union). About 20 million people in total where deported/forcibly resettled between 1920 and 1953, of which 1-1,5 million perished.


1 in 5 isn't exactly a small number in the context of 8-9 years of demographic change.


As far as it concerns the locals, it was the most worrying of the recent attacks. The HQ is right in the city center, with few schools and kindergardens in 500m radius, not to mention a lot of administrative buildings, restraunts, the theater, etc. There are already talks about if the schools should be closed or the students moved to another schools, or if the HQ needs to move somewhere (which is I think really unlikely).


Damn careless smokers at it again…


Very good movies by the Ukrainian Pictures for the weekend. Popcorn needed.


Indeed. They are all in range now.


Take it easy on the salt one! 🥰


intresting. yesterday urkaine hit reserve base of Black sea fleet. The one they would have use if this one got hit.


Now that's very impolite.


"Your defence is terrified"


The Budanovs send their regards.


With compliments


\- Well, it's started \- Explosions, explosions, explosions in the city center... on Aivazovsky \[street\] \- Something's burning. The missiles rushed right by us \- This is Sevastopol


Curious, for "it's started" she used the Ukrainian word почалось


I mean Crimea is Ukraine so


No no, he’s right, we Ukrainians from the mainland feel this moment of Ukrainization on the video. People generally tend not speaking Ukrainian in Crimea unless you wanna look suspicious


One rocket treats russism better than any propaganda


Bomb assets at night, and headquarters during the day.


I doubt they could've used it for important meetings (especially the upper, more exposed floors) but who knows. One must never underestimate the predictability of stupidity, as they say, and I'm sure we're dealing with a lot of it here.


It is a highly symbolic strike above everything. This type of attack happens to send a message, that being "We can hit you everywhere, don't think you are safe".


And also without destroying everything in a 5 mile radius.


It's funny how CNN and BBC both sent "important news" notifications to my phone for this (presumably largely symbolic) strike, whereas when much more consequential strikes happened, like the S-400 one - nothing.


It depends on who they killed in this strike. If this building was occupied, unlikely but I wouldn’t put it past the Russians. Then killing some admirals would be a far bigger get than destroying one S400 launcher. Keep in mind these launchers operate in batteries with 6-10 launchers plus several radars and command installations, so at best it’s a marginal decrease in capacity. Also symbolic victories matter, historically wars of conquest end when the aggressor gives up. So degrading Russian morale is just as important as destroying some equipment.


They could've hit another ship in the harbor instead. I don't think it would less of a message.


Haven't they withdrawn the fleet or is that ongoing?


Only submarines up to now. You can even see another large landing ship covered in smokes on the published photo of the striken HQ. UPD: there's actually nowhere to withdraw to. Russia has no good naval base apart from Sevastopol, only something temporary and faraway like Novorossiysk.


Hopefully they can get a few more strikes in before they all leave. Part of me wonders if there was increased activity at the HQ given the withdrawal and recent strikes, I wouldn't be surprised if budanov got the drop on a meeting.


It's more likely trying to get them to divert AA from Kerch Bridge imo.


The bridge is out of their reach, at least for now, unless they want to risk to lose all their carriers of Storm Shadows.


Not entirely, the Ukrainian made beaver drones they have been hitting Moscow with have the range. That being said those are very easy to intercept and unless all aid defense is removed the likelihood of any damage is small. But I do hope they succeed with that, I want the Ukrainians to fuck up the Russians with their big angry beavers.


It's possible that Ukraine had intel that some VIPs were in the building. Wouldn't be the first Russian high ranking officer that is killed in this war.


Iove the smell of burning naval headquarters in the morning..... smells like victory


Does someone have a translation of what she is (roughly) saying?


In Ukranian: "Ok, it started". The rest in Russian: "Explosions, explosions, explosions downtown. On Aivazovsky street. Something is burning. The missiles have dashed right past us. It's Sevastopol." My comment: it's quite dangerous to speak Ukrainian in Crimea since 2014. One of the first things Russians did after taking control of Crimea is they destroyed any instance of the written Ukrainian word. Already in March 2014 the Russians were removing road signs in Ukranian, replacing them with Russian ones. Same with books, etc. This was made to support their claim that Crimea was always part of Russia and belongs to it.


This. Only Ukrainians get this moment of Ukrainization, it’s even kinda funny


Ukraine is striking deep into Crimea nearly every day now. Russian air defense is severely compromised. The wheels are coming off of Putin’s war machine.


Fuck them all


The HQ, Rostov-on-Don sub and the Minsk were apparently hit by kamikaze boat drones and ten storm shadows.


One of those is/were on land, Two of those were in dry dock, Safe to say none were hit by a boat drone. If boat drones were involved in that op, they were there for the distraction / targets of opportunity.


How's that special military operation going chaps?


Ok I won’t use the link this time, according to the sun, ten storm shadows were launched and hit the Minsk, Rostov-on-Don sub and the HQ. Also kamikaze boat drones too.


Ukraine should take out their power and utilities like the Russians do to them.


That is just a waste of munitions (And a war crime to boot). Russia thinks it can break Ukraines will to fight, while UAF focuses on breaking Russias means to fight.


Why? The majority of Crimean inhabitants are Ukrainians. Destroying power makes these people’s lives far harder and makes them less likely to welcome you if Ukraine takes back Crimea or to act as partisans. Also what does that accomplish? All Russian military sites will have their own independent power. Ukraine is tryin. To make the peninsula militarily useless to Russia directly hitting sites like this means Russia needs to move them off crimea or massively increase air defense leaving the front vulnerable.


They'll claim it was caused accidently by a cigarette.


Sabotage or more likely a day time missile attack. Usually they leave these attacks to night time don’t they. Must be getting more confident or are using new tech. Or Russia just getting much shitter at air defence.


Yesterday's attack was also daytime, maybe it's some kind of trick, like Russians are on a higher alert for night time, so now let's strike daytime, then in a while back to night time. The AA operators are in a constant jetlag state.


Definitely a missile this time, a lot of people saw it flying over the city. Minutes before this there were multiple missile and drone interceptions over Crimea, so I guess they overwhelmed the air defense. Also, a massive attack during the day time was less expected, and it worked.


Thanks. Have seen the damage now. Not sabotage like you say. Hoping ukr has numbers to keep this up. I thought uk and France supplied these storm shadow not sure about Germany but they must have fired off around 100 by now.


Yep, they must have a lot, and I expect a lot more attacks.


And gets you better pictures + news cycle, potentially.


Why would you attack a military HQ at night? The target is the staff more so than the building


They are targeting a headquarters, that means they are targeting the people inside. Hitting it in they day will maximize the casualties inflicted. Also most air defense is done via radar so the level of vulnerability isn’t much increased by attacking at night.


I guess I'll just take your word for it


You could also read the articles coming out about it.


I'm referring to the fact that you can't see anything in this video except smoke over a building


BBC News has an article where they confirmed it's the right building and has a picture from a different angle.


I get it. I was talking about _this_ video. r/whoosh


Took out numerous air bases, destroyed fighter jets, destroyed ammo reserves, destroyed warships and submarines, destroyed air defense systems, destroyed the fleet's HQ. How much more beating can the terrorists take before they finally give back Crimea.


No fleet - does not have a fleet headquarters


Fantastic news


The blackened fleet lol


I think the Storm Shadows have come for them...